Matplotlib hooks, for what its worth.
- xontrib.mplhooks.display_figure_with_iterm2(fig)[source]#
Displays a matplotlib figure using iterm2 inline-image escape sequence.
- Parameters
- figmatplotlib.figure.Figure
the figure to be plotted
- xontrib.mplhooks.figure_to_rgb_array(fig, shape=None)[source]#
Converts figure to a numpy array
- Parameters
- figmatplotlib.figure.Figure
the figure to be plotted
- shapeiterable
with the shape of the output array. by default this attempts to use the pixel height and width of the figure
- Returns
- arraynp.ndarray
An RGBA array of the image represented by the figure.
- Note: the method will throw an exception if the given shape is wrong.
- xontrib.mplhooks.figure_to_tight_array(fig, width, height, minimal=True)[source]#
Converts figure to a numpy array of rgb values of tight value
- Parameters
- figmatplotlib.figure.Figure
the figure to be plotted
- widthint
pixel width of the final array
- heightint
pixel height of the final array
- minimalbool
whether or not to reduce the output array to minimized margins/whitespace text is also eliminated
- Returns
- arraynp.ndarray
An RGBA array of the image represented by the figure.