Implements a xonsh tracer.
- class xonsh.tracer.TracerAlias(threadable=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
Tool for tracing xonsh code as it runs.
- exception Error(message: str, errno=1)¶
Special case, when raised, the traceback will not be shown. Instead the process with exit with error code and message
- add_note()¶
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- with_traceback()¶
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- args¶
- create_parser(func=None, has_args=False, allowed_params=None, **kwargs) ArgParser ¶
create root parser
- err(*args, **kwargs)¶
Write text to error stream
- out(*args, **kwargs)¶
Write text to output stream
- write_to(stream: str, *args, **kwargs)¶
- xonsh_complete(command, **kwargs)¶
- property parser¶
- class xonsh.tracer.TracerType(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Represents a xonsh tracer object, which keeps track of all tracing state. This is a singleton.
- off_files(_args, files: Iterable[str] = ('__file__',))[source]¶
removes selected files fom tracing.
- Parameters:
- files
file paths to stop watching, use
(default) to select the current file.
- on_files(_args, files: Iterable[str] = ('__file__',))[source]¶
begins tracing selected files.
- Parameters:
- _args
argv from alias parser
- files
file paths to watch, use “__file__” (default) to select the current file.
- toggle_color(toggle: bool = False)[source]¶
output color management for tracer
- Parameters:
- toggle
true/false, y/n, etc. to toggle color usage.
- valid_events = frozenset({'call', 'line'})¶