Source code for xonsh.xoreutils.ulimit

"""An ulimit implementation for xonsh."""

import resource

from import print_exception

# all the resource types we know
_UL_RES = {
    # short option
    "c": (
        # resource id or None if unsupported
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_CORE", None),
        # long option text
        # help
        "the maximum size of core files created.\n                    By setting this limit to zero, core dumps can be disabled.",
        # short description used in multiline output
        "core file size",
        # resource units
    "d": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_DATA", None),
        "the maximum size of a process' data segment",
        "data seg size",
    "e": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_NICE", None),
        "the maximum scheduling priority (`nice')",
        "scheduling priority",
    "f": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_FSIZE", None),
        "the maximum size of files created by the shell and its children",
        "file size",
    "i": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_SIGPENDING", None),
        "the maximum number of pending signals",
        "pending signals",
    "l": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_MEMLOCK", None),
        "the maximum size a process may lock into memory",
        "max locked memory",
    "m": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_RSS", None),
        "the maximum resident set size.",
        "max RSS memory",
    "n": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_NOFILE", None),
        "the maximum number of open file descriptors",
        "open files",
    "q": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE", None),
        "the number of bytes that can be allocated for POSIX message queues",
        "POSIX message queues",
    "r": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_RTPRIO", None),
        "the maximum real-time scheduling priority",
        "real-time priority",
    "s": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_STACK", None),
        "the maximum stack size",
        "stack size",
    "t": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_CPU", None),
        "the maximum amount of CPU time in seconds",
        "CPU time",
    "u": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_NPROC", None),
        "the maximum number of processes available to a single user",
        "max user processes",
    "v": (
        getattr(resource, "RLIMIT_AS", None),
        "the maximum amount of virtual memory available to the shell",
        "virtual memory",

_UL_SOFT = 1
_UL_HARD = 2

def _ul_set(res, soft=None, hard=None, **kwargs):
    """Set resource limit"""
    if soft == "unlimited":
        soft = resource.RLIM_INFINITY
    if hard == "unlimited":
        hard = resource.RLIM_INFINITY
    if soft is None or hard is None or isinstance(soft, str) or isinstance(hard, str):
        current_soft, current_hard = resource.getrlimit(res)
        if soft in (None, "soft"):
            soft = current_soft
        elif soft == "hard":
            soft = current_hard
        if hard in (None, "hard"):
            hard = current_hard
        elif hard == "soft":
            hard = current_soft

    resource.setrlimit(res, (soft, hard))

def _ul_show(res, res_type, desc, unit, opt, long=False, **kwargs):
    """Print out resource limit"""
    limit = resource.getrlimit(res)[1 if res_type == _UL_HARD else 0]
    str_limit = "unlimited" if limit == resource.RLIM_INFINITY else str(limit)
    # format line to mimic bash
    if long:
        pre = "{:21} {:>14} ".format(
            desc, "({}{})".format((unit + ", -") if unit else "-", opt)
        pre = ""
    print(f"{pre}{str_limit}", file=kwargs["stdout"])

def _ul_add_action(actions, opt, res_type, stderr):
    """Create new and append it to the actions list"""
    r = _UL_RES[opt]
    if r[0] is None:
        _ul_unsupported_opt(opt, stderr)
        return False
    # we always assume the 'show' action to be requested and eventually change it later
            {"res": r[0], "res_type": res_type, "desc": r[3], "unit": r[4], "opt": opt},
    return True

def _ul_add_all_actions(actions, res_type, stderr):
    """Add all supported resources; handles (-a, --all)"""
    for k in _UL_RES:
        if _UL_RES[k][0] is None:
        _ul_add_action(actions, k, res_type, stderr)

def _ul_unknown_opt(arg, stderr):
    """Print an invalid option message to stderr"""
    print(f"ulimit: Invalid option: {arg}", file=stderr, flush=True)
    print("Try 'ulimit --help' for more information", file=stderr, flush=True)

def _ul_unsupported_opt(opt, stderr):
    """Print an unsupported option message to stderr"""
    print(f"ulimit: Unsupported option: -{opt}", file=stderr, flush=True)
    print("Try 'ulimit --help' for more information", file=stderr, flush=True)

def _ul_parse_args(args, stderr):
    """Parse arguments and return a list of actions to be performed"""
    if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in ("-h", "--help"):
        return (True, [])

    long_opts = {}
    for k in _UL_RES:
        long_opts[_UL_RES[k][1]] = k

    actions = []
    # mimic bash and default to 'soft' limits
    res_type = _UL_SOFT
    for arg in args:
        if arg in long_opts:
            opt = long_opts[arg]
            if not _ul_add_action(actions, opt, res_type, stderr):
                return (False, [])
        elif arg == "--all":
            _ul_add_all_actions(actions, res_type, stderr)
        elif arg == "--soft":
            res_type = _UL_SOFT
        elif arg == "--hard":
            res_type = _UL_HARD
        elif arg[0] == "-":
            for opt in arg[1:]:
                if opt == "a":
                    _ul_add_all_actions(actions, res_type, stderr)
                elif opt in _UL_RES:
                    if not _ul_add_action(actions, opt, res_type, stderr):
                        return (False, [])
                elif opt == "S":
                    res_type = _UL_SOFT
                elif opt == "H":
                    res_type = _UL_HARD
                    _ul_unknown_opt(arg, stderr)
                    return (False, [])
        # this is a request to change limit selected by the previous argument; change the last action to _ul_set
        elif arg.isnumeric() or (arg in ("unlimited", "hard", "soft")):
            if arg.isnumeric():
                limit = int(arg)
                limit = arg
            # mimic bash and default to '-f' if no resource was specified
            if not actions:
                if not _ul_add_action(actions, "f", res_type, stderr):
                    return (False, [])
            a = actions[-1]
            a[0] = _ul_set
            a[1]["soft"] = limit if (_UL_SOFT & res_type) else None
            a[1]["hard"] = limit if (_UL_HARD & res_type) else None
            _ul_unknown_opt(arg, stderr)
            return (False, [])
        # mimic bash and default to '-f' if no resource was specified
        if not actions:
            if not _ul_add_action(actions, "f", res_type, stderr):
                return (False, [])

    return (True, actions)

def _ul_show_usage(file):
    """Print out our help"""
    print("Usage: ulimit [-h] [-SH] [-a] [-", end="", file=file)
    print("".join([k for k in _UL_RES]), end="", file=file)
    print("] [LIMIT]\n", file=file)
        """Set or get shell resource limits.

Provides control over the resources available to the shell and processes it
creates, on systems that allow such control.

    print("-h, --help\n                    show this help message and exit", file=file)
        "-S, --soft\n                    use the 'soft' resource limit for the following arguments",
        "-H, --hard\n                    use the 'hard' resource limit for the following arguments (default)",
    print("-a, --all\n                    show all current limits", file=file)

    for k in _UL_RES:
        r = _UL_RES[k]
        opts = f"-{k}, {r[1]}"
        if r[0] is None:
            opts += " (unsupported)"
        print(f"{opts}\n                    {r[2]}", file=file)

Not all options are available on all platforms.

If LIMIT is given, it is the new value of the specified resource; the special
LIMIT values `soft', `hard', and `unlimited' stand for the current soft limit,
the current hard limit, and no limit, respectively. Otherwise, the current
value of the specified resource is printed. If no option is given, then -f is

[docs] def ulimit(args, stdin, stdout, stderr): """An ulimit implementation""" rc, actions = _ul_parse_args(args, stderr) # could not parse arguments; message already printed to stderr if not rc: return 1 # args OK, but nothing to do; print help elif not actions: _ul_show_usage(stdout) return 0 # if there's more than one resource to be printed, use the long format long = len([a for a in actions if a[0] == _ul_show]) > 1 try: for fn, args in actions: fn(stdout=stdout, long=long, **args) return 0 except: print_exception() return 2