Source code for xonsh.xonfig

"""The xonsh configuration (xonfig) utility."""

import ast
import collections
import contextlib
import itertools
import json
import os
import pprint
import random
import re
import shutil
import textwrap
import typing as tp

import xonsh.wizard as wiz
from xonsh import __version__ as XONSH_VERSION
from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
from xonsh.cli_utils import Arg, ArgParserAlias
from import events
from xonsh.foreign_shells import CANON_SHELL_NAMES
from xonsh.lib.lazyasd import lazyobject
from xonsh.parsers import ply
from xonsh.platform import (
from xonsh.prompt.base import is_template_string
from import (
from xonsh.xontribs import Xontrib, find_xontrib, get_xontribs, xontribs_loaded

HR = "'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'"
          {{BOLD_WHITE}}Welcome to the xonsh configuration wizard!{{RESET}}
This will present a guided tour through setting up the xonsh static
config file. Xonsh will automatically ask you if you want to run this
wizard if the configuration file does not exist. However, you can
always rerun this wizard with the xonfig command:

    $ xonfig wizard

This wizard will load an existing configuration, if it is available.
Also never fear when this wizard saves its results! It will create
a backup of any existing configuration automatically.

This wizard has two main phases: foreign shell setup and environment
variable setup. Each phase may be skipped in its entirety.

For the configuration to take effect, you will need to restart xonsh.


WIZARD_FS = f"""

                      {{BOLD_WHITE}}Foreign Shell Setup{{RESET}}
The xonsh shell has the ability to interface with Bash or zsh
via the foreign shell interface.

For configuration, this means that xonsh can load the environment,
aliases, and functions specified in the config files of these shells.
Naturally, these shells must be available on the system to work.
Being able to share configuration (and source) from foreign shells
makes it easier to transition to and from xonsh.


                  {{BOLD_WHITE}}Environment Variable Setup{{RESET}}
The xonsh shell also allows you to setup environment variables from
the static configuration file. Any variables set in this way are
superseded by the definitions in the xonshrc or on the command line.
Still, setting environment variables in this way can help define
options that are global to the system or user.

The following lists the environment variable name, its documentation,
the default value, and the current value. The default and current
values are presented as pretty repr strings of their Python types.

{{BOLD_GREEN}}Note:{{RESET}} Simply hitting enter for any environment variable
will accept the default value for that entry.

WIZARD_ENV_QUESTION = "Would you like to set env vars now, " + wiz.YN


No shell is complete without extensions, and xonsh is no exception. Xonsh
extensions are called {{BOLD_GREEN}}xontribs{{RESET}}, or xonsh contributions.
Xontribs are dynamically loadable, either by importing them directly or by
using the 'xontrib' command. However, you can also configure xonsh to load
xontribs automatically on startup prior to loading the run control files.
This allows the xontrib to be used immediately in your xonshrc files.

The following describes all xontribs that have been registered with xonsh.
These come from users, 3rd party developers, or xonsh itself!

WIZARD_XONTRIB_QUESTION = "Would you like to enable xontribs now, " + wiz.YN

Thanks for using the xonsh configuration wizard!"""

_XONFIG_SOURCE_FOREIGN_SHELL_COMMAND: dict[str, str] = collections.defaultdict(
    lambda: "source-foreign", bash="source-bash", cmd="source-cmd", zsh="source-zsh"

on_xonfig_info_requested() -> list[tuple[str, str]]

Register a callable that will return extra info when ``xonfig info`` is called.

def _dump_xonfig_foreign_shell(path, value):
    shell = value["shell"]
    shell = CANON_SHELL_NAMES.get(shell, shell)
    interactive = value.get("interactive", None)
    if interactive is not None:
        cmd.extend(["--interactive", str(interactive)])
    login = value.get("login", None)
    if login is not None:
        cmd.extend(["--login", str(login)])
    envcmd = value.get("envcmd", None)
    if envcmd is not None:
        cmd.extend(["--envcmd", envcmd])
    aliascmd = value.get("aliasmd", None)
    if aliascmd is not None:
        cmd.extend(["--aliascmd", aliascmd])
    extra_args = value.get("extra_args", None)
    if extra_args:
        cmd.extend(["--extra-args", repr(" ".join(extra_args))])
    safe = value.get("safe", None)
    if safe is not None:
        cmd.extend(["--safe", str(safe)])
    prevcmd = value.get("prevcmd", "")
    if prevcmd:
        cmd.extend(["--prevcmd", repr(prevcmd)])
    postcmd = value.get("postcmd", "")
    if postcmd:
        cmd.extend(["--postcmd", repr(postcmd)])
    funcscmd = value.get("funcscmd", None)
    if funcscmd:
        cmd.extend(["--funcscmd", repr(funcscmd)])
    sourcer = value.get("sourcer", None)
    if sourcer:
        cmd.extend(["--sourcer", sourcer])
    if cmd[0] == "source-foreign":
    cmd.append('"echo loading xonsh foreign shell"')
    return " ".join(cmd)

def _dump_xonfig_env(path, value):
    name = os.path.basename(path.rstrip("/"))
    detyper = XSH.env.get_detyper(name)
    dval = str(value) if detyper is None else detyper(value)
    dval = str(value) if dval is None else dval
    return f"${name} = {dval!r}"

def _dump_xonfig_xontribs(path, value):
    return "xontrib load {}".format(" ".join(value))

    return {
        "/": None,
        "/env/": None,
        "/foreign_shells/*/": _dump_xonfig_foreign_shell,
        "/env/*": _dump_xonfig_env,
        "/env/*/[0-9]*": None,
        "/xontribs/": _dump_xonfig_xontribs,

[docs] def make_fs_wiz(): """Makes the foreign shell part of the wizard.""" cond = wiz.create_truefalse_cond(prompt="Add a new foreign shell, " + wiz.YN) fs = wiz.While( cond=cond, body=[ wiz.Input("shell name (e.g. bash): ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/shell"), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "interactive shell [bool, default=True]: ", converter=to_bool, show_conversion=True, path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/interactive", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "login shell [bool, default=False]: ", converter=to_bool, show_conversion=True, path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/login", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "env command [str, default='env']: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/envcmd", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "alias command [str, default='alias']: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/aliascmd", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( ("extra command line arguments [list of str, " "default=[]]: "), converter=ast.literal_eval, show_conversion=True, path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/extra_args", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "safely handle exceptions [bool, default=True]: ", converter=to_bool, show_conversion=True, path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/safe", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "pre-command [str, default='']: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/prevcmd" ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "post-command [str, default='']: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/postcmd" ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "foreign function command [str, default=None]: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/funcscmd", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "source command [str, default=None]: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/sourcer", ), wiz.Message(message="Foreign shell added.\n"), ], ) return fs
def _wrap_paragraphs(text, width=70, **kwargs): """Wraps paragraphs instead.""" pars = text.split("\n") pars = ["\n".join(textwrap.wrap(p, width=width, **kwargs)) for p in pars] s = "\n".join(pars) return s ENVVAR_MESSAGE = """ {{BOLD_CYAN}}${name}{{RESET}} {docstr} {{RED}}default value:{{RESET}} {default} {{RED}}current value:{{RESET}} {current}""" ENVVAR_PROMPT = "{BOLD_GREEN}>>>{RESET} "
[docs] def make_exit_message(): """Creates a message for how to exit the wizard.""" shell_type = keyseq = "Ctrl-D" if shell_type == "readline" else "Ctrl-C" msg = "To exit the wizard at any time, press {BOLD_UNDERLINE_CYAN}" msg += keyseq + "{RESET}.\n" m = wiz.Message(message=msg) return m
[docs] def make_envvar(name): """Makes a StoreNonEmpty node for an environment variable.""" env = XSH.env vd = env.get_docs(name) if not vd.is_configurable: return default = vd.doc_default if "\n" in default: default = "\n" + _wrap_paragraphs(default, width=69) curr = env.get(name) if is_string(curr) and is_template_string(curr): curr = curr.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}") curr = pprint.pformat(curr, width=69) if "\n" in curr: curr = "\n" + curr msg = ENVVAR_MESSAGE.format( name=name, default=default, current=curr, docstr=_wrap_paragraphs(vd.doc, width=69), ) mnode = wiz.Message(message=msg) converter = env.get_converter(name) path = "/env/" + name pnode = wiz.StoreNonEmpty( ENVVAR_PROMPT, converter=converter, show_conversion=True, path=path, retry=True, store_raw=vd.can_store_as_str, ) return mnode, pnode
def _make_flat_wiz(kidfunc, *args): kids = map(kidfunc, *args) flatkids = [] for k in kids: if k is None: continue flatkids.extend(k) wizard = wiz.Wizard(children=flatkids) return wizard
[docs] def make_env_wiz(): """Makes an environment variable wizard.""" w = _make_flat_wiz(make_envvar, sorted(XSH.env.keys())) return w
XONTRIB_PROMPT = "{BOLD_GREEN}Add this xontrib{RESET}, " + wiz.YN def _xontrib_path(visitor=None, node=None, val=None): # need this to append only based on user-selected size return ("xontribs", len(visitor.state.get("xontribs", ())))
[docs] def make_xontrib(xon_item: tuple[str, Xontrib]): """Makes a message and StoreNonEmpty node for a xontrib.""" name, xontrib = xon_item name = name or "<unknown-xontrib-name>" msg = "\n{BOLD_CYAN}" + name + "{RESET}\n" if xontrib.url: msg += "{RED}url:{RESET} " + xontrib.url + "\n" if xontrib.distribution: msg += "{RED}package:{RESET} " + + "\n" if xontrib.license: msg += "{RED}license:{RESET} " + xontrib.license + "\n" msg += "{PURPLE}installed?{RESET} " msg += ("no" if find_xontrib(name) is None else "yes") + "\n" msg += _wrap_paragraphs(xontrib.get_description(), width=69) if msg.endswith("\n"): msg = msg[:-1] mnode = wiz.Message(message=msg) convert = lambda x: name if to_bool(x) else wiz.Unstorable pnode = wiz.StoreNonEmpty(XONTRIB_PROMPT, converter=convert, path=_xontrib_path) return mnode, pnode
[docs] def make_xontribs_wiz(): """Makes a xontrib wizard.""" return _make_flat_wiz(make_xontrib, get_xontribs().items())
[docs] def make_xonfig_wizard(default_file=None, confirm=False, no_wizard_file=None): """Makes a configuration wizard for xonsh config file. Parameters ---------- default_file : str, optional Default filename to save and load to. User will still be prompted. confirm : bool, optional Confirm that the main part of the wizard should be run. no_wizard_file : str, optional Filename for that will flag to future runs that the wizard should not be run again. If None (default), this defaults to default_file. """ w = wiz.Wizard( children=[ wiz.Message(message=WIZARD_HEAD), make_exit_message(), wiz.Message(message=WIZARD_FS), make_fs_wiz(), wiz.Message(message=WIZARD_ENV), wiz.YesNo(question=WIZARD_ENV_QUESTION, yes=make_env_wiz(), no=wiz.Pass()), wiz.Message(message=WIZARD_XONTRIB), wiz.YesNo( question=WIZARD_XONTRIB_QUESTION, yes=make_xontribs_wiz(), no=wiz.Pass() ), wiz.Message(message="\n" + HR + "\n"), wiz.FileInserter( prefix="# XONSH WIZARD START", suffix="# XONSH WIZARD END", dump_rules=XONFIG_DUMP_RULES, default_file=default_file, check=True, ), wiz.Message(message=WIZARD_TAIL), ] ) if confirm: q = ( "Would you like to run the xonsh configuration wizard now?\n\n" "1. Yes (You can abort at any time)\n" "2. No, but ask me next time.\n" "3. No, and don't ask me again.\n\n" "1, 2, or 3 [default: 2]? " ) no_wizard_file = default_file if no_wizard_file is None else no_wizard_file passer = wiz.Pass() saver = wiz.SaveJSON( check=False, ask_filename=False, default_file=no_wizard_file ) w = wiz.Question( q, {1: w, 2: passer, 3: saver}, converter=lambda x: int(x) if x != "" else 2 ) return w
def _wizard( rcfile=None, confirm=False, ): """Launch configurator in terminal Parameters ------- rcfile : -f, --file config file location, default=$XONSHRC confirm : -c, --confirm confirm that the wizard should be run. """ env = XSH.env shell = xonshrcs = env.get("XONSHRC", []) fname = xonshrcs[-1] if xonshrcs and rcfile is None else rcfile no_wiz = os.path.join(env.get("XONSH_CONFIG_DIR"), "no-wizard") w = make_xonfig_wizard(default_file=fname, confirm=confirm, no_wizard_file=no_wiz) tempenv = {"PROMPT": "", "XONSH_STORE_STDOUT": False} pv = wiz.PromptVisitor(w, store_in_history=False, multiline=False) @contextlib.contextmanager def force_hide(): if env.get("XONSH_STORE_STDOUT") and hasattr(shell, "_force_hide"): orig, shell._force_hide = shell._force_hide, False yield shell._force_hide = orig else: yield with force_hide(), env.swap(tempenv): try: pv.visit() except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception): print() print_exception() def _xonfig_format_human(data): wcol1 = wcol2 = 0 for key, val in data: wcol1 = max(wcol1, len(key)) if isinstance(val, list): for subval in val: wcol2 = max(wcol2, len(str(subval))) else: wcol2 = max(wcol2, len(str(val))) hr = "+" + ("-" * (wcol1 + 2)) + "+" + ("-" * (wcol2 + 2)) + "+\n" row = "| {key!s:<{wcol1}} | {val!s:<{wcol2}} |\n" s = hr for key, val in data: if isinstance(val, list) and val: for i, subval in enumerate(val): s += row.format( key=f"{key} {i+1}", wcol1=wcol1, val=subval, wcol2=wcol2 ) else: s += row.format(key=key, wcol1=wcol1, val=val, wcol2=wcol2) s += hr return s def _xonfig_format_json(data): data = {k.replace(" ", "_"): v for k, v in data} s = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=1) + "\n" return s def _info( to_json=False, ) -> str: """Displays configuration information Parameters ---------- to_json : -j, --json reports results as json """ env = XSH.env data: list[tp.Any] = [("xonsh", XONSH_VERSION)] hash_, date_ = githash() if hash_: data.append(("Git SHA", hash_)) data.append(("Commit Date", date_)) data.extend( [ ("Python", "{}.{}.{}".format(*PYTHON_VERSION_INFO)), ("PLY", ply.__version__), ("have readline", is_readline_available()), ("prompt toolkit", ptk_version() or None), ("shell type", env.get("SHELL_TYPE")), ("history backend", env.get("XONSH_HISTORY_BACKEND")), ("pygments", pygments_version()), ("on posix", bool(ON_POSIX)), ("on linux", bool(ON_LINUX)), ] ) if ON_LINUX: data.append(("distro", linux_distro())) data.append(("on wsl", bool(ON_WSL))) if ON_WSL: data.append(("wsl version", 1 if ON_WSL1 else 2)) data.extend( [ ("on darwin", bool(ON_DARWIN)), ("on windows", bool(ON_WINDOWS)), ("on cygwin", bool(ON_CYGWIN)), ("on msys2", bool(ON_MSYS)), ("is superuser", is_superuser()), ("default encoding", DEFAULT_ENCODING), ("xonsh encoding", env.get("XONSH_ENCODING")), ("encoding errors", env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS")), ] ) for p in if p is not None: data.extend(p) data.extend([("xontrib", xontribs_loaded())]) data.extend([("RC file", XSH.rc_files)]) # Show sensitive env variables that could affect the shell behavior. envs = { "UPDATE_OS_ENVIRON": None, "XONSH_CAPTURE_ALWAYS": None, "XONSH_SUBPROC_OUTPUT_FORMAT": None, "THREAD_SUBPROCS": None, "ENABLE_ASYNC_PROMPT": True, "ENABLE_COMMANDS_CACHE": False, "XONSH_CACHE_EVERYTHING": True, "XONSH_CACHE_SCRIPTS": None, } for e, show_if in envs.items(): if (val := XSH.env.get(e)) is not None and (show_if is None or val == show_if): data.extend([(e, val)]) formatter = _xonfig_format_json if to_json else _xonfig_format_human s = formatter(data) return s def _styles(to_json=False, _stdout=None): """Prints available xonsh color styles Parameters ---------- to_json: -j, --json reports results as json """ env = XSH.env curr = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") styles = sorted(color_style_names()) if to_json: s = json.dumps(styles, sort_keys=True, indent=1) print(s) return lines = [] for style in styles: if style == curr: lines.append("* {GREEN}" + style + "{RESET}") else: lines.append(" " + style) s = "\n".join(lines) print_color(s, file=_stdout) def _str_colors(cmap, cols): color_names = sorted(cmap.keys(), key=(lambda s: (len(s), s))) grper = lambda s: min(cols // (len(s) + 1), 8) lines = [] for n, group in itertools.groupby(color_names, key=grper): width = cols // n line = "" for i, name in enumerate(group): buf = " " * (width - len(name)) line += "{" + name + "}" + name + "{RESET}" + buf if (i + 1) % n == 0: lines.append(line) line = "" if len(line) != 0: lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines) def _tok_colors(cmap, cols): from xonsh.style_tools import Color nc = Color.RESET names_toks = {} for t in cmap.keys(): name = str(t) if name.startswith("Token.Color."): _, _, name = name.rpartition(".") names_toks[name] = t color_names = sorted(names_toks.keys(), key=(lambda s: (len(s), s))) grper = lambda s: min(cols // (len(s) + 1), 8) toks = [] for n, group in itertools.groupby(color_names, key=grper): width = cols // n for i, name in enumerate(group): toks.append((names_toks[name], name)) buf = " " * (width - len(name)) if (i + 1) % n == 0: buf += "\n" toks.append((nc, buf)) if not toks[-1][1].endswith("\n"): toks[-1] = (nc, toks[-1][1] + "\n") return toks
[docs] def xonfig_color_completer(*_, **__): yield from color_style_names()
def _colors( style: tp.Annotated[str, Arg(nargs="?", completer=xonfig_color_completer)] = None, ): """Preview color style Parameters ---------- style name of the style to preview. If not given, current style name is used. """ columns, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size() columns -= int(bool(ON_WINDOWS)) style_stash = XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] if style is not None: if style not in color_style_names(): print(f"Invalid style: {style}") return XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] = style color_map = color_style() if not color_map: print("Empty color map - using non-interactive shell?") return akey = next(iter(color_map)) if isinstance(akey, str): s = _str_colors(color_map, columns) else: s = _tok_colors(color_map, columns) print_color(s) XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] = style_stash def _tutorial(): """Launch tutorial in browser.""" import webbrowser"") def _web( _args, browser=True, ): """Launch configurator in browser. Parameters ---------- browser : --nb, --no-browser, -n don't open browser """ from xonsh.webconfig import main main.serve(browser)
[docs] class XonfigAlias(ArgParserAlias): """Manage xonsh configuration.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.extra_commands = []
[docs] def add_command(self, fn): self.extra_commands.append(fn)
[docs] def build(self): parser = self.create_parser(prog="xonfig") # register as default action parser.add_command(_info, default=True) parser.add_command(_web) parser.add_command(_wizard) parser.add_command(_styles) parser.add_command(_colors) parser.add_command(_tutorial) for fn in self.extra_commands: parser.add_command(fn) return parser
xonfig_main = XonfigAlias(threadable=False) @lazyobject def STRIP_COLOR_RE(): return re.compile("{.*?}") def _align_string(string, align="<", fill=" ", width=80): """Align and pad a color formatted string""" linelen = len(STRIP_COLOR_RE.sub("", string)) padlen = max(width - linelen, 0) if align == "^": return fill * (padlen // 2) + string + fill * (padlen // 2 + padlen % 2) elif align == ">": return fill * padlen + string elif align == "<": return string + fill * padlen else: return string @lazyobject def TAGLINES(): return [ "Exofrills in the shell", "No frills in the shell", "Become the Lord of the Files", "Break out of your shell", "The only shell that is also a shell", "All that is and all that shell be", "It cannot be that hard", "Pass the xonsh, Piggy", "Piggy glanced nervously into hell and cradled the xonsh", "The xonsh is a symbol", "It is pronounced conch", "Snailed it", "Starfish loves you", "Come snail away", "This is Major Tom to Ground Xonshtrol", "Sally sells csh and keeps xonsh to herself", "Nice indeed. Everything's accounted for, except your old shell.", "I wanna thank you for putting me back in my snail shell", "Crustaceanly Yours", "With great shell comes great reproducibility", "None shell pass", "You shell not pass!", "The x-on shell", "Ever wonder why there isn't a Taco Shell? Because it is a corny idea.", "The carcolh will catch you!", "People xonshtantly mispronounce these things", " your favorite shell?", "Conches for the xonsh god!", "Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell", "Tab completion in Alderaan places", "This fix was trickier than expected", ] # list of strings or tuples (string, align, fill) WELCOME_MSG = [ "", ("Welcome to the xonsh shell {version}", "^", " "), "", ("{{INTENSE_RED}}~{{RESET}} {tagline} {{INTENSE_RED}}~{{RESET}}", "^", " "), "", ("{{INTENSE_BLACK}}", "<", "-"), "", ( "{{INTENSE_BLACK}}Create ~/.xonshrc file manually or use xonfig to suppress the welcome message", "^", " ", ), "", "{{INTENSE_BLACK}}Start from commands:", " {{GREEN}}xonfig{{RESET}} web {{INTENSE_BLACK}}# Run the configuration tool in the browser to create ~/.xonshrc {{RESET}}", " {{GREEN}}xonfig{{RESET}} tutorial {{INTENSE_BLACK}}# Open the xonsh tutorial in the browser{{RESET}}", "[SHELL_TYPE_WARNING]", "", ("{{INTENSE_BLACK}}", "<", "-"), "", ]