Source code for xonsh.wizard

"""Tools for creating command-line and web-based wizards from a tree of nodes."""

import ast
import as cabc
import fnmatch
import json
import os
import pprint
import re
import textwrap
import typing as tp

from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
from xonsh.jsonutils import serialize_xonsh_json
from import backup_file, print_color, to_bool, to_bool_or_break

# Nodes themselves
[docs] class Node: """Base type of all nodes.""" attrs: tp.Union[tuple[str, ...], str] = () def __str__(self): return PrettyFormatter(self).visit() def __repr__(self): return str(self).replace("\n", "")
[docs] class Wizard(Node): """Top-level node in the tree.""" attrs = ("children", "path") def __init__(self, children, path=None): self.children = children self.path = path
[docs] class Pass(Node): """Simple do-nothing node"""
[docs] class Message(Node): """Contains a simple message to report to the user.""" attrs = "message" def __init__(self, message): self.message = message
[docs] class Question(Node): """Asks a question and then chooses the next node based on the response.""" attrs = ("question", "responses", "converter", "path") def __init__(self, question, responses, converter=None, path=None): """ Parameters ---------- question : str The question itself. responses : dict with str keys and Node values Mapping from user-input responses to nodes. converter : callable, optional Converts the string the user typed into another object that serves as a key to the responses dict. path : str or sequence of str, optional A path within the storage object. """ self.question = question self.responses = responses self.converter = converter self.path = path
[docs] class Input(Node): """Gets input from the user.""" attrs: tuple[str, ...] = ( "prompt", "converter", "show_conversion", "confirm", "path", ) def __init__( self, prompt=">>> ", converter=None, show_conversion=False, confirm=False, retry=False, path=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- prompt : str, optional Prompt string prior to input converter : callable, optional Converts the string the user typed into another object prior to storage. show_conversion : bool, optional Flag for whether or not to show the results of the conversion function if the conversion function was meaningfully executed. Default False. confirm : bool, optional Whether the input should be confirmed until true or broken, default False. retry : bool, optional In the event that the conversion operation fails, should users be re-prompted until they provide valid input. Default False. path : str or sequence of str, optional A path within the storage object. """ self.prompt = prompt self.converter = converter self.show_conversion = show_conversion self.confirm = confirm self.retry = retry self.path = path
[docs] class While(Node): """Computes a body while a condition function evaluates to true. The condition function has the form ``cond(visitor=None, node=None)`` and must return an object that responds to the Python magic method ``__bool__``. The beg attribute specifies the number to start the loop iteration at. """ attrs = ("cond", "body", "idxname", "beg", "path") def __init__(self, cond, body, idxname="idx", beg=0, path=None): """ Parameters ---------- cond : callable Function that determines if the next loop iteration should be executed. body : sequence of nodes A list of node to execute on each iteration. The condition function has the form ``cond(visitor=None, node=None)`` and must return an object that responds to the Python magic method ``__bool__``. idxname : str, optional The variable name for the index. beg : int, optional The first index value when evaluating path format strings. path : str or sequence of str, optional A path within the storage object. """ self.cond = cond self.body = body self.idxname = idxname self.beg = beg self.path = path
# # Helper nodes #
[docs] class YesNo(Question): """Represents a simple yes/no question.""" def __init__(self, question, yes, no, path=None): """ Parameters ---------- question : str The question itself. yes : Node Node to execute if the response is True. no : Node Node to execute if the response is False. path : str or sequence of str, optional A path within the storage object. """ responses = {True: yes, False: no} super().__init__(question, responses, converter=to_bool, path=path)
[docs] class TrueFalse(Input): """Input node the returns a True or False value.""" def __init__(self, prompt="yes or no [default: no]? ", path=None): super().__init__( prompt=prompt, converter=to_bool, show_conversion=False, confirm=False, path=path, )
[docs] class TrueFalseBreak(Input): """Input node the returns a True, False, or 'break' value.""" def __init__(self, prompt="yes, no, or break [default: no]? ", path=None): super().__init__( prompt=prompt, converter=to_bool_or_break, show_conversion=False, confirm=False, path=path, )
[docs] class StoreNonEmpty(Input): """Stores the user input only if the input was not an empty string. This works by wrapping the converter function. """ def __init__( self, prompt=">>> ", converter=None, show_conversion=False, confirm=False, retry=False, path=None, store_raw=False, ): def nonempty_converter(x): """Converts non-empty values and converts empty inputs to Unstorable. """ if len(x) == 0: x = Unstorable elif converter is None: pass elif store_raw: converter(x) # make sure str is valid, even if storing raw else: x = converter(x) return x super().__init__( prompt=prompt, converter=nonempty_converter, show_conversion=show_conversion, confirm=confirm, path=path, retry=retry, )
[docs] class StateFile(Input): """Node for representing the state as a file under a default or user given file name. This node type is likely not useful on its own. """ attrs: tuple[str, ...] = ("default_file", "check", "ask_filename") def __init__(self, default_file=None, check=True, ask_filename=True): """ Parameters ---------- default_file : str, optional The default filename to save the file as. check : bool, optional Whether to print the current state and ask if it should be saved/loaded prior to asking for the file name and saving the file, default=True. ask_filename : bool, optional Whether to ask for the filename (if ``False``, always use the default filename) """ self._df = None super().__init__(prompt="filename: ", converter=None, confirm=False, path=None) self.ask_filename = ask_filename self.default_file = default_file self.check = check @property def default_file(self): return self._df @default_file.setter def default_file(self, val): self._df = val if val is None: self.prompt = "filename: " else: self.prompt = f"filename [default={val!r}]: "
[docs] class SaveJSON(StateFile): """Node for saving the state as a JSON file under a default or user given file name. """
[docs] class LoadJSON(StateFile): """Node for loading the state as a JSON file under a default or user given file name. """
[docs] class FileInserter(StateFile): """Node for inserting the state into a file in between a prefix and suffix. The state is converted according to some dumper rules. """ attrs = ("prefix", "suffix", "dump_rules", "default_file", "check", "ask_filename") def __init__( self, prefix, suffix, dump_rules, default_file=None, check=True, ask_filename=True, ): """ Parameters ---------- prefix : str Starting unique string in file to find and begin the insertion at, e.g. '# XONSH WIZARD START\n' suffix : str Ending unique string to find in the file and end the replacement at, e.g. '\n# XONSH WIZARD END' dump_rules : dict of strs to functions This is a dictionary that maps the path-like match strings to functions that take the flat path and the value as arguments and convert the state value at a path to a string. The keys here may use wildcards (as seen in the standard library fnmatch module). For example:: dump_rules = { '/path/to/exact': lambda path, x: str(x), '/otherpath/*': lambda path, x: x, '*ending': lambda path x: repr(x), '/': None, } If a wildcard is not used in a path, then that rule will be used used on an exact match. If wildcards are used, the deepest and longest match is used. If None is given instead of a the function, it means to skip generating that key. default_file : str, optional The default filename to save the file as. check : bool, optional Whether to print the current state and ask if it should be saved/loaded prior to asking for the file name and saving the file, default=True. ask_filename : bool, optional Whether to ask for the filename (if ``False``, always use the default filename) """ self._dr = None super().__init__( default_file=default_file, check=check, ask_filename=ask_filename ) self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix self.dump_rules = self.string_rules = dump_rules @property def dump_rules(self): return self._dr @dump_rules.setter def dump_rules(self, value): dr = {} for key, func in value.items(): key_trans = fnmatch.translate(key) r = re.compile(key_trans) dr[r] = func self._dr = dr @staticmethod def _find_rule_key(x): """Key function for sorting regular expression rules""" return (x[0], len(x[1].pattern))
[docs] def find_rule(self, path): """For a path, find the key and conversion function that should be used to dump a value. """ if path in self.string_rules: return path, self.string_rules[path] len_funcs = [] for rule, func in self.dump_rules.items(): m = rule.match(path) if m is None: continue i, j = m.span() len_funcs.append((j - i, rule, func)) if len(len_funcs) == 0: # No dump rule function for path return path, None len_funcs.sort(reverse=True, key=self._find_rule_key) _, rule, func = len_funcs[0] return rule, func
[docs] def dumps(self, flat): """Dumps a flat mapping of (string path keys, values) pairs and returns a formatted string. """ lines = [self.prefix] for path, value in sorted(flat.items()): rule, func = self.find_rule(path) if func is None: continue line = func(path, value) lines.append(line) lines.append(self.suffix) new = "\n".join(lines) + "\n" return new
[docs] def create_truefalse_cond(prompt="yes or no [default: no]? ", path=None): """This creates a basic condition function for use with nodes like While or other conditions. The condition function creates and visits a TrueFalse node and returns the result. This TrueFalse node takes the prompt and path that is passed in here. """ def truefalse_cond(visitor, node=None): """Prompts the user for a true/false condition.""" tf = TrueFalse(prompt=prompt, path=path) rtn = visitor.visit(tf) return rtn return truefalse_cond
# # Tools for trees of nodes. # def _lowername(cls): return cls.__name__.lower()
[docs] class Visitor: """Super-class for all classes that should walk over a tree of nodes. This implements the visit() method. """ def __init__(self, tree=None): self.tree = tree
[docs] def visit(self, node=None): """Walks over a node. If no node is provided, the tree is used.""" if node is None: node = self.tree if node is None: raise RuntimeError("no node or tree given!") for clsname in map(_lowername, type.mro(node.__class__)): meth = getattr(self, "visit_" + clsname, None) if callable(meth): rtn = meth(node) break else: msg = "could not find valid visitor method for {0} on {1}" nodename = node.__class__.__name__ selfname = self.__class__.__name__ raise AttributeError(msg.format(nodename, selfname)) return rtn
[docs] class PrettyFormatter(Visitor): """Formats a tree of nodes into a pretty string""" def __init__(self, tree=None, indent=" "): super().__init__(tree=tree) self.level = 0 self.indent = indent
[docs] def visit_node(self, node): s = node.__class__.__name__ + "(" if len(node.attrs) == 0: return s + ")" s += "\n" self.level += 1 t = [] for aname in node.attrs: a = getattr(node, aname) t.append(self.visit(a) if isinstance(a, Node) else pprint.pformat(a)) t = [f"{n}={x}" for n, x in zip(node.attrs, t)] s += textwrap.indent(",\n".join(t), self.indent) self.level -= 1 s += "\n)" return s
[docs] def visit_wizard(self, node): s = "Wizard(children=[" if len(node.children) == 0: if node.path is None: return s + "])" else: return s + f"], path={node.path!r})" s += "\n" self.level += 1 s += textwrap.indent(",\n".join(map(self.visit, node.children)), self.indent) self.level -= 1 if node.path is None: s += "\n])" else: s += f"{self.indent}],\n{self.indent}path={node.path!r}\n)" return s
[docs] def visit_message(self, node): return f"Message({node.message!r})"
[docs] def visit_question(self, node): s = node.__class__.__name__ + "(\n" self.level += 1 s += self.indent + f"question={node.question!r},\n" s += self.indent + "responses={" if len(node.responses) == 0: s += "}" else: s += "\n" t = sorted(node.responses.items()) t = [f"{k!r}: {self.visit(v)}" for k, v in t] s += textwrap.indent(",\n".join(t), 2 * self.indent) s += "\n" + self.indent + "}" if node.converter is not None: s += ",\n" + self.indent + f"converter={node.converter!r}" if node.path is not None: s += ",\n" + self.indent + f"path={node.path!r}" self.level -= 1 s += "\n)" return s
[docs] def visit_input(self, node): s = f"{node.__class__.__name__}(prompt={node.prompt!r}" if node.converter is None and node.path is None: return s + "\n)" if node.converter is not None: s += ",\n" + self.indent + f"converter={node.converter!r}" s += ",\n" + self.indent + f"show_conversion={node.show_conversion!r}" s += ",\n" + self.indent + f"confirm={node.confirm!r}" s += ",\n" + self.indent + f"retry={node.retry!r}" if node.path is not None: s += ",\n" + self.indent + f"path={node.path!r}" s += "\n)" return s
[docs] def visit_statefile(self, node): s = "{0}(default_file={1!r}, check={2}, ask_filename={3})" s = s.format( node.__class__.__name__, node.default_file, node.check, node.ask_filename ) return s
[docs] def visit_while(self, node): s = f"{node.__class__.__name__}(cond={node.cond!r}" s += ",\n" + self.indent + "body=[" if len(node.body) > 0: s += "\n" self.level += 1 s += textwrap.indent(",\n".join(map(self.visit, node.body)), self.indent) self.level -= 1 s += "\n" + self.indent s += "]" s += ",\n" + self.indent + f"idxname={node.idxname!r}" s += ",\n" + self.indent + f"beg={node.beg!r}" if node.path is not None: s += ",\n" + self.indent + f"path={node.path!r}" s += "\n)" return s
[docs] def ensure_str_or_int(x): """Creates a string or int.""" if isinstance(x, int): return x x = x if isinstance(x, str) else str(x) try: x = ast.literal_eval(x) except (ValueError, SyntaxError): pass if not isinstance(x, (int, str)): msg = f"{x!r} could not be converted to int or str" raise ValueError(msg) return x
[docs] def canon_path(path, indices=None): """Returns the canonical form of a path, which is a tuple of str or ints. Indices may be optionally passed in. """ if not isinstance(path, str): return tuple(map(ensure_str_or_int, path)) if indices is not None: path = path.format(**indices) path = path[1:] if path.startswith("/") else path path = path[:-1] if path.endswith("/") else path if len(path) == 0: return () return tuple(map(ensure_str_or_int, path.split("/")))
[docs] class UnstorableType: """Represents an unstorable return value for when no input was given or such input was skipped. Typically represented by the Unstorable singleton. """ _inst: tp.Optional["UnstorableType"] = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._inst is None: cls._inst = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return cls._inst
Unstorable = UnstorableType()
[docs] class StateVisitor(Visitor): """This class visits the nodes and stores the results in a top-level dict of data according to the state path of the node. The the node does not have a path or the path does not exist, the storage is skipped. This class can be optionally initialized with an existing state. """ def __init__(self, tree=None, state=None, indices=None): super().__init__(tree=tree) self.state = {} if state is None else state self.indices = {} if indices is None else indices
[docs] def visit(self, node=None): if node is None: node = self.tree if node is None: raise RuntimeError("no node or tree given!") rtn = super().visit(node) path = getattr(node, "path", None) if callable(path): path = path(visitor=self, node=node, val=rtn) if path is not None and rtn is not Unstorable:, rtn, indices=self.indices) return rtn
[docs] def store(self, path, val, indices=None): """Stores a value at the path location.""" path = canon_path(path, indices=indices) loc = self.state for p, n in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]): if isinstance(p, str) and p not in loc: loc[p] = {} if isinstance(n, str) else [] elif isinstance(p, int) and abs(p) + (p >= 0) > len(loc): i = abs(p) + (p >= 0) - len(loc) if isinstance(n, str): ex = [{} for _ in range(i)] else: ex = [[] for _ in range(i)] loc.extend(ex) loc = loc[p] p = path[-1] if isinstance(p, int) and abs(p) + (p >= 0) > len(loc): i = abs(p) + (p >= 0) - len(loc) ex = [None] * i loc.extend(ex) loc[p] = val
[docs] def flatten(self, path="/", value=None, flat=None): """Returns a dict version of the store whose keys are paths. Note that list and dict entries will always end in '/', allowing disambiquation in dump_rules. """ value = self.state if value is None else value flat = {} if flat is None else flat if isinstance(value, cabc.Mapping): path = path if path.endswith("/") else path + "/" flat[path] = value for k, v in value.items(): p = path + k self.flatten(path=p, value=v, flat=flat) elif isinstance(value, (str, bytes)): flat[path] = value elif isinstance(value, cabc.Sequence): path = path if path.endswith("/") else path + "/" flat[path] = value for i, v in enumerate(value): p = path + str(i) self.flatten(path=p, value=v, flat=flat) else: flat[path] = value return flat
YN = "{GREEN}yes{RESET} or {RED}no{RESET} [default: no]? " YNB = "{GREEN}yes{RESET}, {RED}no{RESET}, or " "{YELLOW}break{RESET} [default: no]? "
[docs] class PromptVisitor(StateVisitor): """Visits the nodes in the tree via the a command-line prompt.""" def __init__(self, tree=None, state=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- tree : Node, optional Tree of nodes to start visitor with. state : dict, optional Initial state to begin with. **kwargs : optional Options that are passed through to the prompt via the shell's singleline() method. See BaseShell for mor details. """ super().__init__(tree=tree, state=state) self.env = XSH.env = self.shell_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def visit_wizard(self, node): for child in node.children: self.visit(child)
[docs] def visit_pass(self, node): pass
[docs] def visit_message(self, node): print_color(node.message)
[docs] def visit_question(self, node): self.env["PROMPT"] = node.question r =**self.shell_kwargs) if callable(node.converter): r = node.converter(r) self.visit(node.responses[r]) return r
[docs] def visit_input(self, node): need_input = True while need_input: self.env["PROMPT"] = node.prompt raw =**self.shell_kwargs) if callable(node.converter): try: x = node.converter(raw) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception: if node.retry: msg = ( "{{BOLD_RED}}Invalid{{RESET}} input {0!r}, " "please retry." ) print_color(msg.format(raw)) continue else: raise if node.show_conversion and x is not Unstorable and str(x) != raw: msg = "{{BOLD_PURPLE}}Converted{{RESET}} input {0!r} to {1!r}." print_color(msg.format(raw, x)) else: x = raw if node.confirm: msg = "Would you like to keep the input: {0}" print(msg.format(pprint.pformat(x))) confirmer = TrueFalseBreak(prompt=YNB) status = self.visit(confirmer) if isinstance(status, str) and status == "break": x = Unstorable break else: need_input = not status else: need_input = False return x
[docs] def visit_while(self, node): rtns = [] origidx = self.indices.get(node.idxname, None) self.indices[node.idxname] = idx = node.beg while node.cond(visitor=self, node=node): rtn = list(map(self.visit, node.body)) rtns.append(rtn) idx += 1 self.indices[node.idxname] = idx if origidx is None: del self.indices[node.idxname] else: self.indices[node.idxname] = origidx return rtns
[docs] def visit_savejson(self, node): jstate = json.dumps( self.state, indent=1, sort_keys=True, default=serialize_xonsh_json ) if node.check: msg = "The current state is:\n\n{0}\n" print(msg.format(textwrap.indent(jstate, " "))) ap = "Would you like to save this state, " + YN asker = TrueFalse(prompt=ap) do_save = self.visit(asker) if not do_save: return Unstorable fname = None if node.ask_filename: fname = self.visit_input(node) if fname is None or len(fname) == 0: fname = node.default_file if os.path.isfile(fname): backup_file(fname) else: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname), exist_ok=True) with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(jstate) return fname
[docs] def visit_loadjson(self, node): if node.check: ap = "Would you like to load an existing file, " + YN asker = TrueFalse(prompt=ap) do_load = self.visit(asker) if not do_load: return Unstorable fname = self.visit_input(node) if fname is None or len(fname) == 0: fname = node.default_file if os.path.isfile(fname): with open(fname) as f: self.state = json.load(f) print_color(f"{{GREEN}}{fname!r} loaded.{{RESET}}") else: print_color(f"{{RED}}{fname!r} could not be found, " "continuing.{{RESET}}") return fname
[docs] def visit_fileinserter(self, node): # perform the dumping operation. new = node.dumps(self.flatten()) # check if we should write this out if node.check: msg = "The current state to insert is:\n\n{0}\n" print(msg.format(textwrap.indent(new, " "))) ap = "Would you like to write out the current state, " + YN asker = TrueFalse(prompt=ap) do_save = self.visit(asker) if not do_save: return Unstorable # get and backup the file. fname = None if node.ask_filename: fname = self.visit_input(node) if fname is None or len(fname) == 0: fname = node.default_file if os.path.isfile(fname): with open(fname) as f: s = before, _, s = s.partition(node.prefix) _, _, after = s.partition(node.suffix) backup_file(fname) else: before = after = "" dname = os.path.dirname(fname) if dname: os.makedirs(dname, exist_ok=True) # write out the file with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(before + new + after) return fname