Source code for

"""Misc. xonsh tools.

The following implementations were forked from the IPython project:

* Copyright (c) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team
* Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Fernando Perez <>
* Copyright (c) 2001, Janko Hauser <>
* Copyright (c) 2001, Nathaniel Gray <>


* decode()
* encode()
* cast_unicode()
* safe_hasattr()
* indent()


import ast
import collections
import as cabc
import contextlib
import ctypes
import datetime
import functools
import glob
import itertools
import operator
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shlex
import signal
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import traceback
import typing as tp
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager

# adding imports from further xonsh modules is discouraged to avoid circular
# dependencies
from xonsh import __version__
from xonsh.lib.lazyasd import LazyDict, LazyObject, lazyobject
from xonsh.platform import (

[docs] @contextmanager def chdir(adir, mkdir=False): old_dir = os.getcwd() if mkdir: os.makedirs(adir, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(adir) try: yield finally: os.chdir(old_dir)
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(1) def is_superuser(): if ON_WINDOWS: rtn = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0 else: rtn = os.getuid() == 0 return rtn
@lazyobject def xsh(): from xonsh.built_ins import XSH return XSH
[docs] class XonshError(Exception): pass
[docs] class XonshCalledProcessError(XonshError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): """Raised when there's an error with a called process Inherits from XonshError and subprocess.CalledProcessError, catching either will also catch this error. Raised *after* iterating over stdout of a captured command, if the returncode of the command is nonzero. Example: -------- try: for line in !(ls): print(line) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: print("Error in process: {}.format( This also handles differences between Python3.4 and 3.5 where CalledProcessError is concerned. """ def __init__( self, returncode, command, output=None, stderr=None, completed_command=None ): super().__init__(returncode, command, output) self.stderr = stderr self.completed_command = completed_command
[docs] def expand_path(s, expand_user=True): """Takes a string path and expands ~ to home if expand_user is set and environment vars if EXPAND_ENV_VARS is set.""" env = xsh.env or os_environ if env.get("EXPAND_ENV_VARS", False): s = expandvars(s) if expand_user: # expand ~ according to Bash unquoted rules "Each variable assignment is # checked for unquoted tilde-prefixes immediately following a ':' or the # first '='". See the following for more details. # pre, char, post = s.partition("=") if char: s = expanduser(pre) + char s += os.pathsep.join(map(expanduser, post.split(os.pathsep))) else: s = expanduser(s) return s
def _expandpath(path): """Performs environment variable / user expansion on a given path if EXPAND_ENV_VARS is set. """ env = xsh.env or os_environ expand_user = env.get("EXPAND_ENV_VARS", False) return expand_path(path, expand_user=expand_user)
[docs] def simple_random_choice(lst): """Returns random element from the list with length less than 1 million elements.""" size = len(lst) if size > 1000000: # microsecond maximum raise ValueError("The list is too long.") return lst[ % size]
[docs] def decode_bytes(b): """Tries to decode the bytes using XONSH_ENCODING if available, otherwise using sys.getdefaultencoding(). """ env = xsh.env or os_environ enc = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING") or DEFAULT_ENCODING err = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS") or "strict" return b.decode(encoding=enc, errors=err)
[docs] def findfirst(s, substrs): """Finds whichever of the given substrings occurs first in the given string and returns that substring, or returns None if no such strings occur. """ i = len(s) result = None for substr in substrs: pos = s.find(substr) if -1 < pos < i: i = pos result = substr return i, result
[docs] class EnvPath(cabc.MutableSequence): """A class that implements an environment path, which is a list of strings. Provides a custom method that expands all paths if the relevant env variable has been set. """ def __init__(self, args=None): if not args: self._l = [] else: if isinstance(args, str): self._l = args.split(os.pathsep) elif isinstance(args, pathlib.Path): self._l = [args] elif isinstance(args, bytes): # decode bytes to a string and then split based on # the default path separator self._l = decode_bytes(args).split(os.pathsep) elif isinstance(args, cabc.Iterable): # put everything in a list -before- performing the type check # in order to be able to retrieve it later, for cases such as # when a generator expression was passed as an argument args = list(args) if not all(isinstance(i, (str, bytes, pathlib.Path)) for i in args): # make TypeError's message as informative as possible # when given an invalid initialization sequence raise TypeError( "EnvPath's initialization sequence should only " "contain str, bytes and pathlib.Path entries" ) self._l = args else: raise TypeError( f"EnvPath cannot be initialized with items of type {type(args)}: {args!r}" ) def __getitem__(self, item): # handle slices separately if isinstance(item, slice): return [_expandpath(i) for i in self._l[item]] else: return _expandpath(self._l[item]) def __setitem__(self, index, item): self._l.__setitem__(index, item) def __len__(self): return len(self._l) def __delitem__(self, key): self._l.__delitem__(key) @staticmethod def _prepare_path(p): return str(expand_path(p))
[docs] def insert(self, index, value): self._l.insert(index, self._prepare_path(value))
[docs] def append(self, value): self._l.append(self._prepare_path(value))
[docs] def prepend(self, value): self._l.insert(0, self._prepare_path(value))
[docs] def remove(self, value): try: self._l.remove(self._prepare_path(value)) except ValueError: print(f"EnvPath warning: path {repr(value)} not found.", file=sys.stderr)
@property def paths(self): """ Returns the list of directories that this EnvPath contains. """ return list(self) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._l) def __eq__(self, other): if len(self) != len(other): return False return all(map(operator.eq, self, other)) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): """Pretty print path list""" if cycle: p.text("EnvPath(...)") else: with, "EnvPath(\n[", "]\n)"): for idx, item in enumerate(self): if idx: p.text(",") p.breakable() p.pretty(item) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, EnvPath): other = other._l return EnvPath(self._l + other) def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, EnvPath): other = other._l return EnvPath(other + self._l)
[docs] def add(self, data, front=False, replace=False): """Add a value to this EnvPath, path.add(data, front=bool, replace=bool) -> ensures that path contains data, with position determined by kwargs Parameters ---------- data : string or bytes or pathlib.Path value to be added front : bool whether the value should be added to the front, will be ignored if the data already exists in this EnvPath and replace is False Default : False replace : bool If True, the value will be removed and added to the start or end(depending on the value of front) Default : False Returns ------- None """ data = self._prepare_path(data) if data not in self._l: self._l.insert(0 if front else len(self._l), data) elif replace: # self._l = list(filter(lambda x: x != data, self._l)) self._l.insert(0 if front else len(self._l), data)
[docs] class FlexibleFormatter(string.Formatter): """Support nested fields inside conditional formatters e.g. template ``{user:| {RED}{}{RESET}}`` will become ``| {RED}user{RESET}`` when user=user. """
[docs] def get_value(self, key: "int|str", args, kwargs) -> str: if isinstance(key, int): return args[key] else: if key in kwargs: return kwargs[key] # in case of colors, this will work without nested braces return "{" + key + "}"
@lazyobject def FORMATTER(): return FlexibleFormatter()
[docs] class DefaultNotGivenType: """Singleton for representing when no default value is given.""" __inst: tp.Optional["DefaultNotGivenType"] = None def __new__(cls): if DefaultNotGivenType.__inst is None: DefaultNotGivenType.__inst = object.__new__(cls) return DefaultNotGivenType.__inst
DefaultNotGiven = DefaultNotGivenType() BEG_TOK_SKIPS = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["WS", "INDENT", "NOT", "LPAREN"]), globals(), "BEG_TOK_SKIPS" ) END_TOK_TYPES = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["SEMI", "AND", "OR", "RPAREN"]), globals(), "END_TOK_TYPES" ) RE_END_TOKS = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile(r"(;|and|\&\&|or|\|\||\))"), globals(), "RE_END_TOKS" ) LPARENS = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset( ["LPAREN", "AT_LPAREN", "BANG_LPAREN", "DOLLAR_LPAREN", "ATDOLLAR_LPAREN"] ), globals(), "LPARENS", ) def _is_not_lparen_and_rparen(lparens, rtok): """Tests if an RPAREN token is matched with something other than a plain old LPAREN type. """ # note that any([]) is False, so this covers len(lparens) == 0 return rtok.type == "RPAREN" and any(x != "LPAREN" for x in lparens)
[docs] def balanced_parens(line, mincol=0, maxcol=None, lexer=None): """Determines if parentheses are balanced in an expression.""" line = line[mincol:maxcol] if lexer is None: lexer = xsh.execer.parser.lexer if "(" not in line and ")" not in line: return True cnt = 0 lexer.input(line) for tok in lexer: if tok.type in LPARENS: cnt += 1 elif tok.type == "RPAREN": cnt -= 1 elif tok.type == "ERRORTOKEN" and ")" in tok.value: cnt -= 1 return cnt == 0
[docs] def ends_with_colon_token(line, lexer=None): """Determines whether a line ends with a colon token, ignoring comments.""" if lexer is None: lexer = xsh.execer.parser.lexer lexer.input(line) toks = list(lexer) return len(toks) > 0 and toks[-1].type == "COLON"
[docs] def find_next_break(line, mincol=0, lexer=None): """Returns the column number of the next logical break in subproc mode. This function may be useful in finding the maxcol argument of subproc_toks(). """ if mincol >= 1: line = line[mincol:] if lexer is None: lexer = xsh.execer.parser.lexer if is None: return None maxcol = None lparens = [] lexer.input(line) for tok in lexer: if tok.type in LPARENS: lparens.append(tok.type) elif tok.type in END_TOK_TYPES: if _is_not_lparen_and_rparen(lparens, tok): lparens.pop() else: maxcol = tok.lexpos + mincol + 1 break elif tok.type == "ERRORTOKEN" and ")" in tok.value: maxcol = tok.lexpos + mincol + 1 break elif tok.type == "BANG": maxcol = mincol + len(line) + 1 break return maxcol
def _offset_from_prev_lines(line, last): lines = line.splitlines(keepends=True)[:last] return sum(map(len, lines))
[docs] def subproc_toks( line, mincol=-1, maxcol=None, lexer=None, returnline=False, greedy=False ): """Encapsulates tokens in a source code line in a uncaptured subprocess ![] starting at a minimum column. If there are no tokens (ie in a comment line) this returns None. If greedy is True, it will encapsulate normal parentheses. Greedy is False by default. """ if lexer is None: lexer = xsh.execer.parser.lexer if maxcol is None: maxcol = len(line) + 1 lexer.reset() lexer.input(line) toks = [] lparens = [] saw_macro = False end_offset = 0 for tok in lexer: pos = tok.lexpos if tok.type not in END_TOK_TYPES and pos >= maxcol: break if tok.type == "BANG": saw_macro = True if saw_macro and tok.type not in ("NEWLINE", "DEDENT"): toks.append(tok) continue if tok.type in LPARENS: lparens.append(tok.type) if greedy and len(lparens) > 0 and "LPAREN" in lparens: toks.append(tok) if tok.type == "RPAREN": lparens.pop() continue if len(toks) == 0 and tok.type in BEG_TOK_SKIPS: continue # handle indentation elif len(toks) > 0 and toks[-1].type in END_TOK_TYPES: if _is_not_lparen_and_rparen(lparens, toks[-1]): lparens.pop() # don't continue or break elif pos < maxcol and tok.type not in ("NEWLINE", "DEDENT", "WS"): if not greedy: toks.clear() if tok.type in BEG_TOK_SKIPS: continue else: break if pos < mincol: continue toks.append(tok) if tok.type == "WS" and tok.value == "\\": pass # line continuation elif tok.type == "NEWLINE": break elif tok.type == "DEDENT": # fake a newline when dedenting without a newline tok.type = "NEWLINE" tok.value = "\n" tok.lineno -= 1 if len(toks) >= 2: prev_tok_end = toks[-2].lexpos + len(toks[-2].value) else: prev_tok_end = len(line) if "#" in line[prev_tok_end:]: tok.lexpos = prev_tok_end # prevents wrapping comments else: tok.lexpos = len(line) break elif check_bad_str_token(tok): return else: if len(toks) > 0 and toks[-1].type in END_TOK_TYPES: if _is_not_lparen_and_rparen(lparens, toks[-1]): pass elif greedy and toks[-1].type == "RPAREN": pass else: toks.pop() if len(toks) == 0: return # handle comment lines tok = toks[-1] pos = tok.lexpos if isinstance(tok.value, str): end_offset = len(tok.value.rstrip()) else: el = line[pos:].split("#")[0].rstrip() end_offset = len(el) if len(toks) == 0: return # handle comment lines elif saw_macro or greedy: end_offset = len(toks[-1].value.rstrip()) + 1 if toks[0].lineno != toks[-1].lineno: # handle multiline cases end_offset += _offset_from_prev_lines(line, toks[-1].lineno) beg, end = toks[0].lexpos, (toks[-1].lexpos + end_offset) end = len(line[:end].rstrip()) rtn = "![" + line[beg:end] + "]" if returnline: rtn = line[:beg] + rtn + line[end:] return rtn
[docs] def check_bad_str_token(tok): """Checks if a token is a bad string.""" if tok.type == "ERRORTOKEN" and tok.value == "EOF in multi-line string": return True elif isinstance(tok.value, str) and not check_quotes(tok.value): return True else: return False
[docs] def check_quotes(s): """Checks a string to make sure that if it starts with quotes, it also ends with quotes. """ starts_as_str = RE_BEGIN_STRING.match(s) is not None ends_as_str = s.endswith('"') or s.endswith("'") if not starts_as_str and not ends_as_str: ok = True elif starts_as_str and not ends_as_str: ok = False elif not starts_as_str and ends_as_str: ok = False else: m = RE_COMPLETE_STRING.match(s) ok = m is not None return ok
def _have_open_triple_quotes(s): if s.count('"""') % 2 == 1: open_triple = '"""' elif s.count("'''") % 2 == 1: open_triple = "'''" else: open_triple = False return open_triple
[docs] def get_line_continuation(): """The line continuation characters used in subproc mode. In interactive mode on Windows the backslash must be preceded by a space. This is because paths on Windows may end in a backslash. """ if ON_WINDOWS: env = getattr(xsh, "env", None) or {} if env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE", False): return " \\" return "\\"
[docs] def get_logical_line(lines, idx): """Returns a single logical line (i.e. one without line continuations) from a list of lines. This line should begin at index idx. This also returns the number of physical lines the logical line spans. The lines should not contain newlines """ n = 1 nlines = len(lines) linecont = get_line_continuation() while idx > 0 and lines[idx - 1].endswith(linecont): idx -= 1 start = idx line = lines[idx] open_triple = _have_open_triple_quotes(line) while (line.endswith(linecont) or open_triple) and idx < nlines - 1: n += 1 idx += 1 if line.endswith(linecont): line = line[:-1] + lines[idx] else: line = line + "\n" + lines[idx] open_triple = _have_open_triple_quotes(line) return line, n, start
[docs] def replace_logical_line(lines, logical, idx, n): """Replaces lines at idx that may end in line continuation with a logical line that spans n lines. """ linecont = get_line_continuation() if n == 1: lines[idx] = logical return space = " " for i in range(idx, idx + n - 1): a = len(lines[i]) b = logical.find(space, a - 1) if b < 0: # no space found lines[i] = logical logical = "" else: # found space to split on lines[i] = logical[:b] + linecont logical = logical[b:] lines[idx + n - 1] = logical
[docs] def is_balanced(expr, ltok, rtok): """Determines whether an expression has unbalanced opening and closing tokens.""" lcnt = expr.count(ltok) if lcnt == 0: return True rcnt = expr.count(rtok) if lcnt == rcnt: return True else: return False
[docs] def subexpr_from_unbalanced(expr, ltok, rtok): """Attempts to pull out a valid subexpression for unbalanced grouping, based on opening tokens, eg. '(', and closing tokens, eg. ')'. This does not do full tokenization, but should be good enough for tab completion. """ if is_balanced(expr, ltok, rtok): return expr subexpr = expr.rsplit(ltok, 1)[-1] subexpr = subexpr.rsplit(",", 1)[-1] subexpr = subexpr.rsplit(":", 1)[-1] return subexpr
[docs] def subexpr_before_unbalanced(expr, ltok, rtok): """Obtains the expression prior to last unbalanced left token.""" subexpr, _, post = expr.rpartition(ltok) nrtoks_in_post = post.count(rtok) while nrtoks_in_post != 0: for _ in range(nrtoks_in_post): subexpr, _, post = subexpr.rpartition(ltok) nrtoks_in_post = post.count(rtok) _, _, subexpr = subexpr.rpartition(rtok) _, _, subexpr = subexpr.rpartition(ltok) return subexpr
@lazyobject def STARTING_WHITESPACE_RE(): return re.compile(r"^(\s*)")
[docs] def starting_whitespace(s): """Returns the whitespace at the start of a string""" return STARTING_WHITESPACE_RE.match(s).group(1)
[docs] def decode(s, encoding=None): encoding = encoding or DEFAULT_ENCODING return s.decode(encoding, "replace")
[docs] def encode(u, encoding=None): encoding = encoding or DEFAULT_ENCODING return u.encode(encoding, "replace")
[docs] def cast_unicode(s, encoding=None): if isinstance(s, bytes): return decode(s, encoding) return s
[docs] def safe_hasattr(obj, attr): """In recent versions of Python, hasattr() only catches AttributeError. This catches all errors. """ try: getattr(obj, attr) return True except Exception: return False
[docs] def indent(instr, nspaces=4, ntabs=0, flatten=False): """Indent a string a given number of spaces or tabstops. indent(str,nspaces=4,ntabs=0) -> indent str by ntabs+nspaces. Parameters ---------- instr : basestring The string to be indented. nspaces : int (default: 4) The number of spaces to be indented. ntabs : int (default: 0) The number of tabs to be indented. flatten : bool (default: False) Whether to scrub existing indentation. If True, all lines will be aligned to the same indentation. If False, existing indentation will be strictly increased. Returns ------- outstr : string indented by ntabs and nspaces. """ if instr is None: return ind = "\t" * ntabs + " " * nspaces if flatten: pat = re.compile(r"^\s*", re.MULTILINE) else: pat = re.compile(r"^", re.MULTILINE) outstr = re.sub(pat, ind, instr) if outstr.endswith(os.linesep + ind): return outstr[: -len(ind)] else: return outstr
[docs] def get_sep(): """Returns the appropriate filepath separator char depending on OS and xonsh options set """ if ON_WINDOWS and xsh.env.get("FORCE_POSIX_PATHS"): return os.altsep else: return os.sep
[docs] def fallback(cond, backup): """Decorator for returning the object if cond is true and a backup if cond is false. """ def dec(obj): return obj if cond else backup return dec
# The following redirect classes were taken directly from Python 3.5's source # code (from the contextlib module). This can be removed when 3.5 is released, # although redirect_stdout exists in 3.4, redirect_stderr does not. # See the Python software license: # Copyright (c) Python Software Foundation. All rights reserved. class _RedirectStream: _stream: tp.Optional[str] = None def __init__(self, new_target): self._new_target = new_target # We use a list of old targets to make this CM re-entrant self._old_targets = [] def __enter__(self): self._old_targets.append(getattr(sys, self._stream)) setattr(sys, self._stream, self._new_target) return self._new_target def __exit__(self, exctype, excinst, exctb): setattr(sys, self._stream, self._old_targets.pop())
[docs] class redirect_stdout(_RedirectStream): """Context manager for temporarily redirecting stdout to another file:: # How to send help() to stderr with redirect_stdout(sys.stderr): help(dir) # How to write help() to a file with open('help.txt', 'w') as f: with redirect_stdout(f): help(pow) Mostly for backwards compatibility. """ _stream = "stdout"
[docs] class redirect_stderr(_RedirectStream): """Context manager for temporarily redirecting stderr to another file.""" _stream = "stderr"
[docs] def debian_command_not_found(cmd): """Uses the debian/ubuntu command-not-found utility to suggest packages for a command that cannot currently be found. """ if not ON_LINUX: return "" cnf = xsh.commands_cache.lazyget( "command-not-found", ("/usr/lib/command-not-found",) )[0] if not os.path.isfile(cnf): return "" c = "{0} {1}; exit 0" s = subprocess.check_output( c.format(cnf, shlex.quote(cmd)), text=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, ) s = "\n".join(s.rstrip().splitlines()).strip() return s
[docs] def conda_suggest_command_not_found(cmd, env): """Uses conda-suggest to suggest packages for a command that cannot currently be found. """ try: from conda_suggest import find except ImportError: return "" return find.message_string( cmd, conda_suggest_path=env.get("CONDA_SUGGEST_PATH", None) )
[docs] def command_not_found(cmd, env): """Uses various mechanism to suggest packages for a command that cannot currently be found. """ if ON_LINUX: rtn = debian_command_not_found(cmd) else: rtn = "" conda = conda_suggest_command_not_found(cmd, env) if conda: rtn = rtn + "\n\n" + conda if rtn else conda return rtn
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def suggest_commands(cmd, env): """Suggests alternative commands given an environment and aliases.""" if not env.get("SUGGEST_COMMANDS"): return "" thresh = env.get("SUGGEST_THRESHOLD") max_sugg = env.get("SUGGEST_MAX_NUM") if max_sugg < 0: max_sugg = float("inf") cmd = cmd.lower() suggested = {} for alias in xsh.aliases: if alias not in suggested: if levenshtein(alias.lower(), cmd, thresh) < thresh: suggested[alias] = "Alias" for _cmd in xsh.commands_cache.all_commands: if _cmd not in suggested: if levenshtein(_cmd.lower(), cmd, thresh) < thresh: suggested[_cmd] = f"Command ({_cmd})" suggested = collections.OrderedDict( sorted( suggested.items(), key=lambda x: suggestion_sort_helper(x[0].lower(), cmd) ) ) num = min(len(suggested), max_sugg) if num == 0: rtn = command_not_found(cmd, env) else: oneof = "" if num == 1 else "one of " tips = f"Did you mean {oneof}the following?" items = list(suggested.popitem(False) for _ in range(num)) length = max(len(key) for key, _ in items) + 2 alternatives = "\n".join( " {: <{}} {}".format(key + ":", length, val) for key, val in items ) rtn = f"{tips}\n{alternatives}" c = command_not_found(cmd, env) rtn += ("\n\n" + c) if len(c) > 0 else "" return rtn
def _get_manual_env_var(name, default=None): """Returns if the given variable is manually set as well as it's value.""" env = getattr(xsh, "env", None) if env is None: env = os_environ manually_set = name in env else: manually_set = env.is_manually_set(name) value = env.get(name, default) return (manually_set, value)
[docs] def display_colored_error_message(exc_info, strip_xonsh_error_types=True, limit=None): no_trace_and_raise_subproc_error = not xsh.env.get( "XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK" ) and xsh.env.get("RAISE_SUBPROC_ERROR") if no_trace_and_raise_subproc_error: limit = 1 content = traceback.format_exception(*exc_info, limit=limit) if no_trace_and_raise_subproc_error and "Error:" in content[-1]: content = [content[-1]] traceback_str = "".join([v for v in content]) # color the traceback if available _, interactive = _get_manual_env_var("XONSH_INTERACTIVE", 0) _, color_results = _get_manual_env_var("COLOR_RESULTS", 0) shell_loaded = hasattr(, "shell") # do not color traceback in xonshrc file if not interactive or not color_results or not shell_loaded or not HAS_PYGMENTS: sys.stderr.write(traceback_str) return import pygments.lexers.python lexer = pygments.lexers.python.PythonTracebackLexer() tokens = list(pygments.lex(traceback_str, lexer=lexer)) # this goes to stdout, but since we are interactive it doesn't matter print_color(tokens, end="", file=sys.stderr) return
[docs] def display_error_message(exc_info, strip_xonsh_error_types=True): """ Prints the error message of the given sys.exc_info() triple on stderr. """ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = exc_info exception_only = traceback.format_exception_only(exc_type, exc_value) if exc_type is XonshError and strip_xonsh_error_types: exception_only[0] = exception_only[0].partition(": ")[-1] sys.stderr.write("".join(exception_only))
[docs] def is_writable_file(filepath): """ Checks if a filepath is valid for writing. """ filepath = expand_path(filepath) # convert to absolute path if needed if not os.path.isabs(filepath): filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath) # cannot write to directories if os.path.isdir(filepath): return False # if the file exists and is writable, we're fine if os.path.exists(filepath): return True if os.access(filepath, os.W_OK) else False # if the path doesn't exist, isolate its directory component # and ensure that directory is writable instead return os.access(os.path.dirname(filepath), os.W_OK)
# Modified from Public Domain code, by Magnus Lie Hetland # from
[docs] def levenshtein(a, b, max_dist=float("inf")): """Calculates the Levenshtein distance between a and b.""" n, m = len(a), len(b) if abs(n - m) > max_dist: return float("inf") if n > m: # Make sure n <= m, to use O(min(n,m)) space a, b = b, a n, m = m, n current = range(n + 1) for i in range(1, m + 1): previous, current = current, [i] + [0] * n for j in range(1, n + 1): add, delete = previous[j] + 1, current[j - 1] + 1 change = previous[j - 1] if a[j - 1] != b[i - 1]: change = change + 1 current[j] = min(add, delete, change) return current[n]
[docs] def suggestion_sort_helper(x, y): """Returns a score (lower is better) for x based on how similar it is to y. Used to rank suggestions.""" x = x.lower() y = y.lower() lendiff = len(x) + len(y) inx = len([i for i in x if i not in y]) iny = len([i for i in y if i not in x]) return lendiff + inx + iny
[docs] def escape_windows_cmd_string(s): """Returns a string that is usable by the Windows cmd.exe. The escaping is based on details here and empirical testing: """ for c in '^()%!<>&|"': s = s.replace(c, "^" + c) return s
[docs] def argvquote(arg, force=False): """Returns an argument quoted in such a way that that CommandLineToArgvW on Windows will return the argument string unchanged. This is the same thing Popen does when supplied with an list of arguments. Arguments in a command line should be separated by spaces; this function does not add these spaces. This implementation follows the suggestions outlined here: """ if not force and len(arg) != 0 and not any([c in arg for c in ' \t\n\v"']): return arg else: n_backslashes = 0 cmdline = '"' for c in arg: if c == "\\": # first count the number of current backslashes n_backslashes += 1 continue if c == '"': # Escape all backslashes and the following double quotation mark cmdline += (n_backslashes * 2 + 1) * "\\" else: # backslashes are not special here cmdline += n_backslashes * "\\" n_backslashes = 0 cmdline += c # Escape all backslashes, but let the terminating # double quotation mark we add below be interpreted # as a metacharacter cmdline += +n_backslashes * 2 * "\\" + '"' return cmdline
[docs] def on_main_thread(): """Checks if we are on the main thread or not.""" return threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread()
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def swap(namespace, name, value, default=_DEFAULT_SENTINEL): """Swaps a current variable name in a namespace for another value, and then replaces it when the context is exited. """ old = getattr(namespace, name, default) setattr(namespace, name, value) yield value if old is default: delattr(namespace, name) else: setattr(namespace, name, old)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def swap_values(d, updates, default=_DEFAULT_SENTINEL): """Updates a dictionary (or other mapping) with values from another mapping, and then restores the original mapping when the context is exited. """ old = {k: d.get(k, default) for k in updates} d.update(updates) yield for k, v in old.items(): if v is default and k in d: del d[k] else: d[k] = v
# # Validators and converters #
[docs] def detype(x): """This assumes that the object has a detype method, and calls that.""" return x.detype()
[docs] def is_int(x): """Tests if something is an integer""" return isinstance(x, int)
[docs] def is_float(x): """Tests if something is a float""" return isinstance(x, float)
[docs] def is_string(x): """Tests if something is a string""" return isinstance(x, str)
[docs] def is_slice(x): """Tests if something is a slice""" return isinstance(x, slice)
[docs] def is_callable(x): """Tests if something is callable""" return callable(x)
[docs] def is_string_or_callable(x): """Tests if something is a string or callable""" return is_string(x) or is_callable(x)
[docs] def is_class(x): """Tests if something is a class""" return isinstance(x, type)
[docs] def always_true(x): """Returns True""" return True
[docs] def always_false(x): """Returns False""" return False
[docs] def always_none(x): """Returns None""" return None
[docs] def ensure_string(x): """Returns a string if x is not a string, and x if it already is. If x is None, the empty string is returned.""" return str(x) if x is not None else ""
[docs] def is_path(x): """This tests if something is a path.""" return isinstance(x, pathlib.Path)
[docs] def is_env_path(x): """This tests if something is an environment path, ie a list of strings.""" return isinstance(x, EnvPath)
[docs] def str_to_path(x): """Converts a string to a path.""" if x is None or x == "": return None elif isinstance(x, str): return pathlib.Path(x) elif isinstance(x, pathlib.Path): return x elif isinstance(x, EnvPath) and len(x) == 1: return pathlib.Path(x[0]) if x[0] else None else: raise TypeError( f"Variable should be a pathlib.Path, str or single EnvPath type. {type(x)} given." )
[docs] def str_to_env_path(x): """Converts a string to an environment path, ie a list of strings, splitting on the OS separator. """ # splitting will be done implicitly in EnvPath's __init__ return EnvPath(x)
[docs] def path_to_str(x): """Converts a path to a string.""" return str(x) if x is not None else ""
[docs] def env_path_to_str(x): """Converts an environment path to a string by joining on the OS separator. """ return os.pathsep.join(x)
[docs] def is_bool(x): """Tests if something is a boolean.""" return isinstance(x, bool)
[docs] def is_bool_or_none(x): """Tests if something is a boolean or None.""" return (x is None) or isinstance(x, bool)
[docs] def is_logfile_opt(x): """ Checks if x is a valid $XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE option. Returns False if x is not a writable/creatable file or an empty string or None. """ if x is None: return True if not isinstance(x, str): return False else: return is_writable_file(x) or x == ""
[docs] def to_logfile_opt(x): """Converts a $XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE option to either a str containing the filepath if it is a writable file or None if the filepath is not valid, informing the user on stderr about the invalid choice. """ if isinstance(x, os.PathLike): # type: ignore x = str(x) if is_logfile_opt(x): return expand_path(x) if x else x else: # if option is not valid, return a proper # option and inform the user on stderr sys.stderr.write( "xonsh: $XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE must be a " "filepath pointing to a file that either exists " "and is writable or that can be created.\n" ) return None
[docs] def logfile_opt_to_str(x): """ Detypes a $XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE option. """ if x is None: # None should not be detyped to 'None', as 'None' constitutes # a perfectly valid filename and retyping it would introduce # ambiguity. Detype to the empty string instead. return "" return str(x)
_FALSES = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["", "0", "n", "f", "no", "none", "false", "off"]), globals(), "_FALSES", )
[docs] def to_bool(x): """Converts to a boolean in a semantically meaningful way.""" if isinstance(x, bool): return x elif isinstance(x, str): return False if x.lower() in _FALSES else True else: return bool(x)
[docs] def to_bool_or_none(x): """Converts to a boolean or none in a semantically meaningful way.""" if x is None or isinstance(x, bool): return x elif isinstance(x, str): low_x = x.lower() if low_x == "none": return None else: return False if x.lower() in _FALSES else True else: return bool(x)
[docs] def to_itself(x): """No conversion, returns itself.""" return x
[docs] def to_int_or_none(x) -> tp.Optional[int]: """Convert the given value to integer if possible. Otherwise return None""" if isinstance(x, str) and x.lower() == "none": return None else: return int(x)
[docs] def bool_to_str(x): """Converts a bool to an empty string if False and the string '1' if True. """ return "1" if x else ""
[docs] def bool_or_none_to_str(x): """Converts a bool or None value to a string.""" if x is None: return "None" else: return "1" if x else ""
_BREAKS = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["b", "break", "s", "skip", "q", "quit"]), globals(), "_BREAKS" )
[docs] def to_bool_or_break(x): if isinstance(x, str) and x.lower() in _BREAKS: return "break" else: return to_bool(x)
[docs] def is_bool_or_int(x): """Returns whether a value is a boolean or integer.""" return is_bool(x) or is_int(x)
[docs] def to_bool_or_int(x): """Converts a value to a boolean or an integer.""" if isinstance(x, str): return int(x) if x.isdigit() else to_bool(x) elif is_int(x): # bools are ints too! return x else: return bool(x)
[docs] def bool_or_int_to_str(x): """Converts a boolean or integer to a string.""" return bool_to_str(x) if is_bool(x) else str(x)
@lazyobject def SLICE_REG(): return re.compile( r"(?P<start>(?:-\d)?\d*):(?P<end>(?:-\d)?\d*):?(?P<step>(?:-\d)?\d*)" )
[docs] def to_shlvl(x): """Converts a value to an $SHLVL integer according to bash's behaviour (variables.c::adjust_shell_level).""" if x is None: return 0 else: x = str(x) try: return adjust_shlvl(max(0, int(x)), 0) except ValueError: return 0
[docs] def is_valid_shlvl(x): """Checks whether a variable is a proper $SHLVL integer.""" return isinstance(x, int) and to_shlvl(x) == x
[docs] def adjust_shlvl(old_lvl: int, change: int): """Adjusts an $SHLVL integer according to bash's behaviour (variables.c::adjust_shell_level).""" new_level = old_lvl + change if new_level < 0: new_level = 0 elif new_level >= 1000: new_level = 1 return new_level
[docs] def ensure_slice(x): """Try to convert an object into a slice, complain on failure""" if not x and x != 0: return slice(None) elif is_slice(x): return x try: x = int(x) if x != -1: s = slice(x, x + 1) else: s = slice(-1, None, None) except ValueError as ex: x = x.strip("[]()") m = SLICE_REG.fullmatch(x) if m: groups = (int(i) if i else None for i in m.groups()) s = slice(*groups) else: raise ValueError(f"cannot convert {x!r} to slice") from ex except TypeError: try: s = slice(*(int(i) for i in x)) except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: raise ValueError(f"cannot convert {x!r} to slice") from ex return s
[docs] def get_portions(it, slices): """Yield from portions of an iterable. Parameters ---------- it : iterable slices : a slice or a list of slice objects """ if is_slice(slices): slices = [slices] if len(slices) == 1: s = slices[0] try: yield from itertools.islice(it, s.start, s.stop, s.step) return except ValueError: # islice failed pass it = list(it) for s in slices: yield from it[s]
[docs] def is_slice_as_str(x): """ Test if string x is a slice. If not a string return False. """ try: x = x.strip("[]()") m = SLICE_REG.fullmatch(x) if m: return True except AttributeError: pass return False
[docs] def is_int_as_str(x): """ Test if string x is an integer. If not a string return False. """ try: return x.isdecimal() except AttributeError: return False
[docs] def is_string_set(x): """Tests if something is a set of strings""" return isinstance(x, cabc.Set) and all(isinstance(a, str) for a in x)
[docs] def csv_to_set(x): """Convert a comma-separated list of strings to a set of strings.""" if not x: return set() else: return set(x.split(","))
[docs] def set_to_csv(x): """Convert a set of strings to a comma-separated list of strings.""" return ",".join(x)
[docs] def pathsep_to_set(x): """Converts a os.pathsep separated string to a set of strings.""" if not x: return set() else: return set(x.split(os.pathsep))
[docs] def set_to_pathsep(x, sort=False): """Converts a set to an os.pathsep separated string. The sort kwarg specifies whether to sort the set prior to str conversion. """ if sort: x = sorted(x) return os.pathsep.join(x)
[docs] def is_string_seq(x): """Tests if something is a sequence of strings""" return isinstance(x, cabc.Sequence) and all(isinstance(a, str) for a in x)
[docs] def is_nonstring_seq_of_strings(x): """Tests if something is a sequence of strings, where the top-level sequence is not a string itself. """ return ( isinstance(x, cabc.Sequence) and not isinstance(x, str) and all(isinstance(a, str) for a in x) )
[docs] def pathsep_to_seq(x): """Converts a os.pathsep separated string to a sequence of strings.""" if not x: return [] else: return x.split(os.pathsep)
[docs] def seq_to_pathsep(x): """Converts a sequence to an os.pathsep separated string.""" return os.pathsep.join(x)
[docs] def pathsep_to_upper_seq(x): """Converts a os.pathsep separated string to a sequence of uppercase strings. """ if not x: return [] else: return x.upper().split(os.pathsep)
[docs] def seq_to_upper_pathsep(x): """Converts a sequence to an uppercase os.pathsep separated string.""" return os.pathsep.join(x).upper()
[docs] def is_bool_seq(x): """Tests if an object is a sequence of bools.""" return isinstance(x, cabc.Sequence) and all(isinstance(y, bool) for y in x)
[docs] def csv_to_bool_seq(x): """Takes a comma-separated string and converts it into a list of bools.""" return [to_bool(y) for y in csv_to_set(x)]
[docs] def bool_seq_to_csv(x): """Converts a sequence of bools to a comma-separated string.""" return ",".join(map(str, x))
[docs] def ptk2_color_depth_setter(x): """Setter function for $PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH. Also updates os.environ so prompt toolkit can pickup the value. """ x = str(x) if x in { "DEPTH_1_BIT", "MONOCHROME", "DEPTH_4_BIT", "ANSI_COLORS_ONLY", "DEPTH_8_BIT", "DEFAULT", "DEPTH_24_BIT", "TRUE_COLOR", }: pass elif x in {"", None}: x = "" else: msg = f'"{x}" is not a valid value for $PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH. ' warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) x = "" if x == "" and "PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH" in os_environ: del os_environ["PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH"] else: os_environ["PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH"] = x return x
[docs] def is_completions_display_value(x): """Enumerated values of ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY``""" return x in {"none", "single", "multi"}
[docs] def to_completions_display_value(x): """Convert user input to value of ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY``""" x = str(x).lower() if x in {"none", "false"}: x = "none" elif x in {"multi", "true"}: x = "multi" elif x in {"single", "readline"}: pass else: msg = f'"{x}" is not a valid value for $COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY. ' msg += 'Using "multi".' warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) x = "multi" return x
CANONIC_COMPLETION_MODES = frozenset({"default", "menu-complete"})
[docs] def is_completion_mode(x): """Enumerated values of $COMPLETION_MODE""" return x in CANONIC_COMPLETION_MODES
[docs] def to_completion_mode(x): """Convert user input to value of $COMPLETION_MODE""" y = str(x).casefold().replace("_", "-") y = ( "default" if y in ("", "d", "xonsh", "none", "def") else "menu-complete" if y in ("m", "menu", "menu-completion") else y ) if y not in CANONIC_COMPLETION_MODES: warnings.warn( f"'{x}' is not valid for $COMPLETION_MODE, must be one of {CANONIC_COMPLETION_MODES}. Using 'default'.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2, ) y = "default" return y
[docs] def is_tok_color_dict(x): from pygments.token import _TokenType, string_to_tokentype from xonsh.shells.ptk_shell import _style_from_pygments_dict """Tests if something is a Token:Style dictionary""" if not isinstance(x, dict): return False """Check if is a Token:str dict""" for k, v in x.items(): if not isinstance(v, str): return False try: k = _TokenType(k) string_to_tokentype(k) except (TypeError, AttributeError): msg = f'"{k}" is not a valid Token.' warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) return False """Check each str is a valid style""" try: _style_from_pygments_dict(x) except (AssertionError, ValueError): msg = f'"{x}" contains an invalid style.' warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) return False return True
[docs] def to_dict(x): """Converts a string to a dictionary""" if isinstance(x, dict): return x try: x = ast.literal_eval(x) except (ValueError, SyntaxError): msg = f'"{x}" can not be converted to Python dictionary.' warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) x = dict() return x
[docs] def to_tok_color_dict(x): """Converts a string to Token:str dictionary""" if is_tok_color_dict(x): return x x = to_dict(x) if not is_tok_color_dict(x): msg = f'"{x}" can not be converted to Token:str dictionary.' warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) x = dict() return x
[docs] def dict_to_str(x): """Converts a dictionary to a string""" if not x or len(x) == 0: return "" return str(x)
# history validation _min_to_sec = lambda x: 60.0 * float(x) _hour_to_sec = lambda x: 60.0 * _min_to_sec(x) _day_to_sec = lambda x: 24.0 * _hour_to_sec(x) _month_to_sec = lambda x: 30.4375 * _day_to_sec(x) _year_to_sec = lambda x: 365.25 * _day_to_sec(x) _kb_to_b = lambda x: 1024 * int(x) _mb_to_b = lambda x: 1024 * _kb_to_b(x) _gb_to_b = lambda x: 1024 * _mb_to_b(x) _tb_to_b = lambda x: 1024 * _tb_to_b(x) # type: ignore CANON_HISTORY_UNITS = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["commands", "files", "s", "b"]), globals(), "CANON_HISTORY_UNITS" ) HISTORY_UNITS = LazyObject( lambda: { "": ("commands", int), "c": ("commands", int), "cmd": ("commands", int), "cmds": ("commands", int), "command": ("commands", int), "commands": ("commands", int), "f": ("files", int), "files": ("files", int), "s": ("s", float), "sec": ("s", float), "second": ("s", float), "seconds": ("s", float), "m": ("s", _min_to_sec), "min": ("s", _min_to_sec), "mins": ("s", _min_to_sec), "h": ("s", _hour_to_sec), "hr": ("s", _hour_to_sec), "hour": ("s", _hour_to_sec), "hours": ("s", _hour_to_sec), "d": ("s", _day_to_sec), "day": ("s", _day_to_sec), "days": ("s", _day_to_sec), "mon": ("s", _month_to_sec), "month": ("s", _month_to_sec), "months": ("s", _month_to_sec), "y": ("s", _year_to_sec), "yr": ("s", _year_to_sec), "yrs": ("s", _year_to_sec), "year": ("s", _year_to_sec), "years": ("s", _year_to_sec), "b": ("b", int), "byte": ("b", int), "bytes": ("b", int), "kb": ("b", _kb_to_b), "kilobyte": ("b", _kb_to_b), "kilobytes": ("b", _kb_to_b), "mb": ("b", _mb_to_b), "meg": ("b", _mb_to_b), "megs": ("b", _mb_to_b), "megabyte": ("b", _mb_to_b), "megabytes": ("b", _mb_to_b), "gb": ("b", _gb_to_b), "gig": ("b", _gb_to_b), "gigs": ("b", _gb_to_b), "gigabyte": ("b", _gb_to_b), "gigabytes": ("b", _gb_to_b), "tb": ("b", _tb_to_b), "terabyte": ("b", _tb_to_b), "terabytes": ("b", _tb_to_b), }, globals(), "HISTORY_UNITS", ) """Maps lowercase unit names to canonical name and conversion utilities."""
[docs] def is_history_tuple(x): """Tests if something is a proper history value, units tuple.""" if ( isinstance(x, cabc.Sequence) and len(x) == 2 and isinstance(x[0], (int, float)) and x[1].lower() in CANON_HISTORY_UNITS ): return True return False
[docs] def is_regex(x): """Tests if something is a valid regular expression.""" try: re.compile(x) return True except re.error: pass return False
[docs] def is_history_backend(x): """Tests if something is a valid history backend.""" return is_string(x) or is_class(x) or isinstance(x, object)
[docs] def is_dynamic_cwd_width(x): """Determine if the input is a valid input for the DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH environment variable. """ return ( isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2 and isinstance(x[0], float) and x[1] in set("c%") )
[docs] def to_dynamic_cwd_tuple(x): """Convert to a canonical cwd_width tuple.""" unit = "c" if isinstance(x, str): if x[-1] == "%": x = x[:-1] unit = "%" else: unit = "c" return (float(x), unit) else: return (float(x[0]), x[1])
[docs] def dynamic_cwd_tuple_to_str(x): """Convert a canonical cwd_width tuple to a string.""" if x[1] == "%": return str(x[0]) + "%" else: return str(x[0])
RE_HISTORY_TUPLE = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile(r"([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)\s*([A-Za-z]*)"), globals(), "RE_HISTORY_TUPLE", )
[docs] def to_history_tuple(x): """Converts to a canonical history tuple.""" if not isinstance(x, (cabc.Sequence, float, int)): raise ValueError("history size must be given as a sequence or number") if isinstance(x, str): m = RE_HISTORY_TUPLE.match(x.strip().lower()) return to_history_tuple((, elif isinstance(x, (float, int)): return to_history_tuple((x, "commands")) units, converter = HISTORY_UNITS[x[1]] value = converter(x[0]) return (value, units)
[docs] def history_tuple_to_str(x): """Converts a valid history tuple to a canonical string.""" return "{} {}".format(*x)
[docs] def all_permutations(iterable): """Yeilds all permutations, not just those of a specified length""" for r in range(1, len(iterable) + 1): yield from itertools.permutations(iterable, r=r)
[docs] def format_color(string, **kwargs): """Formats strings that may contain colors. This simply dispatches to the shell instances method of the same name. The results of this function should be directly usable by print_color(). """ if hasattr(, "shell"): return, **kwargs) else: # fallback for ANSI if shell is not yet initialized from xonsh.ansi_colors import ansi_partial_color_format style = xsh.env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") return ansi_partial_color_format(string, style=style)
[docs] def color_style_names(): """Returns an iterable of all available style names.""" return
[docs] def color_style(): """Returns the current color map.""" return
[docs] def register_custom_style( name, styles, highlight_color=None, background_color=None, base="default" ): """Register custom style. Parameters ---------- name : str Style name. styles : dict Token -> style mapping. highlight_color : str Hightlight color. background_color : str Background color. base : str, optional Base style to use as default. Returns ------- style : The style object created, None if not succeeded """ style = None if pygments_version_info(): from xonsh.pyghooks import register_custom_pygments_style style = register_custom_pygments_style( name, styles, highlight_color, background_color, base ) # register ANSI colors from xonsh.ansi_colors import register_custom_ansi_style register_custom_ansi_style(name, styles, base) return style
def _token_attr_from_stylemap(stylemap): """yields tokens attr, and index from a stylemap""" import prompt_toolkit as ptk if == "prompt_toolkit1": style = ptk.styles.style_from_dict(stylemap) for token in stylemap: yield token, style.token_to_attrs[token] else: style = ptk.styles.style_from_pygments_dict(stylemap) for token in stylemap: style_str = ( f"class:{ptk.styles.pygments.pygments_token_to_classname(token)}" ) yield (token, style.get_attrs_for_style_str(style_str)) def _get_color_lookup_table(): """Returns the prompt_toolkit win32 ColorLookupTable""" if == "prompt_toolkit1": from prompt_toolkit.terminal.win32_output import ColorLookupTable else: from prompt_toolkit.output.win32 import ColorLookupTable return ColorLookupTable() def _get_color_indexes(style_map): """Generates the color and windows color index for a style""" table = _get_color_lookup_table() for token, attr in _token_attr_from_stylemap(style_map): if attr.color: index = table.lookup_fg_color(attr.color) try: rgb = ( int(attr.color[0:2], 16), int(attr.color[2:4], 16), int(attr.color[4:6], 16), ) except Exception: rgb = None yield token, index, rgb # Map of new PTK2 color names to PTK1 variants PTK_NEW_OLD_COLOR_MAP = LazyObject( lambda: { "black": "black", "red": "darkred", "green": "darkgreen", "yellow": "brown", "blue": "darkblue", "magenta": "purple", "cyan": "teal", "gray": "lightgray", "brightblack": "darkgray", "brightred": "red", "brightgreen": "green", "brightyellow": "yellow", "brightblue": "blue", "brightmagenta": "fuchsia", "brightcyan": "turquoise", "white": "white", }, globals(), "PTK_NEW_OLD_COLOR_MAP", ) # Map of new ansicolor names to old PTK1 names ANSICOLOR_NAMES_MAP = LazyObject( lambda: {"ansi" + k: "#ansi" + v for k, v in PTK_NEW_OLD_COLOR_MAP.items()}, globals(), "ANSICOLOR_NAMES_MAP", ) def _win10_color_map(): cmap = { "ansiblack": (12, 12, 12), "ansiblue": (0, 55, 218), "ansigreen": (19, 161, 14), "ansicyan": (58, 150, 221), "ansired": (197, 15, 31), "ansimagenta": (136, 23, 152), "ansiyellow": (193, 156, 0), "ansigray": (204, 204, 204), "ansibrightblack": (118, 118, 118), "ansibrightblue": (59, 120, 255), "ansibrightgreen": (22, 198, 12), "ansibrightcyan": (97, 214, 214), "ansibrightred": (231, 72, 86), "ansibrightmagenta": (180, 0, 158), "ansibrightyellow": (249, 241, 165), "ansiwhite": (242, 242, 242), } return {k: f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}" for k, (r, g, b) in cmap.items()} WIN10_COLOR_MAP = LazyObject(_win10_color_map, globals(), "WIN10_COLOR_MAP") def _win_bold_color_map(): """Map dark ansi colors to lighter version.""" return { "ansiblack": "ansibrightblack", "ansiblue": "ansibrightblue", "ansigreen": "ansibrightgreen", "ansicyan": "ansibrightcyan", "ansired": "ansibrightred", "ansimagenta": "ansibrightmagenta", "ansiyellow": "ansibrightyellow", "ansigray": "ansiwhite", } WIN_BOLD_COLOR_MAP = LazyObject(_win_bold_color_map, globals(), "WIN_BOLD_COLOR_MAP")
[docs] def hardcode_colors_for_win10(style_map): """Replace all ansi colors with hardcoded colors to avoid unreadable defaults in conhost.exe """ modified_style = {} if not xsh.env["PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH"]: xsh.env["PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH"] = "DEPTH_24_BIT" # Replace all ansi colors with hardcoded colors to avoid unreadable defaults # in conhost.exe for token, style_str in style_map.items(): for ansicolor in WIN10_COLOR_MAP: if ansicolor in style_str: if "bold" in style_str and "nobold" not in style_str: # Win10 doesn't yet handle bold colors. Instead dark # colors are mapped to their lighter version. We simulate # the same here. style_str.replace("bold", "") hexcolor = WIN10_COLOR_MAP[ WIN_BOLD_COLOR_MAP.get(ansicolor, ansicolor) ] else: hexcolor = WIN10_COLOR_MAP[ansicolor] style_str = style_str.replace(ansicolor, hexcolor) modified_style[token] = style_str return modified_style
[docs] def ansicolors_to_ptk1_names(stylemap): """Converts ansicolor names in a stylemap to old PTK1 color names""" if pygments_version_info() and pygments_version_info() >= (2, 4, 0): return stylemap modified_stylemap = {} for token, style_str in stylemap.items(): for color, ptk1_color in ANSICOLOR_NAMES_MAP.items(): if "#" + color not in style_str: style_str = style_str.replace(color, ptk1_color) modified_stylemap[token] = style_str return modified_stylemap
[docs] def intensify_colors_for_cmd_exe(style_map): """Returns a modified style to where colors that maps to dark colors are replaced with brighter versions. """ modified_style = {} replace_colors = { 1: "ansibrightcyan", # subst blue with bright cyan 2: "ansibrightgreen", # subst green with bright green 4: "ansibrightred", # subst red with bright red 5: "ansibrightmagenta", # subst magenta with bright magenta 6: "ansibrightyellow", # subst yellow with bright yellow 9: "ansicyan", # subst intense blue with dark cyan (more readable) } if == "prompt_toolkit1": replace_colors = ansicolors_to_ptk1_names(replace_colors) for token, idx, _ in _get_color_indexes(style_map): if idx in replace_colors: modified_style[token] = replace_colors[idx] return modified_style
[docs] def intensify_colors_on_win_setter(enable): """Resets the style when setting the INTENSIFY_COLORS_ON_WIN environment variable. """ enable = to_bool(enable) if is not None and hasattr(, "style_name"): delattr(, "style_name") return enable
[docs] def format_std_prepost(template, env=None): """Formats a template prefix/postfix string for a standard buffer. Returns a string suitable for prepending or appending. """ if not template: return "" env = xsh.env if env is None else env invis = "\001\002" if is None: # shell hasn't fully started up (probably still in xonshrc) from xonsh.ansi_colors import ansi_partial_color_format from xonsh.prompt.base import PromptFormatter pf = PromptFormatter() s = pf(template) style = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") s = ansi_partial_color_format(invis + s + invis, hide=False, style=style) else: # shell has fully started. do the normal thing shell = try: s = shell.prompt_formatter(template) except Exception: print_exception() # \001\002 is there to fool pygments into not returning an empty string # for potentially empty input. This happens when the template is just a # color code with no visible text. s = shell.format_color(invis + s + invis, force_string=True) s = s.replace(invis, "") return s
_RE_STRING_START = "[bBprRuUf]*" _RE_STRING_TRIPLE_DOUBLE = '"""' _RE_STRING_TRIPLE_SINGLE = "'''" _RE_STRING_DOUBLE = '"' _RE_STRING_SINGLE = "'" _STRINGS = ( _RE_STRING_TRIPLE_DOUBLE, _RE_STRING_TRIPLE_SINGLE, _RE_STRING_DOUBLE, _RE_STRING_SINGLE, ) RE_BEGIN_STRING = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile("(" + _RE_STRING_START + "(" + "|".join(_STRINGS) + "))"), globals(), "RE_BEGIN_STRING", ) """Regular expression matching the start of a string, including quotes and leading characters (r, b, or u)""" RE_STRING_START = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile(_RE_STRING_START), globals(), "RE_STRING_START" ) """Regular expression matching the characters before the quotes when starting a string (r, b, or u, case insensitive)""" RE_STRING_CONT = LazyDict( { '"': lambda: re.compile(r'((\\(.|\n))|([^"\\]))*'), "'": lambda: re.compile(r"((\\(.|\n))|([^'\\]))*"), '"""': lambda: re.compile(r'((\\(.|\n))|([^"\\])|("(?!""))|\n)*'), "'''": lambda: re.compile(r"((\\(.|\n))|([^'\\])|('(?!''))|\n)*"), }, globals(), "RE_STRING_CONT", ) """Dictionary mapping starting quote sequences to regular expressions that match the contents of a string beginning with those quotes (not including the terminating quotes)""" @lazyobject def RE_COMPLETE_STRING(): ptrn = ( "^" + _RE_STRING_START + "(?P<quote>" + "|".join(_STRINGS) + ")" + ".*?(?P=quote)$" ) return re.compile(ptrn, re.DOTALL)
[docs] def strip_simple_quotes(s): """Gets rid of single quotes, double quotes, single triple quotes, and single double quotes from a string, if present front and back of a string. Otherwiswe, does nothing. """ starts_single = s.startswith("'") starts_double = s.startswith('"') if not starts_single and not starts_double: return s elif starts_single: ends_single = s.endswith("'") if not ends_single: return s elif s.startswith("'''") and s.endswith("'''") and len(s) >= 6: return s[3:-3] elif len(s) >= 2: return s[1:-1] else: return s else: # starts double ends_double = s.endswith('"') if not ends_double: return s elif s.startswith('"""') and s.endswith('"""') and len(s) >= 6: return s[3:-3] elif len(s) >= 2: return s[1:-1] else: return s
[docs] def check_for_partial_string(x): """Returns the starting index (inclusive), ending index (exclusive), and starting quote string of the most recent Python string found in the input. check_for_partial_string(x) -> (startix, endix, quote) Parameters ---------- x : str The string to be checked (representing a line of terminal input) Returns ------- startix : int (or None) The index where the most recent Python string found started (inclusive), or None if no strings exist in the input endix : int (or None) The index where the most recent Python string found ended (exclusive), or None if no strings exist in the input OR if the input ended in the middle of a Python string quote : str (or None) A string containing the quote used to start the string (e.g., b", ", '''), or None if no string was found. """ string_indices = [] starting_quote = [] current_index = 0 match =, x) while match is not None: # add the start in start = match.start() quote = lenquote = len(quote) current_index += start # store the starting index of the string, as well as the # characters in the starting quotes (e.g., ", ', """, r", etc) string_indices.append(current_index) starting_quote.append(quote) # determine the string that should terminate this string ender = re.sub(RE_STRING_START, "", quote) x = x[start + lenquote :] current_index += lenquote # figure out what is inside the string continuer = RE_STRING_CONT[ender] contents = re.match(continuer, x) inside = leninside = len(inside) current_index += contents.start() + leninside + len(ender) # if we are not at the end of the input string, add the ending index of # the string to string_indices if contents.end() < len(x): string_indices.append(current_index) x = x[leninside + len(ender) :] # find the next match match =, x) numquotes = len(string_indices) if numquotes == 0: return (None, None, None) elif numquotes % 2: return (string_indices[-1], None, starting_quote[-1]) else: return (string_indices[-2], string_indices[-1], starting_quote[-1])
# regular expressions for matching environment variables # i.e $FOO, ${'FOO'} @lazyobject def POSIX_ENVVAR_REGEX(): pat = r"""\$({(?P<quote>['"])|)(?P<envvar>\w+)((?P=quote)}|(?:\1\b))""" return re.compile(pat)
[docs] def expandvars(path): """Expand shell variables of the forms $var, ${var} and %var%. Unknown variables are left unchanged.""" env = xsh.env if isinstance(path, bytes): path = path.decode( encoding=env.get("XONSH_ENCODING"), errors=env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS") ) elif isinstance(path, pathlib.Path): # get the path's string representation path = str(path) if "$" in path: shift = 0 for match in POSIX_ENVVAR_REGEX.finditer(path): name ="envvar") if name in env: detyper = env.get_detyper(name) val = env[name] value = str(val) if detyper is None else detyper(val) value = str(val) if value is None else value start_pos, end_pos = match.span() path_len_before_replace = len(path) path = path[: start_pos + shift] + value + path[end_pos + shift :] shift = shift + len(path) - path_len_before_replace return path
# # File handling tools #
[docs] def backup_file(fname): """Moves an existing file to a new name that has the current time right before the extension. """ # lazy imports import shutil from datetime import datetime base, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f") newfname = f"{base}.{timestamp}{ext}" shutil.move(fname, newfname)
[docs] def normabspath(p): """Returns as normalized absolute path, namely, normcase(abspath(p))""" return os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(p))
[docs] def expanduser_abs_path(inp): """Provides user expanded absolute path""" return os.path.abspath(expanduser(inp))
WINDOWS_DRIVE_MATCHER = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile(r"^\w:"), globals(), "WINDOWS_DRIVE_MATCHER" )
[docs] def expand_case_matching(s): """Expands a string to a case insensitive globable string.""" t = [] openers = {"[", "{"} closers = {"]", "}"} nesting = 0 drive_part = WINDOWS_DRIVE_MATCHER.match(s) if ON_WINDOWS else None if drive_part: drive_part = t.append(drive_part) s = s[len(drive_part) :] for c in s: if c in openers: nesting += 1 elif c in closers: nesting -= 1 elif nesting > 0: pass elif c.isalpha(): folded = c.casefold() if len(folded) == 1: c = f"[{c.upper()}{c.lower()}]" else: newc = [f"[{f.upper()}{f.lower()}]?" for f in folded[:-1]] newc = "".join(newc) newc += f"[{folded[-1].upper()}{folded[-1].lower()}{c}]" c = newc t.append(c) return "".join(t)
[docs] def globpath( s, ignore_case=False, return_empty=False, sort_result=None, include_dotfiles=None ): """Simple wrapper around glob that also expands home and env vars.""" o, s = _iglobpath( s, ignore_case=ignore_case, sort_result=sort_result, include_dotfiles=include_dotfiles, ) o = list(o) no_match = [] if return_empty else [s] return o if len(o) != 0 else no_match
def _dotglobstr(s): modified = False dotted_s = s if "/*" in dotted_s: dotted_s = dotted_s.replace("/*", "/.*") dotted_s = dotted_s.replace("/.**/.*", "/**/.*") modified = True if dotted_s.startswith("*") and not dotted_s.startswith("**"): dotted_s = "." + dotted_s modified = True return dotted_s, modified def _iglobpath(s, ignore_case=False, sort_result=None, include_dotfiles=None): s = xsh.expand_path(s) if sort_result is None: sort_result = xsh.env.get("GLOB_SORTED") if include_dotfiles is None: include_dotfiles = xsh.env.get("DOTGLOB") if ignore_case: s = expand_case_matching(s) if "**" in s and "**/*" not in s: s = s.replace("**", "**/*") if include_dotfiles: dotted_s, dotmodified = _dotglobstr(s) if sort_result: paths = glob.glob(s, recursive=True) if include_dotfiles and dotmodified: paths.extend(glob.iglob(dotted_s, recursive=True)) paths.sort() paths = iter(paths) else: paths = glob.iglob(s, recursive=True) if include_dotfiles and dotmodified: paths = itertools.chain(glob.iglob(dotted_s, recursive=True), paths) return paths, s
[docs] def iglobpath(s, ignore_case=False, sort_result=None, include_dotfiles=None): """Simple wrapper around iglob that also expands home and env vars.""" try: return _iglobpath( s, ignore_case=ignore_case, sort_result=sort_result, include_dotfiles=include_dotfiles, )[0] except IndexError: # something went wrong in the actual iglob() call return iter(())
[docs] def ensure_timestamp(t, datetime_format=None): if isinstance(t, (int, float)): return t try: return float(t) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass if datetime_format is None: datetime_format = xsh.env["XONSH_DATETIME_FORMAT"] if isinstance(t, datetime.datetime): t = t.timestamp() else: t = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, datetime_format).timestamp() return t
[docs] def format_datetime(dt): """Format datetime object to string base on $XONSH_DATETIME_FORMAT Env.""" format_ = xsh.env["XONSH_DATETIME_FORMAT"] return dt.strftime(format_)
[docs] def columnize(elems, width=80, newline="\n"): """Takes an iterable of strings and returns a list of lines with the elements placed in columns. Each line will be at most *width* columns. The newline character will be appended to the end of each line. """ sizes = [len(e) + 1 for e in elems] total = sum(sizes) nelem = len(elems) if total - 1 <= width: ncols = len(sizes) nrows = 1 columns = [sizes] last_longest_row = total enter_loop = False else: ncols = 1 nrows = len(sizes) columns = [sizes] last_longest_row = max(sizes) enter_loop = True while enter_loop: longest_row = sum(map(max, columns)) if longest_row - 1 <= width: # we might be able to fit another column. ncols += 1 nrows = nelem // ncols columns = [sizes[i * nrows : (i + 1) * nrows] for i in range(ncols)] last_longest_row = longest_row else: # we can't fit another column ncols -= 1 nrows = nelem // ncols break pad = (width - last_longest_row + ncols) // ncols pad = pad if pad > 1 else 1 data = [elems[i * nrows : (i + 1) * nrows] for i in range(ncols)] colwidths = [max(map(len, d)) + pad for d in data] colwidths[-1] -= pad row_t = "".join([f"{{row[{i}]: <{{w[{i}]}}}}" for i in range(ncols)]) row_t += newline lines = [ row_t.format(row=row, w=colwidths) for row in itertools.zip_longest(*data, fillvalue="") ] return lines
ALIAS_KWARG_NAMES = frozenset(["args", "stdin", "stdout", "stderr", "spec", "stack"])
[docs] def unthreadable(f): """Decorator that specifies that a callable alias should be run only on the main thread process. This is often needed for debuggers and profilers. """ f.__xonsh_threadable__ = False return f
[docs] def uncapturable(f): """Decorator that specifies that a callable alias should not be run with any capturing. This is often needed if the alias call interactive subprocess, like pagers and text editors. """ f.__xonsh_capturable__ = False return f
[docs] def carriage_return(): """Writes a carriage return to stdout, and nothing else.""" print("\r", flush=True, end="")
[docs] def deprecated(deprecated_in=None, removed_in=None): """Parametrized decorator that deprecates a function in a graceful manner. Updates the decorated function's docstring to mention the version that deprecation occurred in and the version it will be removed in if both of these values are passed. When removed_in is not a release equal to or less than the current release, call ``warnings.warn`` with details, while raising ``DeprecationWarning``. When removed_in is a release equal to or less than the current release, raise an ``AssertionError``. Parameters ---------- deprecated_in : str The version number that deprecated this function. removed_in : str The version number that this function will be removed in. """ message_suffix = _deprecated_message_suffix(deprecated_in, removed_in) if not message_suffix: message_suffix = "" def decorated(func): warning_message = f"{func.__name__} has been deprecated" warning_message += message_suffix @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): _deprecated_error_on_expiration(func.__name__, removed_in) func(*args, **kwargs) warnings.warn(warning_message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) wrapped.__doc__ = ( f"{wrapped.__doc__}\n\n{warning_message}" if wrapped.__doc__ else warning_message ) return wrapped return decorated
def _deprecated_message_suffix(deprecated_in, removed_in): if deprecated_in and removed_in: message_suffix = ( f" in version {deprecated_in} and will be removed in version {removed_in}" ) elif deprecated_in and not removed_in: message_suffix = f" in version {deprecated_in}" elif not deprecated_in and removed_in: message_suffix = f" and will be removed in version {removed_in}" else: message_suffix = None return message_suffix def _deprecated_error_on_expiration(name, removed_in): from packaging.version import Version if not removed_in: return elif Version(__version__) >= Version(removed_in): raise AssertionError(f"{name} has passed its version {removed_in} expiry date!")
[docs] def to_repr_pretty_(inst, p, cycle): name = f"{inst.__class__.__module__}.{inst.__class__.__name__}" with, name + "(", ")"): if cycle: p.text("...") elif len(inst): p.break_() p.pretty(dict(inst))
[docs] def get_signal_name(signum): """Return a signal name by the signal number.""" for name in dir(signal): if name.startswith("SIG") and getattr(signal, name) == signum: return name return ""
[docs] def describe_waitpid_status(status): """Describes ``pid, status = os.waitpid(pid, opt)`` status.""" funcs = [ os.WIFEXITED, os.WEXITSTATUS, os.WIFSIGNALED, os.WTERMSIG, os.WIFSTOPPED, os.WSTOPSIG, os.WCOREDUMP, ] for f in funcs: s = f(status) print(f.__name__, "-", s, get_signal_name(s), "-", f.__doc__)
[docs] def unquote(s: str, chars="'\""): """Strip paired quotes from string once.""" if len(s) >= 2 and s[0] == s[-1] and s[0] in chars: return s[1:-1] return s
[docs] def endswith_newline(s: str): """Force one new line character end to string.""" return s.rstrip("\n") + "\n"