Source code for xonsh.shells.ptk_shell

"""The prompt_toolkit based xonsh shell."""

import os
import re
import sys
from functools import wraps
from types import MethodType

from prompt_toolkit import ANSI
from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app
from prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest import AutoSuggestFromHistory
from prompt_toolkit.clipboard import InMemoryClipboard
from prompt_toolkit.enums import EditingMode
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import PygmentsTokens, to_formatted_text
from prompt_toolkit.history import ThreadedHistory
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.emacs import (
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.named_commands import get_by_name
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings import merge_key_bindings
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import CompleteStyle
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import print_formatted_text as ptk_print
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.prompt import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style, merge_styles
from prompt_toolkit.styles.pygments import pygments_token_to_classname

from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
from import events
from xonsh.lib.lazyimps import pyghooks, pygments, winutils
from xonsh.platform import HAS_PYGMENTS, ON_POSIX, ON_WINDOWS
from xonsh.pygments_cache import get_all_styles
from import transform_command
from xonsh.shells.base_shell import BaseShell
from xonsh.shells.ptk_shell.completer import PromptToolkitCompleter
from xonsh.shells.ptk_shell.formatter import PTKPromptFormatter
from xonsh.shells.ptk_shell.history import PromptToolkitHistory, _cust_history_matches
from xonsh.shells.ptk_shell.key_bindings import load_xonsh_bindings
from xonsh.style_tools import DEFAULT_STYLE_DICT, _TokenType, partial_color_tokenize
from import carriage_return, print_exception, print_warning

    from prompt_toolkit.clipboard import DummyClipboard
    from prompt_toolkit.clipboard.pyperclip import PyperclipClipboard

except ImportError:

    from prompt_toolkit.cursor_shapes import ModalCursorShapeConfig

except ImportError:

CAPITAL_PATTERN = re.compile(r"([a-z])([A-Z])")
Token = _TokenType()

events.transmogrify("on_ptk_create", "LoadEvent")
on_ptk_create(prompter: PromptSession, history: PromptToolkitHistory, completer: PromptToolkitCompleter, bindings: KeyBindings) ->

Fired after prompt toolkit has been initialized

[docs] def tokenize_ansi(tokens): """Checks a list of (token, str) tuples for ANSI escape sequences and extends the token list with the new formatted entries. During processing tokens are converted to ``prompt_toolkit.FormattedText``. Returns a list of similar (token, str) tuples. """ formatted_tokens = to_formatted_text(tokens) ansi_tokens = [] for style, text in formatted_tokens: if "\x1b" in text: formatted_ansi = to_formatted_text(ANSI(text)) ansi_text = "" prev_style = "" for ansi_style, ansi_text_part in formatted_ansi: if prev_style == ansi_style: ansi_text += ansi_text_part else: ansi_tokens.append((prev_style or style, ansi_text)) prev_style = ansi_style ansi_text = ansi_text_part ansi_tokens.append((prev_style or style, ansi_text)) else: ansi_tokens.append((style, text)) return ansi_tokens
def _pygments_token_to_classname(token): """Converts pygments Tokens, token names (strings) to PTK style names.""" if token and isinstance(token, str): # if starts with non capital letter => leave it as it is if token[0].islower(): return token # if starts with capital letter => pygments token name if token.startswith("Token."): token = token[6:] # short colors - all caps if token == token.upper(): token = "color." + token return "pygments." + token.lower() return pygments_token_to_classname(token) def _style_from_pygments_dict(pygments_dict): """Custom implementation of ``style_from_pygments_dict`` that supports PTK specific (``Token.PTK``) styles. """ pygments_style = [] for token, style in pygments_dict.items(): # if ``Token.PTK`` then add it as "native" PTK style too if str(token).startswith("Token.PTK"): key = CAPITAL_PATTERN.sub(r"\1-\2", str(token)[10:]).lower() pygments_style.append((key, style)) pygments_style.append((_pygments_token_to_classname(token), style)) return Style(pygments_style) def _style_from_pygments_cls(pygments_cls): """Custom implementation of ``style_from_pygments_cls`` that supports PTK specific (``Token.PTK``) styles. """ return _style_from_pygments_dict(pygments_cls.styles)
[docs] def disable_copy_on_deletion(): dummy_clipboard = DummyClipboard() ignored_actions = [ "kill-line", "kill-word", "unix-word-rubout", "unix-line-discard", "backward-kill-word", ] def handle_binding(name): try: binding = get_by_name(name) except KeyError: print_warning(f"Failed to disable clipboard for ptk action {name!r}") return if getattr(binding, "xonsh_disabled_clipboard", False): # binding's clipboard has already been disabled return binding.xonsh_disabled_clipboard = True original_handler = binding.handler # this needs to be defined inside a function so that ``binding`` will be the correct one @wraps(original_handler) def wrapped_handler(event): app = prev = app.clipboard app.clipboard = dummy_clipboard try: return original_handler(event) finally: app.clipboard = prev binding.handler = wrapped_handler for _name in ignored_actions: handle_binding(_name)
[docs] class PromptToolkitShell(BaseShell): """The xonsh shell for prompt_toolkit v2 and later.""" completion_displays_to_styles = { "multi": CompleteStyle.MULTI_COLUMN, "single": CompleteStyle.COLUMN, "readline": CompleteStyle.READLINE_LIKE, "none": None, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not XSH.env.get("XONSH_DEBUG", False): __import__("warnings").filterwarnings( "ignore", "There is no current event loop", DeprecationWarning, module="prompt_toolkit.application.application", ) ptk_args = kwargs.pop("ptk_args", {}) super().__init__(**kwargs) if ON_WINDOWS: winutils.enable_virtual_terminal_processing() self._first_prompt = True self.history = ThreadedHistory(PromptToolkitHistory()) self.push = self._push ptk_args.setdefault("history", self.history) if not XSH.env.get("XONSH_COPY_ON_DELETE", False): disable_copy_on_deletion() if HAVE_SYS_CLIPBOARD and (XSH.env.get("XONSH_USE_SYSTEM_CLIPBOARD", True)): default_clipboard = PyperclipClipboard() else: default_clipboard = InMemoryClipboard() ptk_args.setdefault("clipboard", default_clipboard) self.prompter: PromptSession = PromptSession(**ptk_args) self.prompt_formatter = PTKPromptFormatter(self) self.pt_completer = PromptToolkitCompleter(self.completer, self.ctx, self) ptk_bindings = self.key_bindings = load_xonsh_bindings(ptk_bindings) self._overrides_deprecation_warning_shown = False # Store original `_history_matches` in case we need to restore it self._history_matches_orig = self.prompter.default_buffer._history_matches # This assumes that PromptToolkitShell is a singleton prompter=self.prompter, history=self.history, completer=self.pt_completer, bindings=self.key_bindings, ) # Goes at the end, since _MergedKeyBindings objects do not have # an add() function, which is necessary for on_ptk_create events self.key_bindings = merge_key_bindings( [self.key_bindings, load_emacs_shift_selection_bindings()] )
[docs] def get_lazy_ptk_kwargs(self): """These are non-essential attributes for the PTK shell to start. Lazy loading these later would save some startup time. """ if not XSH.env.get("COLOR_INPUT"): return if HAS_PYGMENTS: # these imports slowdown a little from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer yield "lexer", PygmentsLexer(pyghooks.XonshLexer)"on_pre_prompt_style") yield "style", self.get_prompt_style()"on_post_prompt_style")
[docs] def get_prompt_style(self): env = XSH.env style_overrides_env = env.get("PTK_STYLE_OVERRIDES", {}).copy() if ( len(style_overrides_env) > 0 and not self._overrides_deprecation_warning_shown ): print_warning( "$PTK_STYLE_OVERRIDES is deprecated, use $XONSH_STYLE_OVERRIDES instead!" ) self._overrides_deprecation_warning_shown = True style_overrides_env.update(env.get("XONSH_STYLE_OVERRIDES", {})) if HAS_PYGMENTS: style = _style_from_pygments_cls(pyghooks.xonsh_style_proxy(self.styler)) if len(self.styler.non_pygments_rules) > 0: try: style = merge_styles( [ style, _style_from_pygments_dict(self.styler.non_pygments_rules), ] ) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError) as style_exception: print_warning( f"Error applying style override!\n{style_exception}\n" ) else: style = _style_from_pygments_dict(DEFAULT_STYLE_DICT) if len(style_overrides_env) > 0: try: style = merge_styles( [style, _style_from_pygments_dict(style_overrides_env)] ) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError) as style_exception: print_warning(f"Error applying style override!\n{style_exception}\n") return style
[docs] def singleline( self, auto_suggest=None, enable_history_search=True, multiline=True, **kwargs ): """Reads a single line of input from the shell. The store_in_history kwarg flags whether the input should be stored in PTK's in-memory history. """ env = XSH.env mouse_support = env.get("MOUSE_SUPPORT") auto_suggest = auto_suggest if env.get("AUTO_SUGGEST") else None refresh_interval = env.get("PROMPT_REFRESH_INTERVAL") refresh_interval = refresh_interval if refresh_interval > 0 else None complete_in_thread = env.get("COMPLETION_IN_THREAD") completions_display = env.get("COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY") complete_style = self.completion_displays_to_styles[completions_display] complete_while_typing = env.get("UPDATE_COMPLETIONS_ON_KEYPRESS") if complete_while_typing: # PTK requires history search to be none when completing while typing enable_history_search = False if HAS_PYGMENTS: self.styler.style_name = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") completer = None if completions_display == "none" else self.pt_completer"on_pre_prompt_tokenize") # clear prompt level cache env["PROMPT_FIELDS"].reset() get_bottom_toolbar_tokens = self.bottom_toolbar_tokens if env.get("UPDATE_PROMPT_ON_KEYPRESS"): get_prompt_tokens = self.prompt_tokens get_rprompt_tokens = self.rprompt_tokens else: get_prompt_tokens = self.prompt_tokens() get_rprompt_tokens = self.rprompt_tokens() if get_bottom_toolbar_tokens: get_bottom_toolbar_tokens = get_bottom_toolbar_tokens()"on_post_prompt_tokenize") if env.get("VI_MODE"): editing_mode = EditingMode.VI else: editing_mode = EditingMode.EMACS if env.get("XONSH_HISTORY_MATCH_ANYWHERE"): self.prompter.default_buffer._history_matches = MethodType( _cust_history_matches, self.prompter.default_buffer ) elif ( self.prompter.default_buffer._history_matches is not self._history_matches_orig ): self.prompter.default_buffer._history_matches = self._history_matches_orig menu_rows = env.get("COMPLETIONS_MENU_ROWS", None) if menu_rows: # menu_rows += 1 prompt_args = { "mouse_support": mouse_support, "auto_suggest": auto_suggest, "message": get_prompt_tokens, "rprompt": get_rprompt_tokens, "bottom_toolbar": get_bottom_toolbar_tokens, "completer": completer, "multiline": multiline, "editing_mode": editing_mode, "prompt_continuation": self.continuation_tokens, "enable_history_search": enable_history_search, "reserve_space_for_menu": menu_rows, "key_bindings": self.key_bindings, "complete_style": complete_style, "complete_while_typing": complete_while_typing, "include_default_pygments_style": False, "refresh_interval": refresh_interval, "complete_in_thread": complete_in_thread, } if env["ENABLE_ASYNC_PROMPT"]: # once the prompt is done, update it in background as each future is completed prompt_args["pre_run"] = self.prompt_formatter.start_update else: for attr, val in self.get_lazy_ptk_kwargs(): prompt_args[attr] = val if editing_mode == EditingMode.VI and HAVE_CURSOR_SHAPE: prompt_args["cursor"] = ModalCursorShapeConfig() line = self.prompter.prompt(**prompt_args) return line
def _push(self, line): """Pushes a line onto the buffer and compiles the code in a way that enables multiline input. """ code = None self.buffer.append(line) if self.need_more_lines: return None, code src = "".join(self.buffer) src = transform_command(src) try: code = self.execer.compile( src, mode="single", glbs=self.ctx, locs=None, compile_empty_tree=False ) self.reset_buffer() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.reset_buffer() print_exception() return src, None return src, code
[docs] def cmdloop(self, intro=None): """Enters a loop that reads and execute input from user.""" if intro: print(intro) auto_suggest = AutoSuggestFromHistory() while XSH.exit is None: try: line = self.singleline(auto_suggest=auto_suggest) if not line: self.emptyline() else: raw_line = line line = self.precmd(line) self.default(line, raw_line) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit) as e: self.reset_buffer() if isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt): if XSH.env.get("XONSH_HISTORY_SIGINT_FLUSH", True): """ Development tools like PyCharm send SIGINT before SIGKILL. This is the last chance to save history in this case. """ if XSH.env.get("XONSH_DEBUG", False): print("Flushing history after SIGINT.", file=sys.stderr) XSH.history.flush() if isinstance(e, SystemExit): get_app().reset() # Reset TTY mouse and keys handlers. self.restore_tty_sanity() # Reset TTY SIGINT handlers. raise except EOFError: if XSH.env.get("IGNOREEOF"): print('Use "exit" to leave the shell.', file=sys.stderr) else: break
def _get_prompt_tokens(self, env_name: str, prompt_name: str, **kwargs): env = XSH.env # type:ignore p = env.get(env_name) if not p and "default" in kwargs: return kwargs.pop("default") try: p = self.prompt_formatter( template=p, threaded=env["ENABLE_ASYNC_PROMPT"], prompt_name=prompt_name ) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_exception() toks = partial_color_tokenize(p) return tokenize_ansi(PygmentsTokens(toks))
[docs] def prompt_tokens(self): """Returns a list of (token, str) tuples for the current prompt.""" if self._first_prompt: carriage_return() self._first_prompt = False tokens = self._get_prompt_tokens("PROMPT", "message") self.settitle() return tokens
[docs] def rprompt_tokens(self): """Returns a list of (token, str) tuples for the current right prompt. """ return self._get_prompt_tokens("RIGHT_PROMPT", "rprompt", default=[])
def _bottom_toolbar_tokens(self): """Returns a list of (token, str) tuples for the current bottom toolbar. """ return self._get_prompt_tokens("BOTTOM_TOOLBAR", "bottom_toolbar", default=None) @property def bottom_toolbar_tokens(self): """Returns self._bottom_toolbar_tokens if it would yield a result""" if XSH.env.get("BOTTOM_TOOLBAR"): return self._bottom_toolbar_tokens
[docs] def continuation_tokens(self, width, line_number, is_soft_wrap=False): """Displays dots in multiline prompt""" if is_soft_wrap: return "" width -= 1 dots = XSH.env.get("MULTILINE_PROMPT") dots = dots() if callable(dots) else dots if not dots: return "" prefix = XSH.env.get( "MULTILINE_PROMPT_PRE", "" ) # e.g.: '\x01\x1b]133;P;k=c\x07\x02' suffix = XSH.env.get( "MULTILINE_PROMPT_POS", "" ) # e.g.: '\x01\x1b]133;B\x07\x02' is_affix = any(x for x in [prefix, suffix]) if is_affix: prefixtoks = tokenize_ansi(PygmentsTokens(self.format_color(prefix))) suffixtoks = tokenize_ansi(PygmentsTokens(self.format_color(suffix))) # [('class:pygments.color.reset',''), ('[ZeroWidthEscape]','\x1b]133;P;k=c\x07')] # [('class:pygments.color.reset',''), ('[ZeroWidthEscape]','\x1b]133;B\x07')] basetoks = self.format_color(dots) baselen = sum(len(t[1]) for t in basetoks) if baselen == 0: toks = [(Token, " " * (width + 1))] if is_affix: # to convert ↓ classes to str to allow + return prefixtoks + to_formatted_text(PygmentsTokens(toks)) + suffixtoks else: return PygmentsTokens(toks) toks = basetoks * (width // baselen) n = width % baselen count = 0 for tok in basetoks: slen = len(tok[1]) newcount = slen + count if slen == 0: continue elif newcount <= n: toks.append(tok) else: toks.append((tok[0], tok[1][: n - count])) count = newcount if n <= count: break toks.append((Token, " ")) # final space if is_affix: return prefixtoks + to_formatted_text(PygmentsTokens(toks)) + suffixtoks else: return PygmentsTokens(toks)
[docs] def format_color(self, string, hide=False, force_string=False, **kwargs): """Formats a color string using Pygments. This, therefore, returns a list of (Token, str) tuples. If force_string is set to true, though, this will return a color formatted string. """ tokens = partial_color_tokenize(string) if force_string and HAS_PYGMENTS: env = XSH.env style_overrides_env = env.get("XONSH_STYLE_OVERRIDES", {}) self.styler.style_name = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") self.styler.override(style_overrides_env) proxy_style = pyghooks.xonsh_style_proxy(self.styler) formatter = pyghooks.XonshTerminal256Formatter(style=proxy_style) s = pygments.format(tokens, formatter) return s elif force_string: print("To force colorization of string, install Pygments") return tokens else: return tokens
[docs] def print_color(self, string, end="\n", **kwargs): """Prints a color string using prompt-toolkit color management.""" if isinstance(string, str): tokens = partial_color_tokenize(string) else: # assume this is a list of (Token, str) tuples and just print tokens = string tokens = PygmentsTokens(tokens) env = XSH.env style_overrides_env = env.get("XONSH_STYLE_OVERRIDES", {}) if HAS_PYGMENTS: self.styler.style_name = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") self.styler.override(style_overrides_env) proxy_style = _style_from_pygments_cls( pyghooks.xonsh_style_proxy(self.styler) ) else: proxy_style = merge_styles( [ _style_from_pygments_dict(DEFAULT_STYLE_DICT), _style_from_pygments_dict(style_overrides_env), ] ) ptk_print( tokens, style=proxy_style, end=end, include_default_pygments_style=False, **kwargs, )
[docs] def color_style_names(self): """Returns an iterable of all available style names.""" if not HAS_PYGMENTS: return ["For other xonsh styles, please install pygments"] return get_all_styles()
[docs] def color_style(self): """Returns the current color map.""" if not HAS_PYGMENTS: return DEFAULT_STYLE_DICT env = XSH.env self.styler.style_name = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") return self.styler.styles
[docs] def restore_tty_sanity(self): """An interface for resetting the TTY stdin mode. This is highly dependent on the shell backend. For prompt-toolkit it allows to fix case when terminal lost SIGINT catching and Ctrl+C is not working after abnormal exiting. """ # PTK does not seem to need any specialization here. However, # if it does for some reason in the future... # The following writes an ANSI escape sequence that sends the cursor # to the end of the line. This has the effect of restoring ECHO mode. # See for more details. # This line can also be replaced by os.system("stty sane"), as per # # However, it is important to note that not termios-based solution # seems to work. My guess is that this is because termios restoration # needs to be performed by the subprocess itself. This fix is important # when subprocesses don't properly restore the terminal attributes, # like Python in interactive mode. Also note that the sequences "\033M" # and "\033E" seem to work too, but these are technically VT100 codes. # I used the more primitive ANSI sequence to maximize compatibility. # -scopatz 2017-01-28 # if not ON_POSIX: # return # sys.stdout.write('\033[9999999C\n') if not ON_POSIX: return stty, _ = XSH.commands_cache.lazyget("stty", (None, None)) if stty is None: return os.system(stty + " sane")