Source code for

"""Prompt formatter for simple version control branches"""

# pylint:disable=no-member, invalid-name
import contextlib
import os
import pathlib
import queue
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import threading

import as xt
from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
from xonsh.lazyasd import LazyObject

RE_REMOVE_ANSI = LazyObject(
    lambda: re.compile(r"(?:\x1B[@-_]|[\x80-\x9F])[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]"),

def _run_git_cmd(cmd):
    # create a safe detyped env dictionary and update with the additional git environment variables
    # when running git status commands we do not want to acquire locks running command like git status
    denv = dict(XSH.env.detype())
    denv.update({"GIT_OPTIONAL_LOCKS": "0"})
    return subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=denv, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)

def _get_git_branch(q):
    # from
    for cmds in [
        "git symbolic-ref --short HEAD",
        "git show-ref --head -s --abbrev",  # in detached mode return sha1
        with contextlib.suppress(subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
            branch = xt.decode_bytes(_run_git_cmd(cmds.split()))
            if branch:
    # all failed

[docs] def get_git_branch(): """Attempts to find the current git branch. If this could not be determined (timeout, not in a git repo, etc.) then this returns None. """ branch = None timeout = XSH.env.get("VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT") q = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=_get_git_branch, args=(q,)) t.start() t.join(timeout=timeout) try: branch = q.get_nowait() if branch: branch = RE_REMOVE_ANSI.sub("", branch) except queue.Empty: branch = None return branch
def _get_hg_root(q): _curpwd = XSH.env["PWD"] while True: if not os.path.isdir(_curpwd): return False try: dot_hg_is_in_curwd = any([ == ".hg" for b in os.scandir(_curpwd)]) except OSError: return False if dot_hg_is_in_curwd: q.put(_curpwd) break else: _oldpwd = _curpwd _curpwd = os.path.split(_curpwd)[0] if _oldpwd == _curpwd: return False
[docs] def get_hg_branch(root=None): """Try to get the mercurial branch of the current directory, return None if not in a repo or subprocess.TimeoutExpired if timed out. """ env = XSH.env timeout = env["VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT"] q = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=_get_hg_root, args=(q,)) t.start() t.join(timeout=timeout) try: root = pathlib.Path(q.get_nowait()) except queue.Empty: return None if env.get("VC_HG_SHOW_BRANCH"): # get branch name branch_path = root / ".hg" / "branch" if branch_path.exists(): with open(branch_path) as branch_file: branch = else: branch = "default" else: branch = "" # add activated bookmark and topic for filename in ["bookmarks.current", "topic"]: feature_branch_path = root / ".hg" / filename if feature_branch_path.exists(): with open(feature_branch_path) as file: feature_branch = if feature_branch: if branch: if filename == "topic": branch = f"{branch}/{feature_branch}" else: branch = f"{branch}, {feature_branch}" else: branch = feature_branch return branch
def _run_fossil_cmd(cmd): timeout = XSH.env.get("VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT") result = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, timeout=timeout) return result
[docs] def get_fossil_branch(): """Attempts to find the current fossil branch. If this could not be determined (timeout, not in a fossil checkout, etc.) then this returns None. """ # from fossil branch --help: "fossil branch current: Print the name of the branch for the current check-out" cmd = "fossil branch current".split() try: branch = xt.decode_bytes(_run_fossil_cmd(cmd)) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): branch = None else: branch = RE_REMOVE_ANSI.sub("", branch.splitlines()[0]) return branch
_FIRST_BRANCH_TIMEOUT = True def _first_branch_timeout_message(): global _FIRST_BRANCH_TIMEOUT sbtm = XSH.env["SUPPRESS_BRANCH_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE"] if not _FIRST_BRANCH_TIMEOUT or sbtm: return _FIRST_BRANCH_TIMEOUT = False print( "xonsh: branch timeout: computing the branch name, color, or both " "timed out while formatting the prompt. You may avoid this by " "increasing the value of $VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT or by removing branch " "fields, like {curr_branch}, from your $PROMPT. See the FAQ " "for more details. This message will be suppressed for the remainder " "of this session. To suppress this message permanently, set " "$SUPPRESS_BRANCH_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE = True in your xonshrc file.", file=sys.stderr, ) def _vc_has(binary): """This allows us to locate binaries after git only if necessary""" cmds = XSH.commands_cache if cmds.is_empty(): return bool(cmds.locate_binary(binary, ignore_alias=True)) else: return bool(cmds.lazy_locate_binary(binary, ignore_alias=True))
[docs] def current_branch(): """Gets the branch for a current working directory. Returns an empty string if the cwd is not a repository. This currently only works for git, hg, and fossil and should be extended in the future. If a timeout occurred, the string '<branch-timeout>' is returned. """ branch = None if _vc_has("git"): branch = get_git_branch() if not branch and _vc_has("hg"): branch = get_hg_branch() if not branch and _vc_has("fossil"): branch = get_fossil_branch() if isinstance(branch, subprocess.TimeoutExpired): branch = "<branch-timeout>" _first_branch_timeout_message() return branch or None
def _git_dirty_working_directory(q, include_untracked): try: cmd = ["git", "status", "--porcelain"] if include_untracked: cmd += ["--untracked-files=normal"] else: cmd += ["--untracked-files=no"] status = _run_git_cmd(cmd) if status is not None: q.put(bool(status)) else: q.put(None) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): q.put(None)
[docs] def git_dirty_working_directory(): """Returns whether or not the git directory is dirty. If this could not be determined (timeout, file not found, etc.) then this returns None. """ env = XSH.env timeout = env.get("VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT") include_untracked = env.get("VC_GIT_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED") q = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread( target=_git_dirty_working_directory, args=(q, include_untracked) ) t.start() t.join(timeout=timeout) try: return q.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: return None
[docs] def hg_dirty_working_directory(): """Computes whether or not the mercurial working directory is dirty or not. If this cannot be determined, None is returned. """ env = XSH.env cwd = env["PWD"] denv = env.detype() vcbt = env["VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT"] # Override user configurations settings and aliases denv["HGRCPATH"] = "" try: s = subprocess.check_output( ["hg", "identify", "--id"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd, timeout=vcbt, text=True, env=denv, ) return s.strip(os.linesep).endswith("+") except ( subprocess.CalledProcessError, subprocess.TimeoutExpired, FileNotFoundError, ): return None
[docs] def fossil_dirty_working_directory(): """Returns whether the fossil checkout is dirty. If this could not be determined (timeout, file not found, etc.) then this returns None. """ cmd = ["fossil", "changes"] try: status = _run_fossil_cmd(cmd) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): status = None else: status = bool(status) return status
[docs] def dirty_working_directory(): """Returns a boolean as to whether there are uncommitted files in version control repository we are inside. If this cannot be determined, returns None. Currently supports git and hg. """ dwd = None if _vc_has("git"): dwd = git_dirty_working_directory() if dwd is None and _vc_has("hg"): dwd = hg_dirty_working_directory() if dwd is None and _vc_has("fossil"): dwd = fossil_dirty_working_directory() return dwd
[docs] def branch_color(): """Return red if the current branch is dirty, yellow if the dirtiness can not be determined, and green if it clean. These are bold, intense colors for the foreground. """ dwd = dirty_working_directory() if dwd is None: color = "{BOLD_INTENSE_YELLOW}" elif dwd: color = "{BOLD_INTENSE_RED}" else: color = "{BOLD_INTENSE_GREEN}" return color
[docs] def branch_bg_color(): """Return red if the current branch is dirty, yellow if the dirtiness can not be determined, and green if it clean. These are background colors. """ dwd = dirty_working_directory() if dwd is None: color = "{BACKGROUND_YELLOW}" elif dwd: color = "{BACKGROUND_RED}" else: color = "{BACKGROUND_GREEN}" return color