Source code for xonsh.lib.inspectors

"""Tools for inspecting Python objects.

This file was forked from the IPython project:

* Copyright (c) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team
* Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Fernando Perez <>
* Copyright (c) 2001, Janko Hauser <>
* Copyright (c) 2001, Nathaniel Gray <>

import inspect
import itertools
import linecache
import os
import sys
import types

from xonsh.lib.lazyasd import LazyObject
from xonsh.lib.lazyimps import pyghooks, pygments
from xonsh.lib.openpy import read_py_file
from xonsh.parsers.tokenize import detect_encoding
from xonsh.platform import HAS_PYGMENTS
from xonsh.style_tools import partial_color_tokenize
from import cast_unicode, format_color, indent, print_color, safe_hasattr

# builtin docstrings to ignore
_func_call_docstring = LazyObject(
    lambda: types.FunctionType.__call__.__doc__, globals(), "_func_call_docstring"
_object_init_docstring = LazyObject(
    lambda: object.__init__.__doc__, globals(), "_object_init_docstring"

_builtin_type_docstrings = LazyObject(
    lambda: {
        for t in (types.ModuleType, types.MethodType, types.FunctionType, property)

_builtin_func_type = LazyObject(lambda: type(all), globals(), "_builtin_func_type")
# Bound methods have the same type as builtin functions
_builtin_meth_type = LazyObject(
    lambda: type(str.upper), globals(), "_builtin_meth_type"

info_fields = LazyObject(
    lambda: [
        # These won't be printed but will be used to determine how to
        # format the object

[docs] def object_info(**kw): """Make an object info dict with all fields present.""" infodict = dict(itertools.zip_longest(info_fields, [None])) infodict.update(kw) return infodict
[docs] def get_encoding(obj): """Get encoding for python source file defining obj Returns None if obj is not defined in a sourcefile. """ ofile = find_file(obj) # run contents of file through pager starting at line where the object # is defined, as long as the file isn't binary and is actually on the # filesystem. if ofile is None: return None elif ofile.endswith((".so", ".dll", ".pyd")): return None elif not os.path.isfile(ofile): return None else: # Print only text files, not extension binaries. Note that # getsourcelines returns lineno with 1-offset and page() uses # 0-offset, so we must adjust. with open(ofile, "rb") as buf: # Tweaked to use for Python 2 encoding, _ = detect_encoding(buf.readline) return encoding
[docs] def getdoc(obj): """Stable wrapper around inspect.getdoc. This can't crash because of attribute problems. It also attempts to call a getdoc() method on the given object. This allows objects which provide their docstrings via non-standard mechanisms (like Pyro proxies) to still be inspected by ipython's ? system.""" # Allow objects to offer customized documentation via a getdoc method: try: ds = obj.getdoc() except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except pass else: # if we get extra info, we add it to the normal docstring. if isinstance(ds, str): return inspect.cleandoc(ds) try: docstr = inspect.getdoc(obj) encoding = get_encoding(obj) return cast_unicode(docstr, encoding=encoding) except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except # Harden against an inspect failure, which can occur with # SWIG-wrapped extensions. raise
[docs] def getsource(obj, is_binary=False): """Wrapper around inspect.getsource. This can be modified by other projects to provide customized source extraction. Inputs: - obj: an object whose source code we will attempt to extract. Optional inputs: - is_binary: whether the object is known to come from a binary source. This implementation will skip returning any output for binary objects, but custom extractors may know how to meaningfully process them.""" if is_binary: return None else: # get source if obj was decorated with @decorator if hasattr(obj, "__wrapped__"): obj = obj.__wrapped__ try: src = inspect.getsource(obj) except TypeError: if hasattr(obj, "__class__"): src = inspect.getsource(obj.__class__) encoding = get_encoding(obj) return cast_unicode(src, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def is_simple_callable(obj): """True if obj is a function ()""" return ( inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj) or isinstance(obj, _builtin_func_type) or isinstance(obj, _builtin_meth_type) )
[docs] def getargspec(obj): """Wrapper around :func:`inspect.getfullargspec` on Python 3, and :func:inspect.getargspec` on Python 2. In addition to functions and methods, this can also handle objects with a ``__call__`` attribute. """ if safe_hasattr(obj, "__call__") and not is_simple_callable(obj): obj = obj.__call__ return inspect.getfullargspec(obj)
[docs] def format_argspec(argspec): """Format argspect, convenience wrapper around inspect's. This takes a dict instead of ordered arguments and calls inspect.format_argspec with the arguments in the necessary order. """ return inspect.formatargspec( argspec["args"], argspec["varargs"], argspec["varkw"], argspec["defaults"] )
[docs] def call_tip(oinfo, format_call=True): """Extract call tip data from an oinfo dict. Parameters ---------- oinfo : dict format_call : bool, optional If True, the call line is formatted and returned as a string. If not, a tuple of (name, argspec) is returned. Returns ------- call_info : None, str or (str, dict) tuple. When format_call is True, the whole call information is formatted as a single string. Otherwise, the object's name and its argspec dict are returned. If no call information is available, None is returned. docstring : str or None The most relevant docstring for calling purposes is returned, if available. The priority is: call docstring for callable instances, then constructor docstring for classes, then main object's docstring otherwise (regular functions). """ # Get call definition argspec = oinfo.get("argspec") if argspec is None: call_line = None else: # Callable objects will have 'self' as their first argument, prune # it out if it's there for clarity (since users do *not* pass an # extra first argument explicitly). try: has_self = argspec["args"][0] == "self" except (KeyError, IndexError): pass else: if has_self: argspec["args"] = argspec["args"][1:] call_line = oinfo["name"] + format_argspec(argspec) # Now get docstring. # The priority is: call docstring, constructor docstring, main one. doc = oinfo.get("call_docstring") if doc is None: doc = oinfo.get("init_docstring") if doc is None: doc = oinfo.get("docstring", "") return call_line, doc
[docs] def find_file(obj): """Find the absolute path to the file where an object was defined. This is essentially a robust wrapper around `inspect.getabsfile`. Returns None if no file can be found. Parameters ---------- obj : any Python object Returns ------- fname : str The absolute path to the file where the object was defined. """ # get source if obj was decorated with @decorator if safe_hasattr(obj, "__wrapped__"): obj = obj.__wrapped__ fname = None try: fname = inspect.getabsfile(obj) except TypeError: # For an instance, the file that matters is where its class was # declared. if hasattr(obj, "__class__"): try: fname = inspect.getabsfile(obj.__class__) except TypeError: # Can happen for builtins pass except Exception: pass return cast_unicode(fname)
[docs] def find_source_lines(obj): """Find the line number in a file where an object was defined. This is essentially a robust wrapper around `inspect.getsourcelines`. Returns None if no file can be found. Parameters ---------- obj : any Python object Returns ------- lineno : int The line number where the object definition starts. """ # get source if obj was decorated with @decorator if safe_hasattr(obj, "__wrapped__"): obj = obj.__wrapped__ try: try: lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(obj)[1] except TypeError: # For instances, try the class object like getsource() does if hasattr(obj, "__class__"): lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(obj.__class__)[1] else: lineno = None except Exception: return None return lineno
[docs] class Inspector: """Inspects objects.""" def __init__(self, str_detail_level=0): self.str_detail_level = str_detail_level def _getdef(self, obj, oname=""): """Return the call signature for any callable object. If any exception is generated, None is returned instead and the exception is suppressed. """ try: hdef = oname + str(inspect.signature(obj)) return cast_unicode(hdef) except Exception: return None
[docs] def noinfo(self, msg, oname): """Generic message when no information is found.""" print(f"No {msg} found", end=" ") if oname: print(f"for {oname}") else: print()
[docs] def pdef(self, obj, oname=""): """Print the call signature for any callable object. If the object is a class, print the constructor information. """ if not callable(obj): print("Object is not callable.") return header = "" if inspect.isclass(obj): header = self.__head("Class constructor information:\n") obj = obj.__init__ output = self._getdef(obj, oname) if output is None: self.noinfo("definition header", oname) else: print(header, output, end=" ", file=sys.stdout)
[docs] def pdoc(self, obj, oname=""): """Print the docstring for any object. Optional -formatter: a function to run the docstring through for specially formatted docstrings. """ head = self.__head # For convenience lines = [] ds = getdoc(obj) if ds: lines.append(head("Class docstring:")) lines.append(indent(ds)) if inspect.isclass(obj) and hasattr(obj, "__init__"): init_ds = getdoc(obj.__init__) if init_ds is not None: lines.append(head("Init docstring:")) lines.append(indent(init_ds)) elif callable(obj): call_ds = getdoc(obj.__call__) if call_ds: lines.append(head("Call docstring:")) lines.append(indent(call_ds)) if not lines: self.noinfo("documentation", oname) else: print("\n".join(lines))
[docs] def psource(self, obj, oname=""): """Print the source code for an object.""" # Flush the source cache because inspect can return out-of-date source linecache.checkcache() try: src = getsource(obj) except Exception: self.noinfo("source", oname) else: print(src)
[docs] def pfile(self, obj, oname=""): """Show the whole file where an object was defined.""" lineno = find_source_lines(obj) if lineno is None: self.noinfo("file", oname) return ofile = find_file(obj) # run contents of file through pager starting at line where the object # is defined, as long as the file isn't binary and is actually on the # filesystem. if ofile.endswith((".so", ".dll", ".pyd")): print(f"File {ofile!r} is binary, not printing.") elif not os.path.isfile(ofile): print(f"File {ofile!r} does not exist, not printing.") else: # Print only text files, not extension binaries. Note that # getsourcelines returns lineno with 1-offset and page() uses # 0-offset, so we must adjust. o = read_py_file(ofile, skip_encoding_cookie=False) print(o, lineno - 1)
def _format_fields_str(self, fields, title_width=0): """Formats a list of fields for display using color strings. Parameters ---------- fields : list A list of 2-tuples: (field_title, field_content) title_width : int How many characters to pad titles to. Default to longest title. """ out = [] if title_width == 0: title_width = max(len(title) + 2 for title, _ in fields) for title, content in fields: title_len = len(title) title = "{BOLD_RED}" + title + ":{RESET}" if len(content.splitlines()) > 1: title += "\n" else: title += " ".ljust(title_width - title_len) out.append(cast_unicode(title) + cast_unicode(content)) return format_color("\n".join(out) + "\n") def _format_fields_tokens(self, fields, title_width=0): """Formats a list of fields for display using color tokens from pygments. Parameters ---------- fields : list A list of 2-tuples: (field_title, field_content) title_width : int How many characters to pad titles to. Default to longest title. """ out = [] if title_width == 0: title_width = max(len(title) + 2 for title, _ in fields) for title, content in fields: title_len = len(title) title = "{BOLD_RED}" + title + ":{RESET}" if not isinstance(content, str) or len(content.splitlines()) > 1: title += "\n" else: title += " ".ljust(title_width - title_len) out += partial_color_tokenize(title) if isinstance(content, str): out[-1] = (out[-1][0], out[-1][1] + content + "\n") else: out += content out[-1] = (out[-1][0], out[-1][1] + "\n") out[-1] = (out[-1][0], out[-1][1] + "\n") return out def _format_fields(self, fields, title_width=0): """Formats a list of fields for display using color tokens from pygments. Parameters ---------- fields : list A list of 2-tuples: (field_title, field_content) title_width : int How many characters to pad titles to. Default to longest title. """ if HAS_PYGMENTS: rtn = self._format_fields_tokens(fields, title_width=title_width) else: rtn = self._format_fields_str(fields, title_width=title_width) return rtn # The fields to be displayed by pinfo: (fancy_name, key_in_info_dict) pinfo_fields1 = [("Type", "type_name")] pinfo_fields2 = [("String form", "string_form")] pinfo_fields3 = [ ("Length", "length"), ("File", "file"), ("Definition", "definition"), ] pinfo_fields_obj = [ ("Class docstring", "class_docstring"), ("Init docstring", "init_docstring"), ("Call def", "call_def"), ("Call docstring", "call_docstring"), ]
[docs] def pinfo(self, obj, oname="", info=None, detail_level=0): """Show detailed information about an object. Parameters ---------- obj : object oname : str, optional name of the variable pointing to the object. info : dict, optional a structure with some information fields which may have been precomputed already. detail_level : int, optional if set to 1, more information is given. """ info =, oname=oname, info=info, detail_level=detail_level) displayfields = [] def add_fields(fields): for title, key in fields: field = info[key] if field is not None: displayfields.append((title, field.rstrip())) add_fields(self.pinfo_fields1) add_fields(self.pinfo_fields2) # Namespace if info["namespace"] is not None and info["namespace"] != "Interactive": displayfields.append(("Namespace", info["namespace"].rstrip())) add_fields(self.pinfo_fields3) if info["isclass"] and info["init_definition"]: displayfields.append(("Init definition", info["init_definition"].rstrip())) # Source or docstring, depending on detail level and whether # source found. if detail_level > 0 and info["source"] is not None: displayfields.append(("Source", cast_unicode(info["source"]))) elif info["docstring"] is not None: displayfields.append(("Docstring", info["docstring"])) # Constructor info for classes if info["isclass"]: if info["init_docstring"] is not None: displayfields.append(("Init docstring", info["init_docstring"])) # Info for objects: else: add_fields(self.pinfo_fields_obj) # Finally send to printer/pager: if displayfields: print_color(self._format_fields(displayfields))
[docs] def info(self, obj, oname="", info=None, detail_level=0): """Compute a dict with detailed information about an object. Optional arguments: - oname: name of the variable pointing to the object. - info: a structure with some information fields which may have been precomputed already. - detail_level: if set to 1, more information is given. """ obj_type = type(obj) if info is None: ismagic = 0 isalias = 0 ospace = "" else: ismagic = info.ismagic isalias = info.isalias ospace = info.namespace # Get docstring, special-casing aliases: if isalias: if not callable(obj): if len(obj) >= 2 and isinstance(obj[1], str): ds = f"Alias to the system command:\n {obj[1]}" else: ds = "Alias: " + str(obj) else: ds = "Alias to " + str(obj) if obj.__doc__: ds += "\nDocstring:\n" + obj.__doc__ else: ds = getdoc(obj) if ds is None: ds = "<no docstring>" # store output in a dict, we initialize it here and fill it as we go out = dict(name=oname, found=True, isalias=isalias, ismagic=ismagic) string_max = 200 # max size of strings to show (snipped if longer) shalf = int((string_max - 5) / 2) if ismagic: obj_type_name = "Magic function" elif isalias: obj_type_name = "System alias" else: obj_type_name = obj_type.__name__ out["type_name"] = obj_type_name try: bclass = obj.__class__ out["base_class"] = str(bclass) except Exception: pass # String form, but snip if too long in ? form (full in ??) if detail_level >= self.str_detail_level: try: ostr = str(obj) str_head = "string_form" if not detail_level and len(ostr) > string_max: ostr = ostr[:shalf] + " <...> " + ostr[-shalf:] ostr = ("\n" + " " * len(str_head.expandtabs())).join( q.strip() for q in ostr.split("\n") ) out[str_head] = ostr except Exception: pass if ospace: out["namespace"] = ospace # Length (for strings and lists) try: out["length"] = str(len(obj)) except Exception: pass # Filename where object was defined binary_file = False fname = find_file(obj) if fname is None: # if anything goes wrong, we don't want to show source, so it's as # if the file was binary binary_file = True else: if fname.endswith((".so", ".dll", ".pyd")): binary_file = True elif fname.endswith("<string>"): fname = "Dynamically generated function. " "No source code available." out["file"] = fname # Docstrings only in detail 0 mode, since source contains them (we # avoid repetitions). If source fails, we add them back, see below. if ds and detail_level == 0: out["docstring"] = ds # Original source code for any callable if detail_level: # Flush the source cache because inspect can return out-of-date # source linecache.checkcache() source = None try: try: source = getsource(obj, binary_file) except TypeError: if hasattr(obj, "__class__"): source = getsource(obj.__class__, binary_file) if source is not None: source = source.rstrip() if HAS_PYGMENTS: lexer = pyghooks.XonshLexer() source = list(pygments.lex(source, lexer=lexer)) out["source"] = source except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except pass if ds and source is None: out["docstring"] = ds # Constructor docstring for classes if inspect.isclass(obj): out["isclass"] = True # reconstruct the function definition and print it: try: obj_init = obj.__init__ except AttributeError: init_def = init_ds = None else: init_def = self._getdef(obj_init, oname) init_ds = getdoc(obj_init) # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings if init_ds == _object_init_docstring: init_ds = None if init_def or init_ds: if init_def: out["init_definition"] = init_def if init_ds: out["init_docstring"] = init_ds # and class docstring for instances: else: # reconstruct the function definition and print it: defln = self._getdef(obj, oname) if defln: out["definition"] = defln # First, check whether the instance docstring is identical to the # class one, and print it separately if they don't coincide. In # most cases they will, but it's nice to print all the info for # objects which use instance-customized docstrings. if ds: try: cls = obj.__class__ except Exception: class_ds = None else: class_ds = getdoc(cls) # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings if class_ds in _builtin_type_docstrings: class_ds = None if class_ds and ds != class_ds: out["class_docstring"] = class_ds # Next, try to show constructor docstrings try: init_ds = getdoc(obj.__init__) # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings if init_ds == _object_init_docstring: init_ds = None except AttributeError: init_ds = None if init_ds: out["init_docstring"] = init_ds # Call form docstring for callable instances if safe_hasattr(obj, "__call__") and not is_simple_callable(obj): call_def = self._getdef(obj.__call__, oname) if call_def: call_def = call_def # it may never be the case that call def and definition # differ, but don't include the same signature twice if call_def != out.get("definition"): out["call_def"] = call_def call_ds = getdoc(obj.__call__) # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings if call_ds == _func_call_docstring: call_ds = None if call_ds: out["call_docstring"] = call_ds # Compute the object's argspec as a callable. The key is to decide # whether to pull it from the object itself, from its __init__ or # from its __call__ method. if inspect.isclass(obj): # Old-style classes need not have an __init__ callable_obj = getattr(obj, "__init__", None) elif callable(obj): callable_obj = obj else: callable_obj = None if callable_obj: try: argspec = getargspec(callable_obj) except (TypeError, AttributeError): # For extensions/builtins we can't retrieve the argspec pass else: # named tuples' _asdict() method returns an OrderedDict, but we # we want a normal out["argspec"] = argspec_dict = dict(argspec._asdict()) # We called this varkw before argspec became a named tuple. # With getfullargspec it's also called varkw. if "varkw" not in argspec_dict: argspec_dict["varkw"] = argspec_dict.pop("keywords") return object_info(**out)