Source code for xonsh.history.diff_history

"""Tools for diff'ing two xonsh history files in a meaningful fashion."""

import datetime
import difflib
import itertools

from xonsh.color_tools import COLORS
from xonsh.lib.lazyjson import LazyJSON

# intern some strings
REPLACE_S = "replace"
DELETE_S = "delete"
INSERT_S = "insert"
EQUAL_S = "equal"

[docs] def bold_str_diff(a, b, sm=None): if sm is None: sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher() aline = COLORS.RED + "- " bline = COLORS.GREEN + "+ " sm.set_seqs(a, b) for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in sm.get_opcodes(): if tag == REPLACE_S: aline += COLORS.BOLD_RED + a[i1:i2] + COLORS.RED bline += COLORS.BOLD_GREEN + b[j1:j2] + COLORS.GREEN elif tag == DELETE_S: aline += COLORS.BOLD_RED + a[i1:i2] + COLORS.RED elif tag == INSERT_S: bline += COLORS.BOLD_GREEN + b[j1:j2] + COLORS.GREEN elif tag == EQUAL_S: aline += a[i1:i2] bline += b[j1:j2] else: raise RuntimeError("tag not understood") return aline + COLORS.RESET + "\n" + bline + COLORS.RESET + "\n"
[docs] def redline(line): return f"{COLORS.RED}- {line}{COLORS.RESET}\n"
[docs] def greenline(line): return f"{COLORS.GREEN}+ {line}{COLORS.RESET}\n"
[docs] def highlighted_ndiff(a, b): """Returns a highlighted string, with bold characters where different.""" s = "" sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher() sm.set_seqs(a, b) linesm = difflib.SequenceMatcher() for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in sm.get_opcodes(): if tag == REPLACE_S: for aline, bline in itertools.zip_longest(a[i1:i2], b[j1:j2]): if bline is None: s += redline(aline) elif aline is None: s += greenline(bline) else: s += bold_str_diff(aline, bline, sm=linesm) elif tag == DELETE_S: for aline in a[i1:i2]: s += redline(aline) elif tag == INSERT_S: for bline in b[j1:j2]: s += greenline(bline) elif tag == EQUAL_S: for aline in a[i1:i2]: s += " " + aline + "\n" else: raise RuntimeError("tag not understood") return s
[docs] class HistoryDiffer: """This class helps diff two xonsh history files.""" def __init__(self, afile, bfile, reopen=False, verbose=False): """ Parameters ---------- afile : file handle or str The first file to diff bfile : file handle or str The second file to diff reopen : bool, optional Whether or not to reopen the file handles each time. The default here is opposite from the LazyJSON default because we know that we will be doing a lot of reading so it is best to keep the handles open. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print a verbose amount of information. """ self.a = LazyJSON(afile, reopen=reopen) self.b = LazyJSON(bfile, reopen=reopen) self.verbose = verbose = difflib.SequenceMatcher(autojunk=False) def __del__(self): self.a.close() self.b.close() def __str__(self): return self.format() def _header_line(self, lj): s = if hasattr(lj._f, "name") else "" s += " (" + lj["sessionid"] + ")" s += " [locked]" if lj.get("locked", False) else " [unlocked]" if lj.get("ts"): ts = lj["ts"].load() ts0 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts[0]) s += " started: " + ts0.isoformat(" ") if ts[1] is not None: ts1 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts[1]) s += " stopped: " + ts1.isoformat(" ") + " runtime: " + str(ts1 - ts0) return s
[docs] def header(self): """Computes a header string difference.""" s = "{red}--- {aline}{reset}\n" "{green}+++ {bline}{reset}" s = s.format( aline=self._header_line(self.a), bline=self._header_line(self.b), red=COLORS.RED, green=COLORS.GREEN, reset=COLORS.RESET, ) return s
def _env_both_diff(self, in_both, aenv, benv): sm = s = "" for key in sorted(in_both): aval = aenv[key] bval = benv[key] if aval == bval: continue s += f"{key!r} is in both, but differs\n" s += bold_str_diff(aval, bval, sm=sm) + "\n" return s def _env_in_one_diff(self, x, y, color, xid, xenv): only_x = sorted(x - y) if len(only_x) == 0: return "" if self.verbose: xstr = ",\n".join([f" {key!r}: {xenv[key]!r}" for key in only_x]) xstr = "\n" + xstr else: xstr = ", ".join([f"{key!r}" for key in only_x]) in_x = "These vars are only in {color}{xid}{reset}: {{{xstr}}}\n\n" return in_x.format(xid=xid, color=color, reset=COLORS.RESET, xstr=xstr)
[docs] def envdiff(self): """Computes the difference between the environments.""" if (not self.a.get("env")) or (not self.b.get("env")): return "" aenv = self.a["env"].load() benv = self.b["env"].load() akeys = frozenset(aenv) bkeys = frozenset(benv) in_both = akeys & bkeys if len(in_both) == len(akeys) == len(bkeys): keydiff = self._env_both_diff(in_both, aenv, benv) if len(keydiff) == 0: return "" in_a = in_b = "" else: keydiff = self._env_both_diff(in_both, aenv, benv) in_a = self._env_in_one_diff( akeys, bkeys, COLORS.RED, self.a["sessionid"], aenv ) in_b = self._env_in_one_diff( bkeys, akeys, COLORS.GREEN, self.b["sessionid"], benv ) s = "Environment\n-----------\n" + in_a + keydiff + in_b return s
def _cmd_in_one_diff(self, inp, i, xlj, xid, color): s = "cmd #{i} only in {color}{xid}{reset}:\n" s = s.format(i=i, color=color, xid=xid, reset=COLORS.RESET) lines = inp.splitlines() lt = "{color}{pre}{reset} {line}\n" s += lt.format(color=color, reset=COLORS.RESET, line=lines[0], pre=">>>") for line in lines[1:]: s += lt.format(color=color, reset=COLORS.RESET, line=line, pre="...") if not self.verbose: return s + "\n" out = xlj["cmds"][0].get("out", "Note: no output stored") s += out.rstrip() + "\n\n" return s def _cmd_out_and_rtn_diff(self, i, j): s = "" aout = self.a["cmds"][i].get("out", None) bout = self.b["cmds"][j].get("out", None) if aout is None and bout is None: # s += 'Note: neither output stored\n' pass elif bout is None: aid = self.a["sessionid"] s += f"Note: only {COLORS.RED}{aid}{COLORS.RESET} output stored\n" elif aout is None: bid = self.b["sessionid"] s += f"Note: only {COLORS.GREEN}{bid}{COLORS.RESET} output stored\n" elif aout != bout: s += "Outputs differ\n" s += highlighted_ndiff(aout.splitlines(), bout.splitlines()) else: pass artn = self.a["cmds"][i]["rtn"] brtn = self.b["cmds"][j]["rtn"] if artn != brtn: s += f"Return vals {COLORS.RED}{artn}{COLORS.RESET} & {COLORS.GREEN}{brtn}{COLORS.RESET} differ\n" return s def _cmd_replace_diff(self, i, ainp, aid, j, binp, bid): s = ( "cmd #{i} in {red}{aid}{reset} is replaced by \n" "cmd #{j} in {green}{bid}{reset}:\n" ) s = s.format( i=i, aid=aid, j=j, bid=bid, red=COLORS.RED, green=COLORS.GREEN, reset=COLORS.RESET, ) s += highlighted_ndiff(ainp.splitlines(), binp.splitlines()) if not self.verbose: return s + "\n" s += self._cmd_out_and_rtn_diff(i, j) return s + "\n"
[docs] def cmdsdiff(self): """Computes the difference of the commands themselves.""" aid = self.a["sessionid"] bid = self.b["sessionid"] ainps = [c["inp"] for c in self.a["cmds"]] binps = [c["inp"] for c in self.b["cmds"]] sm = sm.set_seqs(ainps, binps) s = "" for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in sm.get_opcodes(): if tag == REPLACE_S: zipper = itertools.zip_longest for i, ainp, j, binp in zipper( range(i1, i2), ainps[i1:i2], range(j1, j2), binps[j1:j2] ): if j is None: s += self._cmd_in_one_diff(ainp, i, self.a, aid, COLORS.RED) elif i is None: s += self._cmd_in_one_diff(binp, j, self.b, bid, COLORS.GREEN) else: self._cmd_replace_diff(i, ainp, aid, j, binp, bid) elif tag == DELETE_S: for i, inp in enumerate(ainps[i1:i2], i1): s += self._cmd_in_one_diff(inp, i, self.a, aid, COLORS.RED) elif tag == INSERT_S: for j, inp in enumerate(binps[j1:j2], j1): s += self._cmd_in_one_diff(inp, j, self.b, bid, COLORS.GREEN) elif tag == EQUAL_S: for i, j in zip(range(i1, i2), range(j1, j2)): odiff = self._cmd_out_and_rtn_diff(i, j) if len(odiff) > 0: h = ( "cmd #{i} in {red}{aid}{reset} input is the same as \n" "cmd #{j} in {green}{bid}{reset}, but output differs:\n" ) s += h.format( i=i, aid=aid, j=j, bid=bid, red=COLORS.RED, green=COLORS.GREEN, reset=COLORS.RESET, ) s += odiff + "\n" else: raise RuntimeError("tag not understood") if len(s) == 0: return s return "Commands\n--------\n" + s
[docs] def format(self): """Formats the difference between the two history files.""" s = self.header() ed = self.envdiff() if len(ed) > 0: s += "\n\n" + ed cd = self.cmdsdiff() if len(cd) > 0: s += "\n\n" + cd return s.rstrip()