Source code for xonsh.completers.python

"""Completers for Python code"""

import builtins
import as cabc
import inspect
import re
import warnings

import xonsh.lib.lazyasd as xl
import as xt
from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
from import (
from xonsh.parsers.completion_context import CompletionContext, PythonContext

def RE_ATTR():
    return re.compile(r"([^\s\(\)]+(\.[^\s\(\)]+)*)\.(\w*)$")

    return {
        RichCompletion("and", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("for", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("if", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("in", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("is", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("lambda", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("not", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("or", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion(",", append_space=True),

    return {
        RichCompletion("as", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("assert", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("class", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("def", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("del", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("elif", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("except", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("from", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("global", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("import", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("nonlocal", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("raise", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("return", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("while", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("with", append_space=True),
        RichCompletion("yield", append_space=True),


[docs] @contextual_completer def complete_python(context: CompletionContext) -> CompleterResult: """ Completes based on the contents of the current Python environment, the Python built-ins, and xonsh operators. """ # If there are no matches, split on common delimiters and try again. if context.python is None: return None if context.command and context.command.arg_index != 0: # this can be a command (i.e. not a subexpression) first = context.command.args[0].value ctx = context.python.ctx or {} if first in XSH.commands_cache and first not in ctx: # type: ignore # this is a known command, so it won't be python code return None line = context.python.multiline_code prefix = (line.rsplit(maxsplit=1) or [""])[-1] rtn = _complete_python(prefix, context.python) if not rtn: prefix = ( re.split(r"\(|=|{|\[|,", prefix)[-1] if not prefix.startswith(",") else prefix ) rtn = _complete_python(prefix, context.python) return rtn, len(prefix)
def _complete_python(prefix, context: PythonContext): """ Completes based on the contents of the current Python environment, the Python built-ins, and xonsh operators. """ line = context.multiline_code end = context.cursor_index ctx = context.ctx filt = get_filter_function() rtn = set() if ctx is not None: if "." in prefix: rtn |= attr_complete(prefix, ctx, filt) args = python_signature_complete(prefix, line, end, ctx, filt) rtn |= args rtn |= {s for s in ctx if filt(s, prefix)} else: args = () if len(args) == 0: # not in a function call, so we can add non-expression tokens rtn |= {s for s in XONSH_TOKENS if filt(s, prefix)} else: rtn |= {s for s in XONSH_EXPR_TOKENS if filt(s, prefix)} rtn |= {s for s in dir(builtins) if filt(s, prefix)} return rtn def _turn_off_warning(func): """Decorator to turn off warning temporarily.""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") r = func(*args, **kwargs) warnings.filterwarnings("once", category=DeprecationWarning) return r return wrapper def _safe_eval(expr, ctx): """Safely tries to evaluate an expression. If this fails, it will return a (None, None) tuple. """ _ctx = None xonsh_safe_eval = XSH.execer.eval try: val = xonsh_safe_eval(expr, ctx, ctx, transform=False) _ctx = ctx except Exception: try: val = xonsh_safe_eval(expr, builtins.__dict__, transform=False) _ctx = builtins.__dict__ except Exception: val = _ctx = None return val, _ctx
[docs] @_turn_off_warning def attr_complete(prefix, ctx, filter_func): """Complete attributes of an object.""" attrs = set() m = RE_ATTR.match(prefix) if m is None: return attrs expr, attr =, 3) expr = xt.subexpr_from_unbalanced(expr, "(", ")") expr = xt.subexpr_from_unbalanced(expr, "[", "]") expr = xt.subexpr_from_unbalanced(expr, "{", "}") val, _ctx = _safe_eval(expr, ctx) if val is None and _ctx is None: return attrs if len(attr) == 0: opts = [o for o in dir(val) if not o.startswith("_")] else: opts = [o for o in dir(val) if filter_func(o, attr)] prelen = len(prefix) for opt in opts: # check whether these options actually work (e.g., disallow 7.imag) _expr = f"{expr}.{opt}" _val_, _ctx_ = _safe_eval(_expr, _ctx) if _val_ is None and _ctx_ is None: continue a = getattr(val, opt) if XSH.env["COMPLETIONS_BRACKETS"]: if callable(a): rpl = opt + "(" elif isinstance(a, (cabc.Sequence, cabc.Mapping)): rpl = opt + "[" else: rpl = opt else: rpl = opt # note that prefix[:prelen-len(attr)] != prefix[:-len(attr)] # when len(attr) == 0. comp = prefix[: prelen - len(attr)] + rpl attrs.add(comp) return attrs
[docs] @_turn_off_warning def python_signature_complete(prefix, line, end, ctx, filter_func): """Completes a python function (or other callable) call by completing argument and keyword argument names. """ front = line[:end] if xt.is_balanced(front, "(", ")"): return set() funcname = xt.subexpr_before_unbalanced(front, "(", ")") val, _ctx = _safe_eval(funcname, ctx) if val is None: return set() try: sig = inspect.signature(val) except (ValueError, TypeError): return set() args = {p + "=" for p in sig.parameters if filter_func(p, prefix)} return args