import ast
import glob
import os
import re
import xonsh.lib.lazyasd as xl
import xonsh.platform as xp
import as xt
from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
from import RichCompletion, contextual_completer
from xonsh.parsers.completion_context import CommandContext
pattern = r'\s`\$\{\}\[\]\,\*\(\)"\'\?&#'
pattern += "%"
pattern = "[" + pattern + "]" + r"|\band\b|\bor\b"
return re.compile(pattern)
def cd_in_command(line):
"""Returns True if "cd" is a token in the line, False otherwise."""
lexer = XSH.execer.parser.lexer
have_cd = False
for tok in lexer:
if tok.type == "NAME" and tok.value == "cd":
have_cd = True
return have_cd
def _get_normalized_pstring_quote(s):
for pre, norm_pre in (("p", "p"), ("pr", "pr"), ("rp", "pr"), ("fp", "pf")):
for q in ('"', "'"):
if s.startswith(f"{pre}{q}"):
return norm_pre, q
return (None, None)
def _path_from_partial_string(inp, pos=None):
if pos is None:
pos = len(inp)
partial = inp[:pos]
startix, endix, quote = xt.check_for_partial_string(partial)
_post = ""
if startix is None:
return None
elif endix is None:
string = partial[startix:]
if endix != pos:
_test = partial[endix:pos]
if not any(i == " " for i in _test):
_post = _test
return None
string = partial[startix:endix]
# If 'pr'/'rp', treat as raw string, otherwise strip leading 'p'
pstring_pre = _get_normalized_pstring_quote(quote)[0]
if pstring_pre == "pr":
string = f"r{string[2:]}"
elif pstring_pre == "p":
string = string[1:]
end = xt.RE_STRING_START.sub("", quote)
_string = string
if not _string.endswith(end):
_string = _string + end
val = ast.literal_eval(_string)
except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
return None
if isinstance(val, bytes):
env = XSH.env
val = val.decode(
encoding=env.get("XONSH_ENCODING"), errors=env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS")
return string + _post, val + _post, quote, end
def _normpath(p):
Wraps os.normpath() to avoid removing './' at the beginning
and '/' at the end. On windows it does the same with backslashes
initial_dotslash = p.startswith(os.curdir + os.sep)
initial_dotslash |= xp.ON_WINDOWS and p.startswith(os.curdir + os.altsep)
p = p.rstrip()
trailing_slash = p.endswith(os.sep)
trailing_slash |= xp.ON_WINDOWS and p.endswith(os.altsep)
p = os.path.normpath(p)
if initial_dotslash and p != ".":
p = os.path.join(os.curdir, p)
if trailing_slash:
p = os.path.join(p, "")
if xp.ON_WINDOWS and XSH.env.get("FORCE_POSIX_PATHS"):
p = p.replace(os.sep, os.altsep)
return p
def _startswithlow(x, start, startlow=None):
if startlow is None:
startlow = start.lower()
return x.startswith(start) or x.lower().startswith(startlow)
def _startswithnorm(x, start, startlow=None):
return x.startswith(start)
def _dots(prefix):
complete_dots = XSH.env.get("COMPLETE_DOTS", "matching").lower()
if complete_dots == "never":
return ()
slash = xt.get_sep()
if slash == "\\":
slash = ""
prefixes = {"."}
if complete_dots == "always":
if prefix in prefixes:
return ("." + slash, ".." + slash)
elif prefix == "..":
return (".." + slash,)
return ()
def _add_cdpaths(paths, prefix):
"""Completes current prefix using CDPATH"""
env = XSH.env
glob_sorted = env.get("GLOB_SORTED")
for cdp in env.get("CDPATH"):
test_glob = os.path.join(cdp, prefix) + "*"
for s in xt.iglobpath(
test_glob, ignore_case=(not csc), sort_result=glob_sorted
if os.path.isdir(s):
paths.add(os.path.relpath(s, cdp))
def _quote_to_use(x):
single = "'"
double = '"'
if single in x and double not in x:
return double
return single
def _is_directory_in_cdpath(path):
env = XSH.env
for cdp in env.get("CDPATH"):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cdp, path)):
return True
return False
def _quote_paths(paths, start, end, append_end=True, cdpath=False):
expand_path = XSH.expand_path
out = set()
space = " "
backslash = "\\"
double_backslash = "\\\\"
slash = xt.get_sep()
orig_start = start
orig_end = end
# quote on all or none, to make readline completes to max prefix
need_quotes = any(, x) or (backslash in x and slash != backslash)
for x in paths
for s in paths:
start = orig_start
end = orig_end
if start == "" and need_quotes:
start = end = _quote_to_use(s)
expanded = expand_path(s)
if os.path.isdir(expanded) or (cdpath and _is_directory_in_cdpath(expanded)):
_tail = slash
elif end == "":
_tail = space
_tail = ""
if start != "" and "r" not in start and backslash in s:
start = f"r{start}"
s = s + _tail
if end != "":
if "r" not in start.lower():
s = s.replace(backslash, double_backslash)
if end in s:
s = s.replace(end, "".join(f"\\{i}" for i in end))
s = start + s + end if append_end else start + s
return out, need_quotes
def _joinpath(path):
# convert our tuple representation back into a string representing a path
if path is None:
return ""
elif len(path) == 0:
return ""
elif path == ("",):
return xt.get_sep()
elif path[0] == "":
return xt.get_sep() + _normpath(os.path.join(*path))
return _normpath(os.path.join(*path))
def _splitpath(path):
# convert a path into an intermediate tuple representation
# if this tuple starts with '', it means that the path was an absolute path
path = _normpath(path)
if path.startswith(xt.get_sep()):
pre = ("",)
pre = ()
return pre + _splitpath_helper(path, ())
def _splitpath_helper(path, sofar=()):
folder, path = os.path.split(path)
if path:
sofar = sofar + (path,)
if not folder or folder == xt.get_sep():
return sofar[::-1]
elif xp.ON_WINDOWS and not path:
return os.path.splitdrive(folder)[:1] + sofar[::-1]
elif xp.ON_WINDOWS and os.path.splitdrive(path)[0]:
return sofar[::-1]
return _splitpath_helper(folder, sofar)
def subsequence_match(ref, typed, csc):
Detects whether typed is a subsequence of ref.
Returns ``True`` if the characters in ``typed`` appear (in order) in
``ref``, regardless of exactly where in ``ref`` they occur. If ``csc`` is
``False``, ignore the case of ``ref`` and ``typed``.
Used in "subsequence" path completion (e.g., ``~/u/ro`` expands to
if csc:
return _subsequence_match_iter(ref, typed)
return _subsequence_match_iter(ref.lower(), typed.lower())
def _subsequence_match_iter(ref, typed):
if len(typed) == 0:
return True
elif len(ref) == 0:
return False
elif ref[0] == typed[0]:
return _subsequence_match_iter(ref[1:], typed[1:])
return _subsequence_match_iter(ref[1:], typed)
def _expand_one(sofar, nextone, csc):
out = set()
glob_sorted = XSH.env.get("GLOB_SORTED")
for i in sofar:
_glob = os.path.join(_joinpath(i), "*") if i is not None else "*"
for j in xt.iglobpath(_glob, sort_result=glob_sorted):
j = os.path.basename(j)
if subsequence_match(j, nextone, csc):
out.add((i or ()) + (j,))
return out
def _complete_path_raw(prefix, line, start, end, ctx, cdpath=True, filtfunc=None):
# string stuff for automatic quoting
path_str_start = ""
path_str_end = ""
append_end = True
p = _path_from_partial_string(line, end)
lprefix = len(prefix)
if p is not None:
lprefix = len(p[0])
# Compensate for 'p' if p-string variant
pstring_pre = _get_normalized_pstring_quote(p[2])[0]
if pstring_pre in ("pr", "p"):
lprefix += 1
prefix = p[1]
path_str_start = p[2]
path_str_end = p[3]
if len(line) >= end + 1 and line[end] == path_str_end:
append_end = False
tilde = "~"
paths = set()
env = XSH.env
glob_sorted = env.get("GLOB_SORTED")
prefix = glob.escape(prefix)
for s in xt.iglobpath(prefix + "*", ignore_case=(not csc), sort_result=glob_sorted):
if len(paths) == 0 and env.get("SUBSEQUENCE_PATH_COMPLETION"):
# this block implements 'subsequence' matching, similar to fish and zsh.
# matches are based on subsequences, not substrings.
# e.g., ~/u/ro completes to ~/lou/carcolh
# see above functions for details.
p = _splitpath(os.path.expanduser(prefix))
p_len = len(p)
if p_len != 0:
relative_char = ["", ".", ".."]
if p[0] in relative_char:
i = 0
while i < p_len and p[i] in relative_char:
i += 1
basedir = p[:i]
p = p[i:]
basedir = None
matches_so_far = {basedir}
for i in p:
matches_so_far = _expand_one(matches_so_far, i, csc)
paths |= {_joinpath(i) for i in matches_so_far}
if len(paths) == 0 and env.get("FUZZY_PATH_COMPLETION"):
threshold = env.get("SUGGEST_THRESHOLD")
for s in xt.iglobpath(
os.path.dirname(prefix) + "*",
ignore_case=(not csc),
if xt.levenshtein(prefix, s, threshold) < threshold:
if cdpath and cd_in_command(line):
_add_cdpaths(paths, prefix)
paths = set(filter(filtfunc, paths))
if tilde in prefix:
home = os.path.expanduser(tilde)
paths = {s.replace(home, tilde) for s in paths}
paths, _ = _quote_paths(
{_normpath(s) for s in paths}, path_str_start, path_str_end, append_end, cdpath
paths.update(filter(filtfunc, _dots(prefix)))
return paths, lprefix
def complete_path(context):
"""Completes path names."""
if context.command:
return contextual_complete_path(context.command)
elif context.python:
line = context.python.prefix
# simple prefix _complete_path_raw will handle gracefully:
prefix = line.rsplit(" ", 1)[-1]
return _complete_path_raw(prefix, line, len(line) - len(prefix), len(line), {})
return set(), 0
def contextual_complete_path(command: CommandContext, cdpath=True, filtfunc=None):
# ``_complete_path_raw`` may add opening quotes:
prefix = command.raw_prefix
completions, lprefix = _complete_path_raw(
# ``_complete_path_raw`` may have added closing quotes:
rich_completions = {
RichCompletion(comp, append_closing_quote=False) for comp in completions
return rich_completions, lprefix
def complete_dir(command: CommandContext):
return contextual_complete_path(command, filtfunc=os.path.isdir)