Source code for xonsh.completers.bash_completion

"""This module provides the implementation for the retrieving completion results
from bash.

import functools

# developer note: this file should not perform any action on import.
#                 This file comes from
#                 and should be edited there!
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import typing as tp

__version__ = "0.2.7"

def _git_for_windows_path():
    """Returns the path to git for windows, if available and None otherwise."""
    import winreg

        key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\GitForWindows")
        gfwp, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "InstallPath")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        gfwp = None
    return gfwp

def _windows_bash_command(env=None):
    """Determines the command for Bash on windows."""
    wbc = "bash"
    path = None if env is None else env.get("PATH", None)
    bash_on_path = shutil.which("bash", path=path)
    if bash_on_path:
            out = subprocess.check_output(
                [bash_on_path, "--version"],
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            bash_works = False
            # Check if Bash is from the "Windows Subsystem for Linux" (WSL)
            # which can't be used by xonsh foreign-shell/completer
            bash_works = out and "pc-linux-gnu" not in out.splitlines()[0]

        if bash_works:
            wbc = bash_on_path
            gfwp = _git_for_windows_path()
            if gfwp:
                bashcmd = os.path.join(gfwp, "bin\\bash.exe")
                if os.path.isfile(bashcmd):
                    wbc = bashcmd
    return wbc

def _bash_command(env=None):
    """Determines the command for Bash on the current plaform."""
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        bc = _windows_bash_command(env=None)
        bc = "bash"
    return bc

def _bash_completion_paths_default():
    """A possibly empty tuple with default paths to Bash completions known for
    the current platform.
    platform_sys = platform.system()
    if platform_sys == "Linux" or sys.platform == "cygwin":
        bcd = ("/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion",)
    elif platform_sys == "Darwin":
        bcd = (
            "/usr/local/share/bash-completion/bash_completion",  # v2.x
        )  # v1.x
    elif platform_sys == "Windows":
        gfwp = _git_for_windows_path()
        if gfwp:
            bcd = (
                os.path.join(gfwp, "usr\\share\\bash-completion\\" "bash_completion"),
                    gfwp, "mingw64\\share\\git\\completion\\" "git-completion.bash"
            bcd = ()
        bcd = ()
    return bcd


def _get_bash_completions_source(paths=None):
    if paths is None:
            _BASH_COMPLETIONS_PATHS_DEFAULT = _bash_completion_paths_default()
    for path in map(pathlib.Path, paths):
        if path.is_file():
            return f'source "{path.as_posix()}"'
    return None

def _bash_get_sep():
    """Returns the appropriate filepath separator char depending on OS and
    xonsh options set
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        return os.altsep
        return os.sep

_BASH_PATTERN_NEED_QUOTES: tp.Optional[tp.Pattern] = None

def _bash_pattern_need_quotes():
    if _BASH_PATTERN_NEED_QUOTES is not None:
    pattern = r'\s`\$\{\}\,\*\(\)"\'\?&'
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        pattern += "%"
    pattern = "[" + pattern + "]" + r"|\band\b|\bor\b"
    _BASH_PATTERN_NEED_QUOTES = re.compile(pattern)

def _bash_expand_path(s):
    """Takes a string path and expands ~ to home and environment vars."""
    # expand ~ according to Bash unquoted rules "Each variable assignment is
    # checked for unquoted tilde-prefixes immediately following a ':' or the
    # first '='". See the following for more details.
    pre, char, post = s.partition("=")
    if char:
        s = os.path.expanduser(pre) + char
        s += os.pathsep.join(map(os.path.expanduser, post.split(os.pathsep)))
        s = os.path.expanduser(s)
    return s

def _bash_quote_to_use(x):
    single = "'"
    double = '"'
    if single in x and double not in x:
        return double
        return single

def _bash_quote_paths(paths, start, end):
    out = set()
    space = " "
    backslash = "\\"
    double_backslash = "\\\\"
    slash = _bash_get_sep()
    orig_start = start
    orig_end = end
    # quote on all or none, to make readline completes to max prefix
    need_quotes = any(, x)
        or (backslash in x and slash != backslash)
        for x in paths

    for s in paths:
        start = orig_start
        end = orig_end
        if start == "" and need_quotes:
            start = end = _bash_quote_to_use(s)
        if os.path.isdir(_bash_expand_path(s)):
            _tail = slash
        elif end == "" and not s.endswith("="):
            _tail = space
            _tail = ""
        if start != "" and "r" not in start and backslash in s:
            start = f"r{start}"
        s = s + _tail
        if end != "":
            if "r" not in start.lower():
                s = s.replace(backslash, double_backslash)
            if s.endswith(backslash) and not s.endswith(double_backslash):
                s += backslash
        if end in s:
            s = s.replace(end, "".join(f"\\{i}" for i in end))
        out.add(start + s + end)
    return out, need_quotes


# Override some functions in bash-completion, do not quote for readline
    echo "$1"

    if [[ $1 == \'* || $1 == \"* ]]; then
        # Leave out first character
        printf -v $2 %s "${{1:1}}"
        printf -v $2 %s "$1"

    [[ ${{!2}} == \$* ]] && eval $2=${{!2}}

function _get_complete_statement {{
    complete -p {cmd} 2> /dev/null || echo "-F _minimal"

function getarg {{
    shift 1
    for i in $* ; do
        if [ "$prev" = "$find" ] ; then
            echo $i

if echo "$_complete_stmt" | grep --quiet -e "_minimal"
    declare -f _completion_loader > /dev/null && _completion_loader {cmd}

# Is -C (subshell) or -F (function) completion used?
if [[ $_complete_stmt =~ "-C" ]] ; then
    _func=$(eval getarg "-C" $_complete_stmt)
    _func=$(eval getarg "-F" $_complete_stmt)
    declare -f "$_func" > /dev/null || exit 1

echo "$_complete_stmt"
export COMP_WORDS=({line})
export COMP_LINE={comp_line}
export COMP_COUNT={end}
export COMP_CWORD={n}
$_func {cmd} {prefix} {prev}

# print out completions, right-stripped if they contain no internal spaces
shopt -s extglob
for ((i=0;i<${{#COMPREPLY[*]}};i++))
    if [[ "$no_spaces" == "$no_trailing_spaces" ]]; then
        echo "$no_trailing_spaces"
        echo "${{COMPREPLY[i]}}"

[docs] def bash_completions( prefix, line, begidx, endidx, env=None, paths=None, command=None, quote_paths=_bash_quote_paths, line_args=None, opening_quote="", closing_quote="", arg_index=None, **kwargs, ): """Completes based on results from BASH completion. Parameters ---------- prefix : str The string to match line : str The line that prefix appears on. begidx : int The index in line that prefix starts on. endidx : int The index in line that prefix ends on. env : Mapping, optional The environment dict to execute the Bash subprocess in. paths : list or tuple of str or None, optional This is a list (or tuple) of strings that specifies where the ``bash_completion`` script may be found. The first valid path will be used. For better performance, bash-completion v2.x is recommended since it lazy-loads individual completion scripts. For both bash-completion v1.x and v2.x, paths of individual completion scripts (like ``.../completes/ssh``) do not need to be included here. The default values are platform dependent, but reasonable. command : str or None, optional The /path/to/bash to use. If None, it will be selected based on the from the environment and platform. quote_paths : callable, optional A functions that quotes file system paths. You shouldn't normally need this as the default is acceptable 99+% of the time. This function should return a set of the new paths and a boolean for whether the paths were quoted. line_args : list of str, optional A list of the args in the current line to be used instead of ``line.split()``. This is usefull with a space in an argument, e.g. ``ls 'a dir/'<TAB>``. opening_quote : str, optional The current argument's opening quote. This is passed to the `quote_paths` function. closing_quote : str, optional The closing quote that **should** be used. This is also passed to the `quote_paths` function. arg_index : int, optional The current prefix's index in the args. Returns ------- rtn : set of str Possible completions of prefix lprefix : int Length of the prefix to be replaced in the completion. """ source = _get_bash_completions_source(paths) or "" if prefix.startswith("$"): # do not complete env variables return set(), 0 splt = line_args or line.split() cmd = splt[0] cmd = os.path.basename(cmd) prev = "" if arg_index is not None: n = arg_index if arg_index > 0: prev = splt[arg_index - 1] else: # find `n` and `prev` by ourselves idx = n = 0 for n, tok in enumerate(splt): # noqa if tok == prefix: idx = line.find(prefix, idx) if idx >= begidx: break prev = tok if len(prefix) == 0: n += 1 prefix_quoted = shlex.quote(prefix) script = BASH_COMPLETE_SCRIPT.format( source=source, line=" ".join(shlex.quote(p) for p in splt if p), comp_line=shlex.quote(line), n=n, cmd=shlex.quote(cmd), end=endidx + 1, prefix=prefix_quoted, prev=shlex.quote(prev), ) if command is None: command = _bash_command(env=env) try: out = subprocess.check_output( [command, "-c", script], text=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, ) if not out: raise ValueError except ( subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError, ValueError, ): return set(), 0 out = out.splitlines() complete_stmt = out[0] out = set(out[1:]) # From GNU Bash document: The results of the expansion are prefix-matched # against the word being completed # Ensure input to `commonprefix` is a list (now required by Python 3.6) commprefix = os.path.commonprefix(list(out)) if prefix.startswith("~") and commprefix and prefix not in commprefix: home_ = os.path.expanduser("~") out = {f"~/{os.path.relpath(p, home_)}" for p in out} commprefix = f"~/{os.path.relpath(commprefix, home_)}" strip_len = 0 strip_prefix = prefix.strip("\"'") while strip_len < len(strip_prefix) and strip_len < len(commprefix): if commprefix[strip_len] == strip_prefix[strip_len]: break strip_len += 1 if "-o noquote" not in complete_stmt: out, need_quotes = quote_paths(out, opening_quote, closing_quote) if "-o nospace" in complete_stmt: out = {x.rstrip() for x in out} # For arguments like 'status=progress', the completion script only returns # the part after '=' in the completion results. This causes the strip_len # to be incorrectly calculated, so it needs to be fixed here if "=" in prefix and "=" not in commprefix: strip_len = prefix.index("=") + 1 # Fix case where remote git branch is being deleted # (e.g. 'git push origin :dev-branch') elif ":" in prefix and ":" not in commprefix: strip_len = prefix.index(":") + 1 return out, max(len(prefix) - strip_len, 0)
[docs] def bash_complete_line(line, return_line=True, **kwargs): """Provides the completion from the end of the line. Parameters ---------- line : str Line to complete return_line : bool, optional If true (default), will return the entire line, with the completion added. If false, this will instead return the strings to append to the original line. kwargs : optional All other keyword arguments are passed to the bash_completions() function. Returns ------- rtn : set of str Possible completions of prefix """ # set up for completing from the end of the line split = line.split() if len(split) > 1 and not line.endswith(" "): prefix = split[-1] begidx = len(line.rsplit(prefix)[0]) else: prefix = "" begidx = len(line) endidx = len(line) # get completions out, lprefix = bash_completions(prefix, line, begidx, endidx, **kwargs) # reformat output if return_line: preline = line[:-lprefix] rtn = {preline + o for o in out} else: rtn = {o[lprefix:] for o in out} return rtn
def _bc_main(args=None): """Runs complete_line() and prints the output.""" from argparse import ArgumentParser p = ArgumentParser("bash_completions") p.add_argument( "--return-line", action="store_true", dest="return_line", default=True, help="will return the entire line, with the completion added", ) p.add_argument( "--no-return-line", action="store_false", dest="return_line", help="will instead return the strings to append to the original line", ) p.add_argument("line", help="line to complete") ns = p.parse_args(args=args) out = bash_complete_line(ns.line, return_line=ns.return_line) for o in sorted(out): print(o) if __name__ == "__main__": _bc_main()