Source code for xonsh.history.base

"""Base class of Xonsh History backends."""

import functools
import re
import types
import uuid

from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
from import print_warning

[docs] class HistoryEntry(types.SimpleNamespace): """Represent a command in history. Attributes ---------- cmd: str The command as typed by the user, including newlines out: str The output of the command, if xonsh is configured to save it rtn: int The return of the command (ie, 0 on success) ts: two-tuple of floats The timestamps of when the command started and finished, including fractions. cwd: str The current working directory before execution the command. """
[docs] class History: """Xonsh history backend base class. History objects should be created via a subclass of History. History acts like a sequence that can be indexed to return ``HistoryEntry`` objects. Note that the most recent command is the last item in history. Attributes ---------- rtns : sequence of ints The return of the command (ie, 0 on success) inps : sequence of strings The command as typed by the user, including newlines tss : sequence of two-tuples of floats The timestamps of when the command started and finished, including fractions outs : sequence of strings The output of the command, if xonsh is configured to save it gc : A garbage collector or None The garbage collector In all of these sequences, index 0 is the oldest and -1 (the last item) is the newest. """ def __init__(self, sessionid=None, **kwargs): """Represents a xonsh session's history. Parameters ---------- sessionid : int, uuid, str, optional Current session identifier, will generate a new sessionid if not set. """ self.sessionid = uuid.uuid4() if sessionid is None else sessionid self.gc = None self.buffer = None self.filename = None self.inps = None self.rtns = None self.tss = None self.outs = None self.cwds = None self.last_cmd_rtn = None self.last_cmd_out = None self.hist_size = None self.hist_units = None self.remember_history = True self.ignore_regex # Tap the ignore regex to validate it # noqa def __len__(self): """Return the number of items in current session.""" return len(list(self.items())) def __getitem__(self, item): """Retrieve history entries, see ``History`` docs for more info.""" if isinstance(item, int): if item >= len(self): raise IndexError("history index out of range") return HistoryEntry( cmd=self.inps[item], out=self.outs[item], rtn=self.rtns[item], ts=self.tss[item], cwd=self.cwds[item], ) elif isinstance(item, slice): cmds = self.inps[item] outs = self.outs[item] rtns = self.rtns[item] tss = self.tss[item] cwds = self.cwds[item] return [ HistoryEntry(cmd=c, out=o, rtn=r, ts=t, cwd=cwd) for c, o, r, t, cwd in zip(cmds, outs, rtns, tss, cwds) ] else: raise TypeError( "history indices must be integers " f"or slices, not {type(item)}" ) def __setitem__(self, *args): raise PermissionError( "You cannot change history! " "you can create new though." )
[docs] def append(self, cmd): """Append a command item into history. Parameters ---------- cmd: dict This dict contains information about the command that is to be added to the history list. It should contain the keys ``inp``, ``rtn`` and ``ts``. These key names mirror the same names defined as instance variables in the ``HistoryEntry`` class. """ pass
[docs] def pull(self, **kwargs): """Pull history from other parallel sessions.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def flush(self, **kwargs): """Flush the history items to disk from a buffer.""" pass
[docs] def items(self, newest_first=False): """Get history items of current session.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def all_items(self, newest_first=False): """Get all history items.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def info(self): """A collection of information about the shell history. Returns ------- dict or collections.OrderedDict Contains history information as str key pairs. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def run_gc(self, size=None, blocking=True): """Run the garbage collector. Parameters ---------- size: None or tuple of a int and a string Determines the size and units of what would be allowed to remain. blocking: bool If set blocking, then wait until gc action finished. """ pass
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the history of the current session from both the disk and memory. """ pass
[docs] def delete(self, pattern): """Deletes the history of the current session for commands that match a user-provided pattern. Parameters ---------- pattern: str The regex pattern to match commands against. Returns ------- int The number of commands deleted from history. """ pass
@functools.cached_property def ignore_regex(self): compiled_regex = None regex = XSH.env.get("XONSH_HISTORY_IGNORE_REGEX") if regex: try: compiled_regex = re.compile(regex) except re.error: print_warning( "XONSH_HISTORY_IGNORE_REGEX is not a valid regular expression and will be ignored" ) return compiled_regex
[docs] def is_ignored(self, cmd): """Determines if a history item should be added to the event history. Call this in your append method. Parameters ---------- cmd: dict The prospective item to append (structure is the same as the append method). Returns ------- bool True if the item should be appended, False if not. """ return ( (self.ignore_regex.match(cmd["inp"]) is not None) if self.ignore_regex is not None else False )