
Aliases for the xonsh shell.

class xonsh.aliases.Aliases(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Represents a location to hold and look up aliases.

clear() None.  Remove all items from D.
eval_alias(value, seen_tokens=frozenset({}), acc_args=())[source]

“Evaluates” the alias value, by recursively looking up the leftmost token and “expanding” if it’s also an alias.

A value like ["cmd", "arg"] might transform like this: > ["cmd", "arg"] -> ["ls", "-al", "arg"] -> callable() where cmd=ls -al and ls is an alias with its value being a callable. The resulting callable will be “partially applied” with ["-al", "arg"].

expand_alias(line: str, cursor_index: int) str[source]

Expands any aliases present in line if alias does not point to a builtin function and if alias is only a single command. The command won’t be expanded if the cursor’s inside/behind it.

get(key, default=None)[source]

Returns the (possibly modified) value. If the key is not present, then default is returned. If the value is callable, it is returned without modification. If it is an iterable of strings it will be evaluated recursively to expand other aliases, resulting in a new list or a “partially applied” callable.

items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.

popitem() (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair

as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

register(func: LambdaType) LambdaType[source]
register(name: str, *, dash_case: bool = True) Callable[[LambdaType], LambdaType]

Decorator to register the given function by name.

setdefault(k[, d]) D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
update([E, ]**F) None.  Update D from mapping/iterable E and F.[source]

If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v

values() an object providing a view on D's values
class xonsh.aliases.ExecAlias(src, filename='<exec-alias>')[source]

Provides a callable alias for xonsh source code.


Source code that will be

class xonsh.aliases.PartialEvalAlias0(f, acc_args=())[source]

A function to dispatch to.

acc_argssequence of strings, optional

Additional arguments to prepent to the argument list passed in when the alias is called.

class xonsh.aliases.PartialEvalAlias1(f, acc_args=())[source]

A function to dispatch to.

acc_argssequence of strings, optional

Additional arguments to prepent to the argument list passed in when the alias is called.

class xonsh.aliases.PartialEvalAlias2(f, acc_args=())[source]

A function to dispatch to.

acc_argssequence of strings, optional

Additional arguments to prepent to the argument list passed in when the alias is called.

class xonsh.aliases.PartialEvalAlias3(f, acc_args=())[source]

A function to dispatch to.

acc_argssequence of strings, optional

Additional arguments to prepent to the argument list passed in when the alias is called.

class xonsh.aliases.PartialEvalAlias4(f, acc_args=())[source]

A function to dispatch to.

acc_argssequence of strings, optional

Additional arguments to prepent to the argument list passed in when the alias is called.

class xonsh.aliases.PartialEvalAlias5(f, acc_args=())[source]

A function to dispatch to.

acc_argssequence of strings, optional

Additional arguments to prepent to the argument list passed in when the alias is called.

class xonsh.aliases.PartialEvalAlias6(f, acc_args=())[source]

A function to dispatch to.

acc_argssequence of strings, optional

Additional arguments to prepent to the argument list passed in when the alias is called.

class xonsh.aliases.PartialEvalAliasBase(f, acc_args=())[source]

Partially evaluated alias.


A function to dispatch to.

acc_argssequence of strings, optional

Additional arguments to prepent to the argument list passed in when the alias is called.

class xonsh.aliases.SourceForeignAlias(threadable=True, **kwargs)[source]
exception Error(message: str, errno=1)

Special case, when raised, the traceback will not be shown. Instead the process with exit with error code and message


Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.


Sub-classes should return constructed ArgumentParser

create_parser(func=None, has_args=False, allowed_params=None, **kwargs) ArgParser

create root parser

err(*args, **kwargs)

Write text to error stream

out(*args, **kwargs)

Write text to output stream

write_to(stream: str, *args, **kwargs)
xonsh_complete(command, **kwargs)
property parser

Determines the correct invocation to get xonsh’s pip


Creates a new default aliases dictionary.

xonsh.aliases.partial_eval_alias(f, acc_args=())[source]

Dispatches the appropriate eval alias based on the number of args to the original callable alias and how many arguments to apply.

xonsh.aliases.showcmd(args, stdin=None)[source]

usage: showcmd [-h|–help|cmd args]

Displays the command and arguments as a list of strings that xonsh would run in subprocess mode. This is useful for determining how xonsh evaluates your commands and arguments prior to running these commands.

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


>>> showcmd echo $USER "can't" hear "the sea"
['echo', 'I', "can't", 'hear', 'the sea']
xonsh.aliases.source_alias(args, stdin=None)[source]

Executes the contents of the provided files in the current context. If sourced file isn’t found in cwd, search for file along $PATH to source instead.

xonsh.aliases.source_cmd_fn(files: list[str], login=False, aliascmd=None, extra_args='', safe=True, postcmd='', funcscmd='', seterrprevcmd=None, overwrite_aliases=False, suppress_skip_message=False, show=False, dryrun=False, _stderr=None)[source]

Source cmd.exe files


paths to source files.

login-l, –login

whether the sourced shell should be login


command to print environment


command to print aliases


extra arguments needed to run the shell

safe-s, –safe

whether the source shell should be run safely, and not raise any errors, even if they occur.


command(s) to run after all other commands


code to find locations of all native functions in the shell language.


command(s) to set exit-on-error before any other commands.


flag for whether or not sourced aliases should replace the current xonsh aliases.


flag for whether or not skip messages should be suppressed.


show the script output.

dryrun-d, –dry-run

Will not actually source the file.

xonsh.aliases.source_foreign_fn(shell: str, files_or_code: list[str], interactive=False, login=False, envcmd=None, aliascmd=None, extra_args='', safe=True, prevcmd='', postcmd='', funcscmd='', sourcer=None, use_tmpfile=False, seterrprevcmd=None, seterrpostcmd=None, overwrite_aliases=False, suppress_skip_message=False, show=False, dryrun=False, _stderr=None)[source]

Sources a file written in a foreign shell language.


Name or path to the foreign shell


file paths to source or code in the target language.

interactive-i, –interactive

whether the sourced shell should be interactive

login-l, –login

whether the sourced shell should be login


command to print environment


command to print aliases


extra arguments needed to run the shell

safe-u, –unsafe

whether the source shell should be run safely, and not raise any errors, even if they occur.

prevcmd-p, –prevcmd

command(s) to run before any other commands, replaces traditional source.


command(s) to run after all other commands


code to find locations of all native functions in the shell language.


the source command in the target shell language. If this is not set, a default value will attempt to be looked up based on the shell name.


whether the commands for source shell should be written to a temporary file.


command(s) to set exit-on-error before any other commands.


command(s) to set exit-on-error after all other commands.


flag for whether or not sourced aliases should replace the current xonsh aliases.


flag for whether or not skip messages should be suppressed.


show the script output.

dryrun-d, –dry-run

Will not actually source the file.

xonsh.aliases.trace(args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None)[source]

Runs the xonsh tracer utility.

xonsh.aliases.xexec_fn(command: list[str], login=False, clean=False, name='', _stdin=None)[source]

exec (also aliased as xexec) uses the os.execvpe() function to replace the xonsh process with the specified program.

This provides the functionality of the bash ‘exec’ builtin:

>>> exec bash -l -i
bash $

program to launch along its arguments

login-l, –login

the shell places a dash at the beginning of the zeroth argument passed to command to simulate login shell.

clean-c, –clean

causes command to be executed with an empty environment.

name-a, –name

the shell passes name as the zeroth argument to the executed command.


This command is not the same as the Python builtin function exec(). That function is for running Python code. This command, which shares the same name as the sh-lang statement, is for launching a command directly in the same process. In the event of a name conflict, please use the xexec command directly or dive into subprocess mode explicitly with ![exec command]. For more details, please see http://xon.sh/faq.html#exec.

xonsh.aliases.xonsh_exit(args, stdin=None)[source]

Sends signal to exit shell.

xonsh.aliases.xonsh_reset(args, stdin=None)[source]

Clears __xonsh__.ctx