Source code for xonsh.jupyter_kernel

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Hooks for Jupyter Xonsh Kernel."""
import sys
import json
import hmac
import uuid
import errno
import hashlib
import datetime
import threading
from pprint import pformat
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from import Set

import zmq
from zmq.eventloop import ioloop, zmqstream
from zmq.error import ZMQError

from xonsh import __version__ as version
from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
from xonsh.main import setup
from xonsh.completer import Completer
from xonsh.commands_cache import predict_true

MAX_SIZE = 8388608  # 8 Mb

[docs]def dump_bytes(*args, **kwargs): """Converts an object to JSON and returns the bytes.""" return json.dumps(*args, **kwargs).encode("ascii")
[docs]def load_bytes(b): """Converts bytes of JSON to an object.""" return json.loads(b.decode("ascii"))
[docs]def bind(socket, connection, port): """Binds a socket to a port, or a random port if needed. Returns the port.""" if port <= 0: return socket.bind_to_random_port(connection) else: socket.bind("{}:{}".format(connection, port)) return port
[docs]class XonshKernel: """Xonsh xernal for Jupyter""" implementation = "Xonsh " + version implementation_version = version language = "xonsh" language_version = version.split(".")[:3] banner = "Xonsh - Python-powered, cross-platform shell" language_info = { "name": "xonsh", "version": version, "pygments_lexer": "xonsh", "codemirror_mode": "shell", "mimetype": "text/x-sh", "file_extension": ".xsh", } signature_schemes = {"hmac-sha256": hashlib.sha256} def __init__(self, debug_level=0, session_id=None, config=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- debug_level : int, optional Integer from 0 (no debugging) to 3 (all debugging), default: 0. session_id : str or None, optional Unique string id representing the kernel session. If None, this will be replaced with a random UUID. config : dict or None, optional Configuration dictionary to start server with. BY default will search the command line for options (if given) or use default configuration. """ self.debug_level = debug_level self.session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if session_id is None else session_id self._parser = None self.config = self.make_default_config() if config is None else config self.exiting = False self.execution_count = 1 self.completer = Completer() @property def parser(self): if self._parser is None: p = ArgumentParser("jupyter_kerenel") p.add_argument("-f", dest="config_file", default=None) self._parser = p return self._parser
[docs] def make_default_config(self): """Provides default configuration""" ns, unknown = self.parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv) if ns.config_file is None: self.dprint(1, "Starting xonsh kernel with default args...") config = { "control_port": 0, "hb_port": 0, "iopub_port": 0, "ip": "", "key": str(uuid.uuid4()), "shell_port": 0, "signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256", "stdin_port": 0, "transport": "tcp", } else: self.dprint(1, "Loading simple_kernel with args:", sys.argv) self.dprint(1, "Reading config file {!r}...".format(ns.config_file)) with open(ns.config_file) as f: config = json.load(f) return config
[docs] def iopub_handler(self, message): """Handles iopub requests.""" self.dprint(2, "iopub received:", message)
[docs] def control_handler(self, wire_message): """Handles control requests""" self.dprint(1, "control received:", wire_message) identities, msg = self.deserialize_wire_message(wire_message) if msg["header"]["msg_type"] == "shutdown_request": self.shutdown()
[docs] def stdin_handler(self, message): self.dprint(2, "stdin received:", message)
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the server""" ioloop.install() connection = self.config["transport"] + "://" + self.config["ip"] secure_key = self.config["key"].encode() digestmod = self.signature_schemes[self.config["signature_scheme"]] self.auth = hmac.HMAC(secure_key, digestmod=digestmod) # Heartbeat ctx = zmq.Context() self.heartbeat_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.REP) self.config["hb_port"] = bind( self.heartbeat_socket, connection, self.config["hb_port"] ) # IOPub/Sub, aslo called SubSocketChannel in IPython sources self.iopub_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB) self.config["iopub_port"] = bind( self.iopub_socket, connection, self.config["iopub_port"] ) self.iopub_stream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.iopub_socket) self.iopub_stream.on_recv(self.iopub_handler) # Control self.control_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER) self.config["control_port"] = bind( self.control_socket, connection, self.config["control_port"] ) self.control_stream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.control_socket) self.control_stream.on_recv(self.control_handler) # Stdin: self.stdin_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER) self.config["stdin_port"] = bind( self.stdin_socket, connection, self.config["stdin_port"] ) self.stdin_stream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.stdin_socket) self.stdin_stream.on_recv(self.stdin_handler) # Shell self.shell_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER) self.config["shell_port"] = bind( self.shell_socket, connection, self.config["shell_port"] ) self.shell_stream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.shell_socket) self.shell_stream.on_recv(self.shell_handler) # start up configurtation self.dprint(2, "Config:", json.dumps(self.config)) self.dprint(1, "Starting loops...") self.hb_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.heartbeat_loop) self.hb_thread.daemon = True self.hb_thread.start() self.dprint(1, "Ready! Listening...") ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Shutsdown the kernel""" self.exiting = True ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop()
[docs] def dprint(self, level, *args, **kwargs): """Print but with debug information.""" if level <= self.debug_level: print("DEBUG" + str(level) + ":", file=sys.__stdout__, *args, **kwargs) sys.__stdout__.flush()
[docs] def sign(self, messages): """Sign a message list with a secure signature.""" h = self.auth.copy() for m in messages: h.update(m) return h.hexdigest().encode("ascii")
[docs] def new_header(self, message_type): """Make a new header""" return { "date":, "msg_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "username": "kernel", "session": self.session_id, "msg_type": message_type, "version": "5.0", }
[docs] def send( self, stream, message_type, content=None, parent_header=None, metadata=None, identities=None, ): """Send data to the client via a stream""" header = self.new_header(message_type) if content is None: content = {} if parent_header is None: parent_header = {} if metadata is None: metadata = {} messages = list(map(dump_bytes, [header, parent_header, metadata, content])) signature = self.sign(messages) parts = [DELIM, signature] + messages if identities: parts = identities + parts self.dprint(3, "send parts:", parts) stream.send_multipart(parts) if isinstance(stream, zmqstream.ZMQStream): stream.flush()
[docs] def deserialize_wire_message(self, wire_message): """Split the routing prefix and message frames from a message on the wire""" delim_idx = wire_message.index(DELIM) identities = wire_message[:delim_idx] m_signature = wire_message[delim_idx + 1] msg_frames = wire_message[delim_idx + 2 :] keys = ("header", "parent_header", "metadata", "content") m = {k: load_bytes(v) for k, v in zip(keys, msg_frames)} check_sig = self.sign(msg_frames) if check_sig != m_signature: raise ValueError("Signatures do not match") return identities, m
[docs] def run_thread(self, loop, name): """Run main thread""" self.dprint(2, "Starting loop for {name!r}...".format(name=name)) while not self.exiting: self.dprint(2, "{} Loop!".format(name)) try: loop.start() except ZMQError as e: self.dprint(1, "{} ZMQError!\n {}".format(name, e)) if e.errno == errno.EINTR: continue else: raise except Exception: self.dprint(2, "{} Exception!".format(name)) if self.exiting: break else: raise else: self.dprint(2, "{} Break!".format(name)) break
[docs] def heartbeat_loop(self): """Run heartbeat""" self.dprint(2, "Starting heartbeat loop...") while not self.exiting: self.dprint(3, ".", end="") try: zmq.device(zmq.FORWARDER, self.heartbeat_socket, self.heartbeat_socket) except zmq.ZMQError as e: if e.errno == errno.EINTR: continue else: raise else: break
[docs] def shell_handler(self, message): """Dispatch shell messages to their handlers""" self.dprint(1, "received:", message) identities, msg = self.deserialize_wire_message(message) handler = getattr(self, "handle_" + msg["header"]["msg_type"], None) if handler is None: self.dprint(0, "unknown message type:", msg["header"]["msg_type"]) return handler(msg, identities)
[docs] def handle_execute_request(self, message, identities): """Handle execute request messages.""" self.dprint(2, "Xonsh Kernel Executing:", pformat(message["content"]["code"])) # Start by sending busy signal content = {"execution_state": "busy"} self.send(self.iopub_stream, "status", content, parent_header=message["header"]) # confirm the input that we are executing content = { "execution_count": self.execution_count, "code": message["content"]["code"], } self.send( self.iopub_stream, "execute_input", content, parent_header=message["header"] ) # execute the code metadata = { "dependencies_met": True, "engine": self.session_id, "status": "ok", "started":, } content = self.do_execute(parent_header=message["header"], **message["content"]) self.send( self.shell_stream, "execute_reply", content, metadata=metadata, parent_header=message["header"], identities=identities, ) self.execution_count += 1 # once we are done, send a signal that we are idle content = {"execution_state": "idle"} self.send(self.iopub_stream, "status", content, parent_header=message["header"])
[docs] def do_execute( self, code="", silent=False, store_history=True, user_expressions=None, allow_stdin=False, parent_header=None, **kwargs ): """Execute user code.""" if len(code.strip()) == 0: return { "status": "ok", "execution_count": self.execution_count, "payload": [], "user_expressions": {}, } shell = hist = XSH.history try: shell.default(code, self, parent_header) interrupted = False except KeyboardInterrupt: interrupted = True if interrupted: return {"status": "abort", "execution_count": self.execution_count} rtn = 0 if (hist is None or len(hist) == 0) else hist.rtns[-1] if 0 < rtn: message = { "status": "error", "execution_count": self.execution_count, "ename": "", "evalue": str(rtn), "traceback": [], } else: message = { "status": "ok", "execution_count": self.execution_count, "payload": [], "user_expressions": {}, } return message
def _respond_in_chunks(self, name, s, chunksize=1024, parent_header=None): if s is None: return n = len(s) if n == 0: return lower = range(0, n, chunksize) upper = range(chunksize, n + chunksize, chunksize) for lwr, upr in zip(lower, upper): response = {"name": name, "text": s[lwr:upr]} self.send( self.iopub_socket, "stream", response, parent_header=parent_header )
[docs] def handle_complete_request(self, message, identities): """Handles kernel info requests.""" content = self.do_complete( message["content"]["code"], message["content"]["cursor_pos"] ) self.send( self.shell_stream, "complete_reply", content, parent_header=message["header"], identities=identities, )
[docs] def do_complete(self, code: str, pos: int): """Get completions.""" shell = # type: ignore line_start = code.rfind("\n", 0, pos) + 1 line_stop = code.find("\n", pos) if line_stop == -1: line_stop = len(code) else: line_stop += 1 line = code[line_start:line_stop] endidx = pos - line_start line_ex: str = XSH.aliases.expand_alias(line, endidx) # type: ignore begidx = line[:endidx].rfind(" ") + 1 if line[:endidx].rfind(" ") >= 0 else 0 prefix = line[begidx:endidx] expand_offset = len(line_ex) - len(line) multiline_text = code cursor_index = pos if line != line_ex: multiline_text = ( multiline_text[:line_start] + line_ex + multiline_text[line_stop:] ) cursor_index += expand_offset rtn, _ = self.completer.complete( prefix, line_ex, begidx + expand_offset, endidx + expand_offset, shell.ctx, multiline_text=multiline_text, cursor_index=cursor_index, ) if isinstance(rtn, Set): rtn = list(rtn) message = { "matches": rtn, "cursor_start": begidx, "cursor_end": endidx, "metadata": {}, "status": "ok", } return message
[docs] def handle_kernel_info_request(self, message, identities): """Handles kernel info requests.""" content = { "protocol_version": "5.0", "ipython_version": [1, 1, 0, ""], "language": self.language, "language_version": self.language_version, "implementation": self.implementation, "implementation_version": self.implementation_version, "language_info": self.language_info, "banner": self.banner, } self.send( self.shell_stream, "kernel_info_reply", content, parent_header=message["header"], identities=identities, )
if __name__ == "__main__": setup( shell_type="jupyter", env={"PAGER": "cat"}, aliases={"less": "cat"}, xontribs=["coreutils"], threadable_predictors={"git": predict_true, "man": predict_true}, ) if XSH.commands_cache.is_only_functional_alias("cat"): # type:ignore # this is needed if the underlying system doesn't have cat # we supply our own, because we can XSH.aliases["cat"] = "xonsh-cat" # type:ignore XSH.env["PAGER"] = "xonsh-cat" # type:ignore shell = # type:ignore kernel = shell.kernel = XonshKernel() kernel.start()