Source code for xonsh.__amalgam__

"""Amalgamation of xonsh package, made up of the following modules, in order:

* cli_utils
* contexts
* lazyasd
* lazyjson
* platform
* pretty
* xontribs_meta
* codecache
* lazyimps
* parser
* tokenize
* tools
* ast
* color_tools
* commands_cache
* completer
* events
* foreign_shells
* jobs
* jsonutils
* lexer
* openpy
* xontribs
* ansi_colors
* diff_history
* dirstack
* execer
* shell
* style_tools
* timings
* xonfig
* base_shell
* environ
* imphooks
* inspectors
* aliases
* main
* readline_shell
* tracer
* dumb_shell


from sys import modules as _modules
from types import ModuleType as _ModuleType
from importlib import import_module as _import_module

class _LazyModule(_ModuleType):

    def __init__(self, pkg, mod, asname=None):
        '''Lazy module 'pkg.mod' in package 'pkg'.'''
        self.__dct__ = {
            'loaded': False,
            'pkg': pkg,  # pkg
            'mod': mod,  # pkg.mod
            'asname': asname,  # alias

    def load(cls, pkg, mod, asname=None):
        if mod in _modules:
            key = pkg if asname is None else mod
            return _modules[key]
            return cls(pkg, mod, asname)

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        if name == '__dct__':
            return super(_LazyModule, self).__getattribute__(name)
        dct = self.__dct__
        mod = dct['mod']
        if dct['loaded']:
            m = _modules[mod]
            m = _import_module(mod)
            glbs = globals()
            pkg = dct['pkg']
            asname = dct['asname']
            if asname is None:
                glbs[pkg] = m = _modules[pkg]
                glbs[asname] = m
            dct['loaded'] = True
        return getattr(m, name)

# cli_utils
small functions to create argparser CLI from functions.

ap = _LazyModule.load('argparse', 'argparse', 'ap')
os = _LazyModule.load('os', 'os')
tp = _LazyModule.load('typing', 'typing', 'tp')
def _get_func_doc(doc: str) -> str:
    lines = doc.splitlines()
    if "Parameters" in lines:
        idx = lines.index("Parameters")
        lines = lines[:idx]
    return os.linesep.join(lines)

def _from_index_of(container: tp.Sequence[str], key: str):
    if key in container:
        idx = container.index(key)
        if idx + 1 < len(container):
            return container[idx + 1 :]
    return []

def _get_param_doc(doc: str, param: str) -> str:
    lines = tuple(doc.splitlines())
    if "Parameters" not in lines:
        return ""

    par_doc = []
    for lin in _from_index_of(lines, param):
        if lin and not lin.startswith(" "):
    return os.linesep.join(par_doc).strip()

def get_doc(func: tp.Callable, parameter: str = None):
    """Parse the function docstring and return its help content

        a callable object that holds docstring
        name of the function parameter to parse doc for

        doc of the parameter/function
    import inspect

    doc = inspect.getdoc(func) or ""
    if parameter:
        return _get_param_doc(doc, parameter)
        return _get_func_doc(doc)

_FUNC_NAME = "_func_"

def make_parser(
    func: tp.Callable,
    subparser: ap._SubParsersAction = None,
    params: tp.Dict[str, tp.Dict[str, tp.Any]] = None,
) -> "ap.ArgumentParser":
    """A bare-bones argparse builder from functions"""

    doc = get_doc(func)
    kwargs.setdefault("formatter_class", ap.RawTextHelpFormatter)
    if subparser is None:
        kwargs.setdefault("description", doc)
        parser = ap.ArgumentParser(**kwargs)
            **{_FUNC_NAME: lambda stdout: parser.print_help(file=stdout)}
        return parser
        parser = subparser.add_parser(
            kwargs.pop("prog", func.__name__),
        parser.set_defaults(**{_FUNC_NAME: func})

        if params:
            for par, args in params.items():
                args.setdefault("help", get_doc(func, par))
                parser.add_argument(par, **args)

        return parser

def dispatch(**ns):
    """call the sub-command selected by user"""
    import inspect

    func = ns[_FUNC_NAME]
    sign = inspect.signature(func)
    kwargs = {}
    for name, _ in sign.parameters.items():
        kwargs[name] = ns[name]
    return func(**kwargs)

# contexts
"""Context management tools for xonsh."""
sys = _LazyModule.load('sys', 'sys')
textwrap = _LazyModule.load('textwrap', 'textwrap')
from import Mapping

from xonsh.built_ins import XSH

class Block(object):
    """This is a context manager for obtaining a block of lines without actually
    executing the block. The lines are accessible as the 'lines' attribute.
    This must be used as a macro.

    __xonsh_block__ = str

    def __init__(self):
        lines : list of str or None
            Block lines as if split by str.splitlines(), if available.
        glbs : Mapping or None
            Global execution context, ie globals().
        locs : Mapping or None
            Local execution context, ie locals().
        self.lines = self.glbs = self.locs = None

    def __enter__(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "macro_block"):
            raise XSH.builtins.XonshError(
                self.__class__.__name__ + " must be entered as a macro!"
        self.lines = self.macro_block.splitlines()
        self.glbs = self.macro_globals
        if self.macro_locals is not self.macro_globals:
            # leave locals as None when it is the same as globals
            self.locs = self.macro_locals
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

class Functor(Block):
    """This is a context manager that turns the block into a callable
    object, bound to the execution context it was created in.

    def __init__(self, args=(), kwargs=None, rtn=""):
        args : Sequence of str, optional
            A tuple of argument names for the functor.
        kwargs : Mapping of str to values or list of item tuples, optional
            Keyword argument names and values, if available.
        rtn : str, optional
            Name of object to return, if available.

        func : function
            The underlying function object. This defaults to none and is set
            after the the block is exited.
        self.func = None
        self.args = args
        if kwargs is None:
            self.kwargs = []
        elif isinstance(kwargs, Mapping):
            self.kwargs = sorted(kwargs.items())
            self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.rtn = rtn

    def __enter__(self):
        body = textwrap.indent(self.macro_block, "    ")
        uid = hash(body) + sys.maxsize  # should always be a positive int
        name = "__xonsh_functor_{uid}__".format(uid=uid)
        # construct signature string
        sig = rtn = ""
        sig = ", ".join(self.args)
        kwstr = ", ".join([k + "=None" for k, _ in self.kwargs])
        if len(kwstr) > 0:
            sig = kwstr if len(sig) == 0 else sig + ", " + kwstr
        # construct return string
        rtn = str(self.rtn)
        if len(rtn) > 0:
            rtn = "    return " + rtn + "\n"
        # construct function string
        fstr = "def {name}({sig}):\n{body}\n{rtn}"
        fstr = fstr.format(name=name, sig=sig, body=body, rtn=rtn)
        glbs = self.glbs
        locs = self.locs
        execer = XSH.execer
        execer.exec(fstr, glbs=glbs, locs=locs)
        if locs is not None and name in locs:
            func = locs[name]
        elif name in glbs:
            func = glbs[name]
            raise ValueError("Functor block could not be found in context.")
        if len(self.kwargs) > 0:
            func.__defaults__ = tuple(v for _, v in self.kwargs)
        self.func = func
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Dispatches to func."""
        if self.func is None:
            msg = "{} block with 'None' func not callable"
            raise AttributeError(msg.formst(self.__class__.__name__))
        return self.func(*args, **kwargs)

# lazyasd
"""Lazy and self destructive containers for speeding up module import."""
# Copyright 2015-2016, the xonsh developers. All rights reserved.
# amalgamated os
# amalgamated sys
time = _LazyModule.load('time', 'time')
types = _LazyModule.load('types', 'types')
builtins = _LazyModule.load('builtins', 'builtins')
threading = _LazyModule.load('threading', 'threading')
importlib = _LazyModule.load('importlib', 'importlib')
importlib = _LazyModule.load('importlib', 'importlib.util')
cabc = _LazyModule.load('collections', '', 'cabc')
# amalgamated typing
__version__ = "0.1.3"

class LazyObject(object):
    def __init__(self, load, ctx, name):
        """Lazily loads an object via the load function the first time an
        attribute is accessed. Once loaded it will replace itself in the
        provided context (typically the globals of the call site) with the
        given name.

        For example, you can prevent the compilation of a regular expression
        until it is actually used::

            DOT = LazyObject((lambda: re.compile('.')), globals(), 'DOT')

        load : function with no arguments
            A loader function that performs the actual object construction.
        ctx : Mapping
            Context to replace the LazyObject instance in
            with the object returned by load().
        name : str
            Name in the context to give the loaded object. This *should*
            be the name on the LHS of the assignment.
        self._lasdo = {"loaded": False, "load": load, "ctx": ctx, "name": name}

    def _lazy_obj(self):
        d = self._lasdo
        if d["loaded"]:
            obj = d["obj"]
            obj = d["load"]()
            d["ctx"][d["name"]] = d["obj"] = obj
            d["loaded"] = True
        return obj

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        if name == "_lasdo" or name == "_lazy_obj":
            return super().__getattribute__(name)
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return getattr(obj, name)

    def __bool__(self):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return bool(obj)

    def __iter__(self):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        yield from obj

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return obj[item]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        obj[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, item):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        del obj[item]

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return obj(*args, **kwargs)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return obj < other

    def __le__(self, other):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return obj <= other

    def __eq__(self, other):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return obj == other

    def __ne__(self, other):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return obj != other

    def __gt__(self, other):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return obj > other

    def __ge__(self, other):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return obj >= other

    def __hash__(self):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return hash(obj)

    def __or__(self, other):
        obj = self._lazy_obj()
        return obj | other

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._lazy_obj())

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self._lazy_obj())

RT = tp.TypeVar("RT")

def lazyobject(f: tp.Callable[..., RT]) -> RT:
    """Decorator for constructing lazy objects from a function."""
    return LazyObject(f, f.__globals__, f.__name__)  # type: ignore

class LazyDict(cabc.MutableMapping):
    def __init__(self, loaders, ctx, name):
        """Dictionary like object that lazily loads its values from an initial
        dict of key-loader function pairs.  Each key is loaded when its value
        is first accessed. Once fully loaded, this object will replace itself
        in the provided context (typically the globals of the call site) with
        the given name.

        For example, you can prevent the compilation of a bunch of regular
        expressions until they are actually used::

            RES = LazyDict({
                    'dot': lambda: re.compile('.'),
                    'all': lambda: re.compile('.*'),
                    'two': lambda: re.compile('..'),
                    }, globals(), 'RES')

        loaders : Mapping of keys to functions with no arguments
            A mapping of loader function that performs the actual value
            construction upon access.
        ctx : Mapping
            Context to replace the LazyDict instance in
            with the the fully loaded mapping.
        name : str
            Name in the context to give the loaded mapping. This *should*
            be the name on the LHS of the assignment.
        self._loaders = loaders
        self._ctx = ctx
        self._name = name
        self._d = type(loaders)()  # make sure to return the same type

    def _destruct(self):
        if len(self._loaders) == 0:
            self._ctx[self._name] = self._d

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        d = self._d
        if key in d:
            val = d[key]
            # pop will raise a key error for us
            loader = self._loaders.pop(key)
            d[key] = val = loader()
        return val

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self._d[key] = value
        if key in self._loaders:
            del self._loaders[key]

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        if key in self._d:
            del self._d[key]
            del self._loaders[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from (set(self._d.keys()) | set(self._loaders.keys()))

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._d) + len(self._loaders)

def lazydict(f):
    """Decorator for constructing lazy dicts from a function."""
    return LazyDict(f, f.__globals__, f.__name__)

class LazyBool(object):
    def __init__(self, load, ctx, name):
        """Boolean like object that lazily computes it boolean value when it is
        first asked. Once loaded, this result will replace itself
        in the provided context (typically the globals of the call site) with
        the given name.

        For example, you can prevent the complex boolean until it is actually

            ALIVE = LazyDict(lambda: not DEAD, globals(), 'ALIVE')

        load : function with no arguments
            A loader function that performs the actual boolean evaluation.
        ctx : Mapping
            Context to replace the LazyBool instance in
            with the the fully loaded mapping.
        name : str
            Name in the context to give the loaded mapping. This *should*
            be the name on the LHS of the assignment.
        self._load = load
        self._ctx = ctx
        self._name = name
        self._result = None

    def __bool__(self):
        if self._result is None:
            res = self._ctx[self._name] = self._result = self._load()
            res = self._result
        return res

def lazybool(f):
    """Decorator for constructing lazy booleans from a function."""
    return LazyBool(f, f.__globals__, f.__name__)

# Background module loaders

class BackgroundModuleProxy(types.ModuleType):
    """Proxy object for modules loaded in the background that block attribute
    access until the module is loaded..

    def __init__(self, modname):
        self.__dct__ = {"loaded": False, "modname": modname}

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        passthrough = frozenset({"__dct__", "__class__", "__spec__"})
        if name in passthrough:
            return super().__getattribute__(name)
        dct = self.__dct__
        modname = dct["modname"]
        if dct["loaded"]:
            mod = sys.modules[modname]
            delay_types = (BackgroundModuleProxy, type(None))
            while isinstance(sys.modules.get(modname, None), delay_types):
            mod = sys.modules[modname]
            dct["loaded"] = True
        # some modules may do construction after import, give them a second
        stall = 0
        while not hasattr(mod, name) and stall < 1000:
            stall += 1
        return getattr(mod, name)

class BackgroundModuleLoader(threading.Thread):
    """Thread to load modules in the background."""

    def __init__(self, name, package, replacements, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.daemon = True = name
        self.package = package
        self.replacements = replacements

    def run(self):
        # wait for other modules to stop being imported
        # We assume that module loading is finished when sys.modules doesn't
        # get longer in 5 consecutive 1ms waiting steps
        counter = 0
        last = -1
        while counter < 5:
            new = len(sys.modules)
            if new == last:
                counter += 1
                last = new
                counter = 0
        # now import module properly
        modname = importlib.util.resolve_name(, self.package)
        if isinstance(sys.modules[modname], BackgroundModuleProxy):
            del sys.modules[modname]
        mod = importlib.import_module(, package=self.package)
        for targname, varname in self.replacements.items():
            if targname in sys.modules:
                targmod = sys.modules[targname]
                setattr(targmod, varname, mod)

def load_module_in_background(
    name, package=None, debug="DEBUG", env=None, replacements=None
    """Entry point for loading modules in background thread.

    name : str
        Module name to load in background thread.
    package : str or None, optional
        Package name, has the same meaning as in importlib.import_module().
    debug : str, optional
        Debugging symbol name to look up in the environment.
    env : Mapping or None, optional
        Environment this will default to __xonsh__.env, if available, and
        os.environ otherwise.
    replacements : Mapping or None, optional
        Dictionary mapping fully qualified module names (eg that
        import the lazily loaded module, with the variable name in that
        module. For example, suppose that imports module a as b,
        this dict is then {'': 'b'}.

    module : ModuleType
        This is either the original module that is found in sys.modules or
        a proxy module that will block until delay attribute access until the
        module is fully loaded.
    modname = importlib.util.resolve_name(name, package)
    if modname in sys.modules:
        return sys.modules[modname]
    if env is None:
        xonsh_obj = getattr(builtins, "__xonsh__", None)
        env = os.environ if xonsh_obj is None else getattr(xonsh_obj, "env", os.environ)
    if env.get(debug, None):
        mod = importlib.import_module(name, package=package)
        return mod
    proxy = sys.modules[modname] = BackgroundModuleProxy(modname)
    BackgroundModuleLoader(name, package, replacements or {})
    return proxy

# lazyjson
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Implements a lazy JSON file class that wraps around json data."""
io = _LazyModule.load('io', 'io')
weakref = _LazyModule.load('weakref', 'weakref')
contextlib = _LazyModule.load('contextlib', 'contextlib')
# amalgamated
    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    import json  # type: ignore

def _to_json_with_size(obj, offset=0, sort_keys=False):
    if isinstance(obj, str):
        s = json.dumps(obj)
        o = offset
        n = size = len(s.encode())  # size in bytes
    elif isinstance(obj, cabc.Mapping):
        s = "{"
        j = offset + 1
        o = {}
        size = {}
        items = sorted(obj.items()) if sort_keys else obj.items()
        for key, val in items:
            s_k, o_k, n_k, size_k = _to_json_with_size(
                key, offset=j, sort_keys=sort_keys
            s += s_k + ": "
            j += n_k + 2
            s_v, o_v, n_v, size_v = _to_json_with_size(
                val, offset=j, sort_keys=sort_keys
            o[key] = o_v
            size[key] = size_v
            s += s_v + ", "
            j += n_v + 2
        if s.endswith(", "):
            s = s[:-2]
        s += "}\n"
        n = len(s)
        o["__total__"] = offset
        size["__total__"] = n
    elif isinstance(obj, cabc.Sequence):
        s = "["
        j = offset + 1
        o = []
        size = []
        for x in obj:
            s_x, o_x, n_x, size_x = _to_json_with_size(x, offset=j, sort_keys=sort_keys)
            s += s_x + ", "
            j += n_x + 2
        if s.endswith(", "):
            s = s[:-2]
        s += "]\n"
        n = len(s)
        s = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=sort_keys)
        o = offset
        n = size = len(s)
    return s, o, n, size

def index(obj, sort_keys=False):
    """Creates an index for a JSON file."""
    idx = {}
    json_obj = _to_json_with_size(obj, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    s, idx["offsets"], _, idx["sizes"] = json_obj
    return s, idx

JSON_FORMAT = """{{"locs": [{iloc:>10}, {ilen:>10}, {dloc:>10}, {dlen:>10}],
 "index": {index},
 "data": {data}

def dumps(obj, sort_keys=False):
    """Dumps an object to JSON with an index."""
    data, idx = index(obj, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    jdx = json.dumps(idx, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    iloc = 69
    ilen = len(jdx)
    dloc = iloc + ilen + 11
    dlen = len(data)
    s = JSON_FORMAT.format(
        index=jdx, data=data, iloc=iloc, ilen=ilen, dloc=dloc, dlen=dlen
    return s

def ljdump(obj, fp, sort_keys=False):
    """Dumps an object to JSON file."""
    s = dumps(obj, sort_keys=sort_keys)

class LJNode(cabc.Mapping, cabc.Sequence):
    """A proxy node for JSON nodes. Acts as both sequence and mapping."""

    def __init__(self, offsets, sizes, root):
        offsets : dict, list, or int
            offsets of corresponding data structure, in bytes
        sizes : dict, list, or int
            sizes of corresponding data structure, in bytes
        root : weakref.proxy of LazyJSON
            weakref back to root node, which should be a LazyJSON object.
        self.offsets = offsets
        self.sizes = sizes
        self.root = root
        self.is_mapping = isinstance(self.offsets, cabc.Mapping)
        self.is_sequence = isinstance(self.offsets, cabc.Sequence)

    def __len__(self):
        # recall that for maps, the '__total__' key is added and for
        # sequences the last element represents the total size/offset.
        return len(self.sizes) - 1

    def load(self):
        """Returns the Python data structure represented by the node."""
        if self.is_mapping:
            offset = self.offsets["__total__"]
            size = self.sizes["__total__"]
        elif self.is_sequence:
            offset = self.offsets[-1]
            size = self.sizes[-1]
        elif isinstance(self.offsets, int):
            offset = self.offsets
            size = self.sizes
        return self._load_or_node(offset, size)

    def _load_or_node(self, offset, size):
        if isinstance(offset, int):
            with self.root._open(newline="\n") as f:
       + offset)
                s =
            val = json.loads(s)
        elif isinstance(offset, (cabc.Mapping, cabc.Sequence)):
            val = LJNode(offset, size, self.root)
            raise TypeError("incorrect types for offset node")
        return val

    def _getitem_mapping(self, key):
        if key == "__total__":
            raise KeyError('"__total__" is a special LazyJSON key!')
        offset = self.offsets[key]
        size = self.sizes[key]
        return self._load_or_node(offset, size)

    def _getitem_sequence(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, int):
            rtn = self._load_or_node(self.offsets[key], self.sizes[key])
        elif isinstance(key, slice):
            key = slice(*key.indices(len(self)))
            rtn = list(map(self._load_or_node, self.offsets[key], self.sizes[key]))
            raise TypeError("only integer indexing available")
        return rtn

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if self.is_mapping:
            rtn = self._getitem_mapping(key)
        elif self.is_sequence:
            rtn = self._getitem_sequence(key)
            raise NotImplementedError
        return rtn

    def __iter__(self):
        if self.is_mapping:
            keys = set(self.offsets.keys())
            yield from iter(keys)
        elif self.is_sequence:
            i = 0
            n = len(self)
            while i < n:
                yield self._load_or_node(self.offsets[i], self.sizes[i])
                i += 1
            raise NotImplementedError

class LazyJSON(LJNode):
    """Represents a lazy json file. Can be used like a normal Python
    dict or list.

    def __init__(self, f, reopen=True):
        f : file handle or str
            JSON file to open.
        reopen : bool, optional
            Whether new file handle should be opened for each load.
        self._f = f
        self.reopen = reopen
        if not reopen and isinstance(f, str):
            self._f = open(f, "r", newline="\n")
        self.root = weakref.proxy(self)
        self.is_mapping = isinstance(self.offsets, cabc.Mapping)
        self.is_sequence = isinstance(self.offsets, cabc.Sequence)

    def __del__(self):

    def close(self):
        """Close the file handle, if appropriate."""
        if not self.reopen and isinstance(self._f, io.IOBase):
            except OSError:

    def _open(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.reopen and isinstance(self._f, str):
            f = open(self._f, *args, **kwargs)
            yield f
            yield self._f

    def _load_index(self):
        """Loads the index from the start of the file."""
        with self._open(newline="\n") as f:
            # read in the location data
            locs =
            locs = json.loads(locs)
            self.iloc, self.ilen, self.dloc, self.dlen = locs
            # read in the index
            idx =
            idx = json.loads(idx)
        self.offsets = idx["offsets"]
        self.sizes = idx["sizes"]

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

# platform
"""Module for platform-specific constants and implementations, as well as
compatibility layers to make use of the 'best' implementation available
on a platform.
# amalgamated os
# amalgamated sys
ctypes = _LazyModule.load('ctypes', 'ctypes')
signal = _LazyModule.load('signal', 'signal')
pathlib = _LazyModule.load('pathlib', 'pathlib')
platform = _LazyModule.load('platform', 'platform')
functools = _LazyModule.load('functools', 'functools')
subprocess = _LazyModule.load('subprocess', 'subprocess')
# amalgamated
# amalgamated importlib.util
# amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd

def distro():
        import distro as d
    except ImportError:
        d = None
    except Exception:
    return d

# OS
ON_DARWIN = LazyBool(lambda: platform.system() == "Darwin", globals(), "ON_DARWIN")
"""``True`` if executed on a Darwin platform, else ``False``. """
ON_LINUX = LazyBool(lambda: platform.system() == "Linux", globals(), "ON_LINUX")
"""``True`` if executed on a Linux platform, else ``False``. """
ON_WINDOWS = LazyBool(lambda: platform.system() == "Windows", globals(), "ON_WINDOWS")
"""``True`` if executed on a native Windows platform, else ``False``. """
ON_CYGWIN = LazyBool(lambda: sys.platform == "cygwin", globals(), "ON_CYGWIN")
"""``True`` if executed on a Cygwin Windows platform, else ``False``. """
ON_MSYS = LazyBool(lambda: sys.platform == "msys", globals(), "ON_MSYS")
"""``True`` if executed on a MSYS Windows platform, else ``False``. """
ON_POSIX = LazyBool(lambda: ( == "posix"), globals(), "ON_POSIX")
"""``True`` if executed on a POSIX-compliant platform, else ``False``. """
ON_FREEBSD = LazyBool(
    lambda: (sys.platform.startswith("freebsd")), globals(), "ON_FREEBSD"
"""``True`` if on a FreeBSD operating system, else ``False``."""
    lambda: (sys.platform.startswith("dragonfly")), globals(), "ON_DRAGONFLY"
"""``True`` if on a DragonFly BSD operating system, else ``False``."""
ON_NETBSD = LazyBool(
    lambda: (sys.platform.startswith("netbsd")), globals(), "ON_NETBSD"
"""``True`` if on a NetBSD operating system, else ``False``."""
ON_OPENBSD = LazyBool(
    lambda: (sys.platform.startswith("openbsd")), globals(), "ON_OPENBSD"
"""``True`` if on a OpenBSD operating system, else ``False``."""
    lambda: ("APPIMAGE" in os.environ and "APPDIR" in os.environ),
"""``True`` if in AppImage, else ``False``."""

def ON_BSD():
    """``True`` if on a BSD operating system, else ``False``."""
    return bool(ON_FREEBSD) or bool(ON_NETBSD) or bool(ON_OPENBSD) or bool(ON_DRAGONFLY)

def ON_BEOS():
    """True if we are on BeOS or Haiku."""
    return sys.platform == "beos5" or sys.platform == "haiku1"

def ON_WSL():
    """True if we are on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)"""
    return "microsoft" in platform.release()

# Python & packages

PYTHON_VERSION_INFO = sys.version_info[:3]
""" Version of Python interpreter as three-value tuple. """

    """The python version info tuple in a canonical bytes form."""
    return ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info)).encode()

    lambda: pathlib.Path(sys.prefix).joinpath("conda-meta").exists(),
""" ``True`` if executed in an Anaconda instance, else ``False``. """
    lambda: hasattr(signal, "SIGWINCH"), globals(), "CAN_RESIZE_WINDOW"
"""``True`` if we can resize terminal window, as provided by the presense of
signal.SIGWINCH, else ``False``.

    """``True`` if `pygments` is available, else ``False``."""
    spec = importlib.util.find_spec("pygments")
    return spec is not None

def pygments_version():
    """pygments.__version__ version if available, else None."""
        import pygments

        v = pygments.__version__
        v = None
    return v

def pygments_version_info():
    """Returns `pygments`'s version as tuple of integers."""
        return tuple(int(x) for x in pygments_version().strip("<>+-=.").split("."))
        return None

def has_prompt_toolkit():
    """Tests if the `prompt_toolkit` is available."""
    spec = importlib.util.find_spec("prompt_toolkit")
    return spec is not None

def ptk_version():
    """Returns `prompt_toolkit.__version__` if available, else ``None``."""
    if has_prompt_toolkit():
        import prompt_toolkit

        return getattr(prompt_toolkit, "__version__", "<0.57")
        return None

def ptk_version_info():
    """Returns `prompt_toolkit`'s version as tuple of integers."""
    if has_prompt_toolkit():
        return tuple(int(x) for x in ptk_version().strip("<>+-=.").split("."))
        return None

minimum_required_ptk_version = (2, 0, 0)
"""Minimum version of prompt-toolkit supported by Xonsh"""

def ptk_above_min_supported():
    return ptk_version_info() and ptk_version_info() >= minimum_required_ptk_version

def win_ansi_support():
    if ON_WINDOWS:
            from prompt_toolkit.utils import is_windows_vt100_supported, is_conemu_ansi
        except ImportError:
            return False
        return is_conemu_ansi() or is_windows_vt100_supported()
        return False

def ptk_below_max_supported():
    ptk_max_version_cutoff = (99999, 0)  # currently, no limit.
    return ptk_version_info()[:2] < ptk_max_version_cutoff

def best_shell_type():
    from xonsh.built_ins import XSH

    if XSH.env.get("TERM", "") == "dumb":
        return "dumb"
    if has_prompt_toolkit():
        return "prompt_toolkit"
    return "readline"

def is_readline_available():
    """Checks if readline is available to import."""
    spec = importlib.util.find_spec("readline")
    return spec is not None

def seps():
    """String of all path separators."""
    s = os.path.sep
    if os.path.altsep is not None:
        s += os.path.altsep
    return s

def pathsplit(p):
    """This is a safe version of os.path.split(), which does not work on input
    without a drive.
    n = len(p)
    if n == 0:
        # lazy object seps does not get initialized when n is zero
        return "", ""
    while n and p[n - 1] not in seps:
        n -= 1
    pre = p[:n]
    pre = pre.rstrip(seps) or pre
    post = p[n:]
    return pre, post

def pathbasename(p):
    """This is a safe version of os.path.basename(), which does not work on
    input without a drive.  This version does.
    return pathsplit(p)[-1]

def expanduser():
    """Dispatches to the correct platform-dependent expanduser() function."""
    if ON_WINDOWS:
        return windows_expanduser
        return os.path.expanduser

def windows_expanduser(path):
    """A Windows-specific expanduser() function for xonsh. This is needed
    since os.path.expanduser() does not check on Windows if the user actually
    exists. This restricts expanding the '~' if it is not followed by a
    separator. That is only '~/' and '~\' are expanded.
    path = str(path)
    if not path.startswith("~"):
        return path
    elif len(path) < 2 or path[1] in seps:
        return os.path.expanduser(path)
        return path

# termios tc(get|set)attr indexes.
CC = 6

# Dev release info

def githash():
    """Returns a tuple contains two strings: the hash and the date."""
    install_base = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    githash_file = "{}/dev.githash".format(install_base)
    if not os.path.exists(githash_file):
        return None, None
    sha = None
    date_ = None
        with open(githash_file) as f:
            sha, date_ ="|")
    except ValueError:
    return sha, date_

# Encoding

DEFAULT_ENCODING = sys.getdefaultencoding()
""" Default string encoding. """

# Linux distro

def linux_distro():
    """The id of the Linux distribution running on, possibly 'unknown'.
    None on non-Linux platforms.
    if ON_LINUX:
        if distro:
            ld =
        elif PYTHON_VERSION_INFO < (3, 6, 6):
            ld = platform.linux_distribution()[0] or "unknown"
        elif "-ARCH-" in platform.platform():
            ld = "arch"  # that's the only one we need to know for now
            ld = "unknown"
        ld = None
    return ld

# Windows

def git_for_windows_path():
    """Returns the path to git for windows, if available and None otherwise."""
    import winreg

        key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\GitForWindows")
        gfwp, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "InstallPath")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        gfwp = None
    return gfwp

def windows_bash_command():
    """Determines the command for Bash on windows."""
    # Check that bash is on path otherwise try the default directory
    # used by Git for windows
    from xonsh.built_ins import XSH

    wbc = "bash"
    cmd_cache = XSH.commands_cache
    bash_on_path = cmd_cache.lazy_locate_binary("bash", ignore_alias=True)
    if bash_on_path:
            out = subprocess.check_output(
                [bash_on_path, "--version"],
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            bash_works = False
            # Check if Bash is from the "Windows Subsystem for Linux" (WSL)
            # which can't be used by xonsh foreign-shell/completer
            bash_works = out and "pc-linux-gnu" not in out.splitlines()[0]

        if bash_works:
            wbc = bash_on_path
            gfwp = git_for_windows_path()
            if gfwp:
                bashcmd = os.path.join(gfwp, "bin\\bash.exe")
                if os.path.isfile(bashcmd):
                    wbc = bashcmd
    return wbc

# Environment variables defaults


    class OSEnvironCasePreserving(cabc.MutableMapping):
        """Case-preserving wrapper for os.environ on Windows.
        It uses nt.environ to get the correct cased keys on
        initialization. It also preserves the case of any variables
        add after initialization.

        def __init__(self):
            import nt

            self._upperkeys = dict((k.upper(), k) for k in nt.environ)

        def _sync(self):
            """Ensure that the case sensitive map of the keys are
            in sync with os.environ
            envkeys = set(os.environ.keys())
            for key in envkeys.difference(self._upperkeys):
                self._upperkeys[key] = key.upper()
            for key in set(self._upperkeys).difference(envkeys):
                del self._upperkeys[key]

        def __contains__(self, k):
            return k.upper() in self._upperkeys

        def __len__(self):
            return len(self._upperkeys)

        def __iter__(self):
            return iter(self._upperkeys.values())

        def __getitem__(self, k):
            return os.environ[k]

        def __setitem__(self, k, v):
            self._upperkeys[k.upper()] = k
            os.environ[k] = v

        def __delitem__(self, k):
            if k.upper() in self._upperkeys:
                del self._upperkeys[k.upper()]
                del os.environ[k]

        def getkey_actual_case(self, k):
            return self._upperkeys.get(k.upper())

def os_environ():
    """This dispatches to the correct, case-sensitive version of os.environ.
    This is mainly a problem for Windows. See #2024 for more details.
    This can probably go away once support for Python v3.5 or v3.6 is
    if ON_WINDOWS:
        return OSEnvironCasePreserving()
        return os.environ

def bash_command():
    """Determines the command for Bash on the current platform."""
    if ON_WINDOWS:
        bc = windows_bash_command()
        bc = "bash"
    return bc

    """A possibly empty tuple with default paths to Bash completions known for
    the current platform.
        bcd = ("/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion",)
    elif ON_DARWIN:
        bcd = (
            "/usr/local/share/bash-completion/bash_completion",  # v2.x
        )  # v1.x
    elif ON_WINDOWS and git_for_windows_path():
        bcd = (
                git_for_windows_path(), "usr\\share\\bash-completion\\bash_completion"
                "mingw64\\share\\git\\completion\\" "git-completion.bash",
        bcd = ()
    return bcd

        if linux_distro() == "arch":
            pd = (
            pd = (
    elif ON_DARWIN:
        pd = ("/usr/local/bin", "/usr/bin", "/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/sbin")
    elif ON_WINDOWS:
        import winreg

        key = winreg.OpenKey(
            r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment",
        pd = tuple(winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Path")[0].split(os.pathsep))
        pd = ()
    return pd

# libc
def LIBC():
    """The platform dependent libc implementation."""
    global ctypes
    if ON_DARWIN:
        import ctypes.util

        libc = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library("c"))
    elif ON_CYGWIN:
        libc = ctypes.CDLL("cygwin1.dll")
    elif ON_MSYS:
        libc = ctypes.CDLL("msys-2.0.dll")
    elif ON_FREEBSD:
            libc = ctypes.CDLL("")
        except OSError:
            libc = None
    elif ON_BSD:
            libc = ctypes.CDLL("")
        except AttributeError:
            libc = None
        except OSError:
            # OS X; can't use ctypes.util.find_library because that creates
            # a new process on Linux, which is undesirable.
                libc = ctypes.CDLL("libc.dylib")
            except OSError:
                libc = None
    elif ON_POSIX:
            libc = ctypes.CDLL("")
        except AttributeError:
            libc = None
        except OSError:
            # Debian and derivatives do the wrong thing because /usr/lib/
            # is a GNU ld script rather than an ELF object. To get around this, we
            # have to be more specific.
            # We don't want to use ctypes.util.find_library because that creates a
            # new process on Linux. We also don't want to try too hard because at
            # this point we're already pretty sure this isn't Linux.
                libc = ctypes.CDLL("")
            except OSError:
                libc = None
        if not hasattr(libc, "sysinfo"):
            # Not Linux.
            libc = None
    elif ON_WINDOWS:
        if hasattr(ctypes, "windll") and hasattr(ctypes.windll, "kernel32"):
            libc = ctypes.windll.kernel32
                # Windows CE uses the cdecl calling convention.
                libc = ctypes.CDLL("coredll.lib")
            except (AttributeError, OSError):
                libc = None
    elif ON_BEOS:
        libc = ctypes.CDLL("")
        libc = None
    return libc

# pretty
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python advanced pretty printer.  This pretty printer is intended to
replace the old `pprint` python module which does not allow developers
to provide their own pretty print callbacks.

This module is based on ruby's `prettyprint.rb` library by `Tanaka Akira`.

The following implementations were forked from the IPython project:
* Copyright (c) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team
* Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Fernando Perez <>
* Copyright (c) 2001, Janko Hauser <>
* Copyright (c) 2001, Nathaniel Gray <>

Example Usage

To directly print the representation of an object use `pprint`::

    from pretty import pretty_print

To get a string of the output use `pretty`::

    from pretty import pretty
    string = pretty(complex_object)


The pretty library allows developers to add pretty printing rules for their
own objects.  This process is straightforward.  All you have to do is to
add a `_repr_pretty_` method to your object and call the methods on the
pretty printer passed::

    class MyObject(object):

        def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle):

Here is an example implementation of a `_repr_pretty_` method for a list

    class MyList(list):

        def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle):
            if cycle:
                with, 'MyList([', '])'):
                    for idx, item in enumerate(self):
                        if idx:

The `cycle` parameter is `True` if pretty detected a cycle.  You *have* to
react to that or the result is an infinite loop.  `p.text()` just adds
non breaking text to the output, `p.breakable()` either adds a whitespace
or breaks here.  If you pass it an argument it's used instead of the
default space.  `p.pretty` prettyprints another object using the pretty print

The first parameter to the `group` function specifies the extra indentation
of the next line.  In this example the next item will either be on the same
line (if the items are short enough) or aligned with the right edge of the
opening bracket of `MyList`.

If you just want to indent something you can use the group function
without open / close parameters.  You can also use this code::

    with p.indent(2):

:copyright: 2007 by Armin Ronacher.
            Portions (c) 2009 by Robert Kern.
:license: BSD License.
# amalgamated io
re = _LazyModule.load('re', 're')
# amalgamated sys
# amalgamated types
datetime = _LazyModule.load('datetime', 'datetime')
# amalgamated contextlib
collections = _LazyModule.load('collections', 'collections')
# amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd
__all__ = [


def _safe_getattr(obj, attr, default=None):
    """Safe version of getattr.

    Same as getattr, but will return ``default`` on any Exception,
    rather than raising.
        return getattr(obj, attr, default)
    except Exception:
        return default

CUnicodeIO = io.StringIO

def pretty(
    obj, verbose=False, max_width=79, newline="\n", max_seq_length=MAX_SEQ_LENGTH
    Pretty print the object's representation.
    if hasattr(obj, "xonsh_display"):
        return obj.xonsh_display()

    stream = CUnicodeIO()
    printer = RepresentationPrinter(
        stream, verbose, max_width, newline, max_seq_length=max_seq_length
    return stream.getvalue()

def pretty_print(
    obj, verbose=False, max_width=79, newline="\n", max_seq_length=MAX_SEQ_LENGTH
    Like pretty() but print to stdout.
    printer = RepresentationPrinter(
        sys.stdout, verbose, max_width, newline, max_seq_length=max_seq_length

class _PrettyPrinterBase(object):
    def indent(self, indent):
        """with statement support for indenting/dedenting."""
        self.indentation += indent
            self.indentation -= indent

    def group(self, indent=0, open="", close=""):
        """like begin_group / end_group but for the with statement."""
        self.begin_group(indent, open)
            self.end_group(indent, close)

class PrettyPrinter(_PrettyPrinterBase):
    Baseclass for the `RepresentationPrinter` prettyprinter that is used to
    generate pretty reprs of objects.  Contrary to the `RepresentationPrinter`
    this printer knows nothing about the default pprinters or the `_repr_pretty_`
    callback method.

    def __init__(
        self, output, max_width=79, newline="\n", max_seq_length=MAX_SEQ_LENGTH
        self.output = output
        self.max_width = max_width
        self.newline = newline
        self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length
        self.output_width = 0
        self.buffer_width = 0
        self.buffer = collections.deque()

        root_group = Group(0)
        self.group_stack = [root_group]
        self.group_queue = GroupQueue(root_group)
        self.indentation = 0

    def _break_outer_groups(self):
        while self.max_width < self.output_width + self.buffer_width:
            group = self.group_queue.deq()
            if not group:
            while group.breakables:
                x = self.buffer.popleft()
                self.output_width = x.output(self.output, self.output_width)
                self.buffer_width -= x.width
            while self.buffer and isinstance(self.buffer[0], Text):
                x = self.buffer.popleft()
                self.output_width = x.output(self.output, self.output_width)
                self.buffer_width -= x.width

    def text(self, obj):
        """Add literal text to the output."""
        width = len(obj)
        if self.buffer:
            text = self.buffer[-1]
            if not isinstance(text, Text):
                text = Text()
            text.add(obj, width)
            self.buffer_width += width
            self.output_width += width

    def breakable(self, sep=" "):
        Add a breakable separator to the output.  This does not mean that it
        will automatically break here.  If no breaking on this position takes
        place the `sep` is inserted which default to one space.
        width = len(sep)
        group = self.group_stack[-1]
        if group.want_break:
            self.output.write(" " * self.indentation)
            self.output_width = self.indentation
            self.buffer_width = 0
            self.buffer.append(Breakable(sep, width, self))
            self.buffer_width += width

    def break_(self):
        Explicitly insert a newline into the output, maintaining correct indentation.
        self.output.write(" " * self.indentation)
        self.output_width = self.indentation
        self.buffer_width = 0

    def begin_group(self, indent=0, open=""):
        Begin a group.  If you want support for python < 2.5 which doesn't has
        the with statement this is the preferred way:

            p.begin_group(1, '{')
            p.end_group(1, '}')

        The python 2.5 expression would be this:

            with, '{', '}'):

        The first parameter specifies the indentation for the next line (usually
        the width of the opening text), the second the opening text.  All
        parameters are optional.
        if open:
        group = Group(self.group_stack[-1].depth + 1)
        self.indentation += indent

    def _enumerate(self, seq):
        """like enumerate, but with an upper limit on the number of items"""
        for idx, x in enumerate(seq):
            if self.max_seq_length and idx >= self.max_seq_length:
            yield idx, x

    def end_group(self, dedent=0, close=""):
        """End a group. See `begin_group` for more details."""
        self.indentation -= dedent
        group = self.group_stack.pop()
        if not group.breakables:
        if close:

    def flush(self):
        """Flush data that is left in the buffer."""
        for data in self.buffer:
            self.output_width += data.output(self.output, self.output_width)
        self.buffer_width = 0

def _get_mro(obj_class):
    """Get a reasonable method resolution order of a class and its superclasses
    for both old-style and new-style classes.
    if not hasattr(obj_class, "__mro__"):
        # Old-style class. Mix in object to make a fake new-style class.
            obj_class = type(obj_class.__name__, (obj_class, object), {})
        except TypeError:
            # Old-style extension type that does not descend from object.
            # FIXME: try to construct a more thorough MRO.
            mro = [obj_class]
            mro = obj_class.__mro__[1:-1]
        mro = obj_class.__mro__
    return mro

class RepresentationPrinter(PrettyPrinter):
    Special pretty printer that has a `pretty` method that calls the pretty
    printer for a python object.

    This class stores processing data on `self` so you must *never* use
    this class in a threaded environment.  Always lock it or reinstantiate

    Instances also have a verbose flag callbacks can access to control their
    output.  For example the default instance repr prints all attributes and
    methods that are not prefixed by an underscore if the printer is in
    verbose mode.

    def __init__(

            self, output, max_width, newline, max_seq_length=max_seq_length
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.stack = []
        if singleton_pprinters is None:
            singleton_pprinters = _singleton_pprinters.copy()
        self.singleton_pprinters = singleton_pprinters
        if type_pprinters is None:
            type_pprinters = _type_pprinters.copy()
        self.type_pprinters = type_pprinters
        if deferred_pprinters is None:
            deferred_pprinters = _deferred_type_pprinters.copy()
        self.deferred_pprinters = deferred_pprinters

    def pretty(self, obj):
        """Pretty print the given object."""
        obj_id = id(obj)
        cycle = obj_id in self.stack
            obj_class = _safe_getattr(obj, "__class__", None) or type(obj)
            # First try to find registered singleton printers for the type.
                printer = self.singleton_pprinters[obj_id]
            except (TypeError, KeyError):
                return printer(obj, self, cycle)
            # Next walk the mro and check for either:
            #   1) a registered printer
            #   2) a _repr_pretty_ method
            for cls in _get_mro(obj_class):
                if cls in self.type_pprinters:
                    # printer registered in self.type_pprinters
                    return self.type_pprinters[cls](obj, self, cycle)
                    # deferred printer
                    printer = self._in_deferred_types(cls)
                    if printer is not None:
                        return printer(obj, self, cycle)
                        # Finally look for special method names.
                        # Some objects automatically create any requested
                        # attribute. Try to ignore most of them by checking for
                        # callability.
                        if "_repr_pretty_" in cls.__dict__:
                            meth = cls._repr_pretty_
                            if callable(meth):
                                return meth(obj, self, cycle)
            return _default_pprint(obj, self, cycle)

    def _in_deferred_types(self, cls):
        Check if the given class is specified in the deferred type registry.

        Returns the printer from the registry if it exists, and None if the
        class is not in the registry. Successful matches will be moved to the
        regular type registry for future use.
        mod = _safe_getattr(cls, "__module__", None)
        name = _safe_getattr(cls, "__name__", None)
        key = (mod, name)
        printer = None
        if key in self.deferred_pprinters:
            # Move the printer over to the regular registry.
            printer = self.deferred_pprinters.pop(key)
            self.type_pprinters[cls] = printer
        return printer

class Printable(object):
    def output(self, stream, output_width):
        return output_width

class Text(Printable):
    def __init__(self):
        self.objs = []
        self.width = 0

    def output(self, stream, output_width):
        for obj in self.objs:
        return output_width + self.width

    def add(self, obj, width):
        self.width += width

class Breakable(Printable):
    def __init__(self, seq, width, pretty):
        self.obj = seq
        self.width = width
        self.pretty = pretty
        self.indentation = pretty.indentation = pretty.group_stack[-1]

    def output(self, stream, output_width):
            stream.write(" " * self.indentation)
            return self.indentation
        if not
        return output_width + self.width

class Group(Printable):
    def __init__(self, depth):
        self.depth = depth
        self.breakables = collections.deque()
        self.want_break = False

class GroupQueue(object):
    def __init__(self, *groups):
        self.queue = []
        for group in groups:

    def enq(self, group):
        depth = group.depth
        while depth > len(self.queue) - 1:

    def deq(self):
        for stack in self.queue:
            for idx, group in enumerate(reversed(stack)):
                if group.breakables:
                    del stack[idx]
                    group.want_break = True
                    return group
            for group in stack:
                group.want_break = True
            del stack[:]

    def remove(self, group):
        except ValueError:

def _baseclass_reprs():
        br = (object.__repr__, types.InstanceType.__repr__)
    except AttributeError:  # Python 3
        br = (object.__repr__,)
    return br

def _default_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    The default print function.  Used if an object does not provide one and
    it's none of the builtin objects.
    klass = _safe_getattr(obj, "__class__", None) or type(obj)
    if _safe_getattr(klass, "__repr__", None) not in _baseclass_reprs:
        # A user-provided repr. Find newlines and replace them with p.break_()
        _repr_pprint(obj, p, cycle)
    p.begin_group(1, "<")
    p.text(" at 0x%x" % id(obj))
    if cycle:
        p.text(" ...")
    elif p.verbose:
        first = True
        for key in dir(obj):
            if not key.startswith("_"):
                    value = getattr(obj, key)
                except AttributeError:
                if isinstance(value, types.MethodType):
                if not first:
                step = len(key) + 1
                p.indentation += step
                p.indentation -= step
                first = False
    p.end_group(1, ">")

def _seq_pprinter_factory(start, end, basetype):
    Factory that returns a pprint function useful for sequences.  Used by
    the default pprint for tuples, dicts, and lists.

    def inner(obj, p, cycle):
        typ = type(obj)
        if (
            basetype is not None
            and typ is not basetype
            and typ.__repr__ != basetype.__repr__
            # If the subclass provides its own repr, use it instead.
            return p.text(typ.__repr__(obj))

        if cycle:
            return p.text(start + "..." + end)
        step = len(start)
        p.begin_group(step, start)
        for idx, x in p._enumerate(obj):
            if idx:
        if len(obj) == 1 and type(obj) is tuple:
            # Special case for 1-item tuples.
        p.end_group(step, end)

    return inner

def _set_pprinter_factory(start, end, basetype):
    Factory that returns a pprint function useful for sets and frozensets.

    def inner(obj, p, cycle):
        typ = type(obj)
        if (
            basetype is not None
            and typ is not basetype
            and typ.__repr__ != basetype.__repr__
            # If the subclass provides its own repr, use it instead.
            return p.text(typ.__repr__(obj))

        if cycle:
            return p.text(start + "..." + end)
        if len(obj) == 0:
            # Special case.
            p.text(basetype.__name__ + "()")
            step = len(start)
            p.begin_group(step, start)
            # Like dictionary keys, we will try to sort the items if there aren't too many
            items = obj
            if not (p.max_seq_length and len(obj) >= p.max_seq_length):
                    items = sorted(obj)
                except Exception:
                    # Sometimes the items don't sort.
            for idx, x in p._enumerate(items):
                if idx:
            p.end_group(step, end)

    return inner

def _dict_pprinter_factory(start, end, basetype=None):
    Factory that returns a pprint function used by the default pprint of
    dicts and dict proxies.

    def inner(obj, p, cycle):
        typ = type(obj)
        if (
            basetype is not None
            and typ is not basetype
            and typ.__repr__ != basetype.__repr__
            # If the subclass provides its own repr, use it instead.
            return p.text(typ.__repr__(obj))

        if cycle:
            return p.text("{...}")
        p.begin_group(1, start)
        keys = obj.keys()
        # if dict isn't large enough to be truncated, sort keys before displaying
        if not (p.max_seq_length and len(obj) >= p.max_seq_length):
                keys = sorted(keys)
            except Exception:
                # Sometimes the keys don't sort.
        for idx, key in p._enumerate(keys):
            if idx:
            p.text(": ")
        p.end_group(1, end)

    return inner

def _super_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    """The pprint for the super type."""
    p.begin_group(8, "<super: ")
    p.end_group(8, ">")

def _re_pattern_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    """The pprint function for regular expression patterns."""
    pattern = repr(obj.pattern)
    if pattern[:1] in "uU":
        pattern = pattern[1:]
        prefix = "ur"
        prefix = "r"
    pattern = prefix + pattern.replace("\\\\", "\\")
    if obj.flags:
        done_one = False
        for flag in (
            if obj.flags & getattr(re, flag):
                if done_one:
                p.text("re." + flag)
                done_one = True

def _type_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    """The pprint for classes and types."""
    # Heap allocated types might not have the module attribute,
    # and others may set it to None.

    # Checks for a __repr__ override in the metaclass
    if type(obj).__repr__ is not type.__repr__:
        _repr_pprint(obj, p, cycle)

    mod = _safe_getattr(obj, "__module__", None)
        name = obj.__qualname__
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            # This can happen if the type implements __qualname__ as a property
            # or other descriptor in Python 2.
            raise Exception("Try __name__")
    except Exception:
        name = obj.__name__
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            name = "<unknown type>"

    if mod in (None, "__builtin__", "builtins", "exceptions"):
        p.text(mod + "." + name)

def _repr_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    """A pprint that just redirects to the normal repr function."""
    # Find newlines and replace them with p.break_()
    output = repr(obj)
    for idx, output_line in enumerate(output.splitlines()):
        if idx:

def _function_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    """Base pprint for all functions and builtin functions."""
    name = _safe_getattr(obj, "__qualname__", obj.__name__)
    mod = obj.__module__
    if mod and mod not in ("__builtin__", "builtins", "exceptions"):
        name = mod + "." + name
    p.text("<function %s>" % name)

def _exception_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    """Base pprint for all exceptions."""
    name = getattr(obj.__class__, "__qualname__", obj.__class__.__name__)
    if obj.__class__.__module__ not in ("exceptions", "builtins"):
        name = "%s.%s" % (obj.__class__.__module__, name)
    step = len(name) + 1
    p.begin_group(step, name + "(")
    for idx, arg in enumerate(getattr(obj, "args", ())):
        if idx:
    p.end_group(step, ")")

def _type_pprinters():
    #: printers for builtin types
    tp = {
        int: _repr_pprint,
        float: _repr_pprint,
        str: _repr_pprint,
        tuple: _seq_pprinter_factory("(", ")", tuple),
        list: _seq_pprinter_factory("[", "]", list),
        dict: _dict_pprinter_factory("{", "}", dict),
        set: _set_pprinter_factory("{", "}", set),
        frozenset: _set_pprinter_factory("frozenset({", "})", frozenset),
        super: _super_pprint,
        type(re.compile("")): _re_pattern_pprint,
        type: _type_pprint,
        types.FunctionType: _function_pprint,
        types.BuiltinFunctionType: _function_pprint,
        types.MethodType: _repr_pprint,
        datetime.datetime: _repr_pprint,
        datetime.timedelta: _repr_pprint,
    #: the exception base
        _exception_base = BaseException
    except NameError:
        _exception_base = Exception
    tp[_exception_base] = _exception_pprint
        tp[types.DictProxyType] = _dict_pprinter_factory("<dictproxy {", "}>")
        tp[types.ClassType] = _type_pprint
        tp[types.SliceType] = _repr_pprint
    except AttributeError:  # Python 3
        tp[slice] = _repr_pprint
        tp[xrange] = _repr_pprint
        tp[long] = _repr_pprint
        tp[unicode] = _repr_pprint
    except NameError:
        tp[range] = _repr_pprint
        tp[bytes] = _repr_pprint
    return tp

#: printers for types specified by name
def _deferred_type_pprinters():
    dtp = {}
    for_type_by_name("collections", "defaultdict", _defaultdict_pprint, dtp=dtp)
    for_type_by_name("collections", "OrderedDict", _ordereddict_pprint, dtp=dtp)
    for_type_by_name("collections", "deque", _deque_pprint, dtp=dtp)
    for_type_by_name("collections", "Counter", _counter_pprint, dtp=dtp)
    return dtp

def for_type(typ, func):
    Add a pretty printer for a given type.
    oldfunc = _type_pprinters.get(typ, None)
    if func is not None:
        # To support easy restoration of old pprinters, we need to ignore Nones.
        _type_pprinters[typ] = func
    return oldfunc

def for_type_by_name(type_module, type_name, func, dtp=None):
    Add a pretty printer for a type specified by the module and name of a type
    rather than the type object itself.
    if dtp is None:
        dtp = _deferred_type_pprinters
    key = (type_module, type_name)
    oldfunc = dtp.get(key, None)
    if func is not None:
        # To support easy restoration of old pprinters, we need to ignore Nones.
        dtp[key] = func
    return oldfunc

#: printers for the default singletons
_singleton_pprinters = LazyObject(
    lambda: dict.fromkeys(
        map(id, [None, True, False, Ellipsis, NotImplemented]), _repr_pprint

def _defaultdict_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    name = obj.__class__.__name__
    with + 1, name + "(", ")"):
        if cycle:

def _ordereddict_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    name = obj.__class__.__name__
    with + 1, name + "(", ")"):
        if cycle:
        elif len(obj):

def _deque_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    name = obj.__class__.__name__
    with + 1, name + "(", ")"):
        if cycle:

def _counter_pprint(obj, p, cycle):
    name = obj.__class__.__name__
    with + 1, name + "(", ")"):
        if cycle:
        elif len(obj):

# xontribs_meta
This modules is the place where one would define the xontribs.

ast = _LazyModule.load('ast', 'ast')
# amalgamated functools
# amalgamated importlib.util
from pathlib import Path
# amalgamated typing
# amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd
class _XontribPkg(tp.NamedTuple):
    """Class to define package information of a xontrib.

        a mapping of tools with respective install commands. e.g. {"pip": "pip install xontrib"}
        license type of the xontrib package
        full name of the package. e.g. "xontrib-argcomplete"
        URL to the homepage of the xontrib package.

    install: tp.Dict[str, str]
    license: str = ""
    name: str = ""
    url: tp.Optional[str] = None

class Xontrib(tp.NamedTuple):
    """Meta class that is used to describe xontribs.

        url to the home page of the xontrib.
        short description about the xontrib.
        pkg information for installing the xontrib

    url: str = ""
    description: tp.Union[str, LazyObject] = ""
    package: tp.Optional[_XontribPkg] = None
    tags: tp.Tuple[str, ...] = ()

def get_module_docstring(module: str) -> str:
    """Find the module and return its docstring without actual import"""

    spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module)
    if spec and spec.has_location and spec.origin:
        return ast.get_docstring(ast.parse(Path(spec.origin).read_text())) or ""
    return ""

def get_xontribs() -> tp.Dict[str, Xontrib]:
    """Return xontrib definitions lazily."""
    return define_xontribs()

def define_xontribs():
    """Xontrib registry."""
    core_pkg = _XontribPkg(
        license="BSD 3-clause",
            "conda": "conda install -c conda-forge xonsh",
            "pip": "xpip install xonsh",
            "aura": "sudo aura -A xonsh",
            "yaourt": "yaourt -Sa xonsh",
    return {
        "abbrevs": Xontrib(
            description=lazyobject(lambda: get_module_docstring("xontrib.abbrevs")),
        "apt_tabcomplete": Xontrib(
            description="Adds tabcomplete functionality to "
            "apt-get/apt-cache inside of xonsh.",
                license="BSD 2-clause",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xonsh-apt-tabcomplete"},
        "argcomplete": Xontrib(
            description="Argcomplete support to tab completion of "
            "python and xonsh scripts in xonsh.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-argcomplete"},
        "autojump": Xontrib(
            description="autojump support for xonsh",
        "autovox": Xontrib(
            description="Manages automatic activation of virtual " "environments.",
        "autoxsh": Xontrib(
            description="Adds automatic execution of xonsh script files "
            "called ``.autoxsh`` when enterting a directory "
            "with ``cd`` function",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xonsh-autoxsh"},
        "avox": Xontrib(
            description="Policy for autovox based on project directories",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-avox"},
        "avox_poetry": Xontrib(
            description="auto-activate venv as one cd into a poetry project folder. "
            "Activate ``.venv`` inside the project folder is also supported.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-avox-poetry"},
        "back2dir": Xontrib(
            description="Return to the most recently used directory when "
            "starting the xonsh shell. For example, if you "
            "were in the '/work' directory when you last "
            "exited xonsh, then your next xonsh session will "
            "start in the '/work' directory, instead of your "
            "home directory.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-back2dir"},
        "base16_shell": Xontrib(
            description="Change base16 shell themes",
        "bashisms": Xontrib(
            description="Enables additional Bash-like syntax while at the "
            "command prompt. For example, the ``!!`` syntax "
            "for running the previous command is now usable. "
            "Note that these features are implemented as "
            "precommand events and these additions do not "
            "affect the xonsh language when run as script. "
            "That said, you might find them useful if you "
            "have strong muscle memory.\n"
            "**Warning:** This xontrib may modify user "
            "command line input to implement its behavior. To "
            "see the modifications as they are applied (in "
            "unified diffformat), please set ``$XONSH_DEBUG`` "
            "to ``2`` or higher.\n"
            "The xontrib also adds commands: ``alias``, "
            "``export``, ``unset``, ``set``, ``shopt``, "
        "broot": Xontrib(
            description="supports broot with br alias",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-broot"},
        "powerline3": Xontrib(
            description="Powerline theme with native $PROMPT_FIELDS support.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-powerline3"},
        "cd": Xontrib(
            description="'cd' to any path without escaping in xonsh shell "
            "('cd '→'cd! ')",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-cd"},
        "cmd_done": Xontrib(
            description="send notification once long-running command is "
            "finished. Adds `long_cmd_duration` field to "
            "$PROMPT_FIELDS. Note: It needs `xdotool` "
            "installed to detect current window.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-cmd-durations"},
        "commands": Xontrib(
            description="Some useful commands/aliases to use with Xonsh shell",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-commands"},
        "coreutils": Xontrib(
            description="Additional core utilities that are implemented "
            "in xonsh. The current list includes:\n"
            "* cat\n"
            "* echo\n"
            "* pwd\n"
            "* tee\n"
            "* tty\n"
            "* yes\n"
            "In many cases, these may have a lower "
            "performance overhead than the posix command "
            "line utility with the same name. This is "
            "because these tools avoid the need for a full "
            "subprocess call. Additionally, these tools are "
        "direnv": Xontrib(
            description="Supports direnv.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xonsh-direnv"},
        "distributed": Xontrib(
            description="The distributed parallel computing library "
            "hooks for xonsh. Importantly this provides a "
            "substitute 'dworker' command which enables "
            "distributed workers to have access to xonsh "
            "Furthermore, this xontrib adds a 'DSubmitter' "
            "context manager for executing a block "
            "remotely. Moreover, this also adds a "
            "convenience function 'dsubmit()' for creating "
            "DSubmitter and Executor instances at the same "
            "time. Thus users may submit distributed jobs "
            "    with dsubmit('', rtn='x') "
            "as dsub:\n"
            "        x = $(echo I am elsewhere)\n"
            "    res = dsub.future.result()\n"
            "    print(res)\n"
            "This is useful for long running or "
            "non-blocking jobs.",
        "docker_tabcomplete": Xontrib(
            description="Adds tabcomplete functionality to " "docker inside of xonsh.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xonsh-docker-tabcomplete"},
        "free_cwd": Xontrib(
            description="Windows only xontrib, to release the lock on the "
            "current directory whenever the prompt is shown. "
            "Enabling this will allow the other programs or "
            "Windows Explorer to delete or rename the current "
            "or parent directories. Internally, it is "
            "accomplished by temporarily resetting CWD to the "
            "root drive folder while waiting at the prompt. "
            "This only works with the prompt_toolkit backend "
            "and can cause cause issues if any extensions are "
            "enabled that hook the prompt and relies on "
        "fzf-widgets": Xontrib(
            description="Adds some fzf widgets to your xonsh shell.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-fzf-widgets"},
        "gitinfo": Xontrib(
            description="Displays git information on entering a repository "
            "folder. Uses ``onefetch`` if available.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-gitinfo"},
        "history_encrypt": Xontrib(
            description="History backend that encrypt the xonsh shell commands history "
            "to prevent leaking sensitive data.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-history-encrypt"},
        "hist_navigator": Xontrib(
            description="Move through directory history with nextd "
            "and prevd also with keybindings.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-hist-navigator"},
        "histcpy": Xontrib(
            description="Useful aliases and shortcuts for extracting links "
            "and textfrom command output history and putting "
            "them into the clipboard.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-histcpy"},
        "jedi": Xontrib(
            description="Use Jedi as xonsh's python completer.",
        "kitty": Xontrib(
            description="Xonsh hooks for the Kitty terminal emulator.",
                    "conda": "conda install -c conda-forge " "xontrib-kitty",
                    "pip": "xpip install xontrib-kitty",
        "linuxbrew": Xontrib(
            description="Add Homebrew's shell environment to xonsh shell on Linux",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-linuxbrew"},
        "macro_lib": Xontrib(
            description="Library of the useful macros for the xonsh shell.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-macro-lib"},
        "mpl": Xontrib(
            description="Matplotlib hooks for xonsh, including the new 'mpl' "
            "alias that displays the current figure on the screen.",
        "onepath": Xontrib(
            description="When you click to a file or folder in graphical "
            "OS they will be opened in associated app.The "
            "xontrib-onepath brings the same logic for the "
            "xonsh shell. Type the filename or pathwithout "
            "preceding command and an associated action will "
            "be executed. The actions are customizable.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-onepath"},
        "output_search": Xontrib(
            description="Get identifiers, names, paths, URLs and "
            "words from the previous command output and "
            "use them for the next command.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-output-search"},
        "pdb": Xontrib(
            description="Simple built-in debugger. Runs pdb on reception of "
            "SIGUSR1 signal.",
        "pipeliner": Xontrib(
            description="Let your pipe lines flow thru the Python code " "in xonsh.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-pipeliner"},
        "powerline": Xontrib(
            description="Powerline for Xonsh shell",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-powerline"},
        "powerline2": Xontrib(
            description="Powerline for Xonsh shell forked from "
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-powerline2"},
        "powerline_binding": Xontrib(
            description="Uses powerline to render the xonsh " "prompt",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-powerline-binding"},
        "prompt_bar": Xontrib(
            description="An elegance bar style for prompt.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-prompt-bar"},
        "prompt_ret_code": Xontrib(
            description="Adds return code info to the prompt",
        "prompt_starship": Xontrib(
            description="Starship prompt in xonsh shell.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-prompt-starship"},
        "prompt_vi_mode": Xontrib(
            description="vi-mode status formatter for xonsh prompt",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-prompt-vi-mode"},
        "pyenv": Xontrib(
            description="pyenv integration for xonsh.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-pyenv"},
        "readable-traceback": Xontrib(
            description="Make traceback easier to see for " "xonsh.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-readable-traceback"},
        "schedule": Xontrib(
            description="Xonsh Task Scheduling",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-schedule"},
        "scrapy_tabcomplete": Xontrib(
            description="Adds tabcomplete functionality to " "scrapy inside of xonsh.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xonsh-scrapy-tabcomplete"},
        "sh": Xontrib(
            description="Paste and run commands from bash, zsh, fish in xonsh "
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-sh"},
        "ssh_agent": Xontrib(
            description="ssh-agent integration",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-ssh-agent"},
        "tcg": Xontrib(
            description="tcg integration.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xonsh-tcg"},
        "vox": Xontrib(
            description="Python virtual environment manager for xonsh.",
        "vox_tabcomplete": Xontrib(
            description="Adds tabcomplete functionality to vox " "inside of xonsh.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xonsh-vox-tabcomplete"},
        "whole_word_jumping": Xontrib(
            description="Jumping across whole words "
            "(non-whitespace) with Ctrl+Left/Right. "
            "Alt+Left/Right remains unmodified to "
            "jump over smaller word segments. "
            "Shift+Delete removes the whole word.",
        "xo": Xontrib(
            description="Adds an 'xo' alias to run the exofrills text editor in "
            "the current Python interpreter session. This shaves "
            "off a bit of the startup time when running your "
            "favorite, minimal text editor.",
                    "conda": "conda install -c conda-forge xo",
                    "pip": "xpip install exofrills",
        "xog": Xontrib(
            description="Adds a simple command to establish and print "
            "temporary traceback log file.",
        "xpg": Xontrib(
            description="Run/plot/explain sql query for PostgreSQL.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-xpg"},
        "z": Xontrib(
            description="Tracks your most used directories, based on 'frecency'.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-z"},
        "zoxide": Xontrib(
            description="Zoxide integration for xonsh.",
                install={"pip": "xpip install xontrib-zoxide"},

# codecache
"""Tools for caching xonsh code."""
hashlib = _LazyModule.load('hashlib', 'hashlib')
marshal = _LazyModule.load('marshal', 'marshal')
# amalgamated os
# amalgamated sys
from xonsh import __version__ as XONSH_VERSION
# amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH
# amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd
# amalgamated xonsh.platform
def _splitpath(path, sofar=()):
    folder, path = os.path.split(path)
    if path == "":
        return sofar[::-1]
    elif folder == "":
        return (sofar + (path,))[::-1]
        return _splitpath(folder, sofar + (path,))

    cmap = {chr(o): "_%s" % chr(o + 32) for o in range(65, 91)}
    cmap.update({".": "_.", "_": "__"})
    return cmap

def _cache_renamer(path, code=False):
    if not code:
        path = os.path.realpath(path)
    o = ["".join(_CHARACTER_MAP.get(i, i) for i in w) for w in _splitpath(path)]
    o[-1] = "{}.{}".format(o[-1], sys.implementation.cache_tag)
    return o

def should_use_cache(execer, mode):
    Return ``True`` if caching has been enabled for this mode (through command
    line flags or environment variables)
    if mode == "exec":
        return (execer.scriptcache or execer.cacheall) and (
        return execer.cacheall or XSH.env["XONSH_CACHE_EVERYTHING"]

def run_compiled_code(code, glb, loc, mode):
    Helper to run code in a given mode and context
    if code is None:
    if mode in {"exec", "single"}:
        func = exec
        func = eval
    func(code, glb, loc)

def get_cache_filename(fname, code=True):
    Return the filename of the cache for the given filename.

    Cache filenames are similar to those used by the Mercurial DVCS for its
    internal store.

    The ``code`` switch should be true if we should use the code store rather
    than the script store.
    datadir = XSH.env["XONSH_DATA_DIR"]
    cachedir = os.path.join(
        datadir, "xonsh_code_cache" if code else "xonsh_script_cache"
    cachefname = os.path.join(cachedir, *_cache_renamer(fname, code=code))
    return cachefname

def update_cache(ccode, cache_file_name):
    Update the cache at ``cache_file_name`` to contain the compiled code
    represented by ``ccode``.
    if cache_file_name is not None:
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cache_file_name), exist_ok=True)
        with open(cache_file_name, "wb") as cfile:
            cfile.write(XONSH_VERSION.encode() + b"\n")
            cfile.write(bytes(PYTHON_VERSION_INFO_BYTES) + b"\n")
            marshal.dump(ccode, cfile)

def _check_cache_versions(cfile):
    # version data should be < 1 kb
    ver = cfile.readline(1024).strip()
    if ver != XONSH_VERSION.encode():
        return False
    ver = cfile.readline(1024).strip()

def compile_code(filename, code, execer, glb, loc, mode):
    Wrapper for ``execer.compile`` to compile the given code
    if not code.endswith("\n"):
        code += "\n"
    old_filename = execer.filename
        execer.filename = filename
        ccode = execer.compile(code, glbs=glb, locs=loc, mode=mode, filename=filename)
    except Exception:
        execer.filename = old_filename
    return ccode

def script_cache_check(filename, cachefname):
    Check whether the script cache for a particular file is valid.

    Returns a tuple containing: a boolean representing whether the cached code
    should be used, and the cached code (or ``None`` if the cache should not be
    ccode = None
    run_cached = False
    if os.path.isfile(cachefname):
        if os.stat(cachefname).st_mtime >= os.stat(filename).st_mtime:
            with open(cachefname, "rb") as cfile:
                if not _check_cache_versions(cfile):
                    return False, None
                ccode = marshal.load(cfile)
                run_cached = True
    return run_cached, ccode

def run_script_with_cache(filename, execer, glb=None, loc=None, mode="exec"):
    Run a script, using a cached version if it exists (and the source has not
    changed), and updating the cache as necessary.
    run_cached = False
    use_cache = should_use_cache(execer, mode)
    cachefname = get_cache_filename(filename, code=False)
    if use_cache:
        run_cached, ccode = script_cache_check(filename, cachefname)
    if not run_cached:
        with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            code =
        ccode = compile_code(filename, code, execer, glb, loc, mode)
        update_cache(ccode, cachefname)
    run_compiled_code(ccode, glb, loc, mode)

def code_cache_name(code):
    Return an appropriate spoofed filename for the given code.
    if isinstance(code, str):
        code = code.encode()
    return hashlib.md5(code).hexdigest()

def code_cache_check(cachefname):
    Check whether the code cache for a particular piece of code is valid.

    Returns a tuple containing: a boolean representing whether the cached code
    should be used, and the cached code (or ``None`` if the cache should not be
    ccode = None
    run_cached = False
    if os.path.isfile(cachefname):
        with open(cachefname, "rb") as cfile:
            if not _check_cache_versions(cfile):
                return False, None
            ccode = marshal.load(cfile)
            run_cached = True
    return run_cached, ccode

def run_code_with_cache(code, execer, glb=None, loc=None, mode="exec"):
    Run a piece of code, using a cached version if it exists, and updating the
    cache as necessary.
    use_cache = should_use_cache(execer, mode)
    filename = code_cache_name(code)
    cachefname = get_cache_filename(filename, code=True)
    run_cached = False
    if use_cache:
        run_cached, ccode = code_cache_check(cachefname)
    if not run_cached:
        ccode = compile_code(filename, code, execer, glb, loc, mode)
        update_cache(ccode, cachefname)
    run_compiled_code(ccode, glb, loc, mode)

# lazyimps
"""Lazy imports that may apply across the xonsh package."""
# amalgamated os
# amalgamated importlib
# amalgamated xonsh.platform
# amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd
pygments = LazyObject(
    lambda: importlib.import_module("pygments"), globals(), "pygments"
pyghooks = LazyObject(
    lambda: importlib.import_module("xonsh.pyghooks"), globals(), "pyghooks"

def pty():
    if ON_WINDOWS:
        return importlib.import_module("pty")

def termios():
    if ON_WINDOWS:
        return importlib.import_module("termios")

def fcntl():
    if ON_WINDOWS:
        return importlib.import_module("fcntl")

def tty():
    if ON_WINDOWS:
        return importlib.import_module("tty")

def _winapi():
    if ON_WINDOWS:
        import _winapi as m
        m = None
    return m

def msvcrt():
    if ON_WINDOWS:
        import msvcrt as m
        m = None
    return m

def winutils():
    if ON_WINDOWS:
        import xonsh.winutils as m
        m = None
    return m

def macutils():
    if ON_DARWIN:
        import xonsh.macutils as m
        m = None
    return m

def terminal256():
    return importlib.import_module("pygments.formatters.terminal256")

def html():
    return importlib.import_module("pygments.formatters.html")

def os_listxattr():
    def dummy_listxattr(*args, **kwargs):
        return []

    return getattr(os, "listxattr", dummy_listxattr)

# parser
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Implements the xonsh parser."""
# amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd
# amalgamated xonsh.platform
def Parser():
    if PYTHON_VERSION_INFO > (3, 10):
        from xonsh.parsers.v310 import Parser as p
    elif PYTHON_VERSION_INFO > (3, 9):
        from xonsh.parsers.v39 import Parser as p
    elif PYTHON_VERSION_INFO > (3, 8):
        from xonsh.parsers.v38 import Parser as p
        from xonsh.parsers.v36 import Parser as p
    return p

# tokenize
"""Tokenization help for xonsh programs.

This file is a modified version of form the Python 3.4 and 3.5
standard libraries (licensed under the Python Software Foundation License,
version 2), which provides tokenization help for Python programs.

It is modified to properly tokenize xonsh code, including backtick regex
path and several xonsh-specific operators.

Original file credits:
   __author__ = 'Ka-Ping Yee <>'
   __credits__ = ('GvR, ESR, Tim Peters, Thomas Wouters, Fred Drake, '
                  'Skip Montanaro, Raymond Hettinger, Trent Nelson, '
                  'Michael Foord')

# amalgamated re
# amalgamated io
# amalgamated sys
codecs = _LazyModule.load('codecs', 'codecs')
# amalgamated builtins
itertools = _LazyModule.load('itertools', 'itertools')
# amalgamated collections
token = _LazyModule.load('token', 'token')
from token import (
# amalgamated typing
# amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd
# amalgamated xonsh.platform
    from token import COLONEQUAL  # type:ignore

cookie_re = LazyObject(
    lambda: re.compile(r"^[ \t\f]*#.*coding[:=][ \t]*([-\w.]+)", re.ASCII),
blank_re = LazyObject(
    lambda: re.compile(br"^[ \t\f]*(?:[#\r\n]|$)", re.ASCII), globals(), "blank_re"

# token modifications
tok_name = tok_name.copy()
__all__ = token.__all__ + [  # type:ignore
    ASYNC = token.ASYNC  # type:ignore
    AWAIT = token.AWAIT  # type:ignore
    ADDSPACE_TOKS = (NAME, NUMBER)  # type:ignore
del token  # must clean up token

    AUGASSIGN_OPS = r"[+\-*/%&@|^=<>:]=?"
    AUGASSIGN_OPS = r"[+\-*/%&@|^=<>]=?"

tok_name[COMMENT] = "COMMENT"
tok_name[NL] = "NL"
tok_name[N_TOKENS] = "ATDOLLAR"
tok_name[N_TOKENS] = "ATEQUAL"
_xonsh_tokens = {
    "?": "QUESTION",
    "@=": "ATEQUAL",
    "@$": "ATDOLLAR",
    "||": "DOUBLEPIPE",
    "&&": "DOUBLEAMPER",
    "@(": "ATLPAREN",
    "!(": "BANGLPAREN",
    "![": "BANGLBRACKET",
    "$(": "DOLLARLPAREN",
    "${": "DOLLARLBRACE",
    "@$(": "ATDOLLARLPAREN",

additional_parenlevs = frozenset({"@(", "!(", "![", "$(", "$[", "${", "@$("})

_glbs = globals()
for v in _xonsh_tokens.values():
    _glbs[v] = N_TOKENS
    tok_name[N_TOKENS] = v
    N_TOKENS += 1
del _glbs, v

EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES: tp.Dict[str, tp.Union[str, int]] = {
    "(": LPAR,
    ")": RPAR,
    "[": LSQB,
    "]": RSQB,
    ":": COLON,
    ",": COMMA,
    ";": SEMI,
    "+": PLUS,
    "-": MINUS,
    "*": STAR,
    "/": SLASH,
    "|": VBAR,
    "&": AMPER,
    "<": LESS,
    ">": GREATER,
    "=": EQUAL,
    ".": DOT,
    "%": PERCENT,
    "{": LBRACE,
    "}": RBRACE,
    "==": EQEQUAL,
    "!=": NOTEQUAL,
    "<=": LESSEQUAL,
    "~": TILDE,
    "^": CIRCUMFLEX,
    "<<": LEFTSHIFT,
    ">>": RIGHTSHIFT,
    "**": DOUBLESTAR,
    "+=": PLUSEQUAL,
    "-=": MINEQUAL,
    "*=": STAREQUAL,
    "/=": SLASHEQUAL,
    "&=": AMPEREQUAL,
    "|=": VBAREQUAL,
    "//": DOUBLESLASH,
    "@": AT,


[docs]class TokenInfo(collections.namedtuple("TokenInfo", "type string start end line")): def __repr__(self): annotated_type = "%d (%s)" % (self.type, tok_name[self.type]) return ( "TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)" % self._replace(type=annotated_type) ) @property def exact_type(self): if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES: return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string] else: return self.type
def group(*choices): return "(" + "|".join(choices) + ")" def tokany(*choices): return group(*choices) + "*" def maybe(*choices): return group(*choices) + "?" # Note: we use unicode matching for names ("\w") but ascii matching for # number literals. Whitespace = r"[ \f\t]*" Comment = r"#[^\r\n]*" Ignore = Whitespace + tokany(r"\\\r?\n" + Whitespace) + maybe(Comment) Name_RE = r"\$?\w+" Hexnumber = r"0[xX](?:_?[0-9a-fA-F])+" Binnumber = r"0[bB](?:_?[01])+" Octnumber = r"0[oO](?:_?[0-7])+" Decnumber = r"(?:0(?:_?0)*|[1-9](?:_?[0-9])*)" Intnumber = group(Hexnumber, Binnumber, Octnumber, Decnumber) Exponent = r"[eE][-+]?[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*" Pointfloat = group( r"[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*\.(?:[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*)?", r"\.[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*" ) + maybe(Exponent) Expfloat = r"[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*" + Exponent Floatnumber = group(Pointfloat, Expfloat) Imagnumber = group(r"[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*[jJ]", Floatnumber + r"[jJ]") Number = group(Imagnumber, Floatnumber, Intnumber) StringPrefix = r"(?:[bB][rR]?|[p][fFrR]?|[rR][bBpfF]?|[uU]|[fF][rR]?[p]?)?" # Tail end of ' string. Single = r"[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'" # Tail end of " string. Double = r'[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"' # Tail end of ''' string. Single3 = r"[^'\\]*(?:(?:\\.|'(?!''))[^'\\]*)*'''" # Tail end of """ string. Double3 = r'[^"\\]*(?:(?:\\.|"(?!""))[^"\\]*)*"""' Triple = group(StringPrefix + "'''", StringPrefix + '"""') # Single-line ' or " string. String = group( StringPrefix + r"'[^\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\n'\\]*)*'", StringPrefix + r'"[^\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\n"\\]*)*"', ) # Xonsh-specific Syntax SearchPath = r"((?:[rgp]+|@\w*)?)`([^\n`\\]*(?:\\.[^\n`\\]*)*)`" # Because of leftmost-then-longest match semantics, be sure to put the # longest operators first (e.g., if = came before ==, == would get # recognized as two instances of =). _redir_names = ("out", "all", "err", "e", "2", "a", "&", "1", "o") _redir_map = ( # stderr to stdout "err>out", "err>&1", "2>out", "err>o", "err>1", "e>out", "e>&1", "2>&1", "e>o", "2>o", "e>1", "2>1", # stdout to stderr "out>err", "out>&2", "1>err", "out>e", "out>2", "o>err", "o>&2", "1>&2", "o>e", "1>e", "o>2", "1>2", ) IORedirect = group(group(*_redir_map), "{}>>?".format(group(*_redir_names))) _redir_check_0 = set(_redir_map) _redir_check_1 = {"{}>".format(i) for i in _redir_names}.union(_redir_check_0) _redir_check_2 = {"{}>>".format(i) for i in _redir_names}.union(_redir_check_1) _redir_check = frozenset(_redir_check_2) Operator = group( r"\*\*=?", r">>=?", r"<<=?", r"!=", r"//=?", r"->", r"@\$\(?", r"\|\|", "&&", r"@\(", r"!\(", r"!\[", r"\$\(", r"\$\[", r"\${", r"\?\?", r"\?", AUGASSIGN_OPS, r"~", ) Bracket = "[][(){}]" Special = group(r"\r?\n", r"\.\.\.", r"[:;.,@]") Funny = group(Operator, Bracket, Special) PlainToken = group(IORedirect, Number, Funny, String, Name_RE, SearchPath) # First (or only) line of ' or " string. ContStr = group( StringPrefix + r"'[^\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\n'\\]*)*" + group("'", r"\\\r?\n"), StringPrefix + r'"[^\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\n"\\]*)*' + group('"', r"\\\r?\n"), ) PseudoExtras = group(r"\\\r?\n|\Z", Comment, Triple, SearchPath) PseudoToken = Whitespace + group( PseudoExtras, IORedirect, Number, Funny, ContStr, Name_RE ) def _compile(expr): return re.compile(expr, re.UNICODE) endpats = { "'": Single, '"': Double, "'''": Single3, '"""': Double3, "r'''": Single3, 'r"""': Double3, "b'''": Single3, 'b"""': Double3, "f'''": Single3, 'f"""': Double3, "R'''": Single3, 'R"""': Double3, "B'''": Single3, 'B"""': Double3, "F'''": Single3, 'F"""': Double3, "br'''": Single3, 'br"""': Double3, "fr'''": Single3, 'fr"""': Double3, "fp'''": Single3, 'fp"""': Double3, "bR'''": Single3, 'bR"""': Double3, "Br'''": Single3, 'Br"""': Double3, "BR'''": Single3, 'BR"""': Double3, "rb'''": Single3, 'rb"""': Double3, "rf'''": Single3, 'rf"""': Double3, "Rb'''": Single3, 'Rb"""': Double3, "Fr'''": Single3, 'Fr"""': Double3, "Fp'''": Single3, 'Fp"""': Double3, "rB'''": Single3, 'rB"""': Double3, "rF'''": Single3, 'rF"""': Double3, "RB'''": Single3, 'RB"""': Double3, "RF'''": Single3, 'RF"""': Double3, "u'''": Single3, 'u"""': Double3, "U'''": Single3, 'U"""': Double3, "p'''": Single3, 'p"""': Double3, "pr'''": Single3, 'pr"""': Double3, "pf'''": Single3, 'pf"""': Double3, "pF'''": Single3, 'pF"""': Double3, "pR'''": Single3, 'pR"""': Double3, "rp'''": Single3, 'rp"""': Double3, "Rp'''": Single3, 'Rp"""': Double3, "r": None, "R": None, "b": None, "B": None, "u": None, "U": None, "p": None, "f": None, "F": None, } triple_quoted = {} for t in ( "'''", '"""', "r'''", 'r"""', "R'''", 'R"""', "b'''", 'b"""', "B'''", 'B"""', "f'''", 'f"""', "F'''", 'F"""', "br'''", 'br"""', "Br'''", 'Br"""', "bR'''", 'bR"""', "BR'''", 'BR"""', "rb'''", 'rb"""', "rB'''", 'rB"""', "Rb'''", 'Rb"""', "RB'''", 'RB"""', "fr'''", 'fr"""', "Fr'''", 'Fr"""', "fR'''", 'fR"""', "FR'''", 'FR"""', "rf'''", 'rf"""', "rF'''", 'rF"""', "Rf'''", 'Rf"""', "RF'''", 'RF"""', "u'''", 'u"""', "U'''", 'U"""', "p'''", 'p""""', "pr'''", 'pr""""', "pR'''", 'pR""""', "rp'''", 'rp""""', "Rp'''", 'Rp""""', "pf'''", 'pf""""', "pF'''", 'pF""""', "fp'''", 'fp""""', "Fp'''", 'Fp""""', ): triple_quoted[t] = t single_quoted = {} for t in ( "'", '"', "r'", 'r"', "R'", 'R"', "b'", 'b"', "B'", 'B"', "f'", 'f"', "F'", 'F"', "br'", 'br"', "Br'", 'Br"', "bR'", 'bR"', "BR'", 'BR"', "rb'", 'rb"', "rB'", 'rB"', "Rb'", 'Rb"', "RB'", 'RB"', "fr'", 'fr"', "Fr'", 'Fr"', "fR'", 'fR"', "FR'", 'FR"', "rf'", 'rf"', "rF'", 'rF"', "Rf'", 'Rf"', "RF'", 'RF"', "u'", 'u"', "U'", 'U"', "p'", 'p"', "pr'", 'pr"', "pR'", 'pR"', "rp'", 'rp"', "Rp'", 'Rp"', "pf'", 'pf"', "pF'", 'pF"', "fp'", 'fp"', "Fp'", 'Fp"', ): single_quoted[t] = t tabsize = 8
[docs]class TokenError(Exception): pass
class StopTokenizing(Exception): pass class Untokenizer: def __init__(self): self.tokens = [] self.prev_row = 1 self.prev_col = 0 self.encoding = None def add_whitespace(self, start): row, col = start if row < self.prev_row or row == self.prev_row and col < self.prev_col: raise ValueError( "start ({},{}) precedes previous end ({},{})".format( row, col, self.prev_row, self.prev_col ) ) row_offset = row - self.prev_row if row_offset: self.tokens.append("\\\n" * row_offset) self.prev_col = 0 col_offset = col - self.prev_col if col_offset: self.tokens.append(" " * col_offset) def untokenize(self, iterable): it = iter(iterable) indents = [] startline = False for t in it: if len(t) == 2: self.compat(t, it) break tok_type, token, start, end, line = t if tok_type == ENCODING: self.encoding = token continue if tok_type == ENDMARKER: break if tok_type == INDENT: indents.append(token) continue elif tok_type == DEDENT: indents.pop() self.prev_row, self.prev_col = end continue elif tok_type in (NEWLINE, NL): startline = True elif startline and indents: indent = indents[-1] if start[1] >= len(indent): self.tokens.append(indent) self.prev_col = len(indent) startline = False self.add_whitespace(start) self.tokens.append(token) self.prev_row, self.prev_col = end if tok_type in (NEWLINE, NL): self.prev_row += 1 self.prev_col = 0 return "".join(self.tokens) def compat(self, token, iterable): indents = [] toks_append = self.tokens.append startline = token[0] in (NEWLINE, NL) prevstring = False for tok in itertools.chain([token], iterable): toknum, tokval = tok[:2] if toknum == ENCODING: self.encoding = tokval continue if toknum in ADDSPACE_TOKS: tokval += " " # Insert a space between two consecutive strings if toknum == STRING: if prevstring: tokval = " " + tokval prevstring = True else: prevstring = False if toknum == INDENT: indents.append(tokval) continue elif toknum == DEDENT: indents.pop() continue elif toknum in (NEWLINE, NL): startline = True elif startline and indents: toks_append(indents[-1]) startline = False toks_append(tokval)
[docs]def untokenize(iterable): """Transform tokens back into Python source code. It returns a bytes object, encoded using the ENCODING token, which is the first token sequence output by tokenize. Each element returned by the iterable must be a token sequence with at least two elements, a token number and token value. If only two tokens are passed, the resulting output is poor. Round-trip invariant for full input: Untokenized source will match input source exactly Round-trip invariant for limited intput: # Output bytes will tokenize the back to the input t1 = [tok[:2] for tok in tokenize(f.readline)] newcode = untokenize(t1) readline = BytesIO(newcode).readline t2 = [tok[:2] for tok in tokenize(readline)] assert t1 == t2 """ ut = Untokenizer() out = ut.untokenize(iterable) if ut.encoding is not None: out = out.encode(ut.encoding) return out
def _get_normal_name(orig_enc): """Imitates get_normal_name in tokenizer.c.""" # Only care about the first 12 characters. enc = orig_enc[:12].lower().replace("_", "-") if enc == "utf-8" or enc.startswith("utf-8-"): return "utf-8" if enc in ("latin-1", "iso-8859-1", "iso-latin-1") or enc.startswith( ("latin-1-", "iso-8859-1-", "iso-latin-1-") ): return "iso-8859-1" return orig_enc
[docs]def detect_encoding(readline): """ The detect_encoding() function is used to detect the encoding that should be used to decode a Python source file. It requires one argument, readline, in the same way as the tokenize() generator. It will call readline a maximum of twice, and return the encoding used (as a string) and a list of any lines (left as bytes) it has read in. It detects the encoding from the presence of a utf-8 bom or an encoding cookie as specified in pep-0263. If both a bom and a cookie are present, but disagree, a SyntaxError will be raised. If the encoding cookie is an invalid charset, raise a SyntaxError. Note that if a utf-8 bom is found, 'utf-8-sig' is returned. If no encoding is specified, then the default of 'utf-8' will be returned. """ try: filename = except AttributeError: filename = None bom_found = False encoding = None default = "utf-8" def read_or_stop(): try: return readline() except StopIteration: return b"" def find_cookie(line): try: # Decode as UTF-8. Either the line is an encoding declaration, # in which case it should be pure ASCII, or it must be UTF-8 # per default encoding. line_string = line.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: msg = "invalid or missing encoding declaration" if filename is not None: msg = "{} for {!r}".format(msg, filename) raise SyntaxError(msg) match = cookie_re.match(line_string) if not match: return None encoding = _get_normal_name( try: codecs.lookup(encoding) except LookupError: # This behaviour mimics the Python interpreter if filename is None: msg = "unknown encoding: " + encoding else: msg = "unknown encoding for {!r}: {}".format(filename, encoding) raise SyntaxError(msg) if bom_found: if encoding != "utf-8": # This behaviour mimics the Python interpreter if filename is None: msg = "encoding problem: utf-8" else: msg = "encoding problem for {!r}: utf-8".format(filename) raise SyntaxError(msg) encoding += "-sig" return encoding first = read_or_stop() if first.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8): bom_found = True first = first[3:] default = "utf-8-sig" if not first: return default, [] encoding = find_cookie(first) if encoding: return encoding, [first] if not blank_re.match(first): return default, [first] second = read_or_stop() if not second: return default, [first] encoding = find_cookie(second) if encoding: return encoding, [first, second] return default, [first, second]
def tokopen(filename): """Open a file in read only mode using the encoding detected by detect_encoding(). """ buffer =, "rb") try: encoding, lines = detect_encoding(buffer.readline) text = io.TextIOWrapper(buffer, encoding, line_buffering=True) text.mode = "r" return text except Exception: buffer.close() raise def _tokenize(readline, encoding, tolerant=False): lnum = parenlev = continued = 0 numchars = "0123456789" contstr, needcont = "", 0 contline = None indents = [0] # 'stashed' and 'async_*' are used for async/await parsing stashed = None async_def = False async_def_indent = 0 async_def_nl = False if encoding is not None: if encoding == "utf-8-sig": # BOM will already have been stripped. encoding = "utf-8" yield TokenInfo(ENCODING, encoding, (0, 0), (0, 0), "") while True: # loop over lines in stream try: line = readline() except StopIteration: line = b"" if encoding is not None: line = line.decode(encoding) lnum += 1 pos, max = 0, len(line) if contstr: # continued string if not line: if tolerant: # return the partial string yield TokenInfo( ERRORTOKEN, contstr, strstart, (lnum, end), contline + line ) break else: raise TokenError("EOF in multi-line string", strstart) endmatch = endprog.match(line) if endmatch: pos = end = endmatch.end(0) yield TokenInfo( STRING, contstr + line[:end], strstart, (lnum, end), contline + line ) contstr, needcont = "", 0 contline = None elif needcont and line[-2:] != "\\\n" and line[-3:] != "\\\r\n": yield TokenInfo( ERRORTOKEN, contstr + line, strstart, (lnum, len(line)), contline ) contstr = "" contline = None continue else: contstr = contstr + line contline = contline + line continue elif parenlev == 0 and not continued: # new statement if not line: break column = 0 while pos < max: # measure leading whitespace if line[pos] == " ": column += 1 elif line[pos] == "\t": column = (column // tabsize + 1) * tabsize elif line[pos] == "\f": column = 0 else: break pos += 1 if pos == max: break if line[pos] in "#\r\n": # skip comments or blank lines if line[pos] == "#": comment_token = line[pos:].rstrip("\r\n") nl_pos = pos + len(comment_token) yield TokenInfo( COMMENT, comment_token, (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos + len(comment_token)), line, ) yield TokenInfo( NL, line[nl_pos:], (lnum, nl_pos), (lnum, len(line)), line ) else: yield TokenInfo( (NL, COMMENT)[line[pos] == "#"], line[pos:], (lnum, pos), (lnum, len(line)), line, ) continue if column > indents[-1]: # count indents or dedents indents.append(column) yield TokenInfo(INDENT, line[:pos], (lnum, 0), (lnum, pos), line) while column < indents[-1]: if ( column not in indents and not tolerant ): # if tolerant, just ignore the error raise IndentationError( "unindent does not match any outer indentation level", ("<tokenize>", lnum, pos, line), ) indents = indents[:-1] if async_def and async_def_indent >= indents[-1]: async_def = False async_def_nl = False async_def_indent = 0 yield TokenInfo(DEDENT, "", (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos), line) if async_def and async_def_nl and async_def_indent >= indents[-1]: async_def = False async_def_nl = False async_def_indent = 0 else: # continued statement if not line: if tolerant: # no need to raise an error, we're done break raise TokenError("EOF in multi-line statement", (lnum, 0)) continued = 0 while pos < max: pseudomatch = _compile(PseudoToken).match(line, pos) if pseudomatch: # scan for tokens start, end = pseudomatch.span(1) spos, epos, pos = (lnum, start), (lnum, end), end if start == end: continue token, initial = line[start:end], line[start] if token in _redir_check: yield TokenInfo(IOREDIRECT, token, spos, epos, line) elif initial in numchars or ( # ordinary number initial == "." and token != "." and token != "..." ): yield TokenInfo(NUMBER, token, spos, epos, line) elif initial in "\r\n": if stashed: yield stashed stashed = None if parenlev > 0: yield TokenInfo(NL, token, spos, epos, line) else: yield TokenInfo(NEWLINE, token, spos, epos, line) if async_def: async_def_nl = True elif initial == "#": assert not token.endswith("\n") if stashed: yield stashed stashed = None yield TokenInfo(COMMENT, token, spos, epos, line) # Xonsh-specific Regex Globbing elif re.match(SearchPath, token): yield TokenInfo(SEARCHPATH, token, spos, epos, line) elif token in triple_quoted: endprog = _compile(endpats[token]) endmatch = endprog.match(line, pos) if endmatch: # all on one line pos = endmatch.end(0) token = line[start:pos] yield TokenInfo(STRING, token, spos, (lnum, pos), line) else: strstart = (lnum, start) # multiple lines contstr = line[start:] contline = line break elif ( initial in single_quoted or token[:2] in single_quoted or token[:3] in single_quoted ): if token[-1] == "\n": # continued string strstart = (lnum, start) endprog = _compile( endpats[initial] or endpats[token[1]] or endpats[token[2]] ) contstr, needcont = line[start:], 1 contline = line break else: # ordinary string yield TokenInfo(STRING, token, spos, epos, line) elif token.startswith("$") and token[1:].isidentifier(): yield TokenInfo(DOLLARNAME, token, spos, epos, line) elif initial.isidentifier(): # ordinary name if token in ("async", "await"): if async_def: yield TokenInfo( ASYNC if token == "async" else AWAIT, token, spos, epos, line, ) continue tok = TokenInfo(NAME, token, spos, epos, line) if token == "async" and not stashed: stashed = tok continue if ( HAS_ASYNC and token == "def" and ( stashed and stashed.type == NAME and stashed.string == "async" ) ): async_def = True async_def_indent = indents[-1] yield TokenInfo( ASYNC, stashed.string, stashed.start, stashed.end, stashed.line, ) stashed = None if stashed: yield stashed stashed = None yield tok elif token == "\\\n" or token == "\\\r\n": # continued stmt continued = 1 yield TokenInfo(ERRORTOKEN, token, spos, epos, line) elif initial == "\\": # continued stmt # for cases like C:\\path\\to\\file continued = 1 else: if initial in "([{": parenlev += 1 elif initial in ")]}": parenlev -= 1 elif token in additional_parenlevs: parenlev += 1 if stashed: yield stashed stashed = None yield TokenInfo(OP, token, spos, epos, line) else: yield TokenInfo( ERRORTOKEN, line[pos], (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos + 1), line ) pos += 1 if stashed: yield stashed stashed = None for _ in indents[1:]: # pop remaining indent levels yield TokenInfo(DEDENT, "", (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), "") yield TokenInfo(ENDMARKER, "", (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), "")
[docs]def tokenize(readline, tolerant=False): """ The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the readline() method of built-in file objects. Each call to the function should return one line of input as bytes. Alternately, readline can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration: readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__ # Example of alternate readline The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source; and the line on which the token was found. The line passed is the logical line; continuation lines are included. The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream. If ``tolerant`` is True, yield ERRORTOKEN with the erroneous string instead of throwing an exception when encountering an error. """ encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline) rl_gen = iter(readline, b"") empty = itertools.repeat(b"") return _tokenize( itertools.chain(consumed, rl_gen, empty).__next__, encoding, tolerant )
# An undocumented, backwards compatible, API for all the places in the standard # library that expect to be able to use tokenize with strings def generate_tokens(readline): return _tokenize(readline, None) def tokenize_main(): import argparse # Helper error handling routines def perror(message): print(message, file=sys.stderr) def error(message, filename=None, location=None): if location: args = (filename,) + location + (message,) perror("%s:%d:%d: error: %s" % args) elif filename: perror("%s: error: %s" % (filename, message)) else: perror("error: %s" % message) sys.exit(1) # Parse the arguments and options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="python -m tokenize") parser.add_argument( dest="filename", nargs="?", metavar="", help="the file to tokenize; defaults to stdin", ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--exact", dest="exact", action="store_true", help="display token names using the exact type", ) args = parser.parse_args() try: # Tokenize the input if args.filename: filename = args.filename with, "rb") as f: tokens = list(tokenize(f.readline)) else: filename = "<stdin>" tokens = _tokenize(sys.stdin.readline, None) # Output the tokenization for token in tokens: token_type = token.type if args.exact: token_type = token.exact_type token_range = "%d,%d-%d,%d:" % (token.start + token.end) print("%-20s%-15s%-15r" % (token_range, tok_name[token_type], token.string)) except IndentationError as err: line, column = err.args[1][1:3] error(err.args[0], filename, (line, column)) except TokenError as err: line, column = err.args[1] error(err.args[0], filename, (line, column)) except SyntaxError as err: error(err, filename) except OSError as err: error(err) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("interrupted\n") except Exception as err: perror("unexpected error: %s" % err) raise # # tools # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Misc. xonsh tools. The following implementations were forked from the IPython project: * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Fernando Perez <> * Copyright (c) 2001, Janko Hauser <> * Copyright (c) 2001, Nathaniel Gray <> Implementations: * decode() * encode() * cast_unicode() * safe_hasattr() * indent() """ # amalgamated collections # amalgamated # amalgamated contextlib # amalgamated ctypes # amalgamated datetime # amalgamated functools glob = _LazyModule.load('glob', 'glob') # amalgamated itertools # amalgamated os # amalgamated pathlib # amalgamated re # amalgamated subprocess # amalgamated sys # amalgamated threading traceback = _LazyModule.load('traceback', 'traceback') warnings = _LazyModule.load('warnings', 'warnings') operator = _LazyModule.load('operator', 'operator') # amalgamated ast string = _LazyModule.load('string', 'string') # amalgamated typing shlex = _LazyModule.load('shlex', 'shlex') from xonsh import __version__ # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.platform @functools.lru_cache(1) def is_superuser(): if ON_WINDOWS: rtn = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0 else: rtn = os.getuid() == 0 return rtn @lazyobject def xsh(): from xonsh.built_ins import XSH return XSH class XonshError(Exception): pass class XonshCalledProcessError(XonshError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): """Raised when there's an error with a called process Inherits from XonshError and subprocess.CalledProcessError, catching either will also catch this error. Raised *after* iterating over stdout of a captured command, if the returncode of the command is nonzero. Example: ------- try: for line in !(ls): print(line) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: print("Error in process: {}.format( This also handles differences between Python3.4 and 3.5 where CalledProcessError is concerned. """ def __init__( self, returncode, command, output=None, stderr=None, completed_command=None ): super().__init__(returncode, command, output) self.stderr = stderr self.completed_command = completed_command def expand_path(s, expand_user=True): """Takes a string path and expands ~ to home if expand_user is set and environment vars if EXPAND_ENV_VARS is set.""" env = xsh.env or os_environ if env.get("EXPAND_ENV_VARS", False): s = expandvars(s) if expand_user: # expand ~ according to Bash unquoted rules "Each variable assignment is # checked for unquoted tilde-prefixes immediately following a ':' or the # first '='". See the following for more details. # pre, char, post = s.partition("=") if char: s = expanduser(pre) + char s += os.pathsep.join(map(expanduser, post.split(os.pathsep))) else: s = expanduser(s) return s def _expandpath(path): """Performs environment variable / user expansion on a given path if EXPAND_ENV_VARS is set. """ env = xsh.env or os_environ expand_user = env.get("EXPAND_ENV_VARS", False) return expand_path(path, expand_user=expand_user) def simple_random_choice(lst): """Returns random element from the list with length less than 1 million elements.""" size = len(lst) if size > 1000000: # microsecond maximum raise ValueError("The list is too long.") return lst[ % size] def decode_bytes(b): """Tries to decode the bytes using XONSH_ENCODING if available, otherwise using sys.getdefaultencoding(). """ env = xsh.env or os_environ enc = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING") or DEFAULT_ENCODING err = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS") or "strict" return b.decode(encoding=enc, errors=err) def findfirst(s, substrs): """Finds whichever of the given substrings occurs first in the given string and returns that substring, or returns None if no such strings occur. """ i = len(s) result = None for substr in substrs: pos = s.find(substr) if -1 < pos < i: i = pos result = substr return i, result class EnvPath(cabc.MutableSequence): """A class that implements an environment path, which is a list of strings. Provides a custom method that expands all paths if the relevant env variable has been set. """ def __init__(self, args=None): if not args: self._l = [] else: if isinstance(args, str): self._l = args.split(os.pathsep) elif isinstance(args, pathlib.Path): self._l = [args] elif isinstance(args, bytes): # decode bytes to a string and then split based on # the default path separator self._l = decode_bytes(args).split(os.pathsep) elif isinstance(args, cabc.Iterable): # put everything in a list -before- performing the type check # in order to be able to retrieve it later, for cases such as # when a generator expression was passed as an argument args = list(args) if not all(isinstance(i, (str, bytes, pathlib.Path)) for i in args): # make TypeError's message as informative as possible # when given an invalid initialization sequence raise TypeError( "EnvPath's initialization sequence should only " "contain str, bytes and pathlib.Path entries" ) self._l = args else: raise TypeError( "EnvPath cannot be initialized with items " "of type %s" % type(args) ) def __getitem__(self, item): # handle slices separately if isinstance(item, slice): return [_expandpath(i) for i in self._l[item]] else: return _expandpath(self._l[item]) def __setitem__(self, index, item): self._l.__setitem__(index, item) def __len__(self): return len(self._l) def __delitem__(self, key): self._l.__delitem__(key) def insert(self, index, value): self._l.insert(index, value) @property def paths(self): """ Returns the list of directories that this EnvPath contains. """ return list(self) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._l) def __eq__(self, other): if len(self) != len(other): return False return all(map(operator.eq, self, other)) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): """Pretty print path list""" if cycle: p.text("EnvPath(...)") else: with, "EnvPath(\n[", "]\n)"): for idx, item in enumerate(self): if idx: p.text(",") p.breakable() p.pretty(item) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, EnvPath): other = other._l return EnvPath(self._l + other) def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, EnvPath): other = other._l return EnvPath(other + self._l) def add(self, data, front=False, replace=False): """Add a value to this EnvPath, path.add(data, front=bool, replace=bool) -> ensures that path contains data, with position determined by kwargs Parameters ---------- data : string or bytes or pathlib.Path value to be added front : bool whether the value should be added to the front, will be ignored if the data already exists in this EnvPath and replace is False Default : False replace : bool If True, the value will be removed and added to the start or end(depending on the value of front) Default : False Returns ------- None """ if data not in self._l: self._l.insert(0 if front else len(self._l), data) elif replace: self._l.remove(data) self._l.insert(0 if front else len(self._l), data) @lazyobject def FORMATTER(): return string.Formatter() class DefaultNotGivenType(object): """Singleton for representing when no default value is given.""" __inst: tp.Optional["DefaultNotGivenType"] = None def __new__(cls): if DefaultNotGivenType.__inst is None: DefaultNotGivenType.__inst = object.__new__(cls) return DefaultNotGivenType.__inst DefaultNotGiven = DefaultNotGivenType() BEG_TOK_SKIPS = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["WS", "INDENT", "NOT", "LPAREN"]), globals(), "BEG_TOK_SKIPS" ) END_TOK_TYPES = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["SEMI", "AND", "OR", "RPAREN"]), globals(), "END_TOK_TYPES" ) RE_END_TOKS = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile(r"(;|and|\&\&|or|\|\||\))"), globals(), "RE_END_TOKS" ) LPARENS = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset( ["LPAREN", "AT_LPAREN", "BANG_LPAREN", "DOLLAR_LPAREN", "ATDOLLAR_LPAREN"] ), globals(), "LPARENS", ) def _is_not_lparen_and_rparen(lparens, rtok): """Tests if an RPAREN token is matched with something other than a plain old LPAREN type. """ # note that any([]) is False, so this covers len(lparens) == 0 return rtok.type == "RPAREN" and any(x != "LPAREN" for x in lparens) def balanced_parens(line, mincol=0, maxcol=None, lexer=None): """Determines if parentheses are balanced in an expression.""" line = line[mincol:maxcol] if lexer is None: lexer = xsh.execer.parser.lexer if "(" not in line and ")" not in line: return True cnt = 0 lexer.input(line) for tok in lexer: if tok.type in LPARENS: cnt += 1 elif tok.type == "RPAREN": cnt -= 1 elif tok.type == "ERRORTOKEN" and ")" in tok.value: cnt -= 1 return cnt == 0 def ends_with_colon_token(line, lexer=None): """Determines whether a line ends with a colon token, ignoring comments.""" if lexer is None: lexer = xsh.execer.parser.lexer lexer.input(line) toks = list(lexer) return len(toks) > 0 and toks[-1].type == "COLON" def find_next_break(line, mincol=0, lexer=None): """Returns the column number of the next logical break in subproc mode. This function may be useful in finding the maxcol argument of subproc_toks(). """ if mincol >= 1: line = line[mincol:] if lexer is None: lexer = xsh.execer.parser.lexer if is None: return None maxcol = None lparens = [] lexer.input(line) for tok in lexer: if tok.type in LPARENS: lparens.append(tok.type) elif tok.type in END_TOK_TYPES: if _is_not_lparen_and_rparen(lparens, tok): lparens.pop() else: maxcol = tok.lexpos + mincol + 1 break elif tok.type == "ERRORTOKEN" and ")" in tok.value: maxcol = tok.lexpos + mincol + 1 break elif tok.type == "BANG": maxcol = mincol + len(line) + 1 break return maxcol def _offset_from_prev_lines(line, last): lines = line.splitlines(keepends=True)[:last] return sum(map(len, lines)) def subproc_toks( line, mincol=-1, maxcol=None, lexer=None, returnline=False, greedy=False ): """Encapsulates tokens in a source code line in a uncaptured subprocess ![] starting at a minimum column. If there are no tokens (ie in a comment line) this returns None. If greedy is True, it will encapsulate normal parentheses. Greedy is False by default. """ if lexer is None: lexer = xsh.execer.parser.lexer if maxcol is None: maxcol = len(line) + 1 lexer.reset() lexer.input(line) toks = [] lparens = [] saw_macro = False end_offset = 0 for tok in lexer: pos = tok.lexpos if tok.type not in END_TOK_TYPES and pos >= maxcol: break if tok.type == "BANG": saw_macro = True if saw_macro and tok.type not in ("NEWLINE", "DEDENT"): toks.append(tok) continue if tok.type in LPARENS: lparens.append(tok.type) if greedy and len(lparens) > 0 and "LPAREN" in lparens: toks.append(tok) if tok.type == "RPAREN": lparens.pop() continue if len(toks) == 0 and tok.type in BEG_TOK_SKIPS: continue # handle indentation elif len(toks) > 0 and toks[-1].type in END_TOK_TYPES: if _is_not_lparen_and_rparen(lparens, toks[-1]): lparens.pop() # don't continue or break elif pos < maxcol and tok.type not in ("NEWLINE", "DEDENT", "WS"): if not greedy: toks.clear() if tok.type in BEG_TOK_SKIPS: continue else: break if pos < mincol: continue toks.append(tok) if tok.type == "WS" and tok.value == "\\": pass # line continuation elif tok.type == "NEWLINE": break elif tok.type == "DEDENT": # fake a newline when dedenting without a newline tok.type = "NEWLINE" tok.value = "\n" tok.lineno -= 1 if len(toks) >= 2: prev_tok_end = toks[-2].lexpos + len(toks[-2].value) else: prev_tok_end = len(line) if "#" in line[prev_tok_end:]: tok.lexpos = prev_tok_end # prevents wrapping comments else: tok.lexpos = len(line) break elif check_bad_str_token(tok): return else: if len(toks) > 0 and toks[-1].type in END_TOK_TYPES: if _is_not_lparen_and_rparen(lparens, toks[-1]): pass elif greedy and toks[-1].type == "RPAREN": pass else: toks.pop() if len(toks) == 0: return # handle comment lines tok = toks[-1] pos = tok.lexpos if isinstance(tok.value, str): end_offset = len(tok.value.rstrip()) else: el = line[pos:].split("#")[0].rstrip() end_offset = len(el) if len(toks) == 0: return # handle comment lines elif saw_macro or greedy: end_offset = len(toks[-1].value.rstrip()) + 1 if toks[0].lineno != toks[-1].lineno: # handle multiline cases end_offset += _offset_from_prev_lines(line, toks[-1].lineno) beg, end = toks[0].lexpos, (toks[-1].lexpos + end_offset) end = len(line[:end].rstrip()) rtn = "![" + line[beg:end] + "]" if returnline: rtn = line[:beg] + rtn + line[end:] return rtn def check_bad_str_token(tok): """Checks if a token is a bad string.""" if tok.type == "ERRORTOKEN" and tok.value == "EOF in multi-line string": return True elif isinstance(tok.value, str) and not check_quotes(tok.value): return True else: return False def check_quotes(s): """Checks a string to make sure that if it starts with quotes, it also ends with quotes. """ starts_as_str = RE_BEGIN_STRING.match(s) is not None ends_as_str = s.endswith('"') or s.endswith("'") if not starts_as_str and not ends_as_str: ok = True elif starts_as_str and not ends_as_str: ok = False elif not starts_as_str and ends_as_str: ok = False else: m = RE_COMPLETE_STRING.match(s) ok = m is not None return ok def _have_open_triple_quotes(s): if s.count('"""') % 2 == 1: open_triple = '"""' elif s.count("'''") % 2 == 1: open_triple = "'''" else: open_triple = False return open_triple def get_line_continuation(): """The line continuation characters used in subproc mode. In interactive mode on Windows the backslash must be preceded by a space. This is because paths on Windows may end in a backslash. """ if ON_WINDOWS and hasattr(xsh, "env") and xsh.env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE", False): return " \\" else: return "\\" def get_logical_line(lines, idx): """Returns a single logical line (i.e. one without line continuations) from a list of lines. This line should begin at index idx. This also returns the number of physical lines the logical line spans. The lines should not contain newlines """ n = 1 nlines = len(lines) linecont = get_line_continuation() while idx > 0 and lines[idx - 1].endswith(linecont): idx -= 1 start = idx line = lines[idx] open_triple = _have_open_triple_quotes(line) while (line.endswith(linecont) or open_triple) and idx < nlines - 1: n += 1 idx += 1 if line.endswith(linecont): line = line[:-1] + lines[idx] else: line = line + "\n" + lines[idx] open_triple = _have_open_triple_quotes(line) return line, n, start def replace_logical_line(lines, logical, idx, n): """Replaces lines at idx that may end in line continuation with a logical line that spans n lines. """ linecont = get_line_continuation() if n == 1: lines[idx] = logical return space = " " for i in range(idx, idx + n - 1): a = len(lines[i]) b = logical.find(space, a - 1) if b < 0: # no space found lines[i] = logical logical = "" else: # found space to split on lines[i] = logical[:b] + linecont logical = logical[b:] lines[idx + n - 1] = logical def is_balanced(expr, ltok, rtok): """Determines whether an expression has unbalanced opening and closing tokens.""" lcnt = expr.count(ltok) if lcnt == 0: return True rcnt = expr.count(rtok) if lcnt == rcnt: return True else: return False def subexpr_from_unbalanced(expr, ltok, rtok): """Attempts to pull out a valid subexpression for unbalanced grouping, based on opening tokens, eg. '(', and closing tokens, eg. ')'. This does not do full tokenization, but should be good enough for tab completion. """ if is_balanced(expr, ltok, rtok): return expr subexpr = expr.rsplit(ltok, 1)[-1] subexpr = subexpr.rsplit(",", 1)[-1] subexpr = subexpr.rsplit(":", 1)[-1] return subexpr def subexpr_before_unbalanced(expr, ltok, rtok): """Obtains the expression prior to last unbalanced left token.""" subexpr, _, post = expr.rpartition(ltok) nrtoks_in_post = post.count(rtok) while nrtoks_in_post != 0: for _ in range(nrtoks_in_post): subexpr, _, post = subexpr.rpartition(ltok) nrtoks_in_post = post.count(rtok) _, _, subexpr = subexpr.rpartition(rtok) _, _, subexpr = subexpr.rpartition(ltok) return subexpr @lazyobject def STARTING_WHITESPACE_RE(): return re.compile(r"^(\s*)") def starting_whitespace(s): """Returns the whitespace at the start of a string""" return STARTING_WHITESPACE_RE.match(s).group(1) def decode(s, encoding=None): encoding = encoding or DEFAULT_ENCODING return s.decode(encoding, "replace") def encode(u, encoding=None): encoding = encoding or DEFAULT_ENCODING return u.encode(encoding, "replace") def cast_unicode(s, encoding=None): if isinstance(s, bytes): return decode(s, encoding) return s def safe_hasattr(obj, attr): """In recent versions of Python, hasattr() only catches AttributeError. This catches all errors. """ try: getattr(obj, attr) return True except Exception: return False def indent(instr, nspaces=4, ntabs=0, flatten=False): """Indent a string a given number of spaces or tabstops. indent(str,nspaces=4,ntabs=0) -> indent str by ntabs+nspaces. Parameters ---------- instr : basestring The string to be indented. nspaces : int (default: 4) The number of spaces to be indented. ntabs : int (default: 0) The number of tabs to be indented. flatten : bool (default: False) Whether to scrub existing indentation. If True, all lines will be aligned to the same indentation. If False, existing indentation will be strictly increased. Returns ------- outstr : string indented by ntabs and nspaces. """ if instr is None: return ind = "\t" * ntabs + " " * nspaces if flatten: pat = re.compile(r"^\s*", re.MULTILINE) else: pat = re.compile(r"^", re.MULTILINE) outstr = re.sub(pat, ind, instr) if outstr.endswith(os.linesep + ind): return outstr[: -len(ind)] else: return outstr def get_sep(): """Returns the appropriate filepath separator char depending on OS and xonsh options set """ if ON_WINDOWS and xsh.env.get("FORCE_POSIX_PATHS"): return os.altsep else: return os.sep def fallback(cond, backup): """Decorator for returning the object if cond is true and a backup if cond is false. """ def dec(obj): return obj if cond else backup return dec # The following redirect classes were taken directly from Python 3.5's source # code (from the contextlib module). This can be removed when 3.5 is released, # although redirect_stdout exists in 3.4, redirect_stderr does not. # See the Python software license: # Copyright (c) Python Software Foundation. All rights reserved. class _RedirectStream: _stream: tp.Optional[str] = None def __init__(self, new_target): self._new_target = new_target # We use a list of old targets to make this CM re-entrant self._old_targets = [] def __enter__(self): self._old_targets.append(getattr(sys, self._stream)) setattr(sys, self._stream, self._new_target) return self._new_target def __exit__(self, exctype, excinst, exctb): setattr(sys, self._stream, self._old_targets.pop()) class redirect_stdout(_RedirectStream): """Context manager for temporarily redirecting stdout to another file:: # How to send help() to stderr with redirect_stdout(sys.stderr): help(dir) # How to write help() to a file with open('help.txt', 'w') as f: with redirect_stdout(f): help(pow) Mostly for backwards compatibility. """ _stream = "stdout" class redirect_stderr(_RedirectStream): """Context manager for temporarily redirecting stderr to another file.""" _stream = "stderr" def _yield_accessible_unix_file_names(path): """yield file names of executable files in path.""" if not os.path.exists(path): return for file_ in os.scandir(path): try: if file_.is_file() and os.access(file_.path, os.X_OK): yield except OSError: # broken Symlink are neither dir not files pass def _executables_in_posix(path): if not os.path.exists(path): return else: yield from _yield_accessible_unix_file_names(path) def _executables_in_windows(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): return extensions = xsh.env["PATHEXT"] try: for x in os.scandir(path): try: is_file = x.is_file() except OSError: continue if is_file: fname = else: continue base_name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) if ext.upper() in extensions: yield fname except FileNotFoundError: # On Windows, there's no guarantee for the directory to really # exist even if isdir returns True. This may happen for instance # if the path contains trailing spaces. return def executables_in(path): """Returns a generator of files in path that the user could execute.""" if ON_WINDOWS: func = _executables_in_windows else: func = _executables_in_posix try: yield from func(path) except PermissionError: return def debian_command_not_found(cmd): """Uses the debian/ubuntu command-not-found utility to suggest packages for a command that cannot currently be found. """ if not ON_LINUX: return "" cnf = xsh.commands_cache.lazyget( "command-not-found", ("/usr/lib/command-not-found",) )[0] if not os.path.isfile(cnf): return "" c = "{0} {1}; exit 0" s = subprocess.check_output( c.format(cnf, shlex.quote(cmd)), universal_newlines=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, ) s = "\n".join(s.rstrip().splitlines()).strip() return s def conda_suggest_command_not_found(cmd, env): """Uses conda-suggest to suggest packages for a command that cannot currently be found. """ try: from conda_suggest import find except ImportError: return "" return find.message_string( cmd, conda_suggest_path=env.get("CONDA_SUGGEST_PATH", None) ) def command_not_found(cmd, env): """Uses various mechanism to suggest packages for a command that cannot currently be found. """ if ON_LINUX: rtn = debian_command_not_found(cmd) else: rtn = "" conda = conda_suggest_command_not_found(cmd, env) if conda: rtn = rtn + "\n\n" + conda if rtn else conda return rtn def suggest_commands(cmd, env, aliases): """Suggests alternative commands given an environment and aliases.""" if not env.get("SUGGEST_COMMANDS"): return "" thresh = env.get("SUGGEST_THRESHOLD") max_sugg = env.get("SUGGEST_MAX_NUM") if max_sugg < 0: max_sugg = float("inf") cmd = cmd.lower() suggested = {} for alias in xsh.aliases: if alias not in suggested: if levenshtein(alias.lower(), cmd, thresh) < thresh: suggested[alias] = "Alias" for _cmd in xsh.commands_cache.all_commands: if _cmd not in suggested: if levenshtein(_cmd.lower(), cmd, thresh) < thresh: suggested[_cmd] = "Command ({0})".format(_cmd) suggested = collections.OrderedDict( sorted( suggested.items(), key=lambda x: suggestion_sort_helper(x[0].lower(), cmd) ) ) num = min(len(suggested), max_sugg) if num == 0: rtn = command_not_found(cmd, env) else: oneof = "" if num == 1 else "one of " tips = "Did you mean {}the following?".format(oneof) items = list(suggested.popitem(False) for _ in range(num)) length = max(len(key) for key, _ in items) + 2 alternatives = "\n".join( " {: <{}} {}".format(key + ":", length, val) for key, val in items ) rtn = "{}\n{}".format(tips, alternatives) c = command_not_found(cmd, env) rtn += ("\n\n" + c) if len(c) > 0 else "" return rtn def _get_manual_env_var(name, default=None): """Returns if the given variable is manually set as well as it's value.""" env = getattr(xsh, "env", None) if env is None: env = os_environ manually_set = name in env else: manually_set = env.is_manually_set(name) value = env.get(name, default) return (manually_set, value) def print_warning(msg): """Print warnings with/without traceback.""" manually_set_trace, show_trace = _get_manual_env_var("XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK", False) manually_set_logfile, log_file = _get_manual_env_var("XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE") if (not manually_set_trace) and (not manually_set_logfile): # Notify about the traceback output possibility if neither of # the two options have been manually set sys.stderr.write( "xonsh: For full traceback set: " "$XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK = True\n" ) # convert show_trace to bool if necessary if not is_bool(show_trace): show_trace = to_bool(show_trace) # if the trace option has been set, print all traceback info to stderr if show_trace: # notify user about XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE if it has # not been set manually if not manually_set_logfile: sys.stderr.write( "xonsh: To log full traceback to a file set: " "$XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE = <filename>\n" ) traceback.print_stack() # additionally, check if a file for traceback logging has been # specified and convert to a proper option if needed log_file = to_logfile_opt(log_file) if log_file: # if log_file <> '' or log_file <> None, append # traceback log there as well with open(os.path.abspath(log_file), "a") as f: traceback.print_stack(file=f) msg = msg if msg.endswith("\n") else msg + "\n" sys.stderr.write(msg) def print_exception(msg=None): """Print exceptions with/without traceback.""" manually_set_trace, show_trace = _get_manual_env_var("XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK", False) manually_set_logfile, log_file = _get_manual_env_var("XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE") if (not manually_set_trace) and (not manually_set_logfile): # Notify about the traceback output possibility if neither of # the two options have been manually set sys.stderr.write( "xonsh: For full traceback set: " "$XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK = True\n" ) # convert show_trace to bool if necessary if not is_bool(show_trace): show_trace = to_bool(show_trace) # if the trace option has been set, print all traceback info to stderr if show_trace: # notify user about XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE if it has # not been set manually if not manually_set_logfile: sys.stderr.write( "xonsh: To log full traceback to a file set: " "$XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE = <filename>\n" ) traceback.print_exc() # additionally, check if a file for traceback logging has been # specified and convert to a proper option if needed log_file = to_logfile_opt(log_file) if log_file: # if log_file <> '' or log_file <> None, append # traceback log there as well with open(os.path.abspath(log_file), "a") as f: traceback.print_exc(file=f) if not show_trace: # if traceback output is disabled, print the exception's # error message on stderr. display_error_message() if msg: msg = msg if msg.endswith("\n") else msg + "\n" sys.stderr.write(msg) def display_error_message(strip_xonsh_error_types=True): """ Prints the error message of the current exception on stderr. """ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() exception_only = traceback.format_exception_only(exc_type, exc_value) if exc_type is XonshError and strip_xonsh_error_types: exception_only[0] = exception_only[0].partition(": ")[-1] sys.stderr.write("".join(exception_only)) def is_writable_file(filepath): """ Checks if a filepath is valid for writing. """ filepath = expand_path(filepath) # convert to absolute path if needed if not os.path.isabs(filepath): filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath) # cannot write to directories if os.path.isdir(filepath): return False # if the file exists and is writable, we're fine if os.path.exists(filepath): return True if os.access(filepath, os.W_OK) else False # if the path doesn't exist, isolate its directory component # and ensure that directory is writable instead return os.access(os.path.dirname(filepath), os.W_OK) # Modified from Public Domain code, by Magnus Lie Hetland # from def levenshtein(a, b, max_dist=float("inf")): """Calculates the Levenshtein distance between a and b.""" n, m = len(a), len(b) if abs(n - m) > max_dist: return float("inf") if n > m: # Make sure n <= m, to use O(min(n,m)) space a, b = b, a n, m = m, n current = range(n + 1) for i in range(1, m + 1): previous, current = current, [i] + [0] * n for j in range(1, n + 1): add, delete = previous[j] + 1, current[j - 1] + 1 change = previous[j - 1] if a[j - 1] != b[i - 1]: change = change + 1 current[j] = min(add, delete, change) return current[n] def suggestion_sort_helper(x, y): """Returns a score (lower is better) for x based on how similar it is to y. Used to rank suggestions.""" x = x.lower() y = y.lower() lendiff = len(x) + len(y) inx = len([i for i in x if i not in y]) iny = len([i for i in y if i not in x]) return lendiff + inx + iny def escape_windows_cmd_string(s): """Returns a string that is usable by the Windows cmd.exe. The escaping is based on details here and empirical testing: """ for c in '^()%!<>&|"': s = s.replace(c, "^" + c) return s def argvquote(arg, force=False): """Returns an argument quoted in such a way that that CommandLineToArgvW on Windows will return the argument string unchanged. This is the same thing Popen does when supplied with an list of arguments. Arguments in a command line should be separated by spaces; this function does not add these spaces. This implementation follows the suggestions outlined here: """ if not force and len(arg) != 0 and not any([c in arg for c in ' \t\n\v"']): return arg else: n_backslashes = 0 cmdline = '"' for c in arg: if c == "\\": # first count the number of current backslashes n_backslashes += 1 continue if c == '"': # Escape all backslashes and the following double quotation mark cmdline += (n_backslashes * 2 + 1) * "\\" else: # backslashes are not special here cmdline += n_backslashes * "\\" n_backslashes = 0 cmdline += c # Escape all backslashes, but let the terminating # double quotation mark we add below be interpreted # as a metacharacter cmdline += +n_backslashes * 2 * "\\" + '"' return cmdline def on_main_thread(): """Checks if we are on the main thread or not.""" return threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread() _DEFAULT_SENTINEL = object() @contextlib.contextmanager def swap(namespace, name, value, default=_DEFAULT_SENTINEL): """Swaps a current variable name in a namespace for another value, and then replaces it when the context is exited. """ old = getattr(namespace, name, default) setattr(namespace, name, value) yield value if old is default: delattr(namespace, name) else: setattr(namespace, name, old) @contextlib.contextmanager def swap_values(d, updates, default=_DEFAULT_SENTINEL): """Updates a dictionary (or other mapping) with values from another mapping, and then restores the original mapping when the context is exited. """ old = {k: d.get(k, default) for k in updates} d.update(updates) yield for k, v in old.items(): if v is default and k in d: del d[k] else: d[k] = v # # Validators and converters # def detype(x): """This assumes that the object has a detype method, and calls that.""" return x.detype() def is_int(x): """Tests if something is an integer""" return isinstance(x, int) def is_float(x): """Tests if something is a float""" return isinstance(x, float) def is_string(x): """Tests if something is a string""" return isinstance(x, str) def is_slice(x): """Tests if something is a slice""" return isinstance(x, slice) def is_callable(x): """Tests if something is callable""" return callable(x) def is_string_or_callable(x): """Tests if something is a string or callable""" return is_string(x) or is_callable(x) def is_class(x): """Tests if something is a class""" return isinstance(x, type) def always_true(x): """Returns True""" return True def always_false(x): """Returns False""" return False def always_none(x): """Returns None""" return None def ensure_string(x): """Returns a string if x is not a string, and x if it already is.""" return str(x) def is_path(x): """This tests if something is a path.""" return isinstance(x, pathlib.Path) def is_env_path(x): """This tests if something is an environment path, ie a list of strings.""" return isinstance(x, EnvPath) def str_to_path(x): """Converts a string to a path.""" if x is None: return None elif isinstance(x, str): # checking x is needed to avoid uncontrolled converting empty string to Path('.') return pathlib.Path(x) if x else None elif isinstance(x, pathlib.Path): return x elif isinstance(x, EnvPath) and len(x) == 1: return pathlib.Path(x[0]) if x[0] else None else: raise TypeError( f"Variable should be a pathlib.Path, str or single EnvPath type. {type(x)} given." ) def str_to_env_path(x): """Converts a string to an environment path, ie a list of strings, splitting on the OS separator. """ # splitting will be done implicitly in EnvPath's __init__ return EnvPath(x) def path_to_str(x): """Converts a path to a string.""" return str(x) def env_path_to_str(x): """Converts an environment path to a string by joining on the OS separator. """ return os.pathsep.join(x) def is_bool(x): """Tests if something is a boolean.""" return isinstance(x, bool) def is_bool_or_none(x): """Tests if something is a boolean or None.""" return (x is None) or isinstance(x, bool) def is_logfile_opt(x): """ Checks if x is a valid $XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE option. Returns False if x is not a writable/creatable file or an empty string or None. """ if x is None: return True if not isinstance(x, str): return False else: return is_writable_file(x) or x == "" def to_logfile_opt(x): """Converts a $XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE option to either a str containing the filepath if it is a writable file or None if the filepath is not valid, informing the user on stderr about the invalid choice. """ if isinstance(x, os.PathLike): # type: ignore x = str(x) if is_logfile_opt(x): return x else: # if option is not valid, return a proper # option and inform the user on stderr sys.stderr.write( "xonsh: $XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE must be a " "filepath pointing to a file that either exists " "and is writable or that can be created.\n" ) return None def logfile_opt_to_str(x): """ Detypes a $XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE option. """ if x is None: # None should not be detyped to 'None', as 'None' constitutes # a perfectly valid filename and retyping it would introduce # ambiguity. Detype to the empty string instead. return "" return str(x) _FALSES = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["", "0", "n", "f", "no", "none", "false", "off"]), globals(), "_FALSES", ) def to_bool(x): """Converts to a boolean in a semantically meaningful way.""" if isinstance(x, bool): return x elif isinstance(x, str): return False if x.lower() in _FALSES else True else: return bool(x) def to_bool_or_none(x): """Converts to a boolean or none in a semantically meaningful way.""" if x is None or isinstance(x, bool): return x elif isinstance(x, str): low_x = x.lower() if low_x == "none": return None else: return False if x.lower() in _FALSES else True else: return bool(x) def to_itself(x): """No conversion, returns itself.""" return x def to_int_or_none(x) -> tp.Optional[int]: """Convert the given value to integer if possible. Otherwise return None""" if isinstance(x, str) and x.lower() == "none": return None else: return int(x) def bool_to_str(x): """Converts a bool to an empty string if False and the string '1' if True. """ return "1" if x else "" def bool_or_none_to_str(x): """Converts a bool or None value to a string.""" if x is None: return "None" else: return "1" if x else "" _BREAKS = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["b", "break", "s", "skip", "q", "quit"]), globals(), "_BREAKS" ) def to_bool_or_break(x): if isinstance(x, str) and x.lower() in _BREAKS: return "break" else: return to_bool(x) def is_bool_or_int(x): """Returns whether a value is a boolean or integer.""" return is_bool(x) or is_int(x) def to_bool_or_int(x): """Converts a value to a boolean or an integer.""" if isinstance(x, str): return int(x) if x.isdigit() else to_bool(x) elif is_int(x): # bools are ints too! return x else: return bool(x) def bool_or_int_to_str(x): """Converts a boolean or integer to a string.""" return bool_to_str(x) if is_bool(x) else str(x) @lazyobject def SLICE_REG(): return re.compile( r"(?P<start>(?:-\d)?\d*):(?P<end>(?:-\d)?\d*):?(?P<step>(?:-\d)?\d*)" ) def ensure_slice(x): """Try to convert an object into a slice, complain on failure""" if not x and x != 0: return slice(None) elif is_slice(x): return x try: x = int(x) if x != -1: s = slice(x, x + 1) else: s = slice(-1, None, None) except ValueError: x = x.strip("[]()") m = SLICE_REG.fullmatch(x) if m: groups = (int(i) if i else None for i in m.groups()) s = slice(*groups) else: raise ValueError("cannot convert {!r} to slice".format(x)) except TypeError: try: s = slice(*(int(i) for i in x)) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("cannot convert {!r} to slice".format(x)) return s def get_portions(it, slices): """Yield from portions of an iterable. Parameters ---------- it : iterable slices : a slice or a list of slice objects """ if is_slice(slices): slices = [slices] if len(slices) == 1: s = slices[0] try: yield from itertools.islice(it, s.start, s.stop, s.step) return except ValueError: # islice failed pass it = list(it) for s in slices: yield from it[s] def is_slice_as_str(x): """ Test if string x is a slice. If not a string return False. """ try: x = x.strip("[]()") m = SLICE_REG.fullmatch(x) if m: return True except AttributeError: pass return False def is_int_as_str(x): """ Test if string x is an integer. If not a string return False. """ try: return x.isdecimal() except AttributeError: return False def is_string_set(x): """Tests if something is a set of strings""" return isinstance(x, cabc.Set) and all(isinstance(a, str) for a in x) def csv_to_set(x): """Convert a comma-separated list of strings to a set of strings.""" if not x: return set() else: return set(x.split(",")) def set_to_csv(x): """Convert a set of strings to a comma-separated list of strings.""" return ",".join(x) def pathsep_to_set(x): """Converts a os.pathsep separated string to a set of strings.""" if not x: return set() else: return set(x.split(os.pathsep)) def set_to_pathsep(x, sort=False): """Converts a set to an os.pathsep separated string. The sort kwarg specifies whether to sort the set prior to str conversion. """ if sort: x = sorted(x) return os.pathsep.join(x) def is_string_seq(x): """Tests if something is a sequence of strings""" return isinstance(x, cabc.Sequence) and all(isinstance(a, str) for a in x) def is_nonstring_seq_of_strings(x): """Tests if something is a sequence of strings, where the top-level sequence is not a string itself. """ return ( isinstance(x, cabc.Sequence) and not isinstance(x, str) and all(isinstance(a, str) for a in x) ) def pathsep_to_seq(x): """Converts a os.pathsep separated string to a sequence of strings.""" if not x: return [] else: return x.split(os.pathsep) def seq_to_pathsep(x): """Converts a sequence to an os.pathsep separated string.""" return os.pathsep.join(x) def pathsep_to_upper_seq(x): """Converts a os.pathsep separated string to a sequence of uppercase strings. """ if not x: return [] else: return x.upper().split(os.pathsep) def seq_to_upper_pathsep(x): """Converts a sequence to an uppercase os.pathsep separated string.""" return os.pathsep.join(x).upper() def is_bool_seq(x): """Tests if an object is a sequence of bools.""" return isinstance(x, cabc.Sequence) and all(isinstance(y, bool) for y in x) def csv_to_bool_seq(x): """Takes a comma-separated string and converts it into a list of bools.""" return [to_bool(y) for y in csv_to_set(x)] def bool_seq_to_csv(x): """Converts a sequence of bools to a comma-separated string.""" return ",".join(map(str, x)) def ptk2_color_depth_setter(x): """Setter function for $PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH. Also updates os.environ so prompt toolkit can pickup the value. """ x = str(x) if x in { "DEPTH_1_BIT", "MONOCHROME", "DEPTH_4_BIT", "ANSI_COLORS_ONLY", "DEPTH_8_BIT", "DEFAULT", "DEPTH_24_BIT", "TRUE_COLOR", }: pass elif x in {"", None}: x = "" else: msg = '"{}" is not a valid value for $PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH. '.format(x) warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) x = "" if x == "" and "PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH" in os_environ: del os_environ["PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH"] else: os_environ["PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH"] = x return x def is_completions_display_value(x): """Enumerated values of ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY``""" return x in {"none", "single", "multi"} def to_completions_display_value(x): """Convert user input to value of ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY``""" x = str(x).lower() if x in {"none", "false"}: x = "none" elif x in {"multi", "true"}: x = "multi" elif x in {"single", "readline"}: pass else: msg = '"{}" is not a valid value for $COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY. '.format(x) msg += 'Using "multi".' warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) x = "multi" return x CANONIC_COMPLETION_MODES = frozenset({"default", "menu-complete"}) def is_completion_mode(x): """Enumerated values of $COMPLETION_MODE""" return x in CANONIC_COMPLETION_MODES def to_completion_mode(x): """Convert user input to value of $COMPLETION_MODE""" y = str(x).casefold().replace("_", "-") y = ( "default" if y in ("", "d", "xonsh", "none", "def") else "menu-complete" if y in ("m", "menu", "menu-completion") else y ) if y not in CANONIC_COMPLETION_MODES: warnings.warn( f"'{x}' is not valid for $COMPLETION_MODE, must be one of {CANONIC_COMPLETION_MODES}. Using 'default'.", RuntimeWarning, ) y = "default" return y def is_str_str_dict(x): """Tests if something is a str:str dictionary""" return isinstance(x, dict) and all( isinstance(k, str) and isinstance(v, str) for k, v in x.items() ) def to_dict(x): """Converts a string to a dictionary""" if isinstance(x, dict): return x try: x = ast.literal_eval(x) except (ValueError, SyntaxError): msg = '"{}" can not be converted to Python dictionary.'.format(x) warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) x = dict() return x def to_str_str_dict(x): """Converts a string to str:str dictionary""" if is_str_str_dict(x): return x x = to_dict(x) if not is_str_str_dict(x): msg = '"{}" can not be converted to str:str dictionary.'.format(x) warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) x = dict() return x def dict_to_str(x): """Converts a dictionary to a string""" if not x or len(x) == 0: return "" return str(x) # history validation _min_to_sec = lambda x: 60.0 * float(x) _hour_to_sec = lambda x: 60.0 * _min_to_sec(x) _day_to_sec = lambda x: 24.0 * _hour_to_sec(x) _month_to_sec = lambda x: 30.4375 * _day_to_sec(x) _year_to_sec = lambda x: 365.25 * _day_to_sec(x) _kb_to_b = lambda x: 1024 * int(x) _mb_to_b = lambda x: 1024 * _kb_to_b(x) _gb_to_b = lambda x: 1024 * _mb_to_b(x) _tb_to_b = lambda x: 1024 * _tb_to_b(x) # type: ignore CANON_HISTORY_UNITS = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["commands", "files", "s", "b"]), globals(), "CANON_HISTORY_UNITS" ) HISTORY_UNITS = LazyObject( lambda: { "": ("commands", int), "c": ("commands", int), "cmd": ("commands", int), "cmds": ("commands", int), "command": ("commands", int), "commands": ("commands", int), "f": ("files", int), "files": ("files", int), "s": ("s", float), "sec": ("s", float), "second": ("s", float), "seconds": ("s", float), "m": ("s", _min_to_sec), "min": ("s", _min_to_sec), "mins": ("s", _min_to_sec), "h": ("s", _hour_to_sec), "hr": ("s", _hour_to_sec), "hour": ("s", _hour_to_sec), "hours": ("s", _hour_to_sec), "d": ("s", _day_to_sec), "day": ("s", _day_to_sec), "days": ("s", _day_to_sec), "mon": ("s", _month_to_sec), "month": ("s", _month_to_sec), "months": ("s", _month_to_sec), "y": ("s", _year_to_sec), "yr": ("s", _year_to_sec), "yrs": ("s", _year_to_sec), "year": ("s", _year_to_sec), "years": ("s", _year_to_sec), "b": ("b", int), "byte": ("b", int), "bytes": ("b", int), "kb": ("b", _kb_to_b), "kilobyte": ("b", _kb_to_b), "kilobytes": ("b", _kb_to_b), "mb": ("b", _mb_to_b), "meg": ("b", _mb_to_b), "megs": ("b", _mb_to_b), "megabyte": ("b", _mb_to_b), "megabytes": ("b", _mb_to_b), "gb": ("b", _gb_to_b), "gig": ("b", _gb_to_b), "gigs": ("b", _gb_to_b), "gigabyte": ("b", _gb_to_b), "gigabytes": ("b", _gb_to_b), "tb": ("b", _tb_to_b), "terabyte": ("b", _tb_to_b), "terabytes": ("b", _tb_to_b), }, globals(), "HISTORY_UNITS", ) """Maps lowercase unit names to canonical name and conversion utilities.""" def is_history_tuple(x): """Tests if something is a proper history value, units tuple.""" if ( isinstance(x, cabc.Sequence) and len(x) == 2 and isinstance(x[0], (int, float)) and x[1].lower() in CANON_HISTORY_UNITS ): return True return False def is_history_backend(x): """Tests if something is a valid history backend.""" return is_string(x) or is_class(x) or isinstance(x, object) def is_dynamic_cwd_width(x): """Determine if the input is a valid input for the DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH environment variable. """ return ( isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2 and isinstance(x[0], float) and x[1] in set("c%") ) def to_dynamic_cwd_tuple(x): """Convert to a canonical cwd_width tuple.""" unit = "c" if isinstance(x, str): if x[-1] == "%": x = x[:-1] unit = "%" else: unit = "c" return (float(x), unit) else: return (float(x[0]), x[1]) def dynamic_cwd_tuple_to_str(x): """Convert a canonical cwd_width tuple to a string.""" if x[1] == "%": return str(x[0]) + "%" else: return str(x[0]) RE_HISTORY_TUPLE = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile(r"([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)\s*([A-Za-z]*)"), globals(), "RE_HISTORY_TUPLE", ) def to_history_tuple(x): """Converts to a canonical history tuple.""" if not isinstance(x, (cabc.Sequence, float, int)): raise ValueError("history size must be given as a sequence or number") if isinstance(x, str): m = RE_HISTORY_TUPLE.match(x.strip().lower()) return to_history_tuple((, elif isinstance(x, (float, int)): return to_history_tuple((x, "commands")) units, converter = HISTORY_UNITS[x[1]] value = converter(x[0]) return (value, units) def history_tuple_to_str(x): """Converts a valid history tuple to a canonical string.""" return "{0} {1}".format(*x) def all_permutations(iterable): """Yeilds all permutations, not just those of a specified length""" for r in range(1, len(iterable) + 1): yield from itertools.permutations(iterable, r=r) def format_color(string, **kwargs): """Formats strings that may contain colors. This simply dispatches to the shell instances method of the same name. The results of this function should be directly usable by print_color(). """ if hasattr(, "shell"): return, **kwargs) else: # fallback for ANSI if shell is not yet initialized from xonsh.ansi_colors import ansi_partial_color_format style = xsh.env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") return ansi_partial_color_format(string, style=style) def print_color(string, **kwargs): """Prints a string that may contain colors. This dispatched to the shell method of the same name. Colors will be formatted if they have not already been. """ if hasattr(, "shell"):, **kwargs) else: # fallback for ANSI if shell is not yet initialized print(format_color(string, **kwargs)) def color_style_names(): """Returns an iterable of all available style names.""" return def color_style(): """Returns the current color map.""" return def register_custom_style( name, styles, highlight_color=None, background_color=None, base="default" ): """Register custom style. Parameters ---------- name : str Style name. styles : dict Token -> style mapping. highlight_color : str Hightlight color. background_color : str Background color. base : str, optional Base style to use as default. Returns ------- style : The style object created, None if not succeeded """ style = None if pygments_version_info(): from xonsh.pyghooks import register_custom_pygments_style style = register_custom_pygments_style( name, styles, highlight_color, background_color, base ) # register ANSI colors from xonsh.ansi_colors import register_custom_ansi_style register_custom_ansi_style(name, styles, base) return style def _token_attr_from_stylemap(stylemap): """yields tokens attr, and index from a stylemap""" import prompt_toolkit as ptk if == "prompt_toolkit1": style = ptk.styles.style_from_dict(stylemap) for token in stylemap: yield token, style.token_to_attrs[token] else: style = ptk.styles.style_from_pygments_dict(stylemap) for token in stylemap: style_str = "class:{}".format( ptk.styles.pygments.pygments_token_to_classname(token) ) yield (token, style.get_attrs_for_style_str(style_str)) def _get_color_lookup_table(): """Returns the prompt_toolkit win32 ColorLookupTable""" if == "prompt_toolkit1": from prompt_toolkit.terminal.win32_output import ColorLookupTable else: from prompt_toolkit.output.win32 import ColorLookupTable return ColorLookupTable() def _get_color_indexes(style_map): """Generates the color and windows color index for a style""" table = _get_color_lookup_table() for token, attr in _token_attr_from_stylemap(style_map): if attr.color: index = table.lookup_fg_color(attr.color) try: rgb = ( int(attr.color[0:2], 16), int(attr.color[2:4], 16), int(attr.color[4:6], 16), ) except Exception: rgb = None yield token, index, rgb # Map of new PTK2 color names to PTK1 variants PTK_NEW_OLD_COLOR_MAP = LazyObject( lambda: { "black": "black", "red": "darkred", "green": "darkgreen", "yellow": "brown", "blue": "darkblue", "magenta": "purple", "cyan": "teal", "gray": "lightgray", "brightblack": "darkgray", "brightred": "red", "brightgreen": "green", "brightyellow": "yellow", "brightblue": "blue", "brightmagenta": "fuchsia", "brightcyan": "turquoise", "white": "white", }, globals(), "PTK_NEW_OLD_COLOR_MAP", ) # Map of new ansicolor names to old PTK1 names ANSICOLOR_NAMES_MAP = LazyObject( lambda: {"ansi" + k: "#ansi" + v for k, v in PTK_NEW_OLD_COLOR_MAP.items()}, globals(), "ANSICOLOR_NAMES_MAP", ) def _win10_color_map(): cmap = { "ansiblack": (12, 12, 12), "ansiblue": (0, 55, 218), "ansigreen": (19, 161, 14), "ansicyan": (58, 150, 221), "ansired": (197, 15, 31), "ansimagenta": (136, 23, 152), "ansiyellow": (193, 156, 0), "ansigray": (204, 204, 204), "ansibrightblack": (118, 118, 118), "ansibrightblue": (59, 120, 255), "ansibrightgreen": (22, 198, 12), "ansibrightcyan": (97, 214, 214), "ansibrightred": (231, 72, 86), "ansibrightmagenta": (180, 0, 158), "ansibrightyellow": (249, 241, 165), "ansiwhite": (242, 242, 242), } return { k: "#{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}".format(r, g, b) for k, (r, g, b) in cmap.items() } WIN10_COLOR_MAP = LazyObject(_win10_color_map, globals(), "WIN10_COLOR_MAP") def _win_bold_color_map(): """Map dark ansi colors to lighter version.""" return { "ansiblack": "ansibrightblack", "ansiblue": "ansibrightblue", "ansigreen": "ansibrightgreen", "ansicyan": "ansibrightcyan", "ansired": "ansibrightred", "ansimagenta": "ansibrightmagenta", "ansiyellow": "ansibrightyellow", "ansigray": "ansiwhite", } WIN_BOLD_COLOR_MAP = LazyObject(_win_bold_color_map, globals(), "WIN_BOLD_COLOR_MAP") def hardcode_colors_for_win10(style_map): """Replace all ansi colors with hardcoded colors to avoid unreadable defaults in conhost.exe """ modified_style = {} if not xsh.env["PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH"]: xsh.env["PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH"] = "DEPTH_24_BIT" # Replace all ansi colors with hardcoded colors to avoid unreadable defaults # in conhost.exe for token, style_str in style_map.items(): for ansicolor in WIN10_COLOR_MAP: if ansicolor in style_str: if "bold" in style_str and "nobold" not in style_str: # Win10 doesn't yet handle bold colors. Instead dark # colors are mapped to their lighter version. We simulate # the same here. style_str.replace("bold", "") hexcolor = WIN10_COLOR_MAP[ WIN_BOLD_COLOR_MAP.get(ansicolor, ansicolor) ] else: hexcolor = WIN10_COLOR_MAP[ansicolor] style_str = style_str.replace(ansicolor, hexcolor) modified_style[token] = style_str return modified_style def ansicolors_to_ptk1_names(stylemap): """Converts ansicolor names in a stylemap to old PTK1 color names""" if pygments_version_info() and pygments_version_info() >= (2, 4, 0): return stylemap modified_stylemap = {} for token, style_str in stylemap.items(): for color, ptk1_color in ANSICOLOR_NAMES_MAP.items(): if "#" + color not in style_str: style_str = style_str.replace(color, ptk1_color) modified_stylemap[token] = style_str return modified_stylemap def intensify_colors_for_cmd_exe(style_map): """Returns a modified style to where colors that maps to dark colors are replaced with brighter versions. """ modified_style = {} replace_colors = { 1: "ansibrightcyan", # subst blue with bright cyan 2: "ansibrightgreen", # subst green with bright green 4: "ansibrightred", # subst red with bright red 5: "ansibrightmagenta", # subst magenta with bright magenta 6: "ansibrightyellow", # subst yellow with bright yellow 9: "ansicyan", # subst intense blue with dark cyan (more readable) } if == "prompt_toolkit1": replace_colors = ansicolors_to_ptk1_names(replace_colors) for token, idx, _ in _get_color_indexes(style_map): if idx in replace_colors: modified_style[token] = replace_colors[idx] return modified_style def intensify_colors_on_win_setter(enable): """Resets the style when setting the INTENSIFY_COLORS_ON_WIN environment variable. """ enable = to_bool(enable) if ( hasattr(xsh, "shell") and is not None and hasattr(, "style_name") ): delattr(, "style_name") return enable def format_std_prepost(template, env=None): """Formats a template prefix/postfix string for a standard buffer. Returns a string suitable for prepending or appending. """ if not template: return "" env = xsh.env if env is None else env invis = "\001\002" if is None: # shell hasn't fully started up (probably still in xonshrc) from xonsh.prompt.base import PromptFormatter from xonsh.ansi_colors import ansi_partial_color_format pf = PromptFormatter() s = pf(template) style = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") s = ansi_partial_color_format(invis + s + invis, hide=False, style=style) else: # shell has fully started. do the normal thing shell = try: s = shell.prompt_formatter(template) except Exception: print_exception() # \001\002 is there to fool pygments into not returning an empty string # for potentially empty input. This happens when the template is just a # color code with no visible text. s = shell.format_color(invis + s + invis, force_string=True) s = s.replace(invis, "") return s _RE_STRING_START = "[bBprRuUf]*" _RE_STRING_TRIPLE_DOUBLE = '"""' _RE_STRING_TRIPLE_SINGLE = "'''" _RE_STRING_DOUBLE = '"' _RE_STRING_SINGLE = "'" _STRINGS = ( _RE_STRING_TRIPLE_DOUBLE, _RE_STRING_TRIPLE_SINGLE, _RE_STRING_DOUBLE, _RE_STRING_SINGLE, ) RE_BEGIN_STRING = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile("(" + _RE_STRING_START + "(" + "|".join(_STRINGS) + "))"), globals(), "RE_BEGIN_STRING", ) """Regular expression matching the start of a string, including quotes and leading characters (r, b, or u)""" RE_STRING_START = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile(_RE_STRING_START), globals(), "RE_STRING_START" ) """Regular expression matching the characters before the quotes when starting a string (r, b, or u, case insensitive)""" RE_STRING_CONT = LazyDict( { '"': lambda: re.compile(r'((\\(.|\n))|([^"\\]))*'), "'": lambda: re.compile(r"((\\(.|\n))|([^'\\]))*"), '"""': lambda: re.compile(r'((\\(.|\n))|([^"\\])|("(?!""))|\n)*'), "'''": lambda: re.compile(r"((\\(.|\n))|([^'\\])|('(?!''))|\n)*"), }, globals(), "RE_STRING_CONT", ) """Dictionary mapping starting quote sequences to regular expressions that match the contents of a string beginning with those quotes (not including the terminating quotes)""" @lazyobject def RE_COMPLETE_STRING(): ptrn = ( "^" + _RE_STRING_START + "(?P<quote>" + "|".join(_STRINGS) + ")" + ".*?(?P=quote)$" ) return re.compile(ptrn, re.DOTALL) def strip_simple_quotes(s): """Gets rid of single quotes, double quotes, single triple quotes, and single double quotes from a string, if present front and back of a string. Otherwiswe, does nothing. """ starts_single = s.startswith("'") starts_double = s.startswith('"') if not starts_single and not starts_double: return s elif starts_single: ends_single = s.endswith("'") if not ends_single: return s elif s.startswith("'''") and s.endswith("'''") and len(s) >= 6: return s[3:-3] elif len(s) >= 2: return s[1:-1] else: return s else: # starts double ends_double = s.endswith('"') if not ends_double: return s elif s.startswith('"""') and s.endswith('"""') and len(s) >= 6: return s[3:-3] elif len(s) >= 2: return s[1:-1] else: return s def check_for_partial_string(x): """Returns the starting index (inclusive), ending index (exclusive), and starting quote string of the most recent Python string found in the input. check_for_partial_string(x) -> (startix, endix, quote) Parameters ---------- x : str The string to be checked (representing a line of terminal input) Returns ------- startix : int (or None) The index where the most recent Python string found started (inclusive), or None if no strings exist in the input endix : int (or None) The index where the most recent Python string found ended (exclusive), or None if no strings exist in the input OR if the input ended in the middle of a Python string quote : str (or None) A string containing the quote used to start the string (e.g., b", ", '''), or None if no string was found. """ string_indices = [] starting_quote = [] current_index = 0 match =, x) while match is not None: # add the start in start = match.start() quote = lenquote = len(quote) current_index += start # store the starting index of the string, as well as the # characters in the starting quotes (e.g., ", ', """, r", etc) string_indices.append(current_index) starting_quote.append(quote) # determine the string that should terminate this string ender = re.sub(RE_STRING_START, "", quote) x = x[start + lenquote :] current_index += lenquote # figure out what is inside the string continuer = RE_STRING_CONT[ender] contents = re.match(continuer, x) inside = leninside = len(inside) current_index += contents.start() + leninside + len(ender) # if we are not at the end of the input string, add the ending index of # the string to string_indices if contents.end() < len(x): string_indices.append(current_index) x = x[leninside + len(ender) :] # find the next match match =, x) numquotes = len(string_indices) if numquotes == 0: return (None, None, None) elif numquotes % 2: return (string_indices[-1], None, starting_quote[-1]) else: return (string_indices[-2], string_indices[-1], starting_quote[-1]) # regular expressions for matching environment variables # i.e $FOO, ${'FOO'} @lazyobject def POSIX_ENVVAR_REGEX(): pat = r"""\$({(?P<quote>['"])|)(?P<envvar>\w+)((?P=quote)}|(?:\1\b))""" return re.compile(pat) def expandvars(path): """Expand shell variables of the forms $var, ${var} and %var%. Unknown variables are left unchanged.""" env = xsh.env if isinstance(path, bytes): path = path.decode( encoding=env.get("XONSH_ENCODING"), errors=env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS") ) elif isinstance(path, pathlib.Path): # get the path's string representation path = str(path) if "$" in path: shift = 0 for match in POSIX_ENVVAR_REGEX.finditer(path): name ="envvar") if name in env: detyper = env.get_detyper(name) val = env[name] value = str(val) if detyper is None else detyper(val) value = str(val) if value is None else value start_pos, end_pos = match.span() path_len_before_replace = len(path) path = path[: start_pos + shift] + value + path[end_pos + shift :] shift = shift + len(path) - path_len_before_replace return path # # File handling tools # def backup_file(fname): """Moves an existing file to a new name that has the current time right before the extension. """ # lazy imports import shutil from datetime import datetime base, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f") newfname = "%s.%s%s" % (base, timestamp, ext) shutil.move(fname, newfname) def normabspath(p): """Returns as normalized absolute path, namely, normcase(abspath(p))""" return os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(p)) def expanduser_abs_path(inp): """Provides user expanded absolute path""" return os.path.abspath(expanduser(inp)) WINDOWS_DRIVE_MATCHER = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile(r"^\w:"), globals(), "WINDOWS_DRIVE_MATCHER" ) def expand_case_matching(s): """Expands a string to a case insensitive globable string.""" t = [] openers = {"[", "{"} closers = {"]", "}"} nesting = 0 drive_part = WINDOWS_DRIVE_MATCHER.match(s) if ON_WINDOWS else None if drive_part: drive_part = t.append(drive_part) s = s[len(drive_part) :] for c in s: if c in openers: nesting += 1 elif c in closers: nesting -= 1 elif nesting > 0: pass elif c.isalpha(): folded = c.casefold() if len(folded) == 1: c = "[{0}{1}]".format(c.upper(), c.lower()) else: newc = ["[{0}{1}]?".format(f.upper(), f.lower()) for f in folded[:-1]] newc = "".join(newc) newc += "[{0}{1}{2}]".format(folded[-1].upper(), folded[-1].lower(), c) c = newc t.append(c) return "".join(t) def globpath( s, ignore_case=False, return_empty=False, sort_result=None, include_dotfiles=None ): """Simple wrapper around glob that also expands home and env vars.""" o, s = _iglobpath( s, ignore_case=ignore_case, sort_result=sort_result, include_dotfiles=include_dotfiles, ) o = list(o) no_match = [] if return_empty else [s] return o if len(o) != 0 else no_match def _dotglobstr(s): modified = False dotted_s = s if "/*" in dotted_s: dotted_s = dotted_s.replace("/*", "/.*") dotted_s = dotted_s.replace("/.**/.*", "/**/.*") modified = True if dotted_s.startswith("*") and not dotted_s.startswith("**"): dotted_s = "." + dotted_s modified = True return dotted_s, modified def _iglobpath(s, ignore_case=False, sort_result=None, include_dotfiles=None): s = xsh.expand_path(s) if sort_result is None: sort_result = xsh.env.get("GLOB_SORTED") if include_dotfiles is None: include_dotfiles = xsh.env.get("DOTGLOB") if ignore_case: s = expand_case_matching(s) if "**" in s and "**/*" not in s: s = s.replace("**", "**/*") if include_dotfiles: dotted_s, dotmodified = _dotglobstr(s) if sort_result: paths = glob.glob(s, recursive=True) if include_dotfiles and dotmodified: paths.extend(glob.iglob(dotted_s, recursive=True)) paths.sort() paths = iter(paths) else: paths = glob.iglob(s, recursive=True) if include_dotfiles and dotmodified: paths = itertools.chain(glob.iglob(dotted_s, recursive=True), paths) return paths, s def iglobpath(s, ignore_case=False, sort_result=None, include_dotfiles=None): """Simple wrapper around iglob that also expands home and env vars.""" try: return _iglobpath( s, ignore_case=ignore_case, sort_result=sort_result, include_dotfiles=include_dotfiles, )[0] except IndexError: # something went wrong in the actual iglob() call return iter(()) def ensure_timestamp(t, datetime_format=None): if isinstance(t, (int, float)): return t try: return float(t) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass if datetime_format is None: datetime_format = xsh.env["XONSH_DATETIME_FORMAT"] if isinstance(t, datetime.datetime): t = t.timestamp() else: t = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, datetime_format).timestamp() return t def format_datetime(dt): """Format datetime object to string base on $XONSH_DATETIME_FORMAT Env.""" format_ = xsh.env["XONSH_DATETIME_FORMAT"] return dt.strftime(format_) def columnize(elems, width=80, newline="\n"): """Takes an iterable of strings and returns a list of lines with the elements placed in columns. Each line will be at most *width* columns. The newline character will be appended to the end of each line. """ sizes = [len(e) + 1 for e in elems] total = sum(sizes) nelem = len(elems) if total - 1 <= width: ncols = len(sizes) nrows = 1 columns = [sizes] last_longest_row = total enter_loop = False else: ncols = 1 nrows = len(sizes) columns = [sizes] last_longest_row = max(sizes) enter_loop = True while enter_loop: longest_row = sum(map(max, columns)) if longest_row - 1 <= width: # we might be able to fit another column. ncols += 1 nrows = nelem // ncols columns = [sizes[i * nrows : (i + 1) * nrows] for i in range(ncols)] last_longest_row = longest_row else: # we can't fit another column ncols -= 1 nrows = nelem // ncols break pad = (width - last_longest_row + ncols) // ncols pad = pad if pad > 1 else 1 data = [elems[i * nrows : (i + 1) * nrows] for i in range(ncols)] colwidths = [max(map(len, d)) + pad for d in data] colwidths[-1] -= pad row_t = "".join(["{{row[{i}]: <{{w[{i}]}}}}".format(i=i) for i in range(ncols)]) row_t += newline lines = [ row_t.format(row=row, w=colwidths) for row in itertools.zip_longest(*data, fillvalue="") ] return lines ALIAS_KWARG_NAMES = frozenset(["args", "stdin", "stdout", "stderr", "spec", "stack"]) def unthreadable(f): """Decorator that specifies that a callable alias should be run only on the main thread process. This is often needed for debuggers and profilers. """ f.__xonsh_threadable__ = False return f def uncapturable(f): """Decorator that specifies that a callable alias should not be run with any capturing. This is often needed if the alias call interactive subprocess, like pagers and text editors. """ f.__xonsh_capturable__ = False return f def carriage_return(): """Writes a carriage return to stdout, and nothing else.""" print("\r", flush=True, end="") def deprecated(deprecated_in=None, removed_in=None): """Parametrized decorator that deprecates a function in a graceful manner. Updates the decorated function's docstring to mention the version that deprecation occurred in and the version it will be removed in if both of these values are passed. When removed_in is not a release equal to or less than the current release, call ``warnings.warn`` with details, while raising ``DeprecationWarning``. When removed_in is a release equal to or less than the current release, raise an ``AssertionError``. Parameters ---------- deprecated_in : str The version number that deprecated this function. removed_in : str The version number that this function will be removed in. """ message_suffix = _deprecated_message_suffix(deprecated_in, removed_in) if not message_suffix: message_suffix = "" def decorated(func): warning_message = "{} has been deprecated".format(func.__name__) warning_message += message_suffix @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): _deprecated_error_on_expiration(func.__name__, removed_in) func(*args, **kwargs) warnings.warn(warning_message, DeprecationWarning) wrapped.__doc__ = ( "{}\n\n{}".format(wrapped.__doc__, warning_message) if wrapped.__doc__ else warning_message ) return wrapped return decorated def _deprecated_message_suffix(deprecated_in, removed_in): if deprecated_in and removed_in: message_suffix = " in version {} and will be removed in version {}".format( deprecated_in, removed_in ) elif deprecated_in and not removed_in: message_suffix = " in version {}".format(deprecated_in) elif not deprecated_in and removed_in: message_suffix = " and will be removed in version {}".format(removed_in) else: message_suffix = None return message_suffix def _deprecated_error_on_expiration(name, removed_in): from distutils.version import LooseVersion if not removed_in: return elif LooseVersion(__version__) >= LooseVersion(removed_in): raise AssertionError( "{} has passed its version {} expiry date!".format(name, removed_in) ) def to_repr_pretty_(inst, p, cycle): name = "{0}.{1}".format(inst.__class__.__module__, inst.__class__.__name__) with, name + "(", ")"): if cycle: p.text("...") elif len(inst): p.break_() p.pretty(dict(inst)) class XAttr: """hold attribute and value""" __slots__ = ("name", "value") def __init__(self, val) -> None: self.value = val def __set_name__(self, owner, name) -> None: str = name def __get__(self, instance, owner) -> "XAttr": return self def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<{}={self.value}>" class NamedConstantMeta(type): """utility class to hold list of values as class-attributes""" def __iter__(cls) -> tp.Iterator[XAttr]: for attr in vars(cls): if not attr.startswith("__"): yield getattr(cls, attr) # # ast # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """The xonsh abstract syntax tree node.""" # These are imported into our module namespace for the benefit of # pylint: disable=unused-import # amalgamated sys from ast import ( Module, Num, Expr, Str, Bytes, UnaryOp, UAdd, USub, Invert, BinOp, Add, Sub, Mult, Div, FloorDiv, Mod, Pow, Compare, Lt, Gt, LtE, GtE, Eq, NotEq, In, NotIn, Is, IsNot, Not, BoolOp, Or, And, Subscript, Load, Slice, ExtSlice, List, Tuple, Set, Dict, AST, NameConstant, Name, GeneratorExp, Store, comprehension, ListComp, SetComp, DictComp, Assign, AugAssign, BitXor, BitAnd, BitOr, LShift, RShift, Assert, Delete, Del, Pass, Raise, Import, alias, ImportFrom, Continue, Break, Yield, YieldFrom, Return, IfExp, Lambda, arguments, arg, Call, keyword, Attribute, Global, Nonlocal, If, While, For, withitem, With, Try, ExceptHandler, FunctionDef, ClassDef, Starred, NodeTransformer, Interactive, Expression, Index, literal_eval, dump, walk, increment_lineno, Constant, ) from ast import Ellipsis as EllipsisNode # pylint: enable=unused-import # amalgamated textwrap # amalgamated itertools # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated from ast import ( MatMult, AsyncFunctionDef, AsyncWith, AsyncFor, Await, JoinedStr, FormattedValue, AnnAssign, ) # amalgamated xonsh.platform if PYTHON_VERSION_INFO > (3, 8): from ast import NamedExpr # type:ignore STATEMENTS = ( FunctionDef, ClassDef, Return, Delete, Assign, AugAssign, For, While, If, With, Raise, Try, Assert, Import, ImportFrom, Global, Nonlocal, Expr, Pass, Break, Continue, AnnAssign, ) def leftmostname(node): """Attempts to find the first name in the tree.""" if isinstance(node, Name): rtn = elif isinstance(node, (BinOp, Compare)): rtn = leftmostname(node.left) elif isinstance(node, (Attribute, Subscript, Starred, Expr)): rtn = leftmostname(node.value) elif isinstance(node, Call): rtn = leftmostname(node.func) elif isinstance(node, UnaryOp): rtn = leftmostname(node.operand) elif isinstance(node, BoolOp): rtn = leftmostname(node.values[0]) elif isinstance(node, Assign): rtn = leftmostname(node.targets[0]) elif isinstance(node, AnnAssign): rtn = leftmostname( elif isinstance(node, (Str, Bytes, JoinedStr)): # handles case of "./my executable" rtn = leftmostname(node.s) elif isinstance(node, Tuple) and len(node.elts) > 0: # handles case of echo ,1,2,3 rtn = leftmostname(node.elts[0]) else: rtn = None return rtn def get_lineno(node, default=0): """Gets the lineno of a node or returns the default.""" return getattr(node, "lineno", default) def min_line(node): """Computes the minimum lineno.""" node_line = get_lineno(node) return min(map(get_lineno, walk(node), itertools.repeat(node_line))) def max_line(node): """Computes the maximum lineno.""" return max(map(get_lineno, walk(node))) def get_col(node, default=-1): """Gets the col_offset of a node, or returns the default""" return getattr(node, "col_offset", default) def min_col(node): """Computes the minimum col_offset.""" return min(map(get_col, walk(node), itertools.repeat(node.col_offset))) def max_col(node): """Returns the maximum col_offset of the node and all sub-nodes.""" col = getattr(node, "max_col", None) if col is not None: return col highest = max(walk(node), key=get_col) col = highest.col_offset + node_len(highest) return col def node_len(node): """The length of a node as a string""" val = 0 for n in walk(node): if isinstance(n, Name): val += len( elif isinstance(n, Attribute): val += 1 + (len(n.attr) if isinstance(n.attr, str) else 0) # this may need to be added to for more nodes as more cases are found return val def get_id(node, default=None): """Gets the id attribute of a node, or returns a default.""" return getattr(node, "id", default) def gather_names(node): """Returns the set of all names present in the node's tree.""" rtn = set(map(get_id, walk(node))) rtn.discard(None) return rtn def get_id_ctx(node): """Gets the id and attribute of a node, or returns a default.""" nid = getattr(node, "id", None) if nid is None: return (None, None) return (nid, node.ctx) def gather_load_store_names(node): """Returns the names present in the node's tree in a set of load nodes and a set of store nodes. """ load = set() store = set() for nid, ctx in map(get_id_ctx, walk(node)): if nid is None: continue elif isinstance(ctx, Load): load.add(nid) else: store.add(nid) return (load, store) def has_elts(x): """Tests if x is an AST node with elements.""" return isinstance(x, AST) and hasattr(x, "elts") def load_attribute_chain(name, lineno=None, col=None): """Creates an AST that loads variable name that may (or may not) have attribute chains. For example, "a.b.c" """ names = name.split(".") node = Name(id=names.pop(0), ctx=Load(), lineno=lineno, col_offset=col) for attr in names: node = Attribute( value=node, attr=attr, ctx=Load(), lineno=lineno, col_offset=col ) return node def xonsh_call(name, args, lineno=None, col=None): """Creates the AST node for calling a function of a given name. Functions names may contain attribute access, e.g. __xonsh__.env. """ return Call( func=load_attribute_chain(name, lineno=lineno, col=col), args=args, keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, lineno=lineno, col_offset=col, ) def isdescendable(node): """Determines whether or not a node is worth visiting. Currently only UnaryOp and BoolOp nodes are visited. """ return isinstance(node, (UnaryOp, BoolOp)) def isexpression(node, ctx=None, *args, **kwargs): """Determines whether a node (or code string) is an expression, and does not contain any statements. The execution context (ctx) and other args and kwargs are passed down to the parser, as needed. """ # parse string to AST if isinstance(node, str): node = node if node.endswith("\n") else node + "\n" ctx = XSH.ctx if ctx is None else ctx node = XSH.execer.parse(node, ctx, *args, **kwargs) # determine if expression-like enough if isinstance(node, (Expr, Expression)): isexpr = True elif isinstance(node, Module) and len(node.body) == 1: isexpr = isinstance(node.body[0], (Expr, Expression)) else: isexpr = False return isexpr class CtxAwareTransformer(NodeTransformer): """Transforms a xonsh AST based to use subprocess calls when the first name in an expression statement is not known in the context. This assumes that the expression statement is instead parseable as a subprocess. """ def __init__(self, parser): """Parameters ---------- parser : xonsh.Parser A parse instance to try to parse subprocess statements with. """ super(CtxAwareTransformer, self).__init__() self.parser = parser self.input = None self.contexts = [] self.lines = None self.mode = None self._nwith = 0 self.filename = "<xonsh-code>" self.debug_level = 0 def ctxvisit(self, node, inp, ctx, mode="exec", filename=None, debug_level=0): """Transforms the node in a context-dependent way. Parameters ---------- node : ast.AST A syntax tree to transform. inp : str The input code in string format. ctx : dict The root context to use. filename : str, optional File we are to transform. debug_level : int, optional Debugging level to use in lexing and parsing. Returns ------- node : ast.AST The transformed node. """ self.filename = self.filename if filename is None else filename self.debug_level = debug_level self.lines = inp.splitlines() self.contexts = [ctx, set()] self.mode = mode self._nwith = 0 node = self.visit(node) del self.lines, self.contexts, self.mode self._nwith = 0 return node def ctxupdate(self, iterable): """Updated the most recent context.""" self.contexts[-1].update(iterable) def ctxadd(self, value): """Adds a value the most recent context.""" self.contexts[-1].add(value) def ctxremove(self, value): """Removes a value the most recent context.""" for ctx in reversed(self.contexts): if value in ctx: ctx.remove(value) break def try_subproc_toks(self, node, strip_expr=False): """Tries to parse the line of the node as a subprocess.""" line, nlogical, idx = get_logical_line(self.lines, node.lineno - 1) if self.mode == "eval": mincol = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) maxcol = None else: mincol = max(min_col(node) - 1, 0) maxcol = max_col(node) if mincol == maxcol: maxcol = find_next_break(line, mincol=mincol, lexer=self.parser.lexer) elif nlogical > 1: maxcol = None elif maxcol < len(line) and line[maxcol] == ";": pass else: maxcol += 1 spline = subproc_toks( line, mincol=mincol, maxcol=maxcol, returnline=False, lexer=self.parser.lexer, ) if spline is None or spline != "![{}]".format(line[mincol:maxcol].strip()): # failed to get something consistent, try greedy wrap spline = subproc_toks( line, mincol=mincol, maxcol=maxcol, returnline=False, lexer=self.parser.lexer, greedy=True, ) if spline is None: return node try: newnode = self.parser.parse( spline, mode=self.mode, filename=self.filename, debug_level=(self.debug_level >= 2), ) newnode = newnode.body if not isinstance(newnode, AST): # take the first (and only) Expr newnode = newnode[0] increment_lineno(newnode, n=node.lineno - 1) newnode.col_offset = node.col_offset if self.debug_level >= 1: msg = "{0}:{1}:{2}{3} - {4}\n" "{0}:{1}:{2}{3} + {5}" mstr = "" if maxcol is None else ":" + str(maxcol) msg = msg.format(self.filename, node.lineno, mincol, mstr, line, spline) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) except SyntaxError: newnode = node if strip_expr and isinstance(newnode, Expr): newnode = newnode.value return newnode def is_in_scope(self, node): """Determines whether or not the current node is in scope.""" names, store = gather_load_store_names(node) names -= store if not names: return True inscope = False for ctx in reversed(self.contexts): names -= ctx if not names: inscope = True break return inscope # # Replacement visitors # def visit_Expression(self, node): """Handle visiting an expression body.""" if isdescendable(node.body): node.body = self.visit(node.body) body = node.body inscope = self.is_in_scope(body) if not inscope: node.body = self.try_subproc_toks(body) return node def visit_Expr(self, node): """Handle visiting an expression.""" if isdescendable(node.value): node.value = self.visit(node.value) # this allows diving into BoolOps if self.is_in_scope(node) or isinstance(node.value, Lambda): return node else: newnode = self.try_subproc_toks(node) if not isinstance(newnode, Expr): newnode = Expr( value=newnode, lineno=node.lineno, col_offset=node.col_offset ) if hasattr(node, "max_lineno"): newnode.max_lineno = node.max_lineno newnode.max_col = node.max_col return newnode def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): """Handle visiting an unary operands, like not.""" if isdescendable(node.operand): node.operand = self.visit(node.operand) operand = node.operand inscope = self.is_in_scope(operand) if not inscope: node.operand = self.try_subproc_toks(operand, strip_expr=True) return node def visit_BoolOp(self, node): """Handle visiting an boolean operands, like and/or.""" for i in range(len(node.values)): val = node.values[i] if isdescendable(val): val = node.values[i] = self.visit(val) inscope = self.is_in_scope(val) if not inscope: node.values[i] = self.try_subproc_toks(val, strip_expr=True) return node # # Context aggregator visitors # def visit_Assign(self, node): """Handle visiting an assignment statement.""" ups = set() for targ in node.targets: if isinstance(targ, (Tuple, List)): ups.update(leftmostname(elt) for elt in targ.elts) elif isinstance(targ, BinOp): newnode = self.try_subproc_toks(node) if newnode is node: ups.add(leftmostname(targ)) else: return newnode else: ups.add(leftmostname(targ)) self.ctxupdate(ups) return node def visit_AnnAssign(self, node): """Handle visiting an annotated assignment statement.""" self.ctxadd(leftmostname( return node def visit_Import(self, node): """Handle visiting a import statement.""" for name in node.names: if name.asname is None: self.ctxadd( else: self.ctxadd(name.asname) return node def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): """Handle visiting a "from ... import ..." statement.""" for name in node.names: if name.asname is None: self.ctxadd( else: self.ctxadd(name.asname) return node def visit_With(self, node): """Handle visiting a with statement.""" for item in node.items: if item.optional_vars is not None: self.ctxupdate(gather_names(item.optional_vars)) self._nwith += 1 self.generic_visit(node) self._nwith -= 1 return node def visit_For(self, node): """Handle visiting a for statement.""" targ = self.ctxupdate(gather_names(targ)) self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): """Handle visiting a function definition.""" self.ctxadd( self.contexts.append(set()) args = node.args argchain = [args.args, args.kwonlyargs] if args.vararg is not None: argchain.append((args.vararg,)) if args.kwarg is not None: argchain.append((args.kwarg,)) self.ctxupdate(a.arg for a in itertools.chain.from_iterable(argchain)) self.generic_visit(node) self.contexts.pop() return node def visit_ClassDef(self, node): """Handle visiting a class definition.""" self.ctxadd( self.contexts.append(set()) self.generic_visit(node) self.contexts.pop() return node def visit_Delete(self, node): """Handle visiting a del statement.""" for targ in node.targets: if isinstance(targ, Name): self.ctxremove( self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_Try(self, node): """Handle visiting a try statement.""" for handler in node.handlers: if is not None: self.ctxadd( self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_Global(self, node): """Handle visiting a global statement.""" self.contexts[1].update(node.names) # contexts[1] is the global ctx self.generic_visit(node) return node def pdump(s, **kwargs): """performs a pretty dump of an AST node.""" if isinstance(s, AST): s = dump(s, **kwargs).replace(",", ",\n") openers = "([{" closers = ")]}" lens = len(s) + 1 if lens == 1: return s i = min([s.find(o) % lens for o in openers]) if i == lens - 1: return s closer = closers[openers.find(s[i])] j = s.rfind(closer) if j == -1 or j <= i: return s[: i + 1] + "\n" + textwrap.indent(pdump(s[i + 1 :]), " ") pre = s[: i + 1] + "\n" mid = s[i + 1 : j] post = "\n" + s[j:] mid = textwrap.indent(pdump(mid), " ") if "(" in post or "[" in post or "{" in post: post = pdump(post) return pre + mid + post def pprint_ast(s, *, sep=None, end=None, file=None, flush=False, **kwargs): """Performs a pretty print of the AST nodes.""" print(pdump(s, **kwargs), sep=sep, end=end, file=file, flush=flush) # # Private helpers # def _getblockattr(name, lineno, col): """calls getattr(name, '__xonsh_block__', False).""" return xonsh_call( "getattr", args=[ Name(id=name, ctx=Load(), lineno=lineno, col_offset=col), Str(s="__xonsh_block__", lineno=lineno, col_offset=col), NameConstant(value=False, lineno=lineno, col_offset=col), ], lineno=lineno, col=col, ) # # color_tools # """Tools for color handling in xonsh. This includes Convert values between RGB hex codes and xterm-256 color codes. Parts of this file were originally forked from Micah Elliott Copyright (C) 2011 Micah Elliott. All rights reserved. WTFPL """ # amalgamated re math = _LazyModule.load('math', 'math') # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated _NO_COLOR_WARNING_SHOWN = False RE_BACKGROUND = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile("(BG#|BGHEX|BACKGROUND)"), globals(), "RE_BACKGROUND" ) class COLORS: """constants""" RESET = "{RESET}" RED = "{RED}" GREEN = "{GREEN}" BOLD_RED = "{BOLD_RED}" BOLD_GREEN = "{BOLD_GREEN}" @lazyobject def KNOWN_XONSH_COLORS(): """These are the minimum number of colors that need to be implemented by any style. """ return frozenset( [ "DEFAULT", "BLACK", "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "BLUE", "PURPLE", "CYAN", "WHITE", "INTENSE_BLACK", "INTENSE_RED", "INTENSE_GREEN", "INTENSE_YELLOW", "INTENSE_BLUE", "INTENSE_PURPLE", "INTENSE_CYAN", "INTENSE_WHITE", ] ) @lazyobject def BASE_XONSH_COLORS(): return { "BLACK": (0, 0, 0), "RED": (170, 0, 0), "GREEN": (0, 170, 0), "YELLOW": (170, 85, 0), "BLUE": (0, 0, 170), "PURPLE": (170, 0, 170), "CYAN": (0, 170, 170), "WHITE": (170, 170, 170), "INTENSE_BLACK": (85, 85, 85), "INTENSE_RED": (255, 85, 85), "INTENSE_GREEN": (85, 255, 85), "INTENSE_YELLOW": (255, 255, 85), "INTENSE_BLUE": (85, 85, 255), "INTENSE_PURPLE": (255, 85, 255), "INTENSE_CYAN": (85, 255, 255), "INTENSE_WHITE": (255, 255, 255), } @lazyobject def RE_XONSH_COLOR(): hex = "[0-9a-fA-F]" s = ( # background r"((?P<background>BACKGROUND_)|(?P<modifiers>(" # modifiers, only apply to foreground r"BOLD_|FAINT_|ITALIC_|UNDERLINE_|SLOWBLINK_|FASTBLINK_|INVERT_|CONCEAL_|" r"STRIKETHROUGH_|BOLDOFF_|FAINTOFF_|ITALICOFF_|UNDERLINEOFF_|BLINKOFF_|" r"INVERTOFF_|REVEALOFF_|STRIKETHROUGHOFF_)+))?" # colors r"(?P<color>BLACK|RED|GREEN|YELLOW|BLUE|PURPLE|CYAN|WHITE|INTENSE_BLACK|" r"INTENSE_RED|INTENSE_GREEN|INTENSE_YELLOW|INTENSE_BLUE|INTENSE_PURPLE|" r"INTENSE_CYAN|INTENSE_WHITE|#" + hex + "{3}|#" + hex + "{6}|DEFAULT)" ) bghex = ( "bg#" + hex + "{3}|" "bg#" + hex + "{6}|" "BG#" + hex + "{3}|" "BG#" + hex + "{6}" ) s = "^((?P<reset>RESET|NO_COLOR)|(?P<bghex>" + bghex + ")|" + s + ")$" return re.compile(s) def iscolor(s): """Tests if a string is a valid color""" return RE_XONSH_COLOR.match(s) is not None @lazyobject def CLUT(): """color look-up table""" return [ # 8-bit, RGB hex # Primary 3-bit (8 colors). Unique representation! ("0", "000000"), ("1", "800000"), ("2", "008000"), ("3", "808000"), ("4", "000080"), ("5", "800080"), ("6", "008080"), ("7", "c0c0c0"), # Equivalent "bright" versions of original 8 colors. ("8", "808080"), ("9", "ff0000"), ("10", "00ff00"), ("11", "ffff00"), ("12", "0000ff"), ("13", "ff00ff"), ("14", "00ffff"), ("15", "ffffff"), # Strictly ascending. ("16", "000000"), ("17", "00005f"), ("18", "000087"), ("19", "0000af"), ("20", "0000d7"), ("21", "0000ff"), ("22", "005f00"), ("23", "005f5f"), ("24", "005f87"), ("25", "005faf"), ("26", "005fd7"), ("27", "005fff"), ("28", "008700"), ("29", "00875f"), ("30", "008787"), ("31", "0087af"), ("32", "0087d7"), ("33", "0087ff"), ("34", "00af00"), ("35", "00af5f"), ("36", "00af87"), ("37", "00afaf"), ("38", "00afd7"), ("39", "00afff"), ("40", "00d700"), ("41", "00d75f"), ("42", "00d787"), ("43", "00d7af"), ("44", "00d7d7"), ("45", "00d7ff"), ("46", "00ff00"), ("47", "00ff5f"), ("48", "00ff87"), ("49", "00ffaf"), ("50", "00ffd7"), ("51", "00ffff"), ("52", "5f0000"), ("53", "5f005f"), ("54", "5f0087"), ("55", "5f00af"), ("56", "5f00d7"), ("57", "5f00ff"), ("58", "5f5f00"), ("59", "5f5f5f"), ("60", "5f5f87"), ("61", "5f5faf"), ("62", "5f5fd7"), ("63", "5f5fff"), ("64", "5f8700"), ("65", "5f875f"), ("66", "5f8787"), ("67", "5f87af"), ("68", "5f87d7"), ("69", "5f87ff"), ("70", "5faf00"), ("71", "5faf5f"), ("72", "5faf87"), ("73", "5fafaf"), ("74", "5fafd7"), ("75", "5fafff"), ("76", "5fd700"), ("77", "5fd75f"), ("78", "5fd787"), ("79", "5fd7af"), ("80", "5fd7d7"), ("81", "5fd7ff"), ("82", "5fff00"), ("83", "5fff5f"), ("84", "5fff87"), ("85", "5fffaf"), ("86", "5fffd7"), ("87", "5fffff"), ("88", "870000"), ("89", "87005f"), ("90", "870087"), ("91", "8700af"), ("92", "8700d7"), ("93", "8700ff"), ("94", "875f00"), ("95", "875f5f"), ("96", "875f87"), ("97", "875faf"), ("98", "875fd7"), ("99", "875fff"), ("100", "878700"), ("101", "87875f"), ("102", "878787"), ("103", "8787af"), ("104", "8787d7"), ("105", "8787ff"), ("106", "87af00"), ("107", "87af5f"), ("108", "87af87"), ("109", "87afaf"), ("110", "87afd7"), ("111", "87afff"), ("112", "87d700"), ("113", "87d75f"), ("114", "87d787"), ("115", "87d7af"), ("116", "87d7d7"), ("117", "87d7ff"), ("118", "87ff00"), ("119", "87ff5f"), ("120", "87ff87"), ("121", "87ffaf"), ("122", "87ffd7"), ("123", "87ffff"), ("124", "af0000"), ("125", "af005f"), ("126", "af0087"), ("127", "af00af"), ("128", "af00d7"), ("129", "af00ff"), ("130", "af5f00"), ("131", "af5f5f"), ("132", "af5f87"), ("133", "af5faf"), ("134", "af5fd7"), ("135", "af5fff"), ("136", "af8700"), ("137", "af875f"), ("138", "af8787"), ("139", "af87af"), ("140", "af87d7"), ("141", "af87ff"), ("142", "afaf00"), ("143", "afaf5f"), ("144", "afaf87"), ("145", "afafaf"), ("146", "afafd7"), ("147", "afafff"), ("148", "afd700"), ("149", "afd75f"), ("150", "afd787"), ("151", "afd7af"), ("152", "afd7d7"), ("153", "afd7ff"), ("154", "afff00"), ("155", "afff5f"), ("156", "afff87"), ("157", "afffaf"), ("158", "afffd7"), ("159", "afffff"), ("160", "d70000"), ("161", "d7005f"), ("162", "d70087"), ("163", "d700af"), ("164", "d700d7"), ("165", "d700ff"), ("166", "d75f00"), ("167", "d75f5f"), ("168", "d75f87"), ("169", "d75faf"), ("170", "d75fd7"), ("171", "d75fff"), ("172", "d78700"), ("173", "d7875f"), ("174", "d78787"), ("175", "d787af"), ("176", "d787d7"), ("177", "d787ff"), ("178", "d7af00"), ("179", "d7af5f"), ("180", "d7af87"), ("181", "d7afaf"), ("182", "d7afd7"), ("183", "d7afff"), ("184", "d7d700"), ("185", "d7d75f"), ("186", "d7d787"), ("187", "d7d7af"), ("188", "d7d7d7"), ("189", "d7d7ff"), ("190", "d7ff00"), ("191", "d7ff5f"), ("192", "d7ff87"), ("193", "d7ffaf"), ("194", "d7ffd7"), ("195", "d7ffff"), ("196", "ff0000"), ("197", "ff005f"), ("198", "ff0087"), ("199", "ff00af"), ("200", "ff00d7"), ("201", "ff00ff"), ("202", "ff5f00"), ("203", "ff5f5f"), ("204", "ff5f87"), ("205", "ff5faf"), ("206", "ff5fd7"), ("207", "ff5fff"), ("208", "ff8700"), ("209", "ff875f"), ("210", "ff8787"), ("211", "ff87af"), ("212", "ff87d7"), ("213", "ff87ff"), ("214", "ffaf00"), ("215", "ffaf5f"), ("216", "ffaf87"), ("217", "ffafaf"), ("218", "ffafd7"), ("219", "ffafff"), ("220", "ffd700"), ("221", "ffd75f"), ("222", "ffd787"), ("223", "ffd7af"), ("224", "ffd7d7"), ("225", "ffd7ff"), ("226", "ffff00"), ("227", "ffff5f"), ("228", "ffff87"), ("229", "ffffaf"), ("230", "ffffd7"), ("231", "ffffff"), # Gray-scale range. ("232", "080808"), ("233", "121212"), ("234", "1c1c1c"), ("235", "262626"), ("236", "303030"), ("237", "3a3a3a"), ("238", "444444"), ("239", "4e4e4e"), ("240", "585858"), ("241", "626262"), ("242", "6c6c6c"), ("243", "767676"), ("244", "808080"), ("245", "8a8a8a"), ("246", "949494"), ("247", "9e9e9e"), ("248", "a8a8a8"), ("249", "b2b2b2"), ("250", "bcbcbc"), ("251", "c6c6c6"), ("252", "d0d0d0"), ("253", "dadada"), ("254", "e4e4e4"), ("255", "eeeeee"), ] def _str2hex(hexstr): return int(hexstr, 16) def _strip_hash(rgb): # Strip leading `#` if exists. if rgb.startswith("#"): rgb = rgb.lstrip("#") return rgb @lazyobject def SHORT_TO_RGB(): return dict(CLUT) @lazyobject def RGB_TO_SHORT(): return {v: k for k, v in SHORT_TO_RGB.items()} def short2rgb(short): short = short.lstrip("0") if short == "": short = "0" return SHORT_TO_RGB[short] def rgb_to_256(rgb): """Find the closest ANSI 256 approximation to the given RGB value. >>> rgb2short('123456') ('23', '005f5f') >>> rgb2short('ffffff') ('231', 'ffffff') >>> rgb2short('0DADD6') # vimeo logo ('38', '00afd7') Parameters ---------- rgb : Hex code representing an RGB value, eg, 'abcdef' Returns ------- Tuple of String between 0 and 255 (compatible with xterm) and hex code (length-6). """ rgb = rgb.lstrip("#") if len(rgb) == 0: return "0", "000000" incs = (0x00, 0x5F, 0x87, 0xAF, 0xD7, 0xFF) # Break 6-char RGB code into 3 integer vals. parts = rgb_to_ints(rgb) res = [] for part in parts: i = 0 while i < len(incs) - 1: s, b = incs[i], incs[i + 1] # smaller, bigger if s <= part <= b: s1 = abs(s - part) b1 = abs(b - part) if s1 < b1: closest = s else: closest = b res.append(closest) break i += 1 res = "".join([("%02.x" % i) for i in res]) equiv = RGB_TO_SHORT[res] return equiv, res rgb2short = rgb_to_256 @lazyobject def RE_RGB3(): return re.compile(r"(.)(.)(.)") @lazyobject def RE_RGB6(): return re.compile(r"(..)(..)(..)") def rgb_to_ints(rgb): if len(rgb) == 6: return tuple([int(h, 16) for h in RE_RGB6.split(rgb)[1:4]]) else: return tuple([int(h * 2, 16) for h in RE_RGB3.split(rgb)[1:4]]) def short_to_ints(short): """Coverts a short (256) color to a 3-tuple of ints.""" return rgb_to_ints(short2rgb(short)) def color_dist(x, y) -> float: return math.sqrt((x[0] - y[0]) ** 2 + (x[1] - y[1]) ** 2 + (x[2] - y[2]) ** 2) def find_closest_color(x, palette): return min( sorted(palette.keys(), reverse=True), key=lambda k: color_dist(x, palette[k]) ) def make_palette(strings): """Makes a color palette from a collection of strings.""" palette = {} for s in strings: while "#" in s: _, t = s.split("#", 1) t, _, s = t.partition(" ") palette[t] = rgb_to_ints(t) return palette def warn_deprecated_no_color(): """Show a warning once if NO_COLOR was used instead of RESET.""" global _NO_COLOR_WARNING_SHOWN if not _NO_COLOR_WARNING_SHOWN: print_warning("NO_COLOR is deprecated and should be replaced with RESET.") _NO_COLOR_WARNING_SHOWN = True # # commands_cache # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Module for caching command & alias names as well as for predicting whether a command will be able to be run in the background. A background predictor is a function that accepts a single argument list and returns whether or not the process can be run in the background (returns True) or must be run the foreground (returns False). """ # amalgamated os pickle = _LazyModule.load('pickle', 'pickle') # amalgamated sys # amalgamated threading # amalgamated time argparse = _LazyModule.load('argparse', 'argparse') # amalgamated # amalgamated typing # amalgamated from pathlib import Path # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd class CommandsCache(cabc.Mapping): """A lazy cache representing the commands available on the file system. The keys are the command names and the values a tuple of (loc, has_alias) where loc is either a str pointing to the executable on the file system or None (if no executable exists) and has_alias is a boolean flag for whether the command has an alias. """ CACHE_FILE = "commands-cache.pickle" def __init__(self): self._cmds_cache = {} self._path_checksum = None self._alias_checksum = None self._path_mtime = -1 self.threadable_predictors = default_threadable_predictors() self._loaded_pickled = False # Path to the cache-file where all commands/aliases are cached for pre-loading""" env = XSH.env self.cache_file = ( (Path(env["XONSH_DATA_DIR"]).joinpath(self.CACHE_FILE).resolve()) if "XONSH_DATA_DIR" in env and env.get("COMMANDS_CACHE_SAVE_INTERMEDIATE") else None ) def __contains__(self, key): _ = self.all_commands return self.lazyin(key) def __iter__(self): for cmd, (path, _) in self.all_commands.items(): if ON_WINDOWS and path is not None: # All command keys are stored in uppercase on Windows. # This ensures the original command name is returned. cmd = pathbasename(path) yield cmd def __len__(self): return len(self.all_commands) def __getitem__(self, key): _ = self.all_commands return self.lazyget(key) def is_empty(self): """Returns whether the cache is populated or not.""" return len(self._cmds_cache) == 0 @staticmethod def get_possible_names(name): """Generates the possible `PATHEXT` extension variants of a given executable name on Windows as a list, conserving the ordering in `PATHEXT`. Returns a list as `name` being the only item in it on other platforms.""" if ON_WINDOWS: pathext = XSH.env.get("PATHEXT", []) name = name.upper() return [name + ext for ext in ([""] + pathext)] else: return [name] @staticmethod def remove_dups(paths): cont = set() for p in map(os.path.realpath, paths): if p not in cont: cont.add(p) if os.path.isdir(p): yield p def _update_if_changed(self, paths: tp.Tuple[str, ...], aliases): # did PATH change? path_hash = hash(paths) yield path_hash == self._path_checksum self._path_checksum = path_hash # did aliases change? al_hash = hash(frozenset(aliases)) yield al_hash == self._alias_checksum self._alias_checksum = al_hash # did the contents of any directory in PATH change? max_mtime = max(map(lambda path: os.stat(path).st_mtime, paths), default=0) yield max_mtime <= self._path_mtime self._path_mtime = max_mtime @property def all_commands(self): path_immut = tuple(CommandsCache.remove_dups(XSH.env.get("PATH", []))) alss = getattr(XSH, "aliases", dict()) ( has_path_changed, has_alias_changed, has_any_path_updated, ) = tuple(self._update_if_changed(path_immut, alss)) if has_path_changed and has_any_path_updated: if not has_alias_changed: for cmd, alias in alss.items(): key = cmd.upper() if ON_WINDOWS else cmd if key in self._cmds_cache: self._cmds_cache[key] = (self._cmds_cache[key][0], alias) else: self._cmds_cache[key] = (cmd, True) # save the changes to cache as well self.set_cmds_cache(self._cmds_cache) return self._cmds_cache if self.cache_file and self.cache_file.exists(): # pickle the result only if XONSH_DATA_DIR is set if not self._loaded_pickled: # first time load the commands from cache-file self._cmds_cache = self.get_cached_commands() self._loaded_pickled = True # also start a thread that updates the cache in the bg worker = threading.Thread( target=self._update_cmds_cache, args=[path_immut, alss], daemon=True, ) worker.start() else: self._update_cmds_cache(path_immut, alss) return self._cmds_cache def _update_cmds_cache( self, paths: tp.Sequence[str], aliases: tp.Dict[str, str] ) -> tp.Dict[str, tp.Any]: """Update the cmds_cache variable in background without slowing down parseLexer""" env = XSH.env # type: ignore allcmds = {} for path in reversed(paths): # iterate backwards so that entries at the front of PATH overwrite # entries at the back. for cmd in executables_in(path): key = cmd.upper() if ON_WINDOWS else cmd allcmds[key] = (os.path.join(path, cmd), aliases.get(key, None)) warn_cnt = env.get("COMMANDS_CACHE_SIZE_WARNING") if warn_cnt and len(allcmds) > warn_cnt: print( f"Warning! Found {len(allcmds):,} executable files in the PATH directories!", file=sys.stderr, ) for cmd in aliases: if cmd not in allcmds: key = cmd.upper() if ON_WINDOWS else cmd allcmds[key] = (cmd, True) # type: ignore return self.set_cmds_cache(allcmds) def get_cached_commands(self) -> tp.Dict[str, str]: if self.cache_file and self.cache_file.exists(): try: return pickle.loads(self.cache_file.read_bytes()) or {} except Exception: # the file is corrupt self.cache_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) return {} def set_cmds_cache(self, allcmds: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any]) -> tp.Dict[str, tp.Any]: """write cmds to cache-file and instance-attribute""" if self.cache_file: self.cache_file.write_bytes(pickle.dumps(allcmds)) self._cmds_cache = allcmds return allcmds def cached_name(self, name): """Returns the name that would appear in the cache, if it exists.""" if name is None: return None cached = pathbasename(name) if ON_WINDOWS: keys = self.get_possible_names(cached) cached = next((k for k in keys if k in self._cmds_cache), None) return cached def lazyin(self, key): """Checks if the value is in the current cache without the potential to update the cache. It just says whether the value is known *now*. This may not reflect precisely what is on the $PATH. """ return self.cached_name(key) in self._cmds_cache def lazyiter(self): """Returns an iterator over the current cache contents without the potential to update the cache. This may not reflect what is on the $PATH. """ return iter(self._cmds_cache) def lazylen(self): """Returns the length of the current cache contents without the potential to update the cache. This may not reflect precisely what is on the $PATH. """ return len(self._cmds_cache) def lazyget(self, key, default=None): """A lazy value getter.""" return self._cmds_cache.get(self.cached_name(key), default) def locate_binary(self, name, ignore_alias=False): """Locates an executable on the file system using the cache. Parameters ---------- name : str name of binary to search for ignore_alias : bool, optional Force return of binary path even if alias of ``name`` exists (default ``False``) """ # make sure the cache is up to date by accessing the property _ = self.all_commands return self.lazy_locate_binary(name, ignore_alias) def lazy_locate_binary(self, name, ignore_alias=False): """Locates an executable in the cache, without checking its validity. Parameters ---------- name : str name of binary to search for ignore_alias : bool, optional Force return of binary path even if alias of ``name`` exists (default ``False``) """ possibilities = self.get_possible_names(name) if ON_WINDOWS: # Windows users expect to be able to execute files in the same # directory without `./` local_bin = next((fn for fn in possibilities if os.path.isfile(fn)), None) if local_bin: return os.path.abspath(local_bin) cached = next((cmd for cmd in possibilities if cmd in self._cmds_cache), None) if cached: (path, alias) = self._cmds_cache[cached] ispure = path == pathbasename(path) if alias and ignore_alias and ispure: # pure alias, which we are ignoring return None else: return path elif os.path.isfile(name) and name != pathbasename(name): return name def is_only_functional_alias(self, name): """Returns whether or not a command is only a functional alias, and has no underlying executable. For example, the "cd" command is only available as a functional alias. """ _ = self.all_commands return self.lazy_is_only_functional_alias(name) def lazy_is_only_functional_alias(self, name): """Returns whether or not a command is only a functional alias, and has no underlying executable. For example, the "cd" command is only available as a functional alias. This search is performed lazily. """ val = self._cmds_cache.get(name, None) if val is None: return False return ( val == (name, True) and self.locate_binary(name, ignore_alias=True) is None ) def predict_threadable(self, cmd): """Predicts whether a command list is able to be run on a background thread, rather than the main thread. """ predictor = self.get_predictor_threadable(cmd[0]) return predictor(cmd[1:]) def get_predictor_threadable(self, cmd0): """Return the predictor whether a command list is able to be run on a background thread, rather than the main thread. """ name = self.cached_name(cmd0) predictors = self.threadable_predictors if ON_WINDOWS: # On all names (keys) are stored in upper case so instead # we get the original cmd or alias name path, _ = self.lazyget(name, (None, None)) if path is None: return predict_true else: name = pathbasename(path) if name not in predictors: pre, ext = os.path.splitext(name) if pre in predictors: predictors[name] = predictors[pre] if name not in predictors: predictors[name] = self.default_predictor(name, cmd0) predictor = predictors[name] return predictor # # Background Predictors (as methods) # def default_predictor(self, name, cmd0): """Default predictor, using predictor from original command if the command is an alias, elseif build a predictor based on binary analysis on POSIX, else return predict_true. """ # alias stuff if not os.path.isabs(cmd0) and os.sep not in cmd0: alss = getattr(XSH, "aliases", dict()) if cmd0 in alss: return self.default_predictor_alias(cmd0) # other default stuff if ON_POSIX: return self.default_predictor_readbin( name, cmd0, timeout=0.1, failure=predict_true ) else: return predict_true def default_predictor_alias(self, cmd0): alias_recursion_limit = ( 10 # this limit is se to handle infinite loops in aliases definition ) first_args = [] # contains in reverse order args passed to the aliased command alss = getattr(XSH, "aliases", dict()) while cmd0 in alss: alias_name = alss[cmd0] if isinstance(alias_name, (str, bytes)) or not isinstance( alias_name, cabc.Sequence ): return predict_true for arg in alias_name[:0:-1]: first_args.insert(0, arg) if cmd0 == alias_name[0]: # it is a self-alias stop recursion immediatly return predict_true cmd0 = alias_name[0] alias_recursion_limit -= 1 if alias_recursion_limit == 0: return predict_true predictor_cmd0 = self.get_predictor_threadable(cmd0) return lambda cmd1: predictor_cmd0(first_args[::-1] + cmd1) def default_predictor_readbin(self, name, cmd0, timeout, failure): """Make a default predictor by analyzing the content of the binary. Should only works on POSIX. Return failure if the analysis fails. """ fname = cmd0 if os.path.isabs(cmd0) else None fname = cmd0 if fname is None and os.sep in cmd0 else fname fname = self.lazy_locate_binary(name) if fname is None else fname if fname is None: return failure if not os.path.isfile(fname): return failure try: fd =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK) except Exception: return failure # opening error search_for = { (b"ncurses",): [False], (b"libgpm",): [False], (b"isatty", b"tcgetattr", b"tcsetattr"): [False, False, False], } tstart = time.time() block = b"" while time.time() < tstart + timeout: previous_block = block try: block =, 2048) except Exception: # should not occur, except e.g. if a file is deleted a a dir is # created with the same name between os.path.isfile and os.close(fd) return failure if len(block) == 0: os.close(fd) return predict_true # no keys of search_for found analyzed_block = previous_block + block for k, v in search_for.items(): for i in range(len(k)): if v[i]: continue if k[i] in analyzed_block: v[i] = True if all(v): os.close(fd) return predict_false # use one key of search_for os.close(fd) return failure # timeout # # Background Predictors # def predict_true(args): """Always say the process is threadable.""" return True def predict_false(args): """Never say the process is threadable.""" return False @lazyobject def SHELL_PREDICTOR_PARSER(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser("shell", add_help=False) p.add_argument("-c", nargs="?", default=None) p.add_argument("filename", nargs="?", default=None) return p def predict_shell(args): """Predict the backgroundability of the normal shell interface, which comes down to whether it is being run in subproc mode. """ ns, _ = SHELL_PREDICTOR_PARSER.parse_known_args(args) if ns.c is None and ns.filename is None: pred = False else: pred = True return pred @lazyobject def HELP_VER_PREDICTOR_PARSER(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser("cmd", add_help=False) p.add_argument("-h", "--help", dest="help", nargs="?", action="store", default=None) p.add_argument( "-v", "-V", "--version", dest="version", nargs="?", action="store", default=None ) return p def predict_help_ver(args): """Predict the backgroundability of commands that have help & version switches: -h, --help, -v, -V, --version. If either of these options is present, the command is assumed to print to stdout normally and is therefore threadable. Otherwise, the command is assumed to not be threadable. This is useful for commands, like top, that normally enter alternate mode but may not in certain circumstances. """ ns, _ = HELP_VER_PREDICTOR_PARSER.parse_known_args(args) pred = is not None or ns.version is not None return pred @lazyobject def HG_PREDICTOR_PARSER(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser("hg", add_help=False) p.add_argument("command") p.add_argument( "-i", "--interactive", action="store_true", default=False, dest="interactive" ) return p def predict_hg(args): """Predict if mercurial is about to be run in interactive mode. If it is interactive, predict False. If it isn't, predict True. Also predict False for certain commands, such as split. """ ns, _ = HG_PREDICTOR_PARSER.parse_known_args(args) if ns.command == "split": return False else: return not ns.interactive def predict_env(args): """Predict if env is launching a threadable command or not. The launched command is extracted from env args, and the predictor of lauched command is used.""" for i in range(len(args)): if args[i] and args[i][0] != "-" and "=" not in args[i]: # args[i] is the command and the following is its arguments # so args[i:] is used to predict if the command is threadable return XSH.commands_cache.predict_threadable(args[i:]) return True def default_threadable_predictors(): """Generates a new defaultdict for known threadable predictors. The default is to predict true. """ # alphabetical, for what it is worth. predictors = { "asciinema": predict_help_ver, "aurman": predict_false, "awk": predict_true, "bash": predict_shell, "cat": predict_false, "clear": predict_false, "cls": predict_false, "cmd": predict_shell, "cryptop": predict_false, "cryptsetup": predict_true, "csh": predict_shell, "curl": predict_true, "elvish": predict_shell, "emacsclient": predict_false, "env": predict_env, "ex": predict_false, "fish": predict_shell, "gawk": predict_true, "ghci": predict_help_ver, "git": predict_true, "gvim": predict_help_ver, "hg": predict_hg, "htop": predict_help_ver, "ipython": predict_shell, "julia": predict_shell, "ksh": predict_shell, "less": predict_help_ver, "ls": predict_true, "man": predict_help_ver, "mc": predict_false, "more": predict_help_ver, "mutt": predict_help_ver, "mvim": predict_help_ver, "nano": predict_help_ver, "nmcli": predict_true, "nvim": predict_false, "percol": predict_false, "ponysay": predict_help_ver, "psql": predict_false, "push": predict_shell, "pv": predict_false, "python": predict_shell, "python2": predict_shell, "python3": predict_shell, "ranger": predict_help_ver, "repo": predict_help_ver, "rview": predict_false, "rvim": predict_false, "rwt": predict_shell, "scp": predict_false, "sh": predict_shell, "ssh": predict_false, "startx": predict_false, "sudo": predict_help_ver, "sudoedit": predict_help_ver, "systemctl": predict_true, "tcsh": predict_shell, "telnet": predict_false, "top": predict_help_ver, "tput": predict_false, "udisksctl": predict_true, "unzip": predict_true, "vi": predict_false, "view": predict_false, "vim": predict_false, "vimpager": predict_help_ver, "weechat": predict_help_ver, "wget": predict_true, "xclip": predict_help_ver, "xdg-open": predict_false, "xo": predict_help_ver, "": predict_shell, "xonsh": predict_shell, "yes": predict_false, "zip": predict_true, "zipinfo": predict_true, "zsh": predict_shell, } return predictors # # completer # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """A (tab-)completer for xonsh.""" # amalgamated sys # amalgamated typing # amalgamated from import ( is_contextual_completer, Completion, RichCompletion, apply_lprefix, is_exclusive_completer, ) # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH from xonsh.parsers.completion_context import CompletionContext, CompletionContextParser # amalgamated class Completer(object): """This provides a list of optional completions for the xonsh shell.""" def __init__(self): self.context_parser = CompletionContextParser() def complete( self, prefix, line, begidx, endidx, ctx=None, multiline_text=None, cursor_index=None, ): """Complete the string, given a possible execution context. Parameters ---------- prefix : str The string to match line : str The line that prefix appears on. begidx : int The index in line that prefix starts on. endidx : int The index in line that prefix ends on. ctx : dict, optional Names in the current execution context. multiline_text : str The complete multiline text. Needed to get completion context. cursor_index : int The current cursor's index in the multiline text. May be ``len(multiline_text)`` for cursor at the end. Needed to get completion context. Returns ------- rtn : list of str Possible completions of prefix, sorted alphabetically. lprefix : int Length of the prefix to be replaced in the completion. """ if multiline_text is not None and cursor_index is not None: completion_context: tp.Optional[ CompletionContext ] = self.context_parser.parse( multiline_text, cursor_index, ctx, ) else: completion_context = None ctx = ctx or {} return self.complete_from_context( completion_context, (prefix, line, begidx, endidx, ctx), ) @staticmethod def _format_completion( completion, completion_context, completing_contextual_command: bool, lprefix: int, custom_lprefix: bool, ) -> tp.Tuple[Completion, int]: if ( completing_contextual_command and completion_context.command.is_after_closing_quote ): """ The cursor is appending to a closed string literal, i.e. cursor at the end of ``ls "/usr/"``. 1. The closing quote will be appended to all completions. I.e the completion ``/usr/bin`` will turn into ``/usr/bin"`` To prevent this behavior, a completer can return a ``RichCompletion`` with ``append_closing_quote=False``. 2. If not specified, lprefix will cover the closing prefix. I.e for ``ls "/usr/"``, the default lprefix will be 6 to include the closing quote. To prevent this behavior, a completer can return a different lprefix or specify it inside ``RichCompletion``. """ closing_quote = completion_context.command.closing_quote if not custom_lprefix: lprefix += len(closing_quote) if closing_quote: if isinstance(completion, RichCompletion): if completion.append_closing_quote: completion = completion.replace( value=completion.value + closing_quote ) else: completion = completion + closing_quote completion = list(apply_lprefix([completion], lprefix))[0] if ( isinstance(completion, RichCompletion) and completion.append_space and not completion.value.endswith(" ") ): # append spaces AFTER appending closing quote completion = completion.replace(value=completion.value + " ") return completion, lprefix @staticmethod def generate_completions( completion_context, old_completer_args, trace: bool ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[Completion, int]]: for name, func in XSH.completers.items(): try: if is_contextual_completer(func): if completion_context is None: continue out = func(completion_context) else: if old_completer_args is None: continue out = func(*old_completer_args) except StopIteration: # completer requested to stop collecting completions break except Exception as e: print_exception( f"Completer {func.__name__} raises exception when gets " f"old_args={old_completer_args[:-1]} / completion_context={completion_context!r}:\n" f"{e}" ) continue completing_contextual_command = ( is_contextual_completer(func) and completion_context is not None and completion_context.command is not None ) if isinstance(out, cabc.Sequence): res, lprefix = out custom_lprefix = True else: res = out custom_lprefix = False if completing_contextual_command: lprefix = len(completion_context.command.prefix) elif old_completer_args is not None: lprefix = len(old_completer_args[0]) else: lprefix = 0 if res is None: continue items = [] for comp in res: items.append(comp) yield Completer._format_completion( comp, completion_context, completing_contextual_command, lprefix or 0, custom_lprefix, ) if not items: # empty completion continue if trace: print( f"TRACE COMPLETIONS: Got {len(items)} results" f" from {'' if is_exclusive_completer(func) else 'non-'}exclusive completer '{name}':" ) sys.displayhook(items) if is_exclusive_completer(func): # we got completions for an exclusive completer break def complete_from_context(self, completion_context, old_completer_args=None): trace = XSH.env.get("XONSH_TRACE_COMPLETIONS") if trace: print("\nTRACE COMPLETIONS: Getting completions with context:") sys.displayhook(completion_context) lprefix = 0 completions = set() query_limit = XSH.env.get("COMPLETION_QUERY_LIMIT") for comp in self.generate_completions( completion_context, old_completer_args, trace, ): completion, lprefix = comp completions.add(completion) if query_limit and len(completions) >= query_limit: if trace: print( "TRACE COMPLETIONS: Stopped after $COMPLETION_QUERY_LIMIT reached." ) break def sortkey(s): return s.lstrip(''''"''').lower() # the last completer's lprefix is returned. other lprefix values are inside the RichCompletions. return tuple(sorted(completions, key=sortkey)), lprefix # # events # """ Events for xonsh. In all likelihood, you want The best way to "declare" an event is something like:: events.doc('on_spam', "Comes with eggs") """ abc = _LazyModule.load('abc', 'abc') collections = _LazyModule.load('collections', '') inspect = _LazyModule.load('inspect', 'inspect') # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated def has_kwargs(func): return any( p.kind == p.VAR_KEYWORD for p in inspect.signature(func).parameters.values() ) def debug_level(): if XSH.env: return XSH.env.get("XONSH_DEBUG") # FIXME: Under py.test, return 1(?) else: return 0 # Optimize for speed, not guaranteed correctness class AbstractEvent(, abc.ABC): """ A given event that handlers can register against. Acts as a ``MutableSet`` for registered handlers. Note that ordering is never guaranteed. """ @property def species(self): """ The species (basically, class) of the event """ return type(self).__bases__[ 0 ] # events.on_chdir -> <class on_chdir> -> <class Event> def __call__(self, handler): """ Registers a handler. It's suggested to use this as a decorator. A decorator method is added to the handler, validator(). If a validator function is added, it can filter if the handler will be considered. The validator takes the same arguments as the handler. If it returns False, the handler will not called or considered, as if it was not registered at all. Parameters ---------- handler : callable The handler to register Returns ------- rtn : callable The handler """ # Using Python's "private" munging to minimize hypothetical collisions handler.__validator = None if debug_level(): if not has_kwargs(handler): raise ValueError("Event handlers need a **kwargs for future proofing") self.add(handler) def validator(vfunc): """ Adds a validator function to a handler to limit when it is considered. """ if debug_level(): if not has_kwargs(handler): raise ValueError( "Event validators need a **kwargs for future proofing" ) handler.__validator = vfunc handler.validator = validator return handler def _filterhandlers(self, handlers, **kwargs): """ Helper method for implementing classes. Generates the handlers that pass validation. """ for handler in handlers: if handler.__validator is not None and not handler.__validator(**kwargs): continue yield handler @abc.abstractmethod def fire(self, **kwargs): """ Fires an event, calling registered handlers with the given arguments. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to each handler """ class Event(AbstractEvent): """ An event species for notify and scatter-gather events. """ # Wish I could just pull from set... def __init__(self): self._handlers = set() self._firing = False self._delayed_adds = None self._delayed_discards = None def __len__(self): return len(self._handlers) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._handlers def __iter__(self): yield from self._handlers def add(self, item): """ Add an element to a set. This has no effect if the element is already present. """ if self._firing: if self._delayed_adds is None: self._delayed_adds = set() self._delayed_adds.add(item) else: self._handlers.add(item) def discard(self, item): """ Remove an element from a set if it is a member. If the element is not a member, do nothing. """ if self._firing: if self._delayed_discards is None: self._delayed_discards = set() self._delayed_discards.add(item) else: self._handlers.discard(item) def fire(self, **kwargs): """ Fires an event, calling registered handlers with the given arguments. A non-unique iterable of the results is returned. Each handler is called immediately. Exceptions are turned in to warnings. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to each handler Returns ------- vals : iterable Return values of each handler. If multiple handlers return the same value, it will appear multiple times. """ vals = [] self._firing = True for handler in self._filterhandlers(self._handlers, **kwargs): try: rv = handler(**kwargs) except Exception: print_exception("Exception raised in event handler; ignored.") else: vals.append(rv) # clean up self._firing = False if self._delayed_adds is not None: self._handlers.update(self._delayed_adds) self._delayed_adds = None if self._delayed_discards is not None: self._handlers.difference_update(self._delayed_discards) self._delayed_discards = None return vals class LoadEvent(AbstractEvent): """ An event species where each handler is called exactly once, shortly after either the event is fired or the handler is registered (whichever is later). Additional firings are ignored. Note: Does not support scatter/gather, due to never knowing when we have all the handlers. Note: Maintains a strong reference to pargs/kwargs in case of the addition of future handlers. Note: This is currently NOT thread safe. """ def __init__(self): self._fired = set() self._unfired = set() self._hasfired = False def __len__(self): return len(self._fired) + len(self._unfired) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._fired or item in self._unfired def __iter__(self): yield from self._fired yield from self._unfired def add(self, item): """ Add an element to a set. This has no effect if the element is already present. """ if self._hasfired: self._call(item) self._fired.add(item) else: self._unfired.add(item) def discard(self, item): """ Remove an element from a set if it is a member. If the element is not a member, do nothing. """ self._fired.discard(item) self._unfired.discard(item) def _call(self, handler): try: handler(**self._kwargs) except Exception: print_exception("Exception raised in event handler; ignored.") def fire(self, **kwargs): if self._hasfired: return self._kwargs = kwargs while self._unfired: handler = self._unfired.pop() self._call(handler) self._hasfired = True return () # Entirely for API compatibility class EventManager: """ Container for all events in a system. Meant to be a singleton, but doesn't enforce that itself. Each event is just an attribute. They're created dynamically on first use. """ def doc(self, name, docstring): """ Applies a docstring to an event. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the event, eg "on_precommand" docstring : str The docstring to apply to the event """ type(getattr(self, name)).__doc__ = docstring @staticmethod def _mkevent(name, species=Event, doc=None): # NOTE: Also used in `xonsh_events` test fixture # (A little bit of magic to enable docstrings to work right) return type( name, (species,), { "__doc__": doc, "__module__": "", "__qualname__": "events." + name, }, )() def transmogrify(self, name, species): """ Converts an event from one species to another, preserving handlers and docstring. Please note: Some species maintain specialized state. This is lost on transmogrification. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the event, eg "on_precommand" species : subclass of AbstractEvent The type to turn the event in to. """ if isinstance(species, str): species = globals()[species] if not issubclass(species, AbstractEvent): raise ValueError("Invalid event class; must be a subclass of AbstractEvent") oldevent = getattr(self, name) newevent = self._mkevent(name, species, type(oldevent).__doc__) setattr(self, name, newevent) for handler in oldevent: newevent.add(handler) def exists(self, name): """Checks if an event with a given name exist. If it does not exist, it will not be created. That is what makes this different than ``hasattr(events, name)``, which will create the event. """ return name in self.__dict__ def __getattr__(self, name): """Get an event, if it doesn't already exist.""" if name.startswith("_"): raise AttributeError # This is only called if the attribute doesn't exist, so create the Event... e = self._mkevent(name) # ... and save it. setattr(self, name, e) # Now it exists, and we won't be called again. return e # Not lazy because: # 1. Initialization of EventManager can't be much cheaper # 2. It's expected to be used at load time, negating any benefits of using lazy object events = EventManager() # # foreign_shells # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tools to help interface with foreign shells, such as Bash.""" # amalgamated os # amalgamated re json = _LazyModule.load('json', 'json') # amalgamated shlex # amalgamated sys tempfile = _LazyModule.load('tempfile', 'tempfile') # amalgamated subprocess # amalgamated warnings # amalgamated functools # amalgamated # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.platform COMMAND = """{seterrprevcmd} {prevcmd} echo __XONSH_ENV_BEG__ {envcmd} echo __XONSH_ENV_END__ echo __XONSH_ALIAS_BEG__ {aliascmd} echo __XONSH_ALIAS_END__ echo __XONSH_FUNCS_BEG__ {funcscmd} echo __XONSH_FUNCS_END__ {postcmd} {seterrpostcmd}""" DEFAULT_BASH_FUNCSCMD = r"""# get function names from declare declstr=$(echo $(declare -F)) read -r -a decls <<< $declstr funcnames="" for((n=0;n<${#decls[@]};n++)); do if (( $(($n % 3 )) == 2 )); then # get every 3rd entry funcnames="$funcnames ${decls[$n]}" fi done # get functions locations: funcname lineno filename shopt -s extdebug namelocfilestr=$(declare -F $funcnames) shopt -u extdebug # print just names and files as JSON object read -r -a namelocfile <<< $namelocfilestr sep=" " namefile="{" while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do name=${line%%"$sep"*} locfile=${line#*"$sep"} loc=${locfile%%"$sep"*} file=${locfile#*"$sep"} namefile="${namefile}\"${name}\":\"${file//\\/\\\\}\"," done <<< "$namelocfilestr" if [[ "{" == "${namefile}" ]]; then namefile="${namefile}}" else namefile="${namefile%?}}" fi echo $namefile""" DEFAULT_ZSH_FUNCSCMD = """# get function names autoload -U is-at-least # We'll need to version check zsh namefile="{" for name in ${(ok)functions}; do # force zsh to load the func in order to get the filename, # but use +X so that it isn't executed. autoload +X $name || continue loc=$(whence -v $name) loc=${(z)loc} if is-at-least 5.2; then file=${loc[-1]} else file=${loc[7,-1]} fi namefile="${namefile}\\"${name}\\":\\"${(Q)file:A}\\"," done if [[ "{" == "${namefile}" ]]; then namefile="${namefile}}" else namefile="${namefile%?}}" fi echo ${namefile}""" # mapping of shell name aliases to keys in other lookup dictionaries. @lazyobject def CANON_SHELL_NAMES(): return { "bash": "bash", "/bin/bash": "bash", "zsh": "zsh", "/bin/zsh": "zsh", "/usr/bin/zsh": "zsh", "cmd": "cmd", "cmd.exe": "cmd", } @lazyobject def DEFAULT_ENVCMDS(): return {"bash": "env", "zsh": "env", "cmd": "set"} @lazyobject def DEFAULT_ALIASCMDS(): return {"bash": "alias", "zsh": "alias -L", "cmd": ""} @lazyobject def DEFAULT_FUNCSCMDS(): return {"bash": DEFAULT_BASH_FUNCSCMD, "zsh": DEFAULT_ZSH_FUNCSCMD, "cmd": ""} @lazyobject def DEFAULT_SOURCERS(): return {"bash": "source", "zsh": "source", "cmd": "call"} @lazyobject def DEFAULT_TMPFILE_EXT(): return {"bash": ".sh", "zsh": ".zsh", "cmd": ".bat"} @lazyobject def DEFAULT_RUNCMD(): return {"bash": "-c", "zsh": "-c", "cmd": "/C"} @lazyobject def DEFAULT_SETERRPREVCMD(): return {"bash": "set -e", "zsh": "set -e", "cmd": "@echo off"} @lazyobject def DEFAULT_SETERRPOSTCMD(): return {"bash": "", "zsh": "", "cmd": "if errorlevel 1 exit 1"} @functools.lru_cache() def foreign_shell_data( shell, interactive=True, login=False, envcmd=None, aliascmd=None, extra_args=(), currenv=None, safe=True, prevcmd="", postcmd="", funcscmd=None, sourcer=None, use_tmpfile=False, tmpfile_ext=None, runcmd=None, seterrprevcmd=None, seterrpostcmd=None, show=False, dryrun=False, ): """Extracts data from a foreign (non-xonsh) shells. Currently this gets the environment, aliases, and functions but may be extended in the future. Parameters ---------- shell : str The name of the shell, such as 'bash' or '/bin/sh'. interactive : bool, optional Whether the shell should be run in interactive mode. login : bool, optional Whether the shell should be a login shell. envcmd : str or None, optional The command to generate environment output with. aliascmd : str or None, optional The command to generate alias output with. extra_args : tuple of str, optional Additional command line options to pass into the shell. currenv : tuple of items or None, optional Manual override for the current environment. safe : bool, optional Flag for whether or not to safely handle exceptions and other errors. prevcmd : str, optional A command to run in the shell before anything else, useful for sourcing and other commands that may require environment recovery. postcmd : str, optional A command to run after everything else, useful for cleaning up any damage that the prevcmd may have caused. funcscmd : str or None, optional This is a command or script that can be used to determine the names and locations of any functions that are native to the foreign shell. This command should print *only* a JSON object that maps function names to the filenames where the functions are defined. If this is None, then a default script will attempted to be looked up based on the shell name. Callable wrappers for these functions will be returned in the aliases dictionary. sourcer : str or None, optional How to source a foreign shell file for purposes of calling functions in that shell. If this is None, a default value will attempt to be looked up based on the shell name. use_tmpfile : bool, optional This specifies if the commands are written to a tmp file or just parsed directly to the shell tmpfile_ext : str or None, optional If tmpfile is True this sets specifies the extension used. runcmd : str or None, optional Command line switches to use when running the script, such as -c for Bash and /C for cmd.exe. seterrprevcmd : str or None, optional Command that enables exit-on-error for the shell that is run at the start of the script. For example, this is "set -e" in Bash. To disable exit-on-error behavior, simply pass in an empty string. seterrpostcmd : str or None, optional Command that enables exit-on-error for the shell that is run at the end of the script. For example, this is "if errorlevel 1 exit 1" in cmd.exe. To disable exit-on-error behavior, simply pass in an empty string. show : bool, optional Whether or not to display the script that will be run. dryrun : bool, optional Whether or not to actually run and process the command. Returns ------- env : dict Dictionary of shell's environment. (None if the subproc command fails) aliases : dict Dictionary of shell's aliases, this includes foreign function wrappers.(None if the subproc command fails) """ cmd = [shell] cmd.extend(extra_args) # needs to come here for GNU long options if interactive: cmd.append("-i") if login: cmd.append("-l") shkey = CANON_SHELL_NAMES[shell] envcmd = DEFAULT_ENVCMDS.get(shkey, "env") if envcmd is None else envcmd aliascmd = DEFAULT_ALIASCMDS.get(shkey, "alias") if aliascmd is None else aliascmd funcscmd = DEFAULT_FUNCSCMDS.get(shkey, "echo {}") if funcscmd is None else funcscmd tmpfile_ext = ( DEFAULT_TMPFILE_EXT.get(shkey, "sh") if tmpfile_ext is None else tmpfile_ext ) runcmd = DEFAULT_RUNCMD.get(shkey, "-c") if runcmd is None else runcmd seterrprevcmd = ( DEFAULT_SETERRPREVCMD.get(shkey, "") if seterrprevcmd is None else seterrprevcmd ) seterrpostcmd = ( DEFAULT_SETERRPOSTCMD.get(shkey, "") if seterrpostcmd is None else seterrpostcmd ) command = COMMAND.format( envcmd=envcmd, aliascmd=aliascmd, prevcmd=prevcmd, postcmd=postcmd, funcscmd=funcscmd, seterrprevcmd=seterrprevcmd, seterrpostcmd=seterrpostcmd, ).strip() if show: print(command) if dryrun: return None, None cmd.append(runcmd) if not use_tmpfile: cmd.append(command) else: tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=tmpfile_ext, delete=False) tmpfile.write(command.encode("utf8")) tmpfile.close() cmd.append( if currenv is None and XSH.env: currenv = XSH.env.detype() elif currenv is not None: currenv = dict(currenv) try: s = subprocess.check_output( cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=currenv, # start new session to avoid hangs # (doesn't work on Cygwin though) start_new_session=((not ON_CYGWIN) and (not ON_MSYS)), universal_newlines=True, ) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): if not safe: raise return None, None finally: if use_tmpfile: os.remove( env = parse_env(s) aliases = parse_aliases(s, shell=shell, sourcer=sourcer, extra_args=extra_args) funcs = parse_funcs(s, shell=shell, sourcer=sourcer, extra_args=extra_args) aliases.update(funcs) return env, aliases @lazyobject def ENV_RE(): return re.compile("__XONSH_ENV_BEG__\n(.*)" "__XONSH_ENV_END__", flags=re.DOTALL) @lazyobject def ENV_SPLIT_RE(): return re.compile("^([^=]+)=([^=]*|[^\n]*)$", flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) def parse_env(s): """Parses the environment portion of string into a dict.""" m = if m is None: return {} g1 = g1 = g1[:-1] if g1.endswith("\n") else g1 env = dict(ENV_SPLIT_RE.findall(g1)) return env @lazyobject def ALIAS_RE(): return re.compile( "__XONSH_ALIAS_BEG__\n(.*)" "__XONSH_ALIAS_END__", flags=re.DOTALL ) @lazyobject def FS_EXEC_ALIAS_RE(): return re.compile(r";|`|\$\(") def parse_aliases(s, shell, sourcer=None, extra_args=()): """Parses the aliases portion of string into a dict.""" m = if m is None: return {} g1 = items = [ line.split("=", 1) for line in g1.splitlines() if line.startswith("alias ") and "=" in line ] aliases = {} for key, value in items: try: key = key[6:] # lstrip 'alias ' # undo bash's weird quoting of single quotes (sh_single_quote) value = value.replace("'\\''", "'") # strip one single quote at the start and end of value if value[0] == "'" and value[-1] == "'": value = value[1:-1] # now compute actual alias if is None: # simple list of args alias value = shlex.split(value) else: # alias is more complex, use ExecAlias, but via shell filename = "<foreign-shell-exec-alias:" + key + ">" value = ForeignShellExecAlias( src=value, shell=shell, filename=filename, sourcer=sourcer, extra_args=extra_args, ) except ValueError as exc: warnings.warn( 'could not parse alias "{0}": {1!r}'.format(key, exc), RuntimeWarning ) continue aliases[key] = value return aliases @lazyobject def FUNCS_RE(): return re.compile( "__XONSH_FUNCS_BEG__\n(.+)\n" "__XONSH_FUNCS_END__", flags=re.DOTALL ) def parse_funcs(s, shell, sourcer=None, extra_args=()): """Parses the funcs portion of a string into a dict of callable foreign function wrappers. """ m = if m is None: return {} g1 = if ON_WINDOWS: g1 = g1.replace(os.sep, os.altsep) try: namefiles = json.loads(g1.strip()) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as exc: msg = ( "{0!r}\n\ncould not parse {1} functions:\n" " s = {2!r}\n" " g1 = {3!r}\n\n" "Note: you may be seeing this error if you use zsh with " "prezto. Prezto overwrites GNU coreutils functions (like echo) " "with its own zsh functions. Please try disabling prezto." ) warnings.warn(msg.format(exc, shell, s, g1), RuntimeWarning) return {} sourcer = DEFAULT_SOURCERS.get(shell, "source") if sourcer is None else sourcer funcs = {} for funcname, filename in namefiles.items(): if funcname.startswith("_") or not filename: continue # skip private functions and invalid files if not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.abspath(filename) wrapper = ForeignShellFunctionAlias( funcname=funcname, shell=shell, sourcer=sourcer, filename=filename, extra_args=extra_args, ) funcs[funcname] = wrapper return funcs class ForeignShellBaseAlias(object): """This class is responsible for calling foreign shell functions as if they were aliases. This does not currently support taking stdin. """ INPUT = "echo ForeignShellBaseAlias {shell} {filename} {args}\n" def __init__(self, shell, filename, sourcer=None, extra_args=()): """ Parameters ---------- shell : str Name or path to shell filename : str Where the function is defined, path to source. sourcer : str or None, optional Command to source foreign files with. extra_args : tuple of str, optional Additional command line options to pass into the shell. """ sourcer = DEFAULT_SOURCERS.get(shell, "source") if sourcer is None else sourcer = shell self.filename = filename self.sourcer = sourcer self.extra_args = extra_args def _input_kwargs(self): return { "shell":, "filename": self.filename, "sourcer": self.sourcer, "extra_args": self.extra_args, } def __eq__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, "_input_kwargs") or not callable(other._input_kwargs): return NotImplemented return self._input_kwargs() == other._input_kwargs() def __call__( self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None ): args, streaming = self._is_streaming(args) input = self.INPUT.format(args=" ".join(args), **self._input_kwargs()) cmd = [] + list(self.extra_args) + ["-c", input] env = XSH.env denv = env.detype() if streaming: subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=denv) out = None else: out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=denv, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out = out.decode( encoding=env.get("XONSH_ENCODING"), errors=env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS"), ) out = out.replace("\r\n", "\n") return out def __repr__(self): return ( self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + ", ".join( [ "{k}={v!r}".format(k=k, v=v) for k, v in sorted(self._input_kwargs().items()) ] ) + ")" ) @staticmethod def _is_streaming(args): """Test and modify args if --xonsh-stream is present.""" if "--xonsh-stream" not in args: return args, False args = list(args) args.remove("--xonsh-stream") return args, True class ForeignShellFunctionAlias(ForeignShellBaseAlias): """This class is responsible for calling foreign shell functions as if they were aliases. This does not currently support taking stdin. """ INPUT = '{sourcer} "{filename}"\n' "{funcname} {args}\n" def __init__(self, funcname, shell, filename, sourcer=None, extra_args=()): """ Parameters ---------- funcname : str function name shell : str Name or path to shell filename : str Where the function is defined, path to source. sourcer : str or None, optional Command to source foreign files with. extra_args : tuple of str, optional Additional command line options to pass into the shell. """ super().__init__( shell=shell, filename=filename, sourcer=sourcer, extra_args=extra_args ) self.funcname = funcname def _input_kwargs(self): inp = super()._input_kwargs() inp["funcname"] = self.funcname return inp class ForeignShellExecAlias(ForeignShellBaseAlias): """Provides a callable alias for source code in a foreign shell.""" INPUT = "{src} {args}\n" def __init__( self, src, shell, filename="<foreign-shell-exec-alias>", sourcer=None, extra_args=(), ): """ Parameters ---------- src : str Source code in the shell language shell : str Name or path to shell filename : str Where the function is defined, path to source. sourcer : str or None, optional Command to source foreign files with. extra_args : tuple of str, optional Additional command line options to pass into the shell. """ super().__init__( shell=shell, filename=filename, sourcer=sourcer, extra_args=extra_args ) self.src = src.strip() def _input_kwargs(self): inp = super()._input_kwargs() inp["src"] = self.src return inp @lazyobject def VALID_SHELL_PARAMS(): return frozenset( [ "shell", "interactive", "login", "envcmd", "aliascmd", "extra_args", "currenv", "safe", "prevcmd", "postcmd", "funcscmd", "sourcer", ] ) def ensure_shell(shell): """Ensures that a mapping follows the shell specification.""" if not isinstance(shell, cabc.MutableMapping): shell = dict(shell) shell_keys = set(shell.keys()) if not (shell_keys <= VALID_SHELL_PARAMS): msg = "unknown shell keys: {0}" raise KeyError(msg.format(shell_keys - VALID_SHELL_PARAMS)) shell["shell"] = ensure_string(shell["shell"]).lower() if "interactive" in shell_keys: shell["interactive"] = to_bool(shell["interactive"]) if "login" in shell_keys: shell["login"] = to_bool(shell["login"]) if "envcmd" in shell_keys: shell["envcmd"] = ( None if shell["envcmd"] is None else ensure_string(shell["envcmd"]) ) if "aliascmd" in shell_keys: shell["aliascmd"] = ( None if shell["aliascmd"] is None else ensure_string(shell["aliascmd"]) ) if "extra_args" in shell_keys and not isinstance(shell["extra_args"], tuple): shell["extra_args"] = tuple(map(ensure_string, shell["extra_args"])) if "currenv" in shell_keys and not isinstance(shell["currenv"], tuple): ce = shell["currenv"] if isinstance(ce, cabc.Mapping): ce = tuple([(ensure_string(k), v) for k, v in ce.items()]) elif isinstance(ce, cabc.Sequence): ce = tuple([(ensure_string(k), v) for k, v in ce]) else: raise RuntimeError("unrecognized type for currenv") shell["currenv"] = ce if "safe" in shell_keys: shell["safe"] = to_bool(shell["safe"]) if "prevcmd" in shell_keys: shell["prevcmd"] = ensure_string(shell["prevcmd"]) if "postcmd" in shell_keys: shell["postcmd"] = ensure_string(shell["postcmd"]) if "funcscmd" in shell_keys: shell["funcscmd"] = ( None if shell["funcscmd"] is None else ensure_string(shell["funcscmd"]) ) if "sourcer" in shell_keys: shell["sourcer"] = ( None if shell["sourcer"] is None else ensure_string(shell["sourcer"]) ) if "seterrprevcmd" in shell_keys: shell["seterrprevcmd"] = ( None if shell["seterrprevcmd"] is None else ensure_string(shell["seterrprevcmd"]) ) if "seterrpostcmd" in shell_keys: shell["seterrpostcmd"] = ( None if shell["seterrpostcmd"] is None else ensure_string(shell["seterrpostcmd"]) ) return shell def load_foreign_envs(shells): """Loads environments from foreign shells. Parameters ---------- shells : sequence of dicts An iterable of dicts that can be passed into foreign_shell_data() as keyword arguments. Returns ------- env : dict A dictionary of the merged environments. """ env = {} for shell in shells: shell = ensure_shell(shell) shenv, _ = foreign_shell_data(**shell) if shenv: env.update(shenv) return env def load_foreign_aliases(shells): """Loads aliases from foreign shells. Parameters ---------- shells : sequence of dicts An iterable of dicts that can be passed into foreign_shell_data() as keyword arguments. Returns ------- aliases : dict A dictionary of the merged aliases. """ aliases = {} xonsh_aliases = XSH.aliases for shell in shells: shell = ensure_shell(shell) _, shaliases = foreign_shell_data(**shell) if not XSH.env.get("FOREIGN_ALIASES_OVERRIDE"): shaliases = {} if shaliases is None else shaliases for alias in set(shaliases) & set(xonsh_aliases): del shaliases[alias] if XSH.env.get("XONSH_DEBUG") >= 1: print( "aliases: ignoring alias {!r} of shell {!r} " "which tries to override xonsh alias." "".format(alias, shell["shell"]), file=sys.stderr, ) aliases.update(shaliases) return aliases # # jobs # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Job control for the xonsh shell.""" # amalgamated os # amalgamated sys # amalgamated time # amalgamated ctypes # amalgamated signal # amalgamated argparse # amalgamated subprocess # amalgamated collections # amalgamated typing # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated tasks: tp.Deque[int] = collections.deque() # Track time stamp of last exit command, so that two consecutive attempts to # exit can kill all jobs and exit. _last_exit_time: tp.Optional[float] = None if ON_DARWIN: def _send_signal(job, signal): # On OS X, os.killpg() may cause PermissionError when there are # any zombie processes in the process group. # See github issue #1012 for details for pid in job["pids"]: if pid is None: # the pid of an aliased proc is None continue try: os.kill(pid, signal) except ProcessLookupError: pass elif ON_WINDOWS: pass elif ON_CYGWIN or ON_MSYS: # Similar to what happened on OSX, more issues on Cygwin # (see Github issue #514). def _send_signal(job, signal): try: os.killpg(job["pgrp"], signal) except Exception: for pid in job["pids"]: try: os.kill(pid, signal) except Exception: pass else: def _send_signal(job, signal): pgrp = job["pgrp"] if pgrp is None: for pid in job["pids"]: try: os.kill(pid, signal) except Exception: pass else: os.killpg(job["pgrp"], signal) if ON_WINDOWS: def _continue(job): job["status"] = "running" def _kill(job): subprocess.check_output( ["taskkill", "/F", "/T", "/PID", str(job["obj"].pid)], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) def ignore_sigtstp(): pass def give_terminal_to(pgid): pass def wait_for_active_job(last_task=None, backgrounded=False, return_error=False): """ Wait for the active job to finish, to be killed by SIGINT, or to be suspended by ctrl-z. """ active_task = get_next_task() # Return when there are no foreground active task if active_task is None: return last_task obj = active_task["obj"] _continue(active_task) while obj.returncode is None: try: obj.wait(0.01) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: try: _kill(active_task) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass # ignore error if process closed before we got here return wait_for_active_job(last_task=active_task) else: def _continue(job): _send_signal(job, signal.SIGCONT) job["status"] = "running" def _kill(job): _send_signal(job, signal.SIGKILL) def ignore_sigtstp(): signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, signal.SIG_IGN) _shell_pgrp = os.getpgrp() # type:ignore _block_when_giving = LazyObject( lambda: ( signal.SIGTTOU, # type:ignore signal.SIGTTIN, # type:ignore signal.SIGTSTP, # type:ignore signal.SIGCHLD, # type:ignore ), globals(), "_block_when_giving", ) if ON_CYGWIN or ON_MSYS: # on cygwin, signal.pthread_sigmask does not exist in Python, even # though pthread_sigmask is defined in the kernel. thus, we use # ctypes to mimic the calls in the "normal" version below. LIBC.pthread_sigmask.restype = ctypes.c_int LIBC.pthread_sigmask.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong), ] def _pthread_sigmask(how, signals): mask = 0 for sig in signals: mask |= 1 << sig oldmask = ctypes.c_ulong() mask = ctypes.c_ulong(mask) result = LIBC.pthread_sigmask( how, ctypes.byref(mask), ctypes.byref(oldmask) ) if result: raise OSError(result, "Sigmask error.") return { sig for sig in getattr(signal, "Signals", range(0, 65)) if (oldmask.value >> sig) & 1 } else: _pthread_sigmask = signal.pthread_sigmask # type:ignore # give_terminal_to is a simplified version of: # give_terminal_to from bash 4.3 source, jobs.c, line 4030 # this will give the terminal to the process group pgid def give_terminal_to(pgid): if pgid is None: return False oldmask = _pthread_sigmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, _block_when_giving) try: os.tcsetpgrp(FD_STDERR, pgid) return True except ProcessLookupError: # when the process finished before giving terminal to it, # see issue #2288 return False except OSError as e: if e.errno == 22: # [Errno 22] Invalid argument # there are cases that all the processes of pgid have # finished, then we don't need to do anything here, see # issue #2220 return False elif e.errno == 25: # [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device # There are also cases where we are not connected to a # real TTY, even though we may be run in interactive # mode. See issue #2267 for an example with emacs return False else: raise finally: _pthread_sigmask(signal.SIG_SETMASK, oldmask) def wait_for_active_job(last_task=None, backgrounded=False, return_error=False): """ Wait for the active job to finish, to be killed by SIGINT, or to be suspended by ctrl-z. """ active_task = get_next_task() # Return when there are no foreground active task if active_task is None: return last_task obj = active_task["obj"] backgrounded = False try: _, wcode = os.waitpid(, os.WUNTRACED) except ChildProcessError as e: # No child processes if return_error: return e else: return _safe_wait_for_active_job( last_task=active_task, backgrounded=backgrounded ) if os.WIFSTOPPED(wcode): active_task["status"] = "stopped" backgrounded = True elif os.WIFSIGNALED(wcode): print() # get a newline because ^C will have been printed obj.signal = (os.WTERMSIG(wcode), os.WCOREDUMP(wcode)) obj.returncode = None else: obj.returncode = os.WEXITSTATUS(wcode) obj.signal = None return wait_for_active_job(last_task=active_task, backgrounded=backgrounded) def _safe_wait_for_active_job(last_task=None, backgrounded=False): """Safely call wait_for_active_job()""" have_error = True while have_error: try: rtn = wait_for_active_job( last_task=last_task, backgrounded=backgrounded, return_error=True ) except ChildProcessError as e: rtn = e have_error = isinstance(rtn, ChildProcessError) return rtn def get_next_task(): """Get the next active task and put it on top of the queue""" _clear_dead_jobs() selected_task = None for tid in tasks: task = get_task(tid) if not task["bg"] and task["status"] == "running": selected_task = tid break if selected_task is None: return tasks.remove(selected_task) tasks.appendleft(selected_task) return get_task(selected_task) def get_task(tid): return XSH.all_jobs[tid] def _clear_dead_jobs(): to_remove = set() for tid in tasks: obj = get_task(tid)["obj"] if obj is None or obj.poll() is not None: to_remove.add(tid) for job in to_remove: tasks.remove(job) del XSH.all_jobs[job] def print_one_job(num, outfile=sys.stdout): """Print a line describing job number ``num``.""" try: job = XSH.all_jobs[num] except KeyError: return pos = "+" if tasks[0] == num else "-" if tasks[1] == num else " " status = job["status"] cmd = [" ".join(i) if isinstance(i, list) else i for i in job["cmds"]] cmd = " ".join(cmd) pid = job["pids"][-1] bg = " &" if job["bg"] else "" print("[{}]{} {}: {}{} ({})".format(num, pos, status, cmd, bg, pid), file=outfile) def get_next_job_number(): """Get the lowest available unique job number (for the next job created).""" _clear_dead_jobs() i = 1 while i in XSH.all_jobs: i += 1 return i def add_job(info): """Add a new job to the jobs dictionary.""" num = get_next_job_number() info["started"] = time.time() info["status"] = "running" tasks.appendleft(num) XSH.all_jobs[num] = info if info["bg"] and XSH.env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE"): print_one_job(num) def clean_jobs(): """Clean up jobs for exiting shell In non-interactive mode, kill all jobs. In interactive mode, check for suspended or background jobs, print a warning if any exist, and return False. Otherwise, return True. """ jobs_clean = True if XSH.env["XONSH_INTERACTIVE"]: _clear_dead_jobs() if XSH.all_jobs: global _last_exit_time hist = XSH.history if hist is not None and len(hist.tss) > 0: last_cmd_start = hist.tss[-1][0] else: last_cmd_start = None if _last_exit_time and last_cmd_start and _last_exit_time > last_cmd_start: # Exit occurred after last command started, so it was called as # part of the last command and is now being called again # immediately. Kill jobs and exit without reminder about # unfinished jobs in this case. kill_all_jobs() else: if len(XSH.all_jobs) > 1: msg = "there are unfinished jobs" else: msg = "there is an unfinished job" if XSH.env["SHELL_TYPE"] != "prompt_toolkit": # The Ctrl+D binding for prompt_toolkit already inserts a # newline print() print("xonsh: {}".format(msg), file=sys.stderr) print("-" * 5, file=sys.stderr) jobs([], stdout=sys.stderr) print("-" * 5, file=sys.stderr) print( 'Type "exit" or press "ctrl-d" again to force quit.', file=sys.stderr, ) jobs_clean = False _last_exit_time = time.time() else: kill_all_jobs() return jobs_clean def kill_all_jobs(): """ Send SIGKILL to all child processes (called when exiting xonsh). """ _clear_dead_jobs() for job in XSH.all_jobs.values(): _kill(job) def jobs(args, stdin=None, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=None): """ xonsh command: jobs Display a list of all current jobs. """ _clear_dead_jobs() for j in tasks: print_one_job(j, outfile=stdout) return None, None def resume_job(args, wording): """ used by fg and bg to resume a job either in the foreground or in the background. """ _clear_dead_jobs() if len(tasks) == 0: return "", "There are currently no suspended jobs" if len(args) == 0: tid = tasks[0] # take the last manipulated task by default elif len(args) == 1: try: if args[0] == "+": # take the last manipulated task tid = tasks[0] elif args[0] == "-": # take the second to last manipulated task tid = tasks[1] else: tid = int(args[0]) except (ValueError, IndexError): return "", "Invalid job: {}\n".format(args[0]) if tid not in XSH.all_jobs: return "", "Invalid job: {}\n".format(args[0]) else: return "", "{} expects 0 or 1 arguments, not {}\n".format(wording, len(args)) # Put this one on top of the queue tasks.remove(tid) tasks.appendleft(tid) job = get_task(tid) job["bg"] = False job["status"] = "running" if XSH.env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE"): print_one_job(tid) pipeline = job["pipeline"] pipeline.resume(job) @unthreadable def fg(args, stdin=None): """ xonsh command: fg Bring the currently active job to the foreground, or, if a single number is given as an argument, bring that job to the foreground. Additionally, specify "+" for the most recent job and "-" for the second most recent job. """ return resume_job(args, wording="fg") def bg(args, stdin=None): """xonsh command: bg Resume execution of the currently active job in the background, or, if a single number is given as an argument, resume that job in the background. """ res = resume_job(args, wording="bg") if res is None: curtask = get_task(tasks[0]) curtask["bg"] = True _continue(curtask) else: return res def disown(args, stdin=None): """ xonsh command: disown Remove the specified jobs from the job table; the shell will no longer report their status, and will not complain if you try to exit an interactive shell with them running or stopped. If no job is specified, disown the current job. If the jobs are currently stopped and the $AUTO_CONTINUE option is not set ($AUTO_CONTINUE = False), a warning is printed containing information about how to make them continue after they have been disowned. Specifying the -c or --continue option for this command is equivalent to setting $AUTO_CONTINUE=True. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("disown", description=disown.__doc__) parser.add_argument( "job_ids", type=int, nargs="*", help="Jobs to act on or none to use the current job", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--continue", action="store_true", dest="force_auto_continue", help="Automatically continue stopped jobs when they are disowned", ) pargs = parser.parse_args(args) if len(tasks) == 0: return "", "There are no active jobs" messages = [] # if args.job_ids is empty, use the active task for tid in pargs.job_ids or [tasks[0]]: try: current_task = get_task(tid) except KeyError: return "", f"'{tid}' is not a valid job ID" auto_cont = XSH.env.get("AUTO_CONTINUE", False) if auto_cont or pargs.force_auto_continue: _continue(current_task) elif current_task["status"] == "stopped": messages.append( f"warning: job is suspended, use " f"'kill -CONT -{current_task['pids'][-1]}' " f"to resume\n" ) # Stop tracking this task tasks.remove(tid) del XSH.all_jobs[tid] messages.append(f"Removed job {tid} ({current_task['status']})") if messages: return "".join(messages) # # jsonutils # """Custom tools for managing JSON serialization / deserialization of xonsh objects. """ # amalgamated functools # amalgamated @functools.singledispatch def serialize_xonsh_json(val): """JSON serializer for xonsh custom data structures. This is only called when another normal JSON types are not found. """ return str(val) @serialize_xonsh_json.register(EnvPath) def _serialize_xonsh_json_env_path(val): return val.paths # # lexer # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Lexer for xonsh code. Written using a hybrid of ``tokenize`` and PLY. """ # amalgamated io # amalgamated re kwmod = _LazyModule.load('keyword', 'keyword', 'kwmod') # amalgamated typing from xonsh.ply.ply.lex import LexToken # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated xonsh.tokenize @lazyobject def token_map(): """Mapping from ``tokenize`` tokens (or token types) to PLY token types. If a simple one-to-one mapping from ``tokenize`` to PLY exists, the lexer will look it up here and generate a single PLY token of the given type. Otherwise, it will fall back to handling that token using one of the handlers in``special_handlers``. """ tm = {} # operators _op_map = { # punctuation ",": "COMMA", ".": "PERIOD", ";": "SEMI", ":": "COLON", "...": "ELLIPSIS", # basic operators "+": "PLUS", "-": "MINUS", "*": "TIMES", "@": "AT", "/": "DIVIDE", "//": "DOUBLEDIV", "%": "MOD", "**": "POW", "|": "PIPE", "~": "TILDE", "^": "XOR", "<<": "LSHIFT", ">>": "RSHIFT", "<": "LT", "<=": "LE", ">": "GT", ">=": "GE", "==": "EQ", "!=": "NE", "->": "RARROW", # assignment operators "=": "EQUALS", "+=": "PLUSEQUAL", "-=": "MINUSEQUAL", "*=": "TIMESEQUAL", "@=": "ATEQUAL", "/=": "DIVEQUAL", "%=": "MODEQUAL", "**=": "POWEQUAL", "<<=": "LSHIFTEQUAL", ">>=": "RSHIFTEQUAL", "&=": "AMPERSANDEQUAL", "^=": "XOREQUAL", "|=": "PIPEEQUAL", "//=": "DOUBLEDIVEQUAL", # extra xonsh operators "?": "QUESTION", "??": "DOUBLE_QUESTION", "@$": "ATDOLLAR", "&": "AMPERSAND", } for (op, typ) in _op_map.items(): tm[(OP, op)] = typ tm[IOREDIRECT] = "IOREDIRECT" tm[STRING] = "STRING" tm[DOLLARNAME] = "DOLLAR_NAME" tm[NUMBER] = "NUMBER" tm[SEARCHPATH] = "SEARCHPATH" tm[NEWLINE] = "NEWLINE" tm[INDENT] = "INDENT" tm[DEDENT] = "DEDENT" if PYTHON_VERSION_INFO < (3, 7, 0): from xonsh.tokenize import ASYNC, AWAIT tm[ASYNC] = "ASYNC" tm[AWAIT] = "AWAIT" if HAS_WALRUS: tm[(OP, ":=")] = "COLONEQUAL" return tm NEED_WHITESPACE = frozenset(["and", "or"]) @lazyobject def RE_NEED_WHITESPACE(): pattern = r"\s?(" + "|".join(NEED_WHITESPACE) + r")(\s|[\\]$)" return re.compile(pattern) def handle_name(state, token): """Function for handling name tokens""" typ = "NAME" state["last"] = token needs_whitespace = token.string in NEED_WHITESPACE has_whitespace = needs_whitespace and RE_NEED_WHITESPACE.match( token.line[max(0, token.start[1] - 1) :] ) if state["pymode"][-1][0]: if needs_whitespace and not has_whitespace: pass elif token.string in kwmod.kwlist: typ = token.string.upper() yield _new_token(typ, token.string, token.start) else: if has_whitespace and token.string == "and": yield _new_token("AND", token.string, token.start) elif has_whitespace and token.string == "or": yield _new_token("OR", token.string, token.start) else: yield _new_token("NAME", token.string, token.start) def _end_delimiter(state, token): py = state["pymode"] s = token.string l, c = token.start if len(py) > 1: mode, orig, match, pos = py.pop() if s != match: e = '"{}" at {} ends "{}" at {} (expected "{}")' return e.format(s, (l, c), orig, pos, match) else: return 'Unmatched "{}" at line {}, column {}'.format(s, l, c) def handle_rparen(state, token): """ Function for handling ``)`` """ e = _end_delimiter(state, token) if e is None or state["tolerant"]: state["last"] = token yield _new_token("RPAREN", ")", token.start) else: yield _new_token("ERRORTOKEN", e, token.start) def handle_rbrace(state, token): """Function for handling ``}``""" e = _end_delimiter(state, token) if e is None or state["tolerant"]: state["last"] = token yield _new_token("RBRACE", "}", token.start) else: yield _new_token("ERRORTOKEN", e, token.start) def handle_rbracket(state, token): """ Function for handling ``]`` """ e = _end_delimiter(state, token) if e is None or state["tolerant"]: state["last"] = token yield _new_token("RBRACKET", "]", token.start) else: yield _new_token("ERRORTOKEN", e, token.start) def handle_error_space(state, token): """ Function for handling special whitespace characters in subprocess mode """ if not state["pymode"][-1][0]: state["last"] = token yield _new_token("WS", token.string, token.start) else: yield from [] def handle_error_linecont(state, token): """Function for handling special line continuations as whitespace characters in subprocess mode. """ if state["pymode"][-1][0]: return prev = state["last"] if prev.end != token.start: return # previous token is separated by whitespace state["last"] = token yield _new_token("WS", "\\", token.start) def handle_error_token(state, token): """ Function for handling error tokens """ state["last"] = token if token.string == "!": typ = "BANG" elif not state["pymode"][-1][0]: typ = "NAME" else: typ = "ERRORTOKEN" yield _new_token(typ, token.string, token.start) def handle_ignore(state, token): """Function for handling tokens that should be ignored""" yield from [] def handle_double_amps(state, token): yield _new_token("AND", "and", token.start) def handle_double_pipe(state, token): yield _new_token("OR", "or", token.start) def handle_redirect(state, token): # The parser expects whitespace after a redirection in subproc mode. # If whitespace does not exist, we'll issue an empty whitespace # token before proceeding. state["last"] = token typ = token.type st = token.string key = (typ, st) if (typ, st) in token_map else typ yield _new_token(token_map[key], st, token.start) if state["pymode"][-1][0]: return # add a whitespace token after a redirection, if we need to next_tok = next(state["stream"]) if next_tok.start == token.end: yield _new_token("WS", "", token.end) yield from handle_token(state, next_tok) def _make_matcher_handler(tok, typ, pymode, ender, handlers): matcher = ( ")" if tok.endswith("(") else "}" if tok.endswith("{") else "]" if tok.endswith("[") else None ) def _inner_handler(state, token): state["pymode"].append((pymode, tok, matcher, token.start)) state["last"] = token yield _new_token(typ, tok, token.start) handlers[(OP, tok)] = _inner_handler @lazyobject def special_handlers(): """Mapping from ``tokenize`` tokens (or token types) to the proper function for generating PLY tokens from them. In addition to yielding PLY tokens, these functions may manipulate the Lexer's state. """ sh = { NL: handle_ignore, COMMENT: handle_ignore, ENCODING: handle_ignore, ENDMARKER: handle_ignore, NAME: handle_name, ERRORTOKEN: handle_error_token, LESS: handle_redirect, GREATER: handle_redirect, RIGHTSHIFT: handle_redirect, IOREDIRECT: handle_redirect, (OP, "<"): handle_redirect, (OP, ">"): handle_redirect, (OP, ">>"): handle_redirect, (OP, ")"): handle_rparen, (OP, "}"): handle_rbrace, (OP, "]"): handle_rbracket, (OP, "&&"): handle_double_amps, (OP, "||"): handle_double_pipe, (ERRORTOKEN, " "): handle_error_space, (ERRORTOKEN, "\\\n"): handle_error_linecont, (ERRORTOKEN, "\\\r\n"): handle_error_linecont, } _make_matcher_handler("(", "LPAREN", True, ")", sh) _make_matcher_handler("[", "LBRACKET", True, "]", sh) _make_matcher_handler("{", "LBRACE", True, "}", sh) _make_matcher_handler("$(", "DOLLAR_LPAREN", False, ")", sh) _make_matcher_handler("$[", "DOLLAR_LBRACKET", False, "]", sh) _make_matcher_handler("${", "DOLLAR_LBRACE", True, "}", sh) _make_matcher_handler("!(", "BANG_LPAREN", False, ")", sh) _make_matcher_handler("![", "BANG_LBRACKET", False, "]", sh) _make_matcher_handler("@(", "AT_LPAREN", True, ")", sh) _make_matcher_handler("@$(", "ATDOLLAR_LPAREN", False, ")", sh) return sh def handle_token(state, token): """ General-purpose token handler. Makes use of ``token_map`` or ``special_map`` to yield one or more PLY tokens from the given input. Parameters ---------- state The current state of the lexer, including information about whether we are in Python mode or subprocess mode, which changes the lexer's behavior. Also includes the stream of tokens yet to be considered. token The token (from ``tokenize``) currently under consideration """ typ = token.type st = token.string pymode = state["pymode"][-1][0] if not pymode: if state["last"] is not None and state["last"].end != token.start: cur = token.start old = state["last"].end if cur[0] == old[0] and cur[1] > old[1]: yield _new_token("WS", token.line[old[1] : cur[1]], old) if (typ, st) in special_handlers: yield from special_handlers[(typ, st)](state, token) elif (typ, st) in token_map: state["last"] = token yield _new_token(token_map[(typ, st)], st, token.start) elif typ in special_handlers: yield from special_handlers[typ](state, token) elif typ in token_map: state["last"] = token yield _new_token(token_map[typ], st, token.start) else: m = "Unexpected token: {0}".format(token) yield _new_token("ERRORTOKEN", m, token.start) def get_tokens(s, tolerant): """ Given a string containing xonsh code, generates a stream of relevant PLY tokens using ``handle_token``. """ state = { "indents": [0], "last": None, "pymode": [(True, "", "", (0, 0))], "stream": tokenize(io.BytesIO(s.encode("utf-8")).readline, tolerant), "tolerant": tolerant, } while True: try: token = next(state["stream"]) yield from handle_token(state, token) except StopIteration: if len(state["pymode"]) > 1 and not tolerant: pm, o, m, p = state["pymode"][-1] l, c = p e = 'Unmatched "{}" at line {}, column {}' yield _new_token("ERRORTOKEN", e.format(o, l, c), (0, 0)) break except TokenError as e: # this is recoverable in single-line mode (from the shell) # (e.g., EOF while scanning string literal) yield _new_token("ERRORTOKEN", e.args[0], (0, 0)) break except IndentationError as e: # this is never recoverable yield _new_token("ERRORTOKEN", e, (0, 0)) break # synthesize a new PLY token def _new_token(type, value, pos): o = LexToken() o.type = type o.value = value o.lineno, o.lexpos = pos return o class Lexer(object): """Implements a lexer for the xonsh language.""" _tokens: tp.Optional[tp.Tuple[str, ...]] = None def __init__(self, tolerant=False): """ Attributes ---------- fname : str Filename last : token The last token seen. lineno : int The last line number seen. tolerant : bool Tokenize without extra checks (e.g. paren matching). When True, ERRORTOKEN contains the erroneous string instead of an error msg. """ self.fname = "" self.last = None self.beforelast = None self.tolerant = tolerant def build(self, **kwargs): """Part of the PLY lexer API.""" pass def reset(self): pass def input(self, s): """Calls the lexer on the string s.""" self.token_stream = get_tokens(s, self.tolerant) def token(self): """Retrieves the next token.""" self.beforelast = self.last self.last = next(self.token_stream, None) return self.last def __iter__(self): t = self.token() while t is not None: yield t t = self.token() def split(self, s): """Splits a string into a list of strings which are whitespace-separated tokens. """ vals = [] self.input(s) l = c = -1 ws = "WS" nl = "\n" for t in self: if t.type == ws: continue elif l < t.lineno: vals.append(t.value) elif len(vals) > 0 and c == t.lexpos: vals[-1] = vals[-1] + t.value else: vals.append(t.value) nnl = t.value.count(nl) if nnl == 0: l = t.lineno c = t.lexpos + len(t.value) else: l = t.lineno + nnl c = len(t.value.rpartition(nl)[-1]) return vals # # All the tokens recognized by the lexer # @property def tokens(self): if self._tokens is None: kwlist = kwmod.kwlist[:] if PYTHON_VERSION_INFO >= (3, 9, 0) and PYTHON_VERSION_INFO < (3, 10): kwlist.remove("__peg_parser__") t = ( tuple(token_map.values()) + ( "NAME", # name tokens "BANG", # ! tokens "WS", # whitespace in subprocess mode "LPAREN", "RPAREN", # ( ) "LBRACKET", "RBRACKET", # [ ] "LBRACE", "RBRACE", # { } "AT_LPAREN", # @( "BANG_LPAREN", # !( "BANG_LBRACKET", # ![ "DOLLAR_LPAREN", # $( "DOLLAR_LBRACE", # ${ "DOLLAR_LBRACKET", # $[ "ATDOLLAR_LPAREN", # @$( "ERRORTOKEN", # whoops! ) + tuple(i.upper() for i in kwlist) ) self._tokens = t return self._tokens # # openpy # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tools to open ``*.py`` files as Unicode. Uses the encoding specified within the file, as per PEP 263. Much of the code is taken from the tokenize module in Python 3.2. This file was forked from the IPython project: * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Fernando Perez <> * Copyright (c) 2001, Janko Hauser <> * Copyright (c) 2001, Nathaniel Gray <> """ # amalgamated io # amalgamated re # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.tokenize cookie_comment_re = LazyObject( lambda: re.compile(r"^\s*#.*coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)", re.UNICODE), globals(), "cookie_comment_re", ) def source_to_unicode(txt, errors="replace", skip_encoding_cookie=True): """Converts a bytes string with python source code to unicode. Unicode strings are passed through unchanged. Byte strings are checked for the python source file encoding cookie to determine encoding. txt can be either a bytes buffer or a string containing the source code. """ if isinstance(txt, str): return txt if isinstance(txt, bytes): buf = io.BytesIO(txt) else: buf = txt try: encoding, _ = detect_encoding(buf.readline) except SyntaxError: encoding = "ascii" text = io.TextIOWrapper(buf, encoding, errors=errors, line_buffering=True) text.mode = "r" if skip_encoding_cookie: return u"".join(strip_encoding_cookie(text)) else: return def strip_encoding_cookie(filelike): """Generator to pull lines from a text-mode file, skipping the encoding cookie if it is found in the first two lines. """ it = iter(filelike) try: first = next(it) if not cookie_comment_re.match(first): yield first second = next(it) if not cookie_comment_re.match(second): yield second except StopIteration: return for line in it: yield line def read_py_file(filename, skip_encoding_cookie=True): """Read a Python file, using the encoding declared inside the file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to the file to read. skip_encoding_cookie : bool If True (the default), and the encoding declaration is found in the first two lines, that line will be excluded from the output - compiling a unicode string with an encoding declaration is a SyntaxError in Python 2. Returns ------- A unicode string containing the contents of the file. """ with tokopen(filename) as f: # the open function defined in this module. if skip_encoding_cookie: return "".join(strip_encoding_cookie(f)) else: return def read_py_url(url, errors="replace", skip_encoding_cookie=True): """Read a Python file from a URL, using the encoding declared inside the file. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL from which to fetch the file. errors : str How to handle decoding errors in the file. Options are the same as for bytes.decode(), but here 'replace' is the default. skip_encoding_cookie : bool If True (the default), and the encoding declaration is found in the first two lines, that line will be excluded from the output - compiling a unicode string with an encoding declaration is a SyntaxError in Python 2. Returns ------- A unicode string containing the contents of the file. """ # Deferred import for faster start try: from urllib.request import urlopen # Py 3 except ImportError: from urllib import urlopen response = urlopen(url) buf = io.BytesIO( return source_to_unicode(buf, errors, skip_encoding_cookie) def _list_readline(x): """Given a list, returns a readline() function that returns the next element with each call. """ x = iter(x) def readline(): return next(x) return readline # # xontribs # """Tools for helping manage xontributions.""" # amalgamated argparse # amalgamated functools # amalgamated importlib # amalgamated importlib.util # amalgamated json # amalgamated sys # amalgamated typing from enum import IntEnum # amalgamated from pathlib import Path # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated xonsh.xontribs_meta # amalgamated class ExitCode(IntEnum): OK = 0 NOT_FOUND = 1 INIT_FAILED = 2 def find_xontrib(name): """Finds a xontribution from its name.""" if name.startswith("."): spec = importlib.util.find_spec(name, package="xontrib") else: spec = importlib.util.find_spec("." + name, package="xontrib") return spec or importlib.util.find_spec(name) def xontrib_context(name): """Return a context dictionary for a xontrib of a given name.""" spec = find_xontrib(name) if spec is None: return None m = importlib.import_module( pubnames = getattr(m, "__all__", None) if pubnames is not None: ctx = {k: getattr(m, k) for k in pubnames} else: ctx = {k: getattr(m, k) for k in dir(m) if not k.startswith("_")} return ctx def prompt_xontrib_install(names: tp.List[str]): """Returns a formatted string with name of xontrib package to prompt user""" xontribs = get_xontribs() packages = [] for name in names: if name in xontribs: xontrib = xontribs[name] if xontrib.package: packages.append( print( "The following xontribs are enabled but not installed: \n" " {xontribs}\n" "To install them run \n" " xpip install {packages}".format( xontribs=" ".join(names), packages=" ".join(packages) ) ) def update_context(name, ctx=None): """Updates a context in place from a xontrib. If ctx is not provided, then __xonsh__.ctx is updated. """ if ctx is None: ctx = XSH.ctx modctx = xontrib_context(name) if modctx is None: if not hasattr(update_context, "bad_imports"): update_context.bad_imports = [] update_context.bad_imports.append(name) return ctx return ctx.update(modctx) def xontribs_load(names, verbose=False): """Load xontribs from a list of names""" ctx = XSH.ctx res = ExitCode.OK for name in names: if verbose: print("loading xontrib {0!r}".format(name)) try: update_context(name, ctx=ctx) except Exception: res = ExitCode.INIT_FAILED print_exception("Failed to load xontrib {}.".format(name)) if hasattr(update_context, "bad_imports"): res = ExitCode.NOT_FOUND prompt_xontrib_install(update_context.bad_imports) del update_context.bad_imports return res def _load(ns): """load xontribs""" return xontribs_load(ns.names, verbose=ns.verbose) def xontrib_installed(names: tp.Set[str]): """Returns list of installed xontribs.""" installed_xontribs = set() spec = importlib.util.find_spec("xontrib") if spec: xontrib_locations = spec.submodule_search_locations if xontrib_locations: for xl in xontrib_locations: for x in Path(xl).glob("*"): name =".")[0] if name[0] == "_" or (names and name not in names): continue installed_xontribs.add(name) return installed_xontribs def xontrib_data(ns): """Collects and returns the data about xontribs.""" meta = get_xontribs() data = {} names: tp.Set[str] = set() if not ns else set(ns.names) for xo_name in meta: if xo_name not in names: continue spec = find_xontrib(xo_name) if spec is None: installed = loaded = False else: installed = True loaded = in sys.modules data[xo_name] = {"name": xo_name, "installed": installed, "loaded": loaded} installed_xontribs = xontrib_installed(names) for name in installed_xontribs: if name not in data: loaded = f"xontrib.{name}" in sys.modules data[name] = {"name": name, "installed": True, "loaded": loaded} return dict(sorted(data.items())) def xontribs_loaded(ns=None): """Returns list of loaded xontribs.""" return [k for k, v in xontrib_data(ns).items() if v["loaded"]] def _list(ns): """Lists xontribs.""" data = xontrib_data(ns) if ns.json: s = json.dumps(data) print(s) else: nname = max([6] + [len(x) for x in data]) s = "" for name, d in data.items(): lname = len(name) s += "{PURPLE}" + name + "{RESET} " + " " * (nname - lname) if d["installed"]: s += "{GREEN}installed{RESET} " else: s += "{RED}not-installed{RESET} " if d["loaded"]: s += "{GREEN}loaded{RESET}" else: s += "{RED}not-loaded{RESET}" s += "\n" print_color(s[:-1]) @functools.lru_cache() def _create_xontrib_parser(): # parse command line args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="xontrib", description="Manages xonsh extensions" ) subp = parser.add_subparsers(title="action", dest="action") load = subp.add_parser("load", help="loads xontribs") load.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, dest="verbose" ) load.add_argument("names", nargs="+", default=(), help="names of xontribs") lyst = subp.add_parser( "list", help=("list xontribs, whether they are " "installed, and loaded.") ) lyst.add_argument( "--json", action="store_true", default=False, help="reports results as json" ) lyst.add_argument("names", nargs="*", default=(), help="names of xontribs") return parser _MAIN_XONTRIB_ACTIONS = {"load": _load, "list": _list} @unthreadable def xontribs_main(args=None, stdin=None): """Alias that loads xontribs""" if not args or ( args[0] not in _MAIN_XONTRIB_ACTIONS and args[0] not in {"-h", "--help"} ): args.insert(0, "load") parser = _create_xontrib_parser() ns = parser.parse_args(args) if ns.action is None: # apply default action ns = parser.parse_args(["load"] + args) return _MAIN_XONTRIB_ACTIONS[ns.action](ns) # # ansi_colors # """Tools for helping with ANSI color codes.""" # amalgamated re # amalgamated sys # amalgamated warnings # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.color_tools # amalgamated _PART_STYLE_CODE_MAPPING = { "bold": "1", "nobold": "21", "italic": "3", "noitalic": "23", "underline": "4", "nounderline": "24", "blink": "5", "noblink": "25", "reverse": "7", "noreverse": "27", "hidden": "8", "nohidden": "28", } def _ensure_color_map(style="default", cmap=None): if cmap is not None: pass elif style in ANSI_STYLES: cmap = ANSI_STYLES[style] else: try: # dynamically loading the style cmap = ansi_style_by_name(style) except Exception: msg = "Could not find color style {0!r}, using default." print(msg.format(style), file=sys.stderr) XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] = "default" cmap = ANSI_STYLES["default"] return cmap @lazyobject def ANSI_ESCAPE_MODIFIERS(): return { "BOLD": "1", "FAINT": "2", "ITALIC": "3", "UNDERLINE": "4", "SLOWBLINK": "5", "FASTBLINK": "6", "INVERT": "7", "CONCEAL": "8", "STRIKETHROUGH": "9", "BOLDOFF": "21", "FAINTOFF": "22", "ITALICOFF": "23", "UNDERLINEOFF": "24", "BLINKOFF": "25", "INVERTOFF": "27", "REVEALOFF": "28", "STRIKETHROUGHOFF": "29", } def ansi_color_name_to_escape_code(name, style="default", cmap=None): """Converts a color name to the inner part of an ANSI escape code""" cmap = _ensure_color_map(style=style, cmap=cmap) if name in cmap: return cmap[name] m = RE_XONSH_COLOR.match(name) if m is None: raise ValueError("{!r} is not a color!".format(name)) parts = m.groupdict() # convert regex match into actual ANSI colors if parts["reset"] is not None: if parts["reset"] == "NO_COLOR": warn_deprecated_no_color() res = "0" elif parts["bghex"] is not None: res = "48;5;" + rgb_to_256(parts["bghex"][3:])[0] elif parts["background"] is not None: color = parts["color"] if "#" in color: res = "48;5;" + rgb_to_256(color[1:])[0] else: fgcolor = cmap[color] if fgcolor.isdecimal(): res = str(int(fgcolor) + 10) elif fgcolor.startswith("38;"): res = "4" + fgcolor[1:] elif fgcolor == "DEFAULT": res = "39" else: msg = ( "when converting {!r}, did not recognize {!r} within " "the following color map as a valid color:\n\n{!r}" ) raise ValueError(msg.format(name, fgcolor, cmap)) else: # have regular, non-background color mods = parts["modifiers"] if mods is None: mods = [] else: mods = mods.strip("_").split("_") mods = [ANSI_ESCAPE_MODIFIERS[mod] for mod in mods] color = parts["color"] if "#" in color: mods.append("38;5;" + rgb_to_256(color[1:])[0]) elif color == "DEFAULT": res = "39" else: mods.append(cmap[color]) res = ";".join(mods) cmap[name] = res return res def ansi_partial_color_format(template, style="default", cmap=None, hide=False): """Formats a template string but only with respect to the colors. Another template string is returned, with the color values filled in. Parameters ---------- template : str The template string, potentially with color names. style : str, optional Style name to look up color map from. cmap : dict, optional A color map to use, this will prevent the color map from being looked up via the style name. hide : bool, optional Whether to wrap the color codes in the \\001 and \\002 escape codes, so that the color codes are not counted against line length. Returns ------- A template string with the color values filled in. """ try: return _ansi_partial_color_format_main( template, style=style, cmap=cmap, hide=hide ) except Exception: return template def _ansi_partial_color_format_main(template, style="default", cmap=None, hide=False): cmap = _ensure_color_map(style=style, cmap=cmap) overrides = XSH.env["XONSH_STYLE_OVERRIDES"] if overrides: cmap.update(_style_dict_to_ansi(overrides)) esc = ("\001" if hide else "") + "\033[" m = "m" + ("\002" if hide else "") bopen = "{" bclose = "}" colon = ":" expl = "!" toks = [] for literal, field, spec, conv in FORMATTER.parse(template): toks.append(literal) if field is None: pass elif field in cmap: toks.extend([esc, cmap[field], m]) elif iscolor(field): color = ansi_color_name_to_escape_code(field, cmap=cmap) cmap[field] = color toks.extend([esc, color, m]) elif field is not None: toks.append(bopen) toks.append(field) if conv is not None and len(conv) > 0: toks.append(expl) toks.append(conv) if spec is not None and len(spec) > 0: toks.append(colon) toks.append(spec) toks.append(bclose) return "".join(toks) def ansi_color_style_names(): """Returns an iterable of all ANSI color style names.""" return ANSI_STYLES.keys() def ansi_color_style(style="default"): """Returns the current color map.""" if style in ANSI_STYLES: cmap = ANSI_STYLES[style] else: msg = "Could not find color style {0!r}, using default.".format(style) warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) cmap = ANSI_STYLES["default"] return cmap def ansi_reverse_style(style="default", return_style=False): """Reverses an ANSI color style mapping so that escape codes map to colors. Style may either be string or mapping. May also return the style it looked up. """ style = ansi_style_by_name(style) if isinstance(style, str) else style reversed_style = {v: k for k, v in style.items()} # add keys to make this more useful updates = { "1": "BOLD_", "2": "FAINT_", "3": "ITALIC_", "4": "UNDERLINE_", "5": "SLOWBLINK_", "6": "FASTBLINK_", "7": "INVERT_", "8": "CONCEAL_", "9": "STRIKETHROUGH_", "21": "BOLDOFF_", "22": "FAINTOFF_", "23": "ITALICOFF_", "24": "UNDERLINEOFF_", "25": "BLINKOFF_", "27": "INVERTOFF_", "28": "REVEALOFF_", "29": "STRIKETHROUGHOFF_", "38": "SET_FOREGROUND_", "48": "SET_BACKGROUND_", "38;2": "SET_FOREGROUND_FAINT_", "48;2": "SET_BACKGROUND_FAINT_", "38;5": "SET_FOREGROUND_SLOWBLINK_", "48;5": "SET_BACKGROUND_SLOWBLINK_", } for ec, name in reversed_style.items(): no_left_zero = ec.lstrip("0") if no_left_zero.startswith(";"): updates[no_left_zero[1:]] = name elif no_left_zero != ec: updates[no_left_zero] = name reversed_style.update(updates) # return results if return_style: return style, reversed_style else: return reversed_style @lazyobject def ANSI_ESCAPE_CODE_RE(): return re.compile(r"\001?(\033\[)?([0-9;]+)m?\002?") @lazyobject def ANSI_COLOR_NAME_SET_3INTS_RE(): return re.compile(r"(\w+_)?SET_(FORE|BACK)GROUND_FAINT_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)") @lazyobject def ANSI_COLOR_NAME_SET_SHORT_RE(): return re.compile(r"(\w+_)?SET_(FORE|BACK)GROUND_SLOWBLINK_(\d+)") def _color_name_from_ints(ints, background=False, prefix=None): name = find_closest_color(ints, BASE_XONSH_COLORS) if background: name = "BACKGROUND_" + name name = name if prefix is None else prefix + name return name def ansi_color_escape_code_to_name(escape_code, style, reversed_style=None): """Converts an ANSI color code escape sequence to a tuple of color names in the provided style ('default' should almost be the style). For example, '0' becomes ('RESET',) and '32;41' becomes ('GREEN', 'BACKGROUND_RED'). The style keyword may either be a string, in which the style is looked up, or an actual style dict. You can also provide a reversed style mapping, too, which is just the keys/values of the style dict swapped. If reversed style is not provided, it is computed. """ if reversed_style is None: style, reversed_style = ansi_reverse_style(style, return_style=True) # strip some actual escape codes, if needed. match = ANSI_ESCAPE_CODE_RE.match(escape_code) if not match: msg = 'Invalid ANSI color sequence "{0}", using "RESET" instead.'.format( escape_code ) warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) return ("RESET",) ec = names = [] n_ints = 0 seen_set_foreback = False for e in ec.split(";"): no_left_zero = e.lstrip("0") if len(e) > 1 else e if seen_set_foreback and n_ints > 0: names.append(e) n_ints -= 1 if n_ints == 0: seen_set_foreback = False continue else: names.append(reversed_style.get(no_left_zero, no_left_zero)) # set the flags for next time if "38" == e or "48" == e: seen_set_foreback = True elif seen_set_foreback and "2" == e: n_ints = 3 elif seen_set_foreback and "5" == e: n_ints = 1 # normalize names n = "" norm_names = [] prefixes = "" for name in names: if name in ("RESET", "NO_COLOR"): # skip most '0' entries continue elif "BACKGROUND_" in name and n: prefixes += n n = "" n = n + name if n else name if n.endswith("_"): continue elif ANSI_COLOR_NAME_SET_SHORT_RE.match(n) is not None: pre, fore_back, short = ANSI_COLOR_NAME_SET_SHORT_RE.match(n).groups() n = _color_name_from_ints( short_to_ints(short), background=(fore_back == "BACK"), prefix=pre ) elif ANSI_COLOR_NAME_SET_3INTS_RE.match(n) is not None: pre, fore_back, r, g, b = ANSI_COLOR_NAME_SET_3INTS_RE.match(n).groups() n = _color_name_from_ints( (int(r), int(g), int(b)), background=(fore_back == "BACK"), prefix=pre ) elif "GROUND_FAINT_" in n: # have 1 or 2, but not 3 ints n += "_" continue # error check if not iscolor(n): msg = ( "Could not translate ANSI color code {escape_code!r} " "into a known color in the palette. Specifically, the {n!r} " "portion of {name!r} in {names!r} seems to missing." ) raise ValueError( msg.format(escape_code=escape_code, names=names, name=name, n=n) ) norm_names.append(n) n = "" # check if we have pre- & post-fixes to apply to the last, non-background element prefixes += n if prefixes.endswith("_"): for i in range(-1, -len(norm_names) - 1, -1): if "BACKGROUND_" not in norm_names[i]: norm_names[i] = prefixes + norm_names[i] break else: # only have background colors, so select WHITE as default color norm_names.append(prefixes + "WHITE") # return if len(norm_names) == 0: return ("RESET",) else: return tuple(norm_names) def _bw_style(): style = { "RESET": "0", "BLACK": "0;30", "BLUE": "0;37", "CYAN": "0;37", "GREEN": "0;37", "PURPLE": "0;37", "RED": "0;37", "WHITE": "0;37", "YELLOW": "0;37", "BACKGROUND_BLACK": "40", "BACKGROUND_RED": "47", "BACKGROUND_GREEN": "47", "BACKGROUND_YELLOW": "47", "BACKGROUND_BLUE": "47", "BACKGROUND_PURPLE": "47", "BACKGROUND_CYAN": "47", "BACKGROUND_WHITE": "47", "INTENSE_BLACK": "0;90", "INTENSE_BLUE": "0;97", "INTENSE_CYAN": "0;97", "INTENSE_GREEN": "0;97", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "0;97", "INTENSE_RED": "0;97", "INTENSE_WHITE": "0;97", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "0;97", } return style def _default_style(): style = { # Reset "RESET": "0", # Text Reset # Regular Colors "BLACK": "30", # BLACK "RED": "31", # RED "GREEN": "32", # GREEN "YELLOW": "33", # YELLOW "BLUE": "34", # BLUE "PURPLE": "35", # PURPLE "CYAN": "36", # CYAN "WHITE": "37", # WHITE # Background "BACKGROUND_BLACK": "40", # BLACK "BACKGROUND_RED": "41", # RED "BACKGROUND_GREEN": "42", # GREEN "BACKGROUND_YELLOW": "43", # YELLOW "BACKGROUND_BLUE": "44", # BLUE "BACKGROUND_PURPLE": "45", # PURPLE "BACKGROUND_CYAN": "46", # CYAN "BACKGROUND_WHITE": "47", # WHITE # High Intensity "INTENSE_BLACK": "90", # BLACK "INTENSE_RED": "91", # RED "INTENSE_GREEN": "92", # GREEN "INTENSE_YELLOW": "93", # YELLOW "INTENSE_BLUE": "94", # BLUE "INTENSE_PURPLE": "95", # PURPLE "INTENSE_CYAN": "96", # CYAN "INTENSE_WHITE": "97", # WHITE # High Intensity backgrounds "BACKGROUND_INTENSE_BLACK": "100", # BLACK "BACKGROUND_INTENSE_RED": "101", # RED "BACKGROUND_INTENSE_GREEN": "102", # GREEN "BACKGROUND_INTENSE_YELLOW": "103", # YELLOW "BACKGROUND_INTENSE_BLUE": "104", # BLUE "BACKGROUND_INTENSE_PURPLE": "105", # PURPLE "BACKGROUND_INTENSE_CYAN": "106", # CYAN "BACKGROUND_INTENSE_WHITE": "107", # WHITE } return style def _monokai_style(): style = { "RESET": "0", "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;63", "CYAN": "38;5;81", "GREEN": "38;5;40", "PURPLE": "38;5;89", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;188", "YELLOW": "38;5;184", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;20", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;44", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;148", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;141", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;197", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;15", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;186", } return style #################################### # Auto-generated below this line # #################################### def _algol_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;59", "BLUE": "38;5;59", "CYAN": "38;5;59", "GREEN": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;09", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;102", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;59", "RED": "38;5;09", "WHITE": "38;5;102", "YELLOW": "38;5;09", } return style def _algol_nu_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;59", "BLUE": "38;5;59", "CYAN": "38;5;59", "GREEN": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;09", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;102", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;59", "RED": "38;5;09", "WHITE": "38;5;102", "YELLOW": "38;5;09", } return style def _autumn_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;18", "BLUE": "38;5;19", "CYAN": "38;5;37", "GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;33", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;33", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;64", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;217", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;130", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;145", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;217", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;90", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;130", } return style def _borland_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;18", "CYAN": "38;5;30", "GREEN": "38;5;28", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;21", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;194", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;188", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;09", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;224", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;188", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;90", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;124", } return style def _colorful_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;20", "CYAN": "38;5;31", "GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;61", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;145", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;217", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;166", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;15", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;217", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;90", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;130", } return style def _emacs_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;28", "BLUE": "38;5;18", "CYAN": "38;5;26", "GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;26", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;145", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;129", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;167", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;145", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;145", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;90", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;130", } return style def _friendly_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;22", "BLUE": "38;5;18", "CYAN": "38;5;31", "GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;74", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;74", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;71", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;134", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;167", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;15", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;145", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;90", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;166", } return style def _fruity_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;32", "CYAN": "38;5;32", "GREEN": "38;5;28", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;33", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;33", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;198", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;202", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;15", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;187", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;198", "RED": "38;5;09", "WHITE": "38;5;187", "YELLOW": "38;5;202", } return style def _igor_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;34", "BLUE": "38;5;21", "CYAN": "38;5;30", "GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;30", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;21", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;30", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;163", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;166", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;163", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;166", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;163", "RED": "38;5;166", "WHITE": "38;5;163", "YELLOW": "38;5;166", } return style def _lovelace_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;59", "BLUE": "38;5;25", "CYAN": "38;5;29", "GREEN": "38;5;65", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;25", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;29", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;133", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;131", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;136", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;133", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;102", "YELLOW": "38;5;130", } return style def _manni_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;18", "CYAN": "38;5;30", "GREEN": "38;5;40", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;105", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;45", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;113", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;165", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;202", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;224", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;221", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;165", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;166", } return style def _murphy_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;18", "CYAN": "38;5;31", "GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;63", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;86", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;86", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;213", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;209", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;15", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;222", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;90", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;166", } return style def _native_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;52", "BLUE": "38;5;67", "CYAN": "38;5;31", "GREEN": "38;5;64", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;68", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;87", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;70", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;188", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;160", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;15", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;214", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;59", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;124", } return style def _paraiso_dark_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;95", "BLUE": "38;5;97", "CYAN": "38;5;39", "GREEN": "38;5;72", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;95", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;97", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;79", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;72", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;188", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;203", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;188", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;220", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;97", "RED": "38;5;203", "WHITE": "38;5;79", "YELLOW": "38;5;214", } return style def _paraiso_light_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;16", "CYAN": "38;5;39", "GREEN": "38;5;72", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;16", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;97", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;79", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;72", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;97", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;203", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;79", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;220", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;97", "RED": "38;5;16", "WHITE": "38;5;102", "YELLOW": "38;5;214", } return style def _pastie_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;20", "CYAN": "38;5;25", "GREEN": "38;5;28", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;61", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;194", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;188", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;172", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;15", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;188", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;125", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;130", } return style def _perldoc_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;18", "BLUE": "38;5;18", "CYAN": "38;5;31", "GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;134", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;145", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;28", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;134", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;167", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;188", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;188", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;90", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;166", } return style def _rrt_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;09", "BLUE": "38;5;117", "CYAN": "38;5;117", "GREEN": "38;5;46", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;117", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;117", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;122", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;46", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;213", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;09", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;188", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;222", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;213", "RED": "38;5;09", "WHITE": "38;5;117", "YELLOW": "38;5;09", } return style def _tango_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;20", "CYAN": "38;5;61", "GREEN": "38;5;34", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;24", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;62", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;15", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;64", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;15", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;09", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;15", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;178", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;90", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;15", "YELLOW": "38;5;94", } return style def _trac_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;18", "CYAN": "38;5;30", "GREEN": "38;5;100", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;59", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;60", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;194", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;102", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;188", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;137", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;224", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;188", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;90", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;145", "YELLOW": "38;5;100", } return style def _vim_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;18", "BLUE": "38;5;18", "CYAN": "38;5;44", "GREEN": "38;5;40", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;60", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;68", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;44", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;40", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;164", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;09", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;188", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;184", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;164", "RED": "38;5;160", "WHITE": "38;5;188", "YELLOW": "38;5;160", } return style def _vs_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;28", "BLUE": "38;5;21", "CYAN": "38;5;31", "GREEN": "38;5;28", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;31", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;31", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;31", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;31", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;31", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;09", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;31", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;31", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;124", "RED": "38;5;124", "WHITE": "38;5;31", "YELLOW": "38;5;124", } return style def _xcode_style(): style = { "BLACK": "38;5;16", "BLUE": "38;5;20", "CYAN": "38;5;60", "GREEN": "38;5;28", "INTENSE_BLACK": "38;5;60", "INTENSE_BLUE": "38;5;20", "INTENSE_CYAN": "38;5;60", "INTENSE_GREEN": "38;5;60", "INTENSE_PURPLE": "38;5;126", "INTENSE_RED": "38;5;160", "INTENSE_WHITE": "38;5;60", "INTENSE_YELLOW": "38;5;94", "RESET": "0", "PURPLE": "38;5;126", "RED": "38;5;160", "WHITE": "38;5;60", "YELLOW": "38;5;94", } return style ANSI_STYLES = LazyDict( { "algol": _algol_style, "algol_nu": _algol_nu_style, "autumn": _autumn_style, "borland": _borland_style, "bw": _bw_style, "colorful": _colorful_style, "default": _default_style, "emacs": _emacs_style, "friendly": _friendly_style, "fruity": _fruity_style, "igor": _igor_style, "lovelace": _lovelace_style, "manni": _manni_style, "monokai": _monokai_style, "murphy": _murphy_style, "native": _native_style, "paraiso-dark": _paraiso_dark_style, "paraiso-light": _paraiso_light_style, "pastie": _pastie_style, "perldoc": _perldoc_style, "rrt": _rrt_style, "tango": _tango_style, "trac": _trac_style, "vim": _vim_style, "vs": _vs_style, "xcode": _xcode_style, }, globals(), "ANSI_STYLES", ) del ( _algol_style, _algol_nu_style, _autumn_style, _borland_style, _bw_style, _colorful_style, _default_style, _emacs_style, _friendly_style, _fruity_style, _igor_style, _lovelace_style, _manni_style, _monokai_style, _murphy_style, _native_style, _paraiso_dark_style, _paraiso_light_style, _pastie_style, _perldoc_style, _rrt_style, _tango_style, _trac_style, _vim_style, _vs_style, _xcode_style, ) # # Dynamically generated styles # def make_ansi_style(palette): """Makes an ANSI color style from a color palette""" style = {"RESET": "0"} for name, t in BASE_XONSH_COLORS.items(): closest = find_closest_color(t, palette) if len(closest) == 3: closest = "".join([a * 2 for a in closest]) short = rgb2short(closest)[0] style[name] = "38;5;" + short return style def _pygments_to_ansi_style(style): """Tries to convert the given pygments style to ANSI style. Parameters ---------- style : pygments style value Returns ------- ANSI style """ ansi_style_list = [] parts = style.split(" ") for part in parts: if part in _PART_STYLE_CODE_MAPPING: ansi_style_list.append(_PART_STYLE_CODE_MAPPING[part]) elif part[:3] == "bg:": ansi_style_list.append("48;5;" + rgb2short(part[3:])[0]) else: ansi_style_list.append("38;5;" + rgb2short(part)[0]) return ";".join(ansi_style_list) def _style_dict_to_ansi(styles): """Converts pygments like style dict to ANSI rules""" ansi_style = {} for token, style in styles.items(): token = str(token) # convert pygments token to str parts = token.split(".") if len(parts) == 1 or parts[-2] == "Color": ansi_style[parts[-1]] = _pygments_to_ansi_style(style) return ansi_style def register_custom_ansi_style(name, styles, base="default"): """Register custom ANSI style. Parameters ---------- name : str Style name. styles : dict Token (or str) -> style mapping. base : str, optional Base style to use as default. """ base_style = ANSI_STYLES[base].copy() base_style.update(_style_dict_to_ansi(styles)) ANSI_STYLES[name] = base_style def ansi_style_by_name(name): """Gets or makes an ANSI color style by name. If the styles does not exist, it will look for a style using the pygments name. """ if name in ANSI_STYLES: return ANSI_STYLES[name] elif not HAS_PYGMENTS: raise KeyError("could not find style {0!r}".format(name)) from xonsh.pygments_cache import get_style_by_name from pygments.util import ClassNotFound try: pstyle = get_style_by_name(name) except (ModuleNotFoundError, ClassNotFound): pstyle = get_style_by_name("default") palette = make_palette(pstyle.styles.values()) astyle = make_ansi_style(palette) ANSI_STYLES[name] = astyle return astyle # # diff_history # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tools for diff'ing two xonsh history files in a meaningful fashion.""" difflib = _LazyModule.load('difflib', 'difflib') # amalgamated datetime # amalgamated itertools # amalgamated argparse # amalgamated typing # amalgamated xonsh.lazyjson # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.color_tools REPLACE_S = "replace" DELETE_S = "delete" INSERT_S = "insert" EQUAL_S = "equal" def bold_str_diff(a, b, sm=None): if sm is None: sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher() aline = COLORS.RED + "- " bline = COLORS.GREEN + "+ " sm.set_seqs(a, b) for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in sm.get_opcodes(): if tag == REPLACE_S: aline += COLORS.BOLD_RED + a[i1:i2] + COLORS.RED bline += COLORS.BOLD_GREEN + b[j1:j2] + COLORS.GREEN elif tag == DELETE_S: aline += COLORS.BOLD_RED + a[i1:i2] + COLORS.RED elif tag == INSERT_S: bline += COLORS.BOLD_GREEN + b[j1:j2] + COLORS.GREEN elif tag == EQUAL_S: aline += a[i1:i2] bline += b[j1:j2] else: raise RuntimeError("tag not understood") return aline + COLORS.RESET + "\n" + bline + COLORS.RESET + "\n" def redline(line): return "{red}- {line}{reset}\n".format( red=COLORS.RED, line=line, reset=COLORS.RESET ) def greenline(line): return "{green}+ {line}{reset}\n".format( green=COLORS.GREEN, line=line, reset=COLORS.RESET ) def highlighted_ndiff(a, b): """Returns a highlighted string, with bold characters where different.""" s = "" sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher() sm.set_seqs(a, b) linesm = difflib.SequenceMatcher() for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in sm.get_opcodes(): if tag == REPLACE_S: for aline, bline in itertools.zip_longest(a[i1:i2], b[j1:j2]): if bline is None: s += redline(aline) elif aline is None: s += greenline(bline) else: s += bold_str_diff(aline, bline, sm=linesm) elif tag == DELETE_S: for aline in a[i1:i2]: s += redline(aline) elif tag == INSERT_S: for bline in b[j1:j2]: s += greenline(bline) elif tag == EQUAL_S: for aline in a[i1:i2]: s += " " + aline + "\n" else: raise RuntimeError("tag not understood") return s class HistoryDiffer(object): """This class helps diff two xonsh history files.""" def __init__(self, afile, bfile, reopen=False, verbose=False): """ Parameters ---------- afile : file handle or str The first file to diff bfile : file handle or str The second file to diff reopen : bool, optional Whether or not to reopen the file handles each time. The default here is opposite from the LazyJSON default because we know that we will be doing a lot of reading so it is best to keep the handles open. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print a verbose amount of information. """ self.a = LazyJSON(afile, reopen=reopen) self.b = LazyJSON(bfile, reopen=reopen) self.verbose = verbose = difflib.SequenceMatcher(autojunk=False) def __del__(self): self.a.close() self.b.close() def __str__(self): return self.format() def _header_line(self, lj): s = if hasattr(lj._f, "name") else "" s += " (" + lj["sessionid"] + ")" s += " [locked]" if lj["locked"] else " [unlocked]" ts = lj["ts"].load() ts0 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts[0]) s += " started: " + ts0.isoformat(" ") if ts[1] is not None: ts1 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts[1]) s += " stopped: " + ts1.isoformat(" ") + " runtime: " + str(ts1 - ts0) return s def header(self): """Computes a header string difference.""" s = "{red}--- {aline}{reset}\n" "{green}+++ {bline}{reset}" s = s.format( aline=self._header_line(self.a), bline=self._header_line(self.b), red=COLORS.RED, green=COLORS.GREEN, reset=COLORS.RESET, ) return s def _env_both_diff(self, in_both, aenv, benv): sm = s = "" for key in sorted(in_both): aval = aenv[key] bval = benv[key] if aval == bval: continue s += "{0!r} is in both, but differs\n".format(key) s += bold_str_diff(aval, bval, sm=sm) + "\n" return s def _env_in_one_diff(self, x, y, color, xid, xenv): only_x = sorted(x - y) if len(only_x) == 0: return "" if self.verbose: xstr = ",\n".join( [" {0!r}: {1!r}".format(key, xenv[key]) for key in only_x] ) xstr = "\n" + xstr else: xstr = ", ".join(["{0!r}".format(key) for key in only_x]) in_x = "These vars are only in {color}{xid}{reset}: {{{xstr}}}\n\n" return in_x.format(xid=xid, color=color, reset=COLORS.RESET, xstr=xstr) def envdiff(self): """Computes the difference between the environments.""" aenv = self.a["env"].load() benv = self.b["env"].load() akeys = frozenset(aenv) bkeys = frozenset(benv) in_both = akeys & bkeys if len(in_both) == len(akeys) == len(bkeys): keydiff = self._env_both_diff(in_both, aenv, benv) if len(keydiff) == 0: return "" in_a = in_b = "" else: keydiff = self._env_both_diff(in_both, aenv, benv) in_a = self._env_in_one_diff( akeys, bkeys, COLORS.RED, self.a["sessionid"], aenv ) in_b = self._env_in_one_diff( bkeys, akeys, COLORS.GREEN, self.b["sessionid"], benv ) s = "Environment\n-----------\n" + in_a + keydiff + in_b return s def _cmd_in_one_diff(self, inp, i, xlj, xid, color): s = "cmd #{i} only in {color}{xid}{reset}:\n" s = s.format(i=i, color=color, xid=xid, reset=COLORS.RESET) lines = inp.splitlines() lt = "{color}{pre}{reset} {line}\n" s += lt.format(color=color, reset=COLORS.RESET, line=lines[0], pre=">>>") for line in lines[1:]: s += lt.format(color=color, reset=COLORS.RESET, line=line, pre="...") if not self.verbose: return s + "\n" out = xlj["cmds"][0].get("out", "Note: no output stored") s += out.rstrip() + "\n\n" return s def _cmd_out_and_rtn_diff(self, i, j): s = "" aout = self.a["cmds"][i].get("out", None) bout = self.b["cmds"][j].get("out", None) if aout is None and bout is None: # s += 'Note: neither output stored\n' pass elif bout is None: aid = self.a["sessionid"] s += "Note: only {red}{aid}{reset} output stored\n".format( red=COLORS.RED, aid=aid, reset=COLORS.RESET ) elif aout is None: bid = self.b["sessionid"] s += "Note: only {green}{bid}{reset} output stored\n".format( green=COLORS.GREEN, bid=bid, reset=COLORS.RESET ) elif aout != bout: s += "Outputs differ\n" s += highlighted_ndiff(aout.splitlines(), bout.splitlines()) else: pass artn = self.a["cmds"][i]["rtn"] brtn = self.b["cmds"][j]["rtn"] if artn != brtn: s += ( "Return vals {red}{artn}{reset} & {green}{brtn}{reset} differ\n" ).format( red=COLORS.RED, green=COLORS.GREEN, reset=COLORS.RESET, artn=artn, brtn=brtn, ) return s def _cmd_replace_diff(self, i, ainp, aid, j, binp, bid): s = ( "cmd #{i} in {red}{aid}{reset} is replaced by \n" "cmd #{j} in {green}{bid}{reset}:\n" ) s = s.format( i=i, aid=aid, j=j, bid=bid, red=COLORS.RED, green=COLORS.GREEN, reset=COLORS.RESET, ) s += highlighted_ndiff(ainp.splitlines(), binp.splitlines()) if not self.verbose: return s + "\n" s += self._cmd_out_and_rtn_diff(i, j) return s + "\n" def cmdsdiff(self): """Computes the difference of the commands themselves.""" aid = self.a["sessionid"] bid = self.b["sessionid"] ainps = [c["inp"] for c in self.a["cmds"]] binps = [c["inp"] for c in self.b["cmds"]] sm = sm.set_seqs(ainps, binps) s = "" for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in sm.get_opcodes(): if tag == REPLACE_S: zipper = itertools.zip_longest for i, ainp, j, binp in zipper( range(i1, i2), ainps[i1:i2], range(j1, j2), binps[j1:j2] ): if j is None: s += self._cmd_in_one_diff(ainp, i, self.a, aid, COLORS.RED) elif i is None: s += self._cmd_in_one_diff(binp, j, self.b, bid, COLORS.GREEN) else: self._cmd_replace_diff(i, ainp, aid, j, binp, bid) elif tag == DELETE_S: for i, inp in enumerate(ainps[i1:i2], i1): s += self._cmd_in_one_diff(inp, i, self.a, aid, COLORS.RED) elif tag == INSERT_S: for j, inp in enumerate(binps[j1:j2], j1): s += self._cmd_in_one_diff(inp, j, self.b, bid, COLORS.GREEN) elif tag == EQUAL_S: for i, j in zip(range(i1, i2), range(j1, j2)): odiff = self._cmd_out_and_rtn_diff(i, j) if len(odiff) > 0: h = ( "cmd #{i} in {red}{aid}{reset} input is the same as \n" "cmd #{j} in {green}{bid}{reset}, but output differs:\n" ) s += h.format( i=i, aid=aid, j=j, bid=bid, red=COLORS.RED, green=COLORS.GREEN, reset=COLORS.RESET, ) s += odiff + "\n" else: raise RuntimeError("tag not understood") if len(s) == 0: return s return "Commands\n--------\n" + s def format(self): """Formats the difference between the two history files.""" s = self.header() ed = self.envdiff() if len(ed) > 0: s += "\n\n" + ed cd = self.cmdsdiff() if len(cd) > 0: s += "\n\n" + cd return s.rstrip() _HD_PARSER: tp.Optional[argparse.ArgumentParser] = None def dh_create_parser(p=None): global _HD_PARSER p_was_none = p is None if _HD_PARSER is not None and p_was_none: return _HD_PARSER if p_was_none: p = argparse.ArgumentParser( "diff-history", description="diffs two xonsh history files" ) p.add_argument( "--reopen", dest="reopen", default=False, action="store_true", help="make lazy file loading reopen files each time", ) p.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", default=False, action="store_true", help="whether to print even more information", ) p.add_argument("a", help="first file in diff") p.add_argument("b", help="second file in diff") if p_was_none: _HD_PARSER = p return p def dh_main_action(ns, hist=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): hd = HistoryDiffer(ns.a, ns.b, reopen=ns.reopen, verbose=ns.verbose) print_color(hd.format(), file=stdout) # # dirstack # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Directory stack and associated utilities for the xonsh shell.""" # amalgamated argparse # amalgamated glob # amalgamated os # amalgamated subprocess # amalgamated typing # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated DIRSTACK: tp.List[str] = [] """A list containing the currently remembered directories.""" _unc_tempDrives: tp.Dict[str, str] = {} """ drive: sharePath for temp drive letters we create for UNC mapping""" def _unc_check_enabled() -> bool: r"""Check whether CMD.EXE is enforcing no-UNC-as-working-directory check. Check can be disabled by setting {HKCU, HKLM}/SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor\DisableUNCCheck:REG_DWORD=1 Returns: True if `CMD.EXE` is enforcing the check (default Windows situation) False if check is explicitly disabled. """ if not ON_WINDOWS: return False import winreg wval = None try: key = winreg.OpenKey( winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"software\microsoft\command processor" ) wval, wtype = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "DisableUNCCheck") winreg.CloseKey(key) except OSError: pass if wval is None: try: key2 = winreg.OpenKey( winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"software\microsoft\command processor" ) wval, wtype = winreg.QueryValueEx(key2, "DisableUNCCheck") winreg.CloseKey(key2) except OSError as e: # NOQA pass return False if wval else True def _is_unc_path(some_path) -> bool: """True if path starts with 2 backward (or forward, due to python path hacking) slashes.""" return ( len(some_path) > 1 and some_path[0] == some_path[1] and some_path[0] in (os.sep, os.altsep) ) def _unc_map_temp_drive(unc_path) -> str: r"""Map a new temporary drive letter for each distinct share, unless `CMD.EXE` is not insisting on non-UNC working directory. Emulating behavior of `CMD.EXE` `pushd`, create a new mapped drive (starting from Z: towards A:, skipping existing drive letters) for each new UNC path user selects. Args: unc_path: the path specified by user. Assumed to be a UNC path of form \\<server>\share... Returns: a replacement for `unc_path` to be used as the actual new working directory. Note that the drive letter may be a the same as one already mapped if the server and share portion of `unc_path` is the same as one still active on the stack. """ global _unc_tempDrives assert unc_path[1] in (os.sep, os.altsep), "unc_path is UNC form of path" if not _unc_check_enabled(): return unc_path else: unc_share, rem_path = os.path.splitdrive(unc_path) unc_share = unc_share.casefold() for d in _unc_tempDrives: if _unc_tempDrives[d] == unc_share: return os.path.join(d, rem_path) for dord in range(ord("z"), ord("a"), -1): d = chr(dord) + ":" if not os.path.isdir(d): # find unused drive letter starting from z: subprocess.check_output( ["NET", "USE", d, unc_share], universal_newlines=True ) _unc_tempDrives[d] = unc_share return os.path.join(d, rem_path) def _unc_unmap_temp_drive(left_drive, cwd): """Unmap a temporary drive letter if it is no longer needed. Called after popping `DIRSTACK` and changing to new working directory, so we need stack *and* new current working directory to be sure drive letter no longer needed. Args: left_drive: driveletter (and colon) of working directory we just left cwd: full path of new current working directory """ global _unc_tempDrives if left_drive not in _unc_tempDrives: # if not one we've mapped, don't unmap it return for p in DIRSTACK + [cwd]: # if still in use , don't unmap it. if p.casefold().startswith(left_drive): return _unc_tempDrives.pop(left_drive) subprocess.check_output( ["NET", "USE", left_drive, "/delete"], universal_newlines=True ) events.doc( "on_chdir", """ on_chdir(olddir: str, newdir: str) -> None Fires when the current directory is changed for any reason. """, ) def _get_cwd(): try: return os.getcwd() except OSError: return None def _change_working_directory(newdir, follow_symlinks=False): env = XSH.env old = env["PWD"] new = os.path.join(old, newdir) if follow_symlinks: new = os.path.realpath(new) absnew = os.path.abspath(new) try: os.chdir(absnew) except OSError: if new.endswith(get_sep()): new = new[:-1] if os.path.basename(new) == "..": env["PWD"] = new else: if old is not None: env["OLDPWD"] = old if new is not None: env["PWD"] = absnew # Fire event if the path actually changed if old != env["PWD"]:, newdir=env["PWD"]) def _try_cdpath(apath): # NOTE: this CDPATH implementation differs from the bash one. # In bash if a CDPATH is set, an unqualified local folder # is considered after all CDPATHs, example: # CDPATH=$HOME/src (with src/xonsh/ inside) # $ cd xonsh -> src/xonsh (with xonsh/xonsh) # a second $ cd xonsh has no effects, to move in the nested xonsh # in bash a full $ cd ./xonsh is needed. # In xonsh a relative folder is always preferred. env = XSH.env cdpaths = env.get("CDPATH") for cdp in cdpaths: globber = XSH.expand_path(os.path.join(cdp, apath)) for cdpath_prefixed_path in glob.iglob(globber): return cdpath_prefixed_path return apath def cd(args, stdin=None): """Changes the directory. If no directory is specified (i.e. if `args` is None) then this changes to the current user's home directory. """ env = XSH.env oldpwd = env.get("OLDPWD", None) cwd = env["PWD"] follow_symlinks = False if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "-P": follow_symlinks = True del args[0] if len(args) == 0: d = os.path.expanduser("~") elif len(args) == 1: d = os.path.expanduser(args[0]) if not os.path.isdir(d): if d == "-": if oldpwd is not None: d = oldpwd else: return "", "cd: no previous directory stored\n", 1 elif d.startswith("-"): try: num = int(d[1:]) except ValueError: return "", "cd: Invalid destination: {0}\n".format(d), 1 if num == 0: return None, None, 0 elif num < 0: return "", "cd: Invalid destination: {0}\n".format(d), 1 elif num > len(DIRSTACK): e = "cd: Too few elements in dirstack ({0} elements)\n" return "", e.format(len(DIRSTACK)), 1 else: d = DIRSTACK[num - 1] else: d = _try_cdpath(d) else: return ( "", ( "cd takes 0 or 1 arguments, not {0}. An additional `-P` " "flag can be passed in first position to follow symlinks." "\n".format(len(args)) ), 1, ) if not os.path.exists(d): return "", "cd: no such file or directory: {0}\n".format(d), 1 if not os.path.isdir(d): return "", "cd: {0} is not a directory\n".format(d), 1 if not os.access(d, os.X_OK): return "", "cd: permission denied: {0}\n".format(d), 1 if ( ON_WINDOWS and _is_unc_path(d) and _unc_check_enabled() and (not env.get("AUTO_PUSHD")) ): return ( "", "cd: can't cd to UNC path on Windows, unless $AUTO_PUSHD set or reg entry " + r"HKCU\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\Command Processor\DisableUNCCheck:DWORD = 1" + "\n", 1, ) # now, push the directory onto the dirstack if AUTO_PUSHD is set if cwd is not None and env.get("AUTO_PUSHD"): pushd(["-n", "-q", cwd]) if ON_WINDOWS and _is_unc_path(d): d = _unc_map_temp_drive(d) _change_working_directory(d, follow_symlinks) return None, None, 0 @lazyobject def pushd_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="pushd") parser.add_argument("dir", nargs="?") parser.add_argument( "-n", dest="cd", help="Suppresses the normal change of directory when" " adding directories to the stack, so that only the" " stack is manipulated.", action="store_false", ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", help="Do not call dirs, regardless of $PUSHD_SILENT", action="store_true", ) return parser def pushd(args, stdin=None): r"""xonsh command: pushd Adds a directory to the top of the directory stack, or rotates the stack, making the new top of the stack the current working directory. On Windows, if the path is a UNC path (begins with `\\<server>\<share>`) and if the `DisableUNCCheck` registry value is not enabled, creates a temporary mapped drive letter and sets the working directory there, emulating behavior of `PUSHD` in `CMD.EXE` """ global DIRSTACK try: args = pushd_parser.parse_args(args) except SystemExit: return None, None, 1 env = XSH.env pwd = env["PWD"] if env.get("PUSHD_MINUS", False): BACKWARD = "-" FORWARD = "+" else: BACKWARD = "+" FORWARD = "-" if args.dir is None: try: new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(0) except IndexError: e = "pushd: Directory stack is empty\n" return None, e, 1 elif os.path.isdir(args.dir): new_pwd = args.dir else: try: num = int(args.dir[1:]) except ValueError: e = "Invalid argument to pushd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(args.dir), 1 if num < 0: e = "Invalid argument to pushd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(args.dir), 1 if num > len(DIRSTACK): e = "Too few elements in dirstack ({0} elements)\n" return None, e.format(len(DIRSTACK)), 1 elif args.dir.startswith(FORWARD): if num == len(DIRSTACK): new_pwd = None else: new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(len(DIRSTACK) - 1 - num) elif args.dir.startswith(BACKWARD): if num == 0: new_pwd = None else: new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(num - 1) else: e = "Invalid argument to pushd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(args.dir), 1 if new_pwd is not None: if ON_WINDOWS and _is_unc_path(new_pwd): new_pwd = _unc_map_temp_drive(new_pwd) if DIRSTACK.insert(0, os.path.expanduser(pwd)) _change_working_directory(new_pwd) else: DIRSTACK.insert(0, os.path.expanduser(new_pwd)) maxsize = env.get("DIRSTACK_SIZE") if len(DIRSTACK) > maxsize: DIRSTACK = DIRSTACK[:maxsize] if not args.quiet and not env.get("PUSHD_SILENT"): return dirs([], None) return None, None, 0 @lazyobject def popd_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="popd") parser.add_argument("dir", nargs="?") parser.add_argument( "-n", dest="cd", help="Suppresses the normal change of directory when" " adding directories to the stack, so that only the" " stack is manipulated.", action="store_false", ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", help="Do not call dirs, regardless of $PUSHD_SILENT", action="store_true", ) return parser def popd(args, stdin=None): """ xonsh command: popd Removes entries from the directory stack. """ global DIRSTACK try: args = pushd_parser.parse_args(args) except SystemExit: return None, None, 1 env = XSH.env if env.get("PUSHD_MINUS"): BACKWARD = "-" FORWARD = "+" else: BACKWARD = "-" FORWARD = "+" if args.dir is None: try: new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(0) except IndexError: e = "popd: Directory stack is empty\n" return None, e, 1 else: try: num = int(args.dir[1:]) except ValueError: e = "Invalid argument to popd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(args.dir), 1 if num < 0: e = "Invalid argument to popd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(args.dir), 1 if num > len(DIRSTACK): e = "Too few elements in dirstack ({0} elements)\n" return None, e.format(len(DIRSTACK)), 1 elif args.dir.startswith(FORWARD): if num == len(DIRSTACK): new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(0) else: new_pwd = None DIRSTACK.pop(len(DIRSTACK) - 1 - num) elif args.dir.startswith(BACKWARD): if num == 0: new_pwd = DIRSTACK.pop(0) else: new_pwd = None DIRSTACK.pop(num - 1) else: e = "Invalid argument to popd: {0}\n" return None, e.format(args.dir), 1 if new_pwd is not None: e = None if env = XSH.env pwd = env["PWD"] _change_working_directory(new_pwd) if ON_WINDOWS: drive, rem_path = os.path.splitdrive(pwd) _unc_unmap_temp_drive(drive.casefold(), new_pwd) if not args.quiet and not env.get("PUSHD_SILENT"): return dirs([], None) return None, None, 0 @lazyobject def dirs_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="dirs") parser.add_argument("N", nargs="?") parser.add_argument( "-c", dest="clear", help="Clears the directory stack by deleting all of" " the entries.", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", dest="print_long", help="Print the directory stack with one entry per" " line.", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", dest="verbose", help="Print the directory stack with one entry per" " line, prefixing each entry with its index in the" " stack.", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", dest="long", help="Produces a longer listing; the default listing" " format uses a tilde to denote the home directory.", action="store_true", ) return parser def dirs(args, stdin=None): """xonsh command: dirs Displays the list of currently remembered directories. Can also be used to clear the directory stack. """ global DIRSTACK try: args = dirs_parser.parse_args(args) except SystemExit: return None, None env = XSH.env dirstack = [os.path.expanduser(env["PWD"])] + DIRSTACK if env.get("PUSHD_MINUS"): BACKWARD = "-" FORWARD = "+" else: BACKWARD = "-" FORWARD = "+" if args.clear: DIRSTACK = [] return None, None, 0 if args.long: o = dirstack else: d = os.path.expanduser("~") o = [i.replace(d, "~") for i in dirstack] if args.verbose: out = "" pad = len(str(len(o) - 1)) for (ix, e) in enumerate(o): blanks = " " * (pad - len(str(ix))) out += "\n{0}{1} {2}".format(blanks, ix, e) out = out[1:] elif args.print_long: out = "\n".join(o) else: out = " ".join(o) N = args.N if N is not None: try: num = int(N[1:]) except ValueError: e = "Invalid argument to dirs: {0}\n" return None, e.format(N), 1 if num < 0: e = "Invalid argument to dirs: {0}\n" return None, e.format(len(o)), 1 if num >= len(o): e = "Too few elements in dirstack ({0} elements)\n" return None, e.format(len(o)), 1 if N.startswith(BACKWARD): idx = num elif N.startswith(FORWARD): idx = len(o) - 1 - num else: e = "Invalid argument to dirs: {0}\n" return None, e.format(N), 1 out = o[idx] return out + "\n", None, 0 # # execer # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Implements the xonsh executer.""" # amalgamated sys # amalgamated types # amalgamated inspect # amalgamated builtins # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.ast # amalgamated xonsh.parser # amalgamated # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH class Execer(object): """Executes xonsh code in a context.""" def __init__( self, filename="<xonsh-code>", debug_level=0, parser_args=None, unload=True, xonsh_ctx=None, scriptcache=True, cacheall=False, ): """Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional File we are to execute. debug_level : int, optional Debugging level to use in lexing and parsing. parser_args : dict, optional Arguments to pass down to the parser. unload : bool, optional Whether or not to unload xonsh builtins upon deletion. xonsh_ctx : dict or None, optional Xonsh xontext to load as xonsh.built_ins.XSH.ctx scriptcache : bool, optional Whether or not to use a precompiled bytecode cache when execing code, default: True. cacheall : bool, optional Whether or not to cache all xonsh code, and not just files. If this is set to true, it will cache command line input too, default: False. """ parser_args = parser_args or {} self.parser = Parser(**parser_args) self.filename = filename self._default_filename = filename self.debug_level = debug_level self.unload = unload self.scriptcache = scriptcache self.cacheall = cacheall self.ctxtransformer = CtxAwareTransformer(self.parser) XSH.load(execer=self, ctx=xonsh_ctx) def __del__(self): if self.unload: XSH.unload() def parse(self, input, ctx, mode="exec", filename=None, transform=True): """Parses xonsh code in a context-aware fashion. For context-free parsing, please use the Parser class directly or pass in transform=False. """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename if not transform: return self.parser.parse( input, filename=filename, mode=mode, debug_level=(self.debug_level >= 2) ) # Parsing actually happens in a couple of phases. The first is a # shortcut for a context-free parser. Normally, all subprocess # lines should be wrapped in $(), to indicate that they are a # subproc. But that would be super annoying. Unfortunately, Python # mode - after indentation - is whitespace agnostic while, using # the Python token, subproc mode is whitespace aware. That is to say, # in Python mode "ls -l", "ls-l", and "ls - l" all parse to the # same AST because whitespace doesn't matter to the minus binary op. # However, these phases all have very different meaning in subproc # mode. The 'right' way to deal with this is to make the entire # grammar whitespace aware, and then ignore all of the whitespace # tokens for all of the Python rules. The lazy way implemented here # is to parse a line a second time with a $() wrapper if it fails # the first time. This is a context-free phase. tree, input = self._parse_ctx_free(input, mode=mode, filename=filename) if tree is None: return None # Now we need to perform context-aware AST transformation. This is # because the "ls -l" is valid Python. The only way that we know # it is not actually Python is by checking to see if the first token # (ls) is part of the execution context. If it isn't, then we will # assume that this line is supposed to be a subprocess line, assuming # it also is valid as a subprocess line. if ctx is None: ctx = set() elif isinstance(ctx, cabc.Mapping): ctx = set(ctx.keys()) tree = self.ctxtransformer.ctxvisit( tree, input, ctx, mode=mode, debug_level=self.debug_level ) return tree def compile( self, input, mode="exec", glbs=None, locs=None, stacklevel=2, filename=None, transform=True, ): """Compiles xonsh code into a Python code object, which may then be execed or evaled. """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename self.filename = self._default_filename if glbs is None or locs is None: frame = inspect.currentframe() for _ in range(stacklevel): frame = frame.f_back glbs = frame.f_globals if glbs is None else glbs locs = frame.f_locals if locs is None else locs ctx = set(dir(builtins)) | set(glbs.keys()) | set(locs.keys()) tree = self.parse(input, ctx, mode=mode, filename=filename, transform=transform) if tree is None: return None # handles comment only input code = compile(tree, filename, mode) return code def eval( self, input, glbs=None, locs=None, stacklevel=2, filename=None, transform=True ): """Evaluates (and returns) xonsh code.""" if glbs is None: glbs = {} if isinstance(input, types.CodeType): code = input else: input = input.rstrip("\n") if filename is None: filename = self.filename code = self.compile( input=input, glbs=glbs, locs=locs, mode="eval", stacklevel=stacklevel, filename=filename, transform=transform, ) if code is None: return None # handles comment only input return eval(code, glbs, locs) def exec( self, input, mode="exec", glbs=None, locs=None, stacklevel=2, filename=None, transform=True, ): """Execute xonsh code.""" if glbs is None: glbs = {} if isinstance(input, types.CodeType): code = input else: if not input.endswith("\n"): input += "\n" if filename is None: filename = self.filename code = self.compile( input=input, glbs=glbs, locs=locs, mode=mode, stacklevel=stacklevel, filename=filename, transform=transform, ) if code is None: return None # handles comment only input return exec(code, glbs, locs) def _print_debug_wrapping( self, line, sbpline, last_error_line, last_error_col, maxcol=None ): """print some debugging info if asked for.""" if self.debug_level >= 1: msg = "{0}:{1}:{2}{3} - {4}\n" "{0}:{1}:{2}{3} + {5}" mstr = "" if maxcol is None else ":" + str(maxcol) msg = msg.format( self.filename, last_error_line, last_error_col, mstr, line, sbpline ) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) def _parse_ctx_free(self, input, mode="exec", filename=None, logical_input=False): last_error_line = last_error_col = -1 parsed = False original_error = None greedy = False if filename is None: filename = self.filename if logical_input: beg_spaces = starting_whitespace(input) input = input[len(beg_spaces) :] while not parsed: try: tree = self.parser.parse( input, filename=filename, mode=mode, debug_level=(self.debug_level >= 2), ) parsed = True except IndentationError as e: if original_error is None: raise e else: raise original_error except SyntaxError as e: if original_error is None: original_error = e if (e.loc is None) or ( last_error_line == e.loc.lineno and last_error_col in (e.loc.column + 1, e.loc.column) ): raise original_error from None elif last_error_line != e.loc.lineno: original_error = e last_error_col = e.loc.column last_error_line = e.loc.lineno idx = last_error_line - 1 lines = input.splitlines() if input.endswith("\n"): lines.append("") line, nlogical, idx = get_logical_line(lines, idx) if nlogical > 1 and not logical_input: _, sbpline = self._parse_ctx_free( line, mode=mode, filename=filename, logical_input=True ) self._print_debug_wrapping( line, sbpline, last_error_line, last_error_col, maxcol=None ) replace_logical_line(lines, sbpline, idx, nlogical) last_error_col += 3 input = "\n".join(lines) continue if len(line.strip()) == 0: # whitespace only lines are not valid syntax in Python's # interactive mode='single', who knew?! Just ignore them. # this might cause actual syntax errors to have bad line # numbers reported, but should only affect interactive mode del lines[idx] last_error_line = last_error_col = -1 input = "\n".join(lines) continue if last_error_line > 1 and ends_with_colon_token(lines[idx - 1]): # catch non-indented blocks and raise error. prev_indent = len(lines[idx - 1]) - len(lines[idx - 1].lstrip()) curr_indent = len(lines[idx]) - len(lines[idx].lstrip()) if prev_indent == curr_indent: raise original_error lexer = self.parser.lexer maxcol = ( None if greedy else find_next_break(line, mincol=last_error_col, lexer=lexer) ) if not greedy and maxcol in (e.loc.column + 1, e.loc.column): # go greedy the first time if the syntax error was because # we hit an end token out of place. This usually indicates # a subshell or maybe a macro. if not balanced_parens(line, maxcol=maxcol): greedy = True maxcol = None sbpline = subproc_toks( line, returnline=True, greedy=greedy, maxcol=maxcol, lexer=lexer ) if sbpline is None: # subprocess line had no valid tokens, if len(line.partition("#")[0].strip()) == 0: # likely because it only contained a comment. del lines[idx] last_error_line = last_error_col = -1 input = "\n".join(lines) continue elif not greedy: greedy = True continue else: # or for some other syntax error raise original_error elif sbpline[last_error_col:].startswith( "![![" ) or sbpline.lstrip().startswith("![!["): # if we have already wrapped this in subproc tokens # and it still doesn't work, adding more won't help # anything if not greedy: greedy = True continue else: raise original_error # replace the line self._print_debug_wrapping( line, sbpline, last_error_line, last_error_col, maxcol=maxcol ) replace_logical_line(lines, sbpline, idx, nlogical) last_error_col += 3 input = "\n".join(lines) if logical_input: input = beg_spaces + input return tree, input # # shell # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """The xonsh shell""" # amalgamated sys # amalgamated time # amalgamated difflib # amalgamated warnings # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated # amalgamated from xonsh.history.dummy import DummyHistory xhm = _LazyModule.load('xonsh', 'xonsh.history.main', 'xhm') # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH events.doc( "on_transform_command", """ on_transform_command(cmd: str) -> str Fired to request xontribs to transform a command line. Return the transformed command, or the same command if no transformation occurs. Only done for interactive sessions. This may be fired multiple times per command, with other transformers input or output, so design any handlers for this carefully. """, ) events.doc( "on_precommand", """ on_precommand(cmd: str) -> None Fires just before a command is executed. """, ) events.doc( "on_postcommand", """ on_postcommand(cmd: str, rtn: int, out: str or None, ts: list) -> None Fires just after a command is executed. The arguments are the same as history. Parameters: * ``cmd``: The command that was executed (after transformation) * ``rtn``: The result of the command executed (``0`` for success) * ``out``: If xonsh stores command output, this is the output * ``ts``: Timestamps, in the order of ``[starting, ending]`` """, ) events.doc( "on_pre_prompt_format", """ on_pre_prompt_format() -> None Fires before the prompt will be formatted """, ) events.doc( "on_pre_prompt", """ on_pre_prompt() -> None Fires just before showing the prompt """, ) events.doc( "on_post_prompt", """ on_post_prompt() -> None Fires just after the prompt returns """, ) def transform_command(src, show_diff=True): """Returns the results of firing the precommand handles.""" i = 0 limit = sys.getrecursionlimit() lst = "" raw = src while src != lst: lst = src srcs = for s in srcs: if s != lst: src = s break i += 1 if i == limit: print_exception( "Modifications to source input took more than " "the recursion limit number of iterations to " "converge." ) debug_level = XSH.env.get("XONSH_DEBUG") if show_diff and debug_level >= 1 and src != raw: sys.stderr.writelines( difflib.unified_diff( raw.splitlines(keepends=True), src.splitlines(keepends=True), fromfile="before precommand event", tofile="after precommand event", ) ) return src class Shell(object): """Main xonsh shell. Initializes execution environment and decides if prompt_toolkit or readline version of shell should be used. """ shell_type_aliases = { "b": "best", "best": "best", "d": "dumb", "dumb": "dumb", "ptk": "prompt_toolkit", # there's only 1 prompt_toolkit shell (now) "prompt-toolkit": "prompt_toolkit", "prompt_toolkit": "prompt_toolkit", "rand": "random", "random": "random", "rl": "readline", "readline": "readline", } @staticmethod def choose_shell_type(init_shell_type=None, env=None): # pick a valid shell -- if no shell is specified by the user, # shell type is pulled from env # extracted for testability shell_type = init_shell_type if shell_type is None and env: shell_type = env.get("SHELL_TYPE") if shell_type == "none": # This bricks interactive xonsh # Can happen from the use of .xinitrc, .xsession, etc # odd logic. We don't override if shell.__init__( shell_type="none"), # only if it come from environment? shell_type = "best" shell_type = Shell.shell_type_aliases.get(shell_type, shell_type) if shell_type == "best" or shell_type is None: shell_type = best_shell_type() elif env and env.get("TERM", "") == "dumb": shell_type = "dumb" elif shell_type == "random": shell_type = simple_random_choice(("readline", "prompt_toolkit")) if shell_type == "prompt_toolkit": if not has_prompt_toolkit(): warnings.warn( "'prompt-toolkit' python package is not installed. Falling back to readline." ) shell_type = "readline" elif not ptk_above_min_supported(): warnings.warn( "Installed prompt-toolkit version < v{}.{}.{} is not ".format( *minimum_required_ptk_version ) + "supported. Falling back to readline." ) shell_type = "readline" if init_shell_type in ("ptk1", "prompt_toolkit1"): warnings.warn( "$SHELL_TYPE='{}' now deprecated, please update your run control file'".format( init_shell_type ) ) return shell_type def __init__(self, execer, ctx=None, shell_type=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- execer : Execer An execer instance capable of running xonsh code. ctx : Mapping, optional The execution context for the shell (e.g. the globals namespace). If none, this is computed by loading the rc files. If not None, this no additional context is computed and this is used directly. shell_type : str, optional The shell type to start, such as 'readline', 'prompt_toolkit1', or 'random'. """ self.execer = execer self.ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx env = XSH.env # build history backend before creating shell if env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE"): XSH.history = hist = xhm.construct_history( env=env.detype(), ts=[time.time(), None], locked=True, filename=env.get("XONSH_HISTORY_FILE", None), ) env["XONSH_HISTORY_FILE"] = hist.filename else: XSH.history = hist = DummyHistory() env["XONSH_HISTORY_FILE"] = None shell_type = self.choose_shell_type(shell_type, env) self.shell_type = env["SHELL_TYPE"] = shell_type # actually make the shell if shell_type == "none": from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell as shell_class elif shell_type == "prompt_toolkit": from import PromptToolkitShell as shell_class elif shell_type == "readline": from xonsh.readline_shell import ReadlineShell as shell_class elif shell_type == "jupyter": from xonsh.jupyter_shell import JupyterShell as shell_class elif shell_type == "dumb": from xonsh.dumb_shell import DumbShell as shell_class else: raise XonshError("{} is not recognized as a shell type".format(shell_type)) = shell_class(execer=self.execer, ctx=self.ctx, **kwargs) # allows history garbage collector to start running if hist.gc is not None: hist.gc.wait_for_shell = False def __getattr__(self, attr): """Delegates calls to appropriate shell instance.""" return getattr(, attr) # # style_tools # """Xonsh color styling tools that simulate pygments, when it is unavailable.""" from collections import defaultdict # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.color_tools # amalgamated class _TokenType(tuple): """ Forked from the pygments project Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by the respective authors, All rights reserved. See """ parent = None def split(self): buf = [] node = self while node is not None: buf.append(node) node = node.parent buf.reverse() return buf def __init__(self, *args): # no need to call super.__init__ self.subtypes = set() def __contains__(self, val): return self is val or (type(val) is self.__class__ and val[: len(self)] == self) def __getattr__(self, val): if not val or not val[0].isupper(): return tuple.__getattribute__(self, val) new = _TokenType(self + (val,)) setattr(self, val, new) self.subtypes.add(new) new.parent = self return new def __repr__(self): return "Token" + (self and "." or "") + ".".join(self) def __copy__(self): # These instances are supposed to be singletons return self def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # These instances are supposed to be singletons return self Token = _TokenType() Color = Token.Color def partial_color_tokenize(template): """Tokenizes a template string containing colors. Will return a list of tuples mapping the token to the string which has that color. These sub-strings maybe templates themselves. """ from xonsh.built_ins import XSH if HAS_PYGMENTS and is not None: styles = elif is not None: styles = DEFAULT_STYLE_DICT else: styles = None color = Color.RESET try: toks, color = _partial_color_tokenize_main(template, styles) except Exception: toks = [(Color.RESET, template)] if styles is not None: styles[color] # ensure color is available return toks def _partial_color_tokenize_main(template, styles): bopen = "{" bclose = "}" colon = ":" expl = "!" color = Color.RESET fg = bg = None value = "" toks = [] for literal, field, spec, conv in FORMATTER.parse(template): if field is None: value += literal elif iscolor(field): value += literal next_color, fg, bg = color_by_name(field, fg, bg) if next_color is not color: if len(value) > 0: toks.append((color, value)) if styles is not None: styles[color] # ensure color is available color = next_color value = "" elif field is not None: parts = [literal, bopen, field] if conv is not None and len(conv) > 0: parts.append(expl) parts.append(conv) if spec is not None and len(spec) > 0: parts.append(colon) parts.append(spec) parts.append(bclose) value += "".join(parts) else: value += literal toks.append((color, value)) return toks, color def color_by_name(name, fg=None, bg=None): """Converts a color name to a color token, foreground name, and background name. Will take into consideration current foreground and background colors, if provided. Parameters ---------- name : str Color name. fg : str, optional Foreground color name. bg : str, optional Background color name. Returns ------- tok : Token Pygments Token.Color subclass fg : str or None New computed foreground color name. bg : str or None New computed background color name. """ name = name.upper() if name in ("RESET", "NO_COLOR"): if name == "NO_COLOR": warn_deprecated_no_color() return Color.RESET, None, None m = if m is None: # must be foreground color fg = norm_name(name) else: bg = norm_name(name) # assemble token if fg is None and bg is None: tokname = "RESET" elif fg is None: tokname = bg elif bg is None: tokname = fg else: tokname = fg + "__" + bg tok = getattr(Color, tokname) return tok, fg, bg def norm_name(name): """Normalizes a color name.""" return name.upper().replace("#", "HEX") def style_as_faded(template: str) -> str: """Remove the colors from the template string and style as faded.""" tokens = partial_color_tokenize(template) without_color = "".join([str(sect) for _, sect in tokens]) return "{RESET}{#d3d3d3}" + without_color + "{RESET}" DEFAULT_STYLE_DICT = LazyObject( lambda: defaultdict( lambda: "", { Token: "", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_BLACK: "bg:ansiblack", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_BLUE: "bg:ansiblue", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_CYAN: "bg:ansicyan", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_GREEN: "bg:ansigreen", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_INTENSE_BLACK: "bg:ansibrightblack", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_INTENSE_BLUE: "bg:ansibrightblue", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_INTENSE_CYAN: "bg:ansibrightcyan", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_INTENSE_GREEN: "bg:ansibrightgreen", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_INTENSE_PURPLE: "bg:ansibrightmagenta", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_INTENSE_RED: "bg:ansibrightred", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_INTENSE_WHITE: "bg:ansiwhite", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_INTENSE_YELLOW: "bg:ansibrightyellow", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_PURPLE: "bg:ansimagenta", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_RED: "bg:ansired", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_WHITE: "bg:ansigray", Token.Color.BACKGROUND_YELLOW: "bg:ansiyellow", Token.Color.BLACK: "ansiblack", Token.Color.BLUE: "ansiblue", Token.Color.BOLD_BLACK: "bold ansiblack", Token.Color.BOLD_BLUE: "bold ansiblue", Token.Color.BOLD_CYAN: "bold ansicyan", Token.Color.BOLD_GREEN: "bold ansigreen", Token.Color.BOLD_INTENSE_BLACK: "bold ansibrightblack", Token.Color.BOLD_INTENSE_BLUE: "bold ansibrightblue", Token.Color.BOLD_INTENSE_CYAN: "bold ansibrightcyan", Token.Color.BOLD_INTENSE_GREEN: "bold ansibrightgreen", Token.Color.BOLD_INTENSE_PURPLE: "bold ansibrightmagenta", Token.Color.BOLD_INTENSE_RED: "bold ansibrightred", Token.Color.BOLD_INTENSE_WHITE: "bold ansiwhite", Token.Color.BOLD_INTENSE_YELLOW: "bold ansibrightyellow", Token.Color.BOLD_PURPLE: "bold ansimagenta", Token.Color.BOLD_RED: "bold ansired", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_BLACK: "bold underline ansiblack", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_BLUE: "bold underline ansiblue", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_CYAN: "bold underline ansicyan", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_GREEN: "bold underline ansigreen", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_INTENSE_BLACK: "bold underline ansibrightblack", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_INTENSE_BLUE: "bold underline ansibrightblue", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_INTENSE_CYAN: "bold underline ansibrightcyan", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_INTENSE_GREEN: "bold underline ansibrightgreen", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_INTENSE_PURPLE: "bold underline ansibrightmagenta", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_INTENSE_RED: "bold underline ansibrightred", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_INTENSE_WHITE: "bold underline ansiwhite", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_INTENSE_YELLOW: "bold underline ansibrightyellow", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_PURPLE: "bold underline ansimagenta", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_RED: "bold underline ansired", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_WHITE: "bold underline ansigray", Token.Color.BOLD_UNDERLINE_YELLOW: "bold underline ansiyellow", Token.Color.BOLD_WHITE: "bold ansigray", Token.Color.BOLD_YELLOW: "bold ansiyellow", Token.Color.CYAN: "ansicyan", Token.Color.GREEN: "ansigreen", Token.Color.INTENSE_BLACK: "ansibrightblack", Token.Color.INTENSE_BLUE: "ansibrightblue", Token.Color.INTENSE_CYAN: "ansibrightcyan", Token.Color.INTENSE_GREEN: "ansibrightgreen", Token.Color.INTENSE_PURPLE: "ansibrightmagenta", Token.Color.INTENSE_RED: "ansibrightred", Token.Color.INTENSE_WHITE: "ansiwhite", Token.Color.INTENSE_YELLOW: "ansibrightyellow", Token.Color.RESET: "noinherit", Token.Color.PURPLE: "ansimagenta", Token.Color.RED: "ansired", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_BLACK: "underline ansiblack", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_BLUE: "underline ansiblue", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_CYAN: "underline ansicyan", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_GREEN: "underline ansigreen", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_INTENSE_BLACK: "underline ansibrightblack", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_INTENSE_BLUE: "underline ansibrightblue", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_INTENSE_CYAN: "underline ansibrightcyan", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_INTENSE_GREEN: "underline ansibrightgreen", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_INTENSE_PURPLE: "underline ansibrightmagenta", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_INTENSE_RED: "underline ansibrightred", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_INTENSE_WHITE: "underline ansiwhite", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_INTENSE_YELLOW: "underline ansibrightyellow", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_PURPLE: "underline ansimagenta", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_RED: "underline ansired", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_WHITE: "underline ansigray", Token.Color.UNDERLINE_YELLOW: "underline ansiyellow", Token.Color.WHITE: "ansigray", Token.Color.YELLOW: "ansiyellow", Token.Comment: "underline ansicyan", Token.Comment.Hashbang: "", Token.Comment.Multiline: "", Token.Comment.Preproc: "underline ansiyellow", Token.Comment.PreprocFile: "", Token.Comment.Single: "", Token.Comment.Special: "", Token.Error: "ansibrightred", Token.Escape: "", Token.Generic: "", Token.Generic.Deleted: "ansired", Token.Generic.Emph: "underline", Token.Generic.Error: "bold ansibrightred", Token.Generic.Heading: "bold ansiblue", Token.Generic.Inserted: "ansibrightgreen", Token.Generic.Output: "ansiblue", Token.Generic.Prompt: "bold ansiblue", Token.Generic.Strong: "", Token.Generic.Subheading: "bold ansimagenta", Token.Generic.Traceback: "ansiblue", Token.Keyword: "bold ansigreen", Token.Keyword.Constant: "", Token.Keyword.Declaration: "", Token.Keyword.Namespace: "", Token.Keyword.Pseudo: "nobold", Token.Keyword.Reserved: "", Token.Keyword.Type: "nobold ansired", Token.Literal: "", Token.Literal.Date: "", Token.Literal.Number: "ansibrightblack", Token.Literal.Number.Bin: "", Token.Literal.Number.Float: "", Token.Literal.Number.Hex: "", Token.Literal.Number.Integer: "", Token.Literal.Number.Integer.Long: "", Token.Literal.Number.Oct: "", Token.Literal.String: "ansibrightred", Token.Literal.String.Affix: "", Token.Literal.String.Backtick: "", Token.Literal.String.Char: "", Token.Literal.String.Delimiter: "", Token.Literal.String.Doc: "underline", Token.Literal.String.Double: "", Token.Literal.String.Escape: "bold ansiyellow", Token.Literal.String.Heredoc: "", Token.Literal.String.Interpol: "bold ansimagenta", Token.Literal.String.Other: "ansigreen", Token.Literal.String.Regex: "ansimagenta", Token.Literal.String.Single: "", Token.Literal.String.Symbol: "ansiyellow", Token.Name: "", Token.Name.Attribute: "ansibrightyellow", Token.Name.Builtin: "ansigreen", Token.Name.Builtin.Pseudo: "", Token.Name.Class: "bold ansibrightblue", Token.Name.Constant: "ansired", Token.Name.Decorator: "ansibrightmagenta", Token.Name.Entity: "bold ansigray", Token.Name.Exception: "bold ansibrightred", Token.Name.Function: "ansibrightblue", Token.Name.Function.Magic: "", Token.Name.Label: "ansibrightyellow", Token.Name.Namespace: "bold ansibrightblue", Token.Name.Other: "", Token.Name.Property: "", Token.Name.Tag: "bold ansigreen", Token.Name.Variable: "ansiblue", Token.Name.Variable.Class: "", Token.Name.Variable.Global: "", Token.Name.Variable.Instance: "", Token.Name.Variable.Magic: "", Token.Operator: "ansibrightblack", Token.Operator.Word: "bold ansimagenta", Token.Other: "", Token.Punctuation: "", Token.Text: "", Token.Text.Whitespace: "ansigray", Token.PTK.Aborting: "ansibrightblack", Token.PTK.AutoSuggestion: "ansibrightblack", Token.PTK.CompletionMenu: "bg:ansigray ansiblack", Token.PTK.CompletionMenu.Completion: "", Token.PTK.CompletionMenu.Completion.Current: "bg:ansibrightblack ansiwhite", Token.PTK.Scrollbar.Arrow: "bg:ansiblack ansiwhite bold", Token.PTK.Scrollbar.Background: "bg:ansibrightblack", Token.PTK.Scrollbar.Button: "bg:ansiblack", }, ), globals(), "DEFAULT_STYLE_DICT", ) # # timings # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Timing related functionality for the xonsh shell. The following time_it alias and Timer was forked from the IPython project: * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Fernando Perez <> * Copyright (c) 2001, Janko Hauser <> * Copyright (c) 2001, Nathaniel Gray <> """ # amalgamated os gc = _LazyModule.load('gc', 'gc') # amalgamated sys # amalgamated math # amalgamated time timeit = _LazyModule.load('timeit', 'timeit') # amalgamated itertools # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.platform @lazybool def _HAVE_RESOURCE(): try: import resource as r have = True except ImportError: # There is no distinction of user/system time under windows, so we # just use time.perf_counter() for everything... have = False return have @lazyobject def resource(): import resource as r return r @lazyobject def clocku(): if _HAVE_RESOURCE: def clocku(): """clocku() -> floating point number Return the *USER* CPU time in seconds since the start of the process.""" return resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)[0] else: clocku = time.perf_counter return clocku @lazyobject def clocks(): if _HAVE_RESOURCE: def clocks(): """clocks() -> floating point number Return the *SYSTEM* CPU time in seconds since the start of the process.""" return resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)[1] else: clocks = time.perf_counter return clocks @lazyobject def clock(): if _HAVE_RESOURCE: def clock(): """clock() -> floating point number Return the *TOTAL USER+SYSTEM* CPU time in seconds since the start of the process.""" u, s = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)[:2] return u + s else: clock = time.perf_counter return clock @lazyobject def clock2(): if _HAVE_RESOURCE: def clock2(): """clock2() -> (t_user,t_system) Similar to clock(), but return a tuple of user/system times.""" return resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)[:2] else: def clock2(): """Under windows, system CPU time can't be measured. This just returns perf_counter() and zero.""" return time.perf_counter(), 0.0 return clock2 def format_time(timespan, precision=3): """Formats the timespan in a human readable form""" if timespan >= 60.0: # we have more than a minute, format that in a human readable form parts = [("d", 60 * 60 * 24), ("h", 60 * 60), ("min", 60), ("s", 1)] time = [] leftover = timespan for suffix, length in parts: value = int(leftover / length) if value > 0: leftover = leftover % length time.append("{0}{1}".format(str(value), suffix)) if leftover < 1: break return " ".join(time) # Unfortunately the unicode 'micro' symbol can cause problems in # certain terminals. # See bug: # Try to prevent crashes by being more secure than it needs to # E.g. eclipse is able to print a mu, but has no sys.stdout.encoding set. units = ["s", "ms", "us", "ns"] # the save value if hasattr(sys.stdout, "encoding") and sys.stdout.encoding: try: "\xb5".encode(sys.stdout.encoding) units = ["s", "ms", "\xb5s", "ns"] except Exception: pass scaling = [1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9] if timespan > 0.0: order = min(-int(math.floor(math.log10(timespan)) // 3), 3) else: order = 3 return "{1:.{0}g} {2}".format(precision, timespan * scaling[order], units[order]) class Timer(timeit.Timer): """Timer class that explicitly uses self.inner which is an undocumented implementation detail of CPython, not shared by PyPy. """ # Timer.timeit copied from CPython 3.4.2 def timeit(self, number=timeit.default_number): """Time 'number' executions of the main statement. To be precise, this executes the setup statement once, and then returns the time it takes to execute the main statement a number of times, as a float measured in seconds. The argument is the number of times through the loop, defaulting to one million. The main statement, the setup statement and the timer function to be used are passed to the constructor. """ it = itertools.repeat(None, number) gcold = gc.isenabled() gc.disable() try: timing = self.inner(it, self.timer) finally: if gcold: gc.enable() return timing INNER_TEMPLATE = """ def inner(_it, _timer): #setup _t0 = _timer() for _i in _it: {stmt} _t1 = _timer() return _t1 - _t0 """ def timeit_alias(args, stdin=None): """Runs timing study on arguments.""" # some real args number = 0 quiet = False repeat = 3 precision = 3 # setup ctx = XSH.ctx timer = Timer(timer=clock) stmt = " ".join(args) innerstr = INNER_TEMPLATE.format(stmt=stmt) # Track compilation time so it can be reported if too long # Minimum time above which compilation time will be reported tc_min = 0.1 t0 = clock() innercode = XSH.builtins.compilex( innerstr, filename="<xonsh-timeit>", mode="exec", glbs=ctx ) tc = clock() - t0 # get inner func ns = {} XSH.builtins.execx(innercode, glbs=ctx, locs=ns, mode="exec") timer.inner = ns["inner"] # Check if there is a huge difference between the best and worst timings. worst_tuning = 0 if number == 0: # determine number so that 0.2 <= total time < 2.0 number = 1 for _ in range(1, 10): time_number = timer.timeit(number) worst_tuning = max(worst_tuning, time_number / number) if time_number >= 0.2: break number *= 10 all_runs = timer.repeat(repeat, number) best = min(all_runs) / number # print some debug info if not quiet: worst = max(all_runs) / number if worst_tuning: worst = max(worst, worst_tuning) # Check best timing is greater than zero to avoid a # ZeroDivisionError. # In cases where the slowest timing is less than 10 microseconds # we assume that it does not really matter if the fastest # timing is 4 times faster than the slowest timing or not. if worst > 4 * best and best > 0 and worst > 1e-5: print( ( "The slowest run took {0:0.2f} times longer than the " "fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result " "is being cached." ).format(worst / best) ) print( "{0} loops, best of {1}: {2} per loop".format( number, repeat, format_time(best, precision) ) ) if tc > tc_min: print("Compiler time: {0:.2f} s".format(tc)) return _timings = {"start": clock()} def setup_timings(argv): global _timings if "--timings" in argv: events.doc( "on_timingprobe", """ on_timingprobe(name: str) -> None Fired to insert some timings into the startuptime list """, ) @events.on_timingprobe def timing_on_timingprobe(name, **kw): global _timings _timings[name] = clock() @events.on_post_cmdloop def timing_on_post_cmdloop(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_post_cmdloop"] = clock() @events.on_post_init def timing_on_post_init(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_post_init"] = clock() @events.on_post_rc def timing_on_post_rc(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_post_rc"] = clock() @events.on_postcommand def timing_on_postcommand(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_postcommand"] = clock() @events.on_pre_cmdloop def timing_on_pre_cmdloop(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_pre_cmdloop"] = clock() @events.on_pre_rc def timing_on_pre_rc(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_pre_rc"] = clock() @events.on_precommand def timing_on_precommand(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_precommand"] = clock() @events.on_ptk_create def timing_on_ptk_create(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_ptk_create"] = clock() @events.on_chdir def timing_on_chdir(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_chdir"] = clock() @events.on_pre_prompt_format def timing_on_pre_prompt_format(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_pre_prompt_format"] = clock() @events.on_post_prompt def timing_on_post_prompt(**kw): global _timings _timings = {"on_post_prompt": clock()} @events.on_pre_prompt def timing_on_pre_prompt(**kw): global _timings _timings["on_pre_prompt"] = clock() times = list(_timings.items()) times = sorted(times, key=lambda x: x[1]) width = max(len(s) for s, _ in times) + 2 header_format = "|{{:<{}}}|{{:^11}}|{{:^11}}|".format(width) entry_format = "|{{:<{}}}|{{:^11.3f}}|{{:^11.3f}}|".format(width) sepline = "|{}|{}|{}|".format("-" * width, "-" * 11, "-" * 11) # Print result table print(" Debug level: {}".format(os.getenv("XONSH_DEBUG", "Off"))) print(sepline) print(header_format.format("Event name", "Time (s)", "Delta (s)")) print(sepline) prevtime = tstart = times[0][1] for name, ts in times: print(entry_format.format(name, ts - tstart, ts - prevtime)) prevtime = ts print(sepline) # # xonfig # """The xonsh configuration (xonfig) utility.""" # amalgamated os # amalgamated re # amalgamated ast # amalgamated sys # amalgamated json shutil = _LazyModule.load('shutil', 'shutil') random = _LazyModule.load('random', 'random') pprint = _LazyModule.load('pprint', 'pprint') # amalgamated tempfile # amalgamated textwrap # amalgamated argparse # amalgamated functools # amalgamated itertools # amalgamated contextlib # amalgamated collections # amalgamated typing from xonsh.ply import ply wiz = _LazyModule.load('xonsh', 'xonsh.wizard', 'wiz') from xonsh import __version__ as XONSH_VERSION # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH from xonsh.prompt.base import is_template_string # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.foreign_shells # amalgamated xonsh.xontribs # amalgamated xonsh.xontribs_meta # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd HR = "'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'`-.,_,.-*'" WIZARD_HEAD = """ {{BOLD_WHITE}}Welcome to the xonsh configuration wizard!{{RESET}} {{YELLOW}}------------------------------------------{{RESET}} This will present a guided tour through setting up the xonsh static config file. Xonsh will automatically ask you if you want to run this wizard if the configuration file does not exist. However, you can always rerun this wizard with the xonfig command: $ xonfig wizard This wizard will load an existing configuration, if it is available. Also never fear when this wizard saves its results! It will create a backup of any existing configuration automatically. This wizard has two main phases: foreign shell setup and environment variable setup. Each phase may be skipped in its entirety. For the configuration to take effect, you will need to restart xonsh. {hr} """.format( hr=HR ) WIZARD_FS = """ {hr} {{BOLD_WHITE}}Foreign Shell Setup{{RESET}} {{YELLOW}}-------------------{{RESET}} The xonsh shell has the ability to interface with Bash or zsh via the foreign shell interface. For configuration, this means that xonsh can load the environment, aliases, and functions specified in the config files of these shells. Naturally, these shells must be available on the system to work. Being able to share configuration (and source) from foreign shells makes it easier to transition to and from xonsh. """.format( hr=HR ) WIZARD_ENV = """ {hr} {{BOLD_WHITE}}Environment Variable Setup{{RESET}} {{YELLOW}}--------------------------{{RESET}} The xonsh shell also allows you to setup environment variables from the static configuration file. Any variables set in this way are superseded by the definitions in the xonshrc or on the command line. Still, setting environment variables in this way can help define options that are global to the system or user. The following lists the environment variable name, its documentation, the default value, and the current value. The default and current values are presented as pretty repr strings of their Python types. {{BOLD_GREEN}}Note:{{RESET}} Simply hitting enter for any environment variable will accept the default value for that entry. """.format( hr=HR ) WIZARD_ENV_QUESTION = "Would you like to set env vars now, " + wiz.YN WIZARD_XONTRIB = """ {hr} {{BOLD_WHITE}}Xontribs{{RESET}} {{YELLOW}}--------{{RESET}} No shell is complete without extensions, and xonsh is no exception. Xonsh extensions are called {{BOLD_GREEN}}xontribs{{RESET}}, or xonsh contributions. Xontribs are dynamically loadable, either by importing them directly or by using the 'xontrib' command. However, you can also configure xonsh to load xontribs automatically on startup prior to loading the run control files. This allows the xontrib to be used immediately in your xonshrc files. The following describes all xontribs that have been registered with xonsh. These come from users, 3rd party developers, or xonsh itself! """.format( hr=HR ) WIZARD_XONTRIB_QUESTION = "Would you like to enable xontribs now, " + wiz.YN WIZARD_TAIL = """ Thanks for using the xonsh configuration wizard!""" _XONFIG_SOURCE_FOREIGN_SHELL_COMMAND: tp.Dict[str, str] = collections.defaultdict( lambda: "source-foreign", bash="source-bash", cmd="source-cmd", zsh="source-zsh" ) XONSH_JUPYTER_KERNEL = "xonsh" def _dump_xonfig_foreign_shell(path, value): shell = value["shell"] shell = CANON_SHELL_NAMES.get(shell, shell) cmd = [_XONFIG_SOURCE_FOREIGN_SHELL_COMMAND[shell]] interactive = value.get("interactive", None) if interactive is not None: cmd.extend(["--interactive", str(interactive)]) login = value.get("login", None) if login is not None: cmd.extend(["--login", str(login)]) envcmd = value.get("envcmd", None) if envcmd is not None: cmd.extend(["--envcmd", envcmd]) aliascmd = value.get("aliasmd", None) if aliascmd is not None: cmd.extend(["--aliascmd", aliascmd]) extra_args = value.get("extra_args", None) if extra_args: cmd.extend(["--extra-args", repr(" ".join(extra_args))]) safe = value.get("safe", None) if safe is not None: cmd.extend(["--safe", str(safe)]) prevcmd = value.get("prevcmd", "") if prevcmd: cmd.extend(["--prevcmd", repr(prevcmd)]) postcmd = value.get("postcmd", "") if postcmd: cmd.extend(["--postcmd", repr(postcmd)]) funcscmd = value.get("funcscmd", None) if funcscmd: cmd.extend(["--funcscmd", repr(funcscmd)]) sourcer = value.get("sourcer", None) if sourcer: cmd.extend(["--sourcer", sourcer]) if cmd[0] == "source-foreign": cmd.append(shell) cmd.append('"echo loading xonsh foreign shell"') return " ".join(cmd) def _dump_xonfig_env(path, value): name = os.path.basename(path.rstrip("/")) detyper = XSH.env.get_detyper(name) dval = str(value) if detyper is None else detyper(value) dval = str(value) if dval is None else dval return "${name} = {val!r}".format(name=name, val=dval) def _dump_xonfig_xontribs(path, value): return "xontrib load {0}".format(" ".join(value)) @lazyobject def XONFIG_DUMP_RULES(): return { "/": None, "/env/": None, "/foreign_shells/*/": _dump_xonfig_foreign_shell, "/env/*": _dump_xonfig_env, "/env/*/[0-9]*": None, "/xontribs/": _dump_xonfig_xontribs, } def make_fs_wiz(): """Makes the foreign shell part of the wizard.""" cond = wiz.create_truefalse_cond(prompt="Add a new foreign shell, " + wiz.YN) fs = wiz.While( cond=cond, body=[ wiz.Input("shell name (e.g. bash): ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/shell"), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "interactive shell [bool, default=True]: ", converter=to_bool, show_conversion=True, path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/interactive", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "login shell [bool, default=False]: ", converter=to_bool, show_conversion=True, path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/login", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "env command [str, default='env']: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/envcmd", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "alias command [str, default='alias']: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/aliascmd", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( ("extra command line arguments [list of str, " "default=[]]: "), converter=ast.literal_eval, show_conversion=True, path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/extra_args", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "safely handle exceptions [bool, default=True]: ", converter=to_bool, show_conversion=True, path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/safe", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "pre-command [str, default='']: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/prevcmd" ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "post-command [str, default='']: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/postcmd" ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "foreign function command [str, default=None]: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/funcscmd", ), wiz.StoreNonEmpty( "source command [str, default=None]: ", path="/foreign_shells/{idx}/sourcer", ), wiz.Message(message="Foreign shell added.\n"), ], ) return fs def _wrap_paragraphs(text, width=70, **kwargs): """Wraps paragraphs instead.""" pars = text.split("\n") pars = ["\n".join(textwrap.wrap(p, width=width, **kwargs)) for p in pars] s = "\n".join(pars) return s ENVVAR_MESSAGE = """ {{BOLD_CYAN}}${name}{{RESET}} {docstr} {{RED}}default value:{{RESET}} {default} {{RED}}current value:{{RESET}} {current}""" ENVVAR_PROMPT = "{BOLD_GREEN}>>>{RESET} " def make_exit_message(): """Creates a message for how to exit the wizard.""" shell_type = keyseq = "Ctrl-D" if shell_type == "readline" else "Ctrl-C" msg = "To exit the wizard at any time, press {BOLD_UNDERLINE_CYAN}" msg += keyseq + "{RESET}.\n" m = wiz.Message(message=msg) return m def make_envvar(name): """Makes a StoreNonEmpty node for an environment variable.""" env = XSH.env vd = env.get_docs(name) if not vd.is_configurable: return default = vd.doc_default if "\n" in default: default = "\n" + _wrap_paragraphs(default, width=69) curr = env.get(name) if is_string(curr) and is_template_string(curr): curr = curr.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}") curr = pprint.pformat(curr, width=69) if "\n" in curr: curr = "\n" + curr msg = ENVVAR_MESSAGE.format( name=name, default=default, current=curr, docstr=_wrap_paragraphs(vd.doc, width=69), ) mnode = wiz.Message(message=msg) converter = env.get_converter(name) path = "/env/" + name pnode = wiz.StoreNonEmpty( ENVVAR_PROMPT, converter=converter, show_conversion=True, path=path, retry=True, store_raw=vd.can_store_as_str, ) return mnode, pnode def _make_flat_wiz(kidfunc, *args): kids = map(kidfunc, *args) flatkids = [] for k in kids: if k is None: continue flatkids.extend(k) wizard = wiz.Wizard(children=flatkids) return wizard def make_env_wiz(): """Makes an environment variable wizard.""" w = _make_flat_wiz(make_envvar, sorted(XSH.env.keys())) return w XONTRIB_PROMPT = "{BOLD_GREEN}Add this xontrib{RESET}, " + wiz.YN def _xontrib_path(visitor=None, node=None, val=None): # need this to append only based on user-selected size return ("xontribs", len(visitor.state.get("xontribs", ()))) def make_xontrib(xon_item: tp.Tuple[str, Xontrib]): """Makes a message and StoreNonEmpty node for a xontrib.""" name, xontrib = xon_item name = name or "<unknown-xontrib-name>" msg = "\n{BOLD_CYAN}" + name + "{RESET}\n" if xontrib.url: msg += "{RED}url:{RESET} " + xontrib.url + "\n" if xontrib.package: pkg = xontrib.package msg += "{RED}package:{RESET} " + + "\n" if pkg.url: if xontrib.url and pkg.url != xontrib.url: msg += "{RED}package-url:{RESET} " + pkg.url + "\n" if pkg.license: msg += "{RED}license:{RESET} " + pkg.license + "\n" msg += "{PURPLE}installed?{RESET} " msg += ("no" if find_xontrib(name) is None else "yes") + "\n" msg += _wrap_paragraphs(xontrib.description, width=69) if msg.endswith("\n"): msg = msg[:-1] mnode = wiz.Message(message=msg) convert = lambda x: name if to_bool(x) else wiz.Unstorable pnode = wiz.StoreNonEmpty(XONTRIB_PROMPT, converter=convert, path=_xontrib_path) return mnode, pnode def make_xontribs_wiz(): """Makes a xontrib wizard.""" return _make_flat_wiz(make_xontrib, get_xontribs().items()) def make_xonfig_wizard(default_file=None, confirm=False, no_wizard_file=None): """Makes a configuration wizard for xonsh config file. Parameters ---------- default_file : str, optional Default filename to save and load to. User will still be prompted. confirm : bool, optional Confirm that the main part of the wizard should be run. no_wizard_file : str, optional Filename for that will flag to future runs that the wizard should not be run again. If None (default), this defaults to default_file. """ w = wiz.Wizard( children=[ wiz.Message(message=WIZARD_HEAD), make_exit_message(), wiz.Message(message=WIZARD_FS), make_fs_wiz(), wiz.Message(message=WIZARD_ENV), wiz.YesNo(question=WIZARD_ENV_QUESTION, yes=make_env_wiz(), no=wiz.Pass()), wiz.Message(message=WIZARD_XONTRIB), wiz.YesNo( question=WIZARD_XONTRIB_QUESTION, yes=make_xontribs_wiz(), no=wiz.Pass() ), wiz.Message(message="\n" + HR + "\n"), wiz.FileInserter( prefix="# XONSH WIZARD START", suffix="# XONSH WIZARD END", dump_rules=XONFIG_DUMP_RULES, default_file=default_file, check=True, ), wiz.Message(message=WIZARD_TAIL), ] ) if confirm: q = ( "Would you like to run the xonsh configuration wizard now?\n\n" "1. Yes (You can abort at any time)\n" "2. No, but ask me next time.\n" "3. No, and don't ask me again.\n\n" "1, 2, or 3 [default: 2]? " ) no_wizard_file = default_file if no_wizard_file is None else no_wizard_file passer = wiz.Pass() saver = wiz.SaveJSON( check=False, ask_filename=False, default_file=no_wizard_file ) w = wiz.Question( q, {1: w, 2: passer, 3: saver}, converter=lambda x: int(x) if x != "" else 2 ) return w def _wizard(ns): env = XSH.env shell = xonshrcs = env.get("XONSHRC", []) fname = xonshrcs[-1] if xonshrcs and ns.file is None else ns.file no_wiz = os.path.join(env.get("XONSH_CONFIG_DIR"), "no-wizard") w = make_xonfig_wizard( default_file=fname, confirm=ns.confirm, no_wizard_file=no_wiz ) tempenv = {"PROMPT": "", "XONSH_STORE_STDOUT": False} pv = wiz.PromptVisitor(w, store_in_history=False, multiline=False) @contextlib.contextmanager def force_hide(): if env.get("XONSH_STORE_STDOUT") and hasattr(shell, "_force_hide"): orig, shell._force_hide = shell._force_hide, False yield shell._force_hide = orig else: yield with force_hide(), env.swap(tempenv): try: pv.visit() except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception): print() print_exception() def _xonfig_format_human(data): wcol1 = wcol2 = 0 for key, val in data: wcol1 = max(wcol1, len(key)) if isinstance(val, list): for subval in val: wcol2 = max(wcol2, len(str(subval))) else: wcol2 = max(wcol2, len(str(val))) hr = "+" + ("-" * (wcol1 + 2)) + "+" + ("-" * (wcol2 + 2)) + "+\n" row = "| {key!s:<{wcol1}} | {val!s:<{wcol2}} |\n" s = hr for key, val in data: if isinstance(val, list) and val: for i, subval in enumerate(val): s += row.format( key=f"{key} {i+1}", wcol1=wcol1, val=subval, wcol2=wcol2 ) else: s += row.format(key=key, wcol1=wcol1, val=val, wcol2=wcol2) s += hr return s def _xonfig_format_json(data): data = {k.replace(" ", "_"): v for k, v in data} s = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=1) + "\n" return s def _info(ns): env = XSH.env data = [("xonsh", XONSH_VERSION)] hash_, date_ = githash() if hash_: data.append(("Git SHA", hash_)) data.append(("Commit Date", date_)) data.extend( [ ("Python", "{}.{}.{}".format(*PYTHON_VERSION_INFO)), ("PLY", ply.__version__), ("have readline", is_readline_available()), ("prompt toolkit", ptk_version() or None), ("shell type", env.get("SHELL_TYPE")), ("history backend", env.get("XONSH_HISTORY_BACKEND")), ("pygments", pygments_version()), ("on posix", bool(ON_POSIX)), ("on linux", bool(ON_LINUX)), ] ) if ON_LINUX: data.append(("distro", linux_distro())) data.append(("on wsl", bool(ON_WSL))), data.extend( [ ("on darwin", bool(ON_DARWIN)), ("on windows", bool(ON_WINDOWS)), ("on cygwin", bool(ON_CYGWIN)), ("on msys2", bool(ON_MSYS)), ("is superuser", is_superuser()), ("default encoding", DEFAULT_ENCODING), ("xonsh encoding", env.get("XONSH_ENCODING")), ("encoding errors", env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS")), ] ) jup_ksm = jup_kernel = None try: from jupyter_client.kernelspec import KernelSpecManager jup_ksm = KernelSpecManager() jup_kernel = jup_ksm.find_kernel_specs().get(XONSH_JUPYTER_KERNEL) except Exception: pass data.extend([("on jupyter", jup_ksm is not None), ("jupyter kernel", jup_kernel)]) data.extend([("xontrib", xontribs_loaded())]) formatter = _xonfig_format_json if ns.json else _xonfig_format_human s = formatter(data) return s def _styles(ns): env = XSH.env curr = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") styles = sorted(color_style_names()) if ns.json: s = json.dumps(styles, sort_keys=True, indent=1) print(s) return lines = [] for style in styles: if style == curr: lines.append("* {GREEN}" + style + "{RESET}") else: lines.append(" " + style) s = "\n".join(lines) print_color(s) def _str_colors(cmap, cols): color_names = sorted(cmap.keys(), key=(lambda s: (len(s), s))) grper = lambda s: min(cols // (len(s) + 1), 8) lines = [] for n, group in itertools.groupby(color_names, key=grper): width = cols // n line = "" for i, name in enumerate(group): buf = " " * (width - len(name)) line += "{" + name + "}" + name + "{RESET}" + buf if (i + 1) % n == 0: lines.append(line) line = "" if len(line) != 0: lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines) def _tok_colors(cmap, cols): from xonsh.style_tools import Color nc = Color.RESET names_toks = {} for t in cmap.keys(): name = str(t) if name.startswith("Token.Color."): _, _, name = name.rpartition(".") names_toks[name] = t color_names = sorted(names_toks.keys(), key=(lambda s: (len(s), s))) grper = lambda s: min(cols // (len(s) + 1), 8) toks = [] for n, group in itertools.groupby(color_names, key=grper): width = cols // n for i, name in enumerate(group): toks.append((names_toks[name], name)) buf = " " * (width - len(name)) if (i + 1) % n == 0: buf += "\n" toks.append((nc, buf)) if not toks[-1][1].endswith("\n"): toks[-1] = (nc, toks[-1][1] + "\n") return toks def _colors(args): columns, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size() columns -= int(ON_WINDOWS) style_stash = XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] if is not None: if not in color_style_names(): print("Invalid style: {}".format( return XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] = color_map = color_style() akey = next(iter(color_map)) if isinstance(akey, str): s = _str_colors(color_map, columns) else: s = _tok_colors(color_map, columns) print_color(s) XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] = style_stash def _tutorial(args): import webbrowser"") def _web(args): import subprocess[sys.executable, "-m", "xonsh.webconfig"] + args.orig_args[1:]) def _jupyter_kernel(args): """Make xonsh available as a Jupyter kernel.""" try: from jupyter_client.kernelspec import KernelSpecManager, NoSuchKernel except ImportError as e: raise ImportError("Jupyter not found in current Python environment") from e ksm = KernelSpecManager() root = args.root prefix = args.prefix if args.prefix else sys.prefix user = args.user spec = { "argv": [ sys.executable, "-m", "xonsh.jupyter_kernel", "-f", "{connection_file}", ], "display_name": "Xonsh", "language": "xonsh", "codemirror_mode": "shell", } if root and prefix: # os.path.join isn't used since prefix is probably absolute prefix = root + prefix try: old_jup_kernel = ksm.get_kernel_spec(XONSH_JUPYTER_KERNEL) if not old_jup_kernel.resource_dir.startswith(prefix): print( "Removing existing Jupyter kernel found at {0}".format( old_jup_kernel.resource_dir ) ) ksm.remove_kernel_spec(XONSH_JUPYTER_KERNEL) except NoSuchKernel: pass if sys.platform == "win32": # Ensure that conda-build detects the hard coded prefix spec["argv"][0] = spec["argv"][0].replace(os.sep, os.altsep) prefix = prefix.replace(os.sep, os.altsep) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d: os.chmod(d, 0o755) # Starts off as 700, not user readable with open(os.path.join(d, "kernel.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(spec, f, sort_keys=True) print("Installing Jupyter kernel spec:") print(" root: {0!r}".format(root)) if user: print(" as user: {0}".format(user)) elif root and prefix: print(" combined prefix {0!r}".format(prefix)) else: print(" prefix: {0!r}".format(prefix)) ksm.install_kernel_spec( d, XONSH_JUPYTER_KERNEL, user=user, prefix=(None if user else prefix) ) return 0 @functools.lru_cache(1) def _xonfig_create_parser(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="xonfig", description="Manages xonsh configuration." ) subp = p.add_subparsers(title="action", dest="action") info = subp.add_parser( "info", help=("displays configuration information, " "default action") ) info.add_argument( "--json", action="store_true", default=False, help="reports results as json" ) web = subp.add_parser("web", help="Launch configurator in browser.") web.add_argument( "--no-browser", action="store_false", dest="browser", default=True, help="don't open browser", ) wiz = subp.add_parser("wizard", help="Launch configurator in terminal") wiz.add_argument( "--file", default=None, help="config file location, default=$XONSHRC" ) wiz.add_argument( "--confirm", action="store_true", default=False, help="confirm that the wizard should be run.", ) sty = subp.add_parser("styles", help="prints available xonsh color styles") sty.add_argument( "--json", action="store_true", default=False, help="reports results as json" ) colors = subp.add_parser("colors", help="preview color style") colors.add_argument( "style", nargs="?", default=None, help="style to preview, default: <current>" ) subp.add_parser("tutorial", help="Launch tutorial in browser.") kern = subp.add_parser("jupyter-kernel", help="Generate xonsh kernel for jupyter.") kern.add_argument( "--user", action="store_true", default=False, help="Install kernel spec in user config directory.", ) kern.add_argument( "--root", default=None, help="Install relative to this alternate root directory.", ) kern.add_argument( "--prefix", default=None, help="Installation prefix for bin, lib, etc." ) return p XONFIG_MAIN_ACTIONS = { "info": _info, "web": _web, "wizard": _wizard, "styles": _styles, "colors": _colors, "tutorial": _tutorial, "jupyter-kernel": _jupyter_kernel, } def xonfig_main(args=None): """Main xonfig entry point.""" if not args or ( args[0] not in XONFIG_MAIN_ACTIONS and args[0] not in {"-h", "--help"} ): args.insert(0, "info") parser = _xonfig_create_parser() ns = parser.parse_args(args) ns.orig_args = args if ns.action is None: # apply default action ns = parser.parse_args(["info"] + args) return XONFIG_MAIN_ACTIONS[ns.action](ns) @lazyobject def STRIP_COLOR_RE(): return re.compile("{.*?}") def _align_string(string, align="<", fill=" ", width=80): """Align and pad a color formatted string""" linelen = len(STRIP_COLOR_RE.sub("", string)) padlen = max(width - linelen, 0) if align == "^": return fill * (padlen // 2) + string + fill * (padlen // 2 + padlen % 2) elif align == ">": return fill * padlen + string elif align == "<": return string + fill * padlen else: return string @lazyobject def TAGLINES(): return [ "Exofrills in the shell", "No frills in the shell", "Become the Lord of the Files", "Break out of your shell", "The only shell that is also a shell", "All that is and all that shell be", "It cannot be that hard", "Pass the xonsh, Piggy", "Piggy glanced nervously into hell and cradled the xonsh", "The xonsh is a symbol", "It is pronounced conch", "Snailed it", "Starfish loves you", "Come snail away", "This is Major Tom to Ground Xonshtrol", "Sally sells csh and keeps xonsh to herself", "Nice indeed. Everything's accounted for, except your old shell.", "I wanna thank you for putting me back in my snail shell", "Crustaceanly Yours", "With great shell comes great reproducibility", "None shell pass", "You shell not pass!", "The x-on shell", "Ever wonder why there isn't a Taco Shell? Because it is a corny idea.", "The carcolh will catch you!", "People xonshtantly mispronounce these things", " your favorite shell?", "Conches for the xonsh god!", "Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell", "Tab completion in Alderaan places", "This fix was trickier than expected", ] # list of strings or tuples (string, align, fill) WELCOME_MSG = [ "", ("Welcome to the xonsh shell {version}", "^", " "), "", ("{{INTENSE_RED}}~{{RESET}} {tagline} {{INTENSE_RED}}~{{RESET}}", "^", " "), "", ("{{INTENSE_BLACK}}", "<", "-"), "", ( "{{INTENSE_BLACK}}Create ~/.xonshrc file manually or use xonfig to suppress the welcome message", "^", " ", ), "", "{{INTENSE_BLACK}}Start from commands:", " {{GREEN}}xonfig{{RESET}} web {{INTENSE_BLACK}}# Run the configuration tool in the browser to create ~/.xonshrc {{RESET}}", " {{GREEN}}xonfig{{RESET}} tutorial {{INTENSE_BLACK}}# Open the xonsh tutorial in the browser{{RESET}}", "[SHELL_TYPE_WARNING]", "", ("{{INTENSE_BLACK}}", "<", "-"), "", ] def print_welcome_screen(): shell_type = XSH.env.get("SHELL_TYPE") subst = dict(tagline=random.choice(list(TAGLINES)), version=XONSH_VERSION) for elem in WELCOME_MSG: if elem == "[SHELL_TYPE_WARNING]": if shell_type != "prompt_toolkit": print_color( f"\n{{INTENSE_BLACK}}You are currently using the {shell_type} backend. " f"For interactive tab-completion, on-the-fly syntax highlighting, and more, install prompt_toolkit by running:\n\n" f" {{GREEN}}xpip{{RESET}} install -U 'xonsh[full]'" ) continue if isinstance(elem, str): elem = (elem, "", "") line = elem[0].format(**subst) termwidth = os.get_terminal_size().columns line = _align_string(line, elem[1], elem[2], width=termwidth) print_color(line) print_color("{RESET}", end="") # # base_shell # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """The base class for xonsh shell""" # amalgamated io # amalgamated os # amalgamated sys # amalgamated time # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated xonsh.codecache # amalgamated xonsh.completer from xonsh.prompt.base import multiline_prompt, PromptFormatter # amalgamated # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.lazyimps # amalgamated xonsh.ansi_colors if ON_WINDOWS: import ctypes kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 # type:ignore kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar_p] class _TeeStdBuf(io.RawIOBase): """A dispatcher for bytes to two buffers, as std stream buffer and an in memory buffer. """ def __init__( self, stdbuf, membuf, encoding=None, errors=None, prestd=b"", poststd=b"" ): """ Parameters ---------- stdbuf : BytesIO-like or StringIO-like The std stream buffer. membuf : BytesIO-like The in memory stream buffer. encoding : str or None, optional The encoding of the stream. Only used if stdbuf is a text stream, rather than a binary one. Defaults to $XONSH_ENCODING if None. errors : str or None, optional The error form for the encoding of the stream. Only used if stdbuf is a text stream, rather than a binary one. Deafults to $XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS if None. prestd : bytes, optional The prefix to prepend to the standard buffer. poststd : bytes, optional The postfix to append to the standard buffer. """ self.stdbuf = stdbuf self.membuf = membuf env = XSH.env self.encoding = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING") if encoding is None else encoding self.errors = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS") if errors is None else errors self.prestd = prestd self.poststd = poststd self._std_is_binary = (not hasattr(stdbuf, "encoding")) or hasattr( stdbuf, "_redirect_to" ) # VS Code terminal window - has encoding attr but won't accept str def fileno(self): """Returns the file descriptor of the std buffer.""" return self.stdbuf.fileno() def seek(self, offset, whence=io.SEEK_SET): """Sets the location in both the stdbuf and the membuf.""", whence), whence) def truncate(self, size=None): """Truncate both buffers.""" self.stdbuf.truncate(size) self.membuf.truncate(size) def readinto(self, b): """Read bytes into buffer from both streams.""" if self._std_is_binary: self.stdbuf.readinto(b) return self.membuf.readinto(b) def write(self, b): """Write bytes into both buffers.""" std_b = b if self.prestd: std_b = self.prestd + b if self.poststd: std_b += self.poststd # write to stdbuf if self._std_is_binary: self.stdbuf.write(std_b) else: self.stdbuf.write(std_b.decode(encoding=self.encoding, errors=self.errors)) return self.membuf.write(b) class _TeeStd(io.TextIOBase): """Tees a std stream into an in-memory container and the original stream.""" def __init__(self, name, mem, prestd="", poststd=""): """ Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the buffer in the sys module, e.g. 'stdout'. mem : io.TextIOBase-like The in-memory text-based representation. prestd : str, optional The prefix to prepend to the standard stream. poststd : str, optional The postfix to append to the standard stream. """ self._name = name self.std = std = getattr(sys, name) self.mem = mem self.prestd = prestd self.poststd = poststd preb = prestd.encode(encoding=mem.encoding, errors=mem.errors) postb = poststd.encode(encoding=mem.encoding, errors=mem.errors) if hasattr(std, "buffer"): buffer = _TeeStdBuf(std.buffer, mem.buffer, prestd=preb, poststd=postb) else: # TextIO does not have buffer as part of the API, so std streams # may not either. buffer = _TeeStdBuf( std, mem.buffer, encoding=mem.encoding, errors=mem.errors, prestd=preb, poststd=postb, ) self.buffer = buffer setattr(sys, name, self) @property def encoding(self): """The encoding of the in-memory buffer.""" return self.mem.encoding @property def errors(self): """The errors of the in-memory buffer.""" return self.mem.errors @property def newlines(self): """The newlines of the in-memory buffer.""" return self.mem.newlines def _replace_std(self): std = self.std if std is None: return setattr(sys, self._name, std) self.std = self._name = None def __del__(self): self._replace_std() def close(self): """Restores the original std stream.""" self._replace_std() def write(self, s): """Writes data to the original std stream and the in-memory object.""" self.mem.write(s) if self.std is None: return std_s = s if self.prestd: std_s = self.prestd + std_s if self.poststd: std_s += self.poststd self.std.write(std_s) def flush(self): """Flushes both the original stdout and the buffer.""" self.std.flush() self.mem.flush() def fileno(self): """Tunnel fileno() calls to the std stream.""" return self.std.fileno() def seek(self, offset, whence=io.SEEK_SET): """Seek to a location in both streams.""", whence), whence) def truncate(self, size=None): """Seek to a location in both streams.""" self.std.truncate(size) self.mem.truncate(size) def detach(self): """This operation is not supported.""" raise io.UnsupportedOperation def read(self, size=None): """Read from the in-memory stream and seek to a new location in the std stream. """ s = loc = self.std.tell() + len(s)) return s def readline(self, size=-1): """Read a line from the in-memory stream and seek to a new location in the std stream. """ s = self.mem.readline(size) loc = self.std.tell() + len(s)) return s def isatty(self) -> bool: """delegate the method to the underlying io-wrapper""" if self.std: # it happens to be reset sometimes return self.std.isatty() return super().isatty() class Tee: """Class that merges tee'd stdout and stderr into a single stream. This represents what a user would actually see on the command line. This class has the same interface as io.TextIOWrapper, except that the buffer is optional. """ # pylint is a stupid about counting public methods when using inheritance. # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__( self, buffer=None, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, line_buffering=False, write_through=False, ): self.buffer = io.BytesIO() if buffer is None else buffer self.memory = io.TextIOWrapper( self.buffer, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline, line_buffering=line_buffering, write_through=write_through, ) self.stdout = _TeeStd("stdout", self.memory) env = XSH.env prestderr = format_std_prepost(env.get("XONSH_STDERR_PREFIX")) poststderr = format_std_prepost(env.get("XONSH_STDERR_POSTFIX")) self.stderr = _TeeStd( "stderr", self.memory, prestd=prestderr, poststd=poststderr ) @property def line_buffering(self): return self.memory.line_buffering def __del__(self): del self.stdout, self.stderr self.stdout = self.stderr = None def close(self): """Closes the buffer as well as the stdout and stderr tees.""" self.stdout.close() self.stderr.close() self.memory.close() def getvalue(self): """Gets the current contents of the in-memory buffer.""" m = self.memory loc = m.tell() s = return s class BaseShell(object): """The xonsh shell.""" def __init__(self, execer, ctx, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.execer = execer self.ctx = ctx self.completer = Completer() if kwargs.get("completer", True) else None self.buffer = [] self.need_more_lines = False self.src_starts_with_space = False self.mlprompt = None self._styler = DefaultNotGiven self.prompt_formatter = PromptFormatter() self.accumulated_inputs = "" self.precwd = ( None # The current working directory just before execution of the line ) @property def styler(self): if self._styler is DefaultNotGiven: if HAS_PYGMENTS: from xonsh.pyghooks import XonshStyle env = XSH.env self._styler = XonshStyle(env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE")) else: self._styler = None return self._styler @styler.setter def styler(self, value): self._styler = value @styler.deleter def styler(self): self._styler = DefaultNotGiven def emptyline(self): """Called when an empty line has been entered.""" self.need_more_lines = False self.default("") def singleline(self, **kwargs): """Reads a single line of input from the shell.""" msg = "{0} has not implemented singleline()." raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.__class__.__name__)) def precmd(self, line): """Called just before execution of line.""" self.precwd = os.getcwd() return line if self.need_more_lines else line.lstrip() def default(self, line, raw_line=None): """Implements code execution.""" line = line if line.endswith("\n") else line + "\n" if not self.need_more_lines: # this is the first line if not raw_line: self.src_starts_with_space = False else: self.src_starts_with_space = raw_line[0].isspace() src, code = self.push(line) if code is None: return env = XSH.env hist = XSH.history # pylint: disable=no-member ts1 = None enc = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING") err = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS") tee = Tee(encoding=enc, errors=err) ts0 = time.time() try: run_compiled_code(code, self.ctx, None, "single") ts1 = time.time() if hist is not None and hist.last_cmd_rtn is None: hist.last_cmd_rtn = 0 # returncode for success except XonshError as e: print(e.args[0], file=sys.stderr) if hist is not None and hist.last_cmd_rtn is None: hist.last_cmd_rtn = 1 # return code for failure except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_exception() if hist is not None and hist.last_cmd_rtn is None: hist.last_cmd_rtn = 1 # return code for failure finally: ts1 = ts1 or time.time() tee_out = tee.getvalue() self._append_history( inp=src, ts=[ts0, ts1], spc=self.src_starts_with_space, tee_out=tee_out, cwd=self.precwd, ) self.accumulated_inputs += src if ( tee_out and env.get("XONSH_APPEND_NEWLINE") and not tee_out.endswith(os.linesep) ): print(os.linesep, end="") tee.close() self._fix_cwd() if XSH.exit: # pylint: disable=no-member return True def _append_history(self, tee_out=None, **info): """Append information about the command to the history. This also handles on_postcommand because this is the place where all the information is available. """ hist = XSH.history # pylint: disable=no-member info["rtn"] = hist.last_cmd_rtn if hist is not None else None tee_out = tee_out or None last_out = hist.last_cmd_out if hist is not None else None if last_out is None and tee_out is None: pass elif last_out is None and tee_out is not None: info["out"] = tee_out elif last_out is not None and tee_out is None: info["out"] = last_out else: info["out"] = tee_out + "\n" + last_out cmd=info["inp"], rtn=info["rtn"], out=info.get("out", None), ts=info["ts"] ) if hist is not None: hist.append(info) hist.last_cmd_rtn = hist.last_cmd_out = None def _fix_cwd(self): """Check if the cwd changed out from under us.""" env = XSH.env try: cwd = os.getcwd() except OSError: cwd = None if cwd is None: # directory has been deleted out from under us, most likely pwd = env.get("PWD", None) if pwd is None: # we have no idea where we are env["PWD"] = "<invalid directory>" elif os.path.isdir(pwd): # unclear why os.getcwd() failed. do nothing. pass else: # OK PWD is really gone. msg = "{UNDERLINE_INTENSE_WHITE}{BACKGROUND_INTENSE_BLACK}" msg += "xonsh: working directory does not exist: " + pwd msg += "{RESET}" self.print_color(msg, file=sys.stderr) elif "PWD" not in env: # $PWD is missing from env, recreate it env["PWD"] = cwd elif os.path.realpath(cwd) != os.path.realpath(env["PWD"]): # The working directory has changed without updating $PWD, fix this old = env["PWD"] env["PWD"] = cwd env["OLDPWD"] = old, newdir=cwd) def push(self, line): """Pushes a line onto the buffer and compiles the code in a way that enables multiline input. """ self.buffer.append(line) if self.need_more_lines: return None, None src = "".join(self.buffer) src = transform_command(src) return self.compile(src) def compile(self, src): """Compiles source code and returns the (possibly modified) source and a valid code object. """ _cache = should_use_cache(self.execer, "single") if _cache: codefname = code_cache_name(src) cachefname = get_cache_filename(codefname, code=True) usecache, code = code_cache_check(cachefname) if usecache: self.reset_buffer() return src, code lincont = get_line_continuation() if src.endswith(lincont + "\n"): self.need_more_lines = True return src, None try: code = self.execer.compile(src, mode="single", glbs=self.ctx, locs=None) if _cache: update_cache(code, cachefname) self.reset_buffer() except SyntaxError: partial_string_info = check_for_partial_string(src) in_partial_string = ( partial_string_info[0] is not None and partial_string_info[1] is None ) if (src == "\n" or src.endswith("\n\n")) and not in_partial_string: self.reset_buffer() print_exception() return src, None self.need_more_lines = True code = None except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.reset_buffer() print_exception() code = None return src, code def reset_buffer(self): """Resets the line buffer.""" self.buffer.clear() self.need_more_lines = False self.mlprompt = None def settitle(self): """Sets terminal title.""" env = XSH.env # pylint: disable=no-member term = env.get("TERM", None) # Shells running in emacs sets TERM to "dumb" or "eterm-color". # Do not set title for these to avoid garbled prompt. if (term is None and not ON_WINDOWS) or term in [ "dumb", "eterm-color", "linux", ]: return t = env.get("TITLE") if t is None: return t = self.prompt_formatter(t) if ON_WINDOWS and "ANSICON" not in env: kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW(t) else: with open(1, "wb", closefd=False) as f: # prevent xonsh from answering interactive questions # on the next command by writing the title f.write("\x1b]0;{0}\x07".format(t).encode()) f.flush() @property def prompt(self): """Obtains the current prompt string.""" if self.need_more_lines: if self.mlprompt is None: try: self.mlprompt = multiline_prompt() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_exception() self.mlprompt = "<multiline prompt error> " return self.mlprompt env = XSH.env # pylint: disable=no-member p = env.get("PROMPT") try: p = self.prompt_formatter(p) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_exception() self.settitle() return p def format_color(self, string, hide=False, force_string=False, **kwargs): """Formats the colors in a string. ``BaseShell``'s default implementation of this method uses colors based on ANSI color codes. """ style = XSH.env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") return ansi_partial_color_format(string, hide=hide, style=style) def print_color(self, string, hide=False, **kwargs): """Prints a string in color. This base implementation's colors are based on ANSI color codes if a string was given as input. If a list of token pairs is given, it will color based on pygments, if available. If pygments is not available, it will print a colorless string. """ if isinstance(string, str): s = self.format_color(string, hide=hide) elif HAS_PYGMENTS: # assume this is a list of (Token, str) tuples and format it env = XSH.env self.styler.style_name = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") style_proxy = pyghooks.xonsh_style_proxy(self.styler) formatter = pyghooks.XonshTerminal256Formatter(style=style_proxy) s = pygments.format(string, formatter).rstrip() else: # assume this is a list of (Token, str) tuples and remove color s = "".join([x for _, x in string]) print(s, **kwargs) def color_style_names(self): """Returns an iterable of all available style names.""" return () def color_style(self): """Returns the current color map.""" return {} def restore_tty_sanity(self): """An interface for resetting the TTY stdin mode. This is highly dependent on the shell backend. Also it is mostly optional since it only affects ^Z backgrounding behaviour. """ pass # # environ # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Environment for the xonsh shell.""" # amalgamated os # amalgamated re # amalgamated sys # amalgamated pprint # amalgamated textwrap locale = _LazyModule.load('locale', 'locale') # amalgamated glob # amalgamated warnings # amalgamated contextlib # amalgamated # amalgamated subprocess # amalgamated platform # amalgamated typing from xonsh import __version__ as XONSH_VERSION # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.codecache # amalgamated xonsh.dirstack # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.ansi_colors prompt = _LazyModule.load('xonsh', 'xonsh.prompt.base', 'prompt') from xonsh.prompt.gitstatus import _DEFS as GITSTATUS_FIELD_DEFS events.doc( "on_envvar_new", """ on_envvar_new(name: str, value: Any) -> None Fires after a new environment variable is created. Note: Setting envvars inside the handler might cause a recursion until the limit. """, ) events.doc( "on_envvar_change", """ on_envvar_change(name: str, oldvalue: Any, newvalue: Any) -> None Fires after an environment variable is changed. Note: Setting envvars inside the handler might cause a recursion until the limit. """, ) events.doc( "on_pre_spec_run_ls", """ on_pre_spec_run_ls(spec: xonsh.built_ins.SubprocSpec) -> None Fires right before a is called for the ls command. """, ) events.doc( "on_lscolors_change", """ on_lscolors_change(key: str, oldvalue: Any, newvalue: Any) -> None Fires after a value in LS_COLORS changes, when a new key is added (oldvalue is None) or when an existing key is deleted (newvalue is None). LS_COLORS values must be (ANSI color) strings, None is unambiguous. Does not fire when the whole environment variable changes (see on_envvar_change). Does not fire for each value when LS_COLORS is first instantiated. Normal usage is to arm the event handler, then read (not modify) all existing values. """, ) @lazyobject def HELP_TEMPLATE(): return ( "{{INTENSE_RED}}{envvar}{{RESET}}:\n\n" "{{INTENSE_YELLOW}}{docstr}{{RESET}}\n\n" "default: {{CYAN}}{default}{{RESET}}\n" "configurable: {{CYAN}}{configurable}{{RESET}}" ) @lazyobject def LOCALE_CATS(): lc = { "LC_CTYPE": locale.LC_CTYPE, "LC_COLLATE": locale.LC_COLLATE, "LC_NUMERIC": locale.LC_NUMERIC, "LC_MONETARY": locale.LC_MONETARY, "LC_TIME": locale.LC_TIME, } if hasattr(locale, "LC_MESSAGES"): lc["LC_MESSAGES"] = locale.LC_MESSAGES return lc def locale_convert(key): """Creates a converter for a locale key.""" def lc_converter(val): try: locale.setlocale(LOCALE_CATS[key], val) val = locale.setlocale(LOCALE_CATS[key]) except (locale.Error, KeyError): msg = "Failed to set locale {0!r} to {1!r}".format(key, val) warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) return val return lc_converter def to_debug(x): """Converts value using to_bool_or_int() and sets this value on as the execer's debug level. """ val = to_bool_or_int(x) if XSH.execer is not None: XSH.execer.debug_level = val return val # # $LS_COLORS tools # class LsColors(cabc.MutableMapping): """Helps convert to/from $LS_COLORS format, respecting the xonsh color style. This accepts the same inputs as dict(). The special value ``target`` is replaced by no color, but sets a flag for cognizant application (see is_target()). """ default_settings = { "*.7z": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.Z": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.aac": ("CYAN",), "*.ace": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.alz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.arc": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.arj": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.asf": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.au": ("CYAN",), "*.avi": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.bmp": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.bz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.bz2": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.cab": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.cgm": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.cpio": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.deb": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.dl": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.dwm": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.dz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.ear": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.emf": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.esd": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.flac": ("CYAN",), "*.flc": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.fli": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.flv": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.gif": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.gl": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.gz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.jar": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.jpeg": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.jpg": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.lha": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.lrz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.lz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.lz4": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.lzh": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.lzma": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.lzo": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.m2v": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.m4a": ("CYAN",), "*.m4v": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.mid": ("CYAN",), "*.midi": ("CYAN",), "*.mjpeg": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.mjpg": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.mka": ("CYAN",), "*.mkv": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.mng": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.mov": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.mp3": ("CYAN",), "*.mp4": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.mp4v": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.mpc": ("CYAN",), "*.mpeg": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.mpg": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.nuv": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.oga": ("CYAN",), "*.ogg": ("CYAN",), "*.ogm": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.ogv": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.ogx": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.opus": ("CYAN",), "*.pbm": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.pcx": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.pgm": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.png": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.ppm": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.qt": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.ra": ("CYAN",), "*.rar": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.rm": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.rmvb": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.rpm": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.rz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.sar": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.spx": ("CYAN",), "*.svg": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.svgz": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.swm": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.t7z": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.tar": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.taz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.tbz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.tbz2": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.tga": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.tgz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.tif": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.tiff": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.tlz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.txz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.tz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.tzo": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.tzst": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.vob": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.war": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.wav": ("CYAN",), "*.webm": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.wim": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.wmv": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.xbm": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.xcf": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.xpm": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.xspf": ("CYAN",), "*.xwd": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.xz": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.yuv": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "*.z": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.zip": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.zoo": ("BOLD_RED",), "*.zst": ("BOLD_RED",), "bd": ("BACKGROUND_BLACK", "YELLOW"), "ca": ("BLACK", "BACKGROUND_RED"), "cd": ("BACKGROUND_BLACK", "YELLOW"), "di": ("BOLD_BLUE",), "do": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "ex": ("BOLD_GREEN",), "fi": ("RESET",), "ln": ("BOLD_CYAN",), "mh": ("RESET",), "mi": ("RESET",), "or": ("BACKGROUND_BLACK", "RED"), "ow": ("BLUE", "BACKGROUND_GREEN"), "pi": ("BACKGROUND_BLACK", "YELLOW"), "rs": ("RESET",), "sg": ("BLACK", "BACKGROUND_YELLOW"), "so": ("BOLD_PURPLE",), "st": ("WHITE", "BACKGROUND_BLUE"), "su": ("WHITE", "BACKGROUND_RED"), "tw": ("BLACK", "BACKGROUND_GREEN"), } target_value = "target" # special value to set for ln=target target_color = ("RESET",) # repres in color space def __init__(self, ini_dict: dict = None): self._style = self._style_name = None self._detyped = None self._d = dict() self._targets = set() if ini_dict: for key, value in ini_dict.items(): if value == LsColors.target_value: self._targets.add(key) value = LsColors.target_color self._d[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self._d[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._detyped = None old_value = self._d.get(key, None) self._targets.discard(key) if value == LsColors.target_value: value = LsColors.target_color self._targets.add(key) self._d[key] = value if ( old_value != value ): # bug won't fire if new value is 'target' and old value happened to be no color., oldvalue=old_value, newvalue=value) def __delitem__(self, key): self._detyped = None old_value = self._d.get(key, None) self._targets.discard(key) del self._d[key], oldvalue=old_value, newvalue=None) def __len__(self): return len(self._d) def __iter__(self): yield from self._d def __str__(self): return str(self._d) def __repr__(self): return "{0}.{1}(...)".format(self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) _repr_pretty_ = to_repr_pretty_ def is_target(self, key) -> bool: """Return True if key is 'target'""" return key in self._targets def detype(self): """De-types the instance, allowing it to be exported to the environment.""" style = if self._detyped is None: self._detyped = ":".join( [ key + "=" + ";".join( [ LsColors.target_value if key in self._targets else ansi_color_name_to_escape_code(v, cmap=style) for v in val ] ) for key, val in sorted(self._d.items()) ] ) return self._detyped @property def style_name(self): """Current XONSH_COLOR_STYLE value""" env = getattr(XSH, "env", {}) env_style_name = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE", "default") if self._style_name is None or self._style_name != env_style_name: self._style_name = env_style_name self._style = self._detyped = None return self._style_name @property def style(self): """The ANSI color style for the current XONSH_COLOR_STYLE""" style_name = self.style_name if self._style is None: self._style = ansi_style_by_name(style_name) self._detyped = None return self._style @classmethod def fromstring(cls, s): """Creates a new instance of the LsColors class from a colon-separated string of dircolor-valid keys to ANSI color escape sequences. """ ini_dict = dict() # string inputs always use default codes, so translating into # xonsh names should be done from defaults reversed_default = ansi_reverse_style(style="default") for item in s.split(":"): key, eq, esc = item.partition("=") if not eq: # not a valid item pass elif esc == LsColors.target_value: # really only for 'ln' ini_dict[key] = esc else: try: ini_dict[key] = ansi_color_escape_code_to_name( esc, "default", reversed_style=reversed_default ) except Exception as e: print("xonsh:warning:" + str(e), file=sys.stderr) ini_dict[key] = ("RESET",) return cls(ini_dict) @classmethod def fromdircolors(cls, filename=None): """Constructs an LsColors instance by running dircolors. If a filename is provided, it is passed down to the dircolors command. """ # assemble command cmd = ["dircolors", "-b"] if filename is not None: cmd.append(filename) # get env if XSH.env: denv = XSH.env.detype() else: denv = None # run dircolors try: out = subprocess.check_output( cmd, env=denv, universal_newlines=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): return cls(cls.default_settings) s = out.splitlines()[0] _, _, s = s.partition("'") s, _, _ = s.rpartition("'") return cls.fromstring(s) @classmethod def convert(cls, x): """Converts an object to LsColors, if needed.""" if isinstance(x, cls): return x elif isinstance(x, str): return cls.fromstring(x) elif isinstance(x, bytes): return cls.fromstring(x.decode()) else: return cls(x) def is_lscolors(x): """Checks if an object is an instance of LsColors""" return isinstance(x, LsColors) @events.on_pre_spec_run_ls def ensure_ls_colors_in_env(spec=None, **kwargs): """This ensures that the $LS_COLORS environment variable is in the environment. This fires exactly once upon the first time the ls command is called. """ env = XSH.env if "LS_COLORS" not in env._d: # this adds it to the env too default_lscolors(env) events.on_pre_spec_run_ls.discard(ensure_ls_colors_in_env) # # Ensurers # # we use this as a registry of common ensurers; valuable for user interface ENSURERS = { "bool": (is_bool, to_bool, bool_to_str), "str": (is_string, ensure_string, ensure_string), "path": (is_path, str_to_path, path_to_str), "env_path": (is_env_path, str_to_env_path, env_path_to_str), "float": (is_float, float, str), "int": (is_int, int, str), } # # Defaults # def default_value(f): """Decorator for making callable default values.""" f._xonsh_callable_default = True return f def is_callable_default(x): """Checks if a value is a callable default.""" return callable(x) and getattr(x, "_xonsh_callable_default", False) DEFAULT_TITLE = "{current_job:{} | }{user}@{hostname}: {cwd} | xonsh" @default_value def xonsh_data_dir(env): """Ensures and returns the $XONSH_DATA_DIR""" xdd = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(env.get("XDG_DATA_HOME"), "xonsh")) os.makedirs(xdd, exist_ok=True) return xdd @default_value def xonsh_config_dir(env): """Ensures and returns the $XONSH_CONFIG_DIR""" xcd = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(env.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"), "xonsh")) os.makedirs(xcd, exist_ok=True) return xcd def xonshconfig(env): """Ensures and returns the $XONSHCONFIG""" xcd = env.get("XONSH_CONFIG_DIR") xc = os.path.join(xcd, "config.json") return xc @default_value def default_xonshrc(env): """Creates a new instance of the default xonshrc tuple.""" xcdrc = os.path.join(xonsh_config_dir(env), "rc.xsh") if ON_WINDOWS: dxrc = ( os.path.join(os_environ["ALLUSERSPROFILE"], "xonsh", "xonshrc"), xcdrc, os.path.expanduser("~/.xonshrc"), ) else: dxrc = ("/etc/xonshrc", xcdrc, os.path.expanduser("~/.xonshrc")) # Check if old config file exists and issue warning old_config_filename = xonshconfig(env) if os.path.isfile(old_config_filename): print( "WARNING! old style configuration (" + old_config_filename + ") is no longer supported. " + "Please migrate to xonshrc." ) return dxrc @default_value def default_xonshrcdir(env): xdgrcd = os.path.join(xonsh_config_dir(env), "rc.d") if ON_WINDOWS: return (os.path.join(os_environ["ALLUSERSPROFILE"], "xonsh", "rc.d"), xdgrcd) else: return ("/etc/xonsh/rc.d", xdgrcd) @default_value def xonsh_append_newline(env): """Appends a newline if we are in interactive mode""" return env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE", False) @default_value def default_lscolors(env): """Gets a default instanse of LsColors""" inherited_lscolors = os_environ.get("LS_COLORS", None) if inherited_lscolors is None: lsc = LsColors.fromdircolors() else: lsc = LsColors.fromstring(inherited_lscolors) # have to place this in the env, so it is applied env["LS_COLORS"] = lsc return lsc VarKeyType = tp.Union[str, tp.Pattern] class Var(tp.NamedTuple): """Named tuples whose elements represent environment variable validation, conversion, detyping; default values; and documentation. Attributes ---------- validate : func Validator function returning a bool; checks that the variable is of the expected type. convert : func Function to convert variable from a string representation to its type. detype : func Function to convert variable from its type to a string representation. default Default value for variable. If set to DefaultNotGiven, raise KeyError instead of returning this default value. Used for env vars defined outside of Xonsh. doc : str, optional The environment variable docstring. doc_default : str, optional Custom docstring for the default value for complex defaults. is_configurable : bool, optional Flag for whether the environment variable is configurable or not. can_store_as_str : bool, optional Flag for whether the environment variable should be stored as a string. This is used when persisting a variable that is not JSON serializable to the config file. For example, sets, frozensets, and potentially other non-trivial data types. default, False. pattern a regex pattern to match for the given variable """ validate: tp.Optional[tp.Callable] = always_true convert: tp.Optional[tp.Callable] = None detype: tp.Optional[tp.Callable] = ensure_string default: tp.Any = DefaultNotGiven doc: str = "" is_configurable: tp.Union[bool, LazyBool] = True doc_default: tp.Union[str, DefaultNotGivenType] = DefaultNotGiven can_store_as_str: bool = False pattern: tp.Optional[VarKeyType] = None @classmethod def with_default( cls, default: object, doc: str = "", doc_default: tp.Union[str, DefaultNotGivenType] = DefaultNotGiven, type_str: str = "", **kwargs, ): """fill arguments from the value of default""" if not type_str: cls_name = type(default).__name__ type_str = {"LazyBool": "bool"}.get(cls_name, cls_name) if type_str in ENSURERS and "validate" not in kwargs: validator, convertor, detyper = ENSURERS[type_str] kwargs.update( {"validate": validator, "convert": convertor, "detype": detyper} ) return Var(default=default, doc=doc, doc_default=doc_default, **kwargs) @classmethod def no_default(cls, type_str: str, doc: str = "", **kwargs): return cls.with_default( default=DefaultNotGiven, doc=doc, type_str=type_str, **kwargs ) @classmethod def for_locale(cls, lcle: str): return cls( validate=always_false, convert=locale_convert(lcle), detype=ensure_string, default=locale.setlocale(getattr(locale, lcle)), ) def get_key(self, var_name: str) -> VarKeyType: return self.pattern or var_name class Xettings: """Parent class - All setting classes will be inheriting from this. The first line of those class's docstring will become the group's title. Rest of the docstring will become the description of that Group of settings. """ @classmethod def get_settings(cls) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[VarKeyType, Var]]: for var_name, var in vars(cls).items(): if not var_name.startswith("__") and var_name.isupper(): yield var.get_key(var_name), var @staticmethod def _get_groups( cls, _seen: tp.Optional[tp.Set["Xettings"]] = None, *bases: "Xettings" ): if _seen is None: _seen = set() subs = cls.__subclasses__() for sub in subs: if sub not in _seen: _seen.add(sub) yield (*bases, sub), tuple(sub.get_settings()) yield from Xettings._get_groups(sub, _seen, *bases, sub) @classmethod def get_groups( cls, ) -> tp.Iterator[ tp.Tuple[tp.Tuple["Xettings", ...], tp.Tuple[tp.Tuple[VarKeyType, Var], ...]] ]: yield from Xettings._get_groups(cls) @classmethod def get_doc(cls): import inspect return inspect.getdoc(cls) @classmethod def get_group_title(cls) -> str: doc = cls.get_doc() if doc: return doc.splitlines()[0] return cls.__name__ @classmethod def get_group_description(cls) -> str: doc = cls.get_doc() if doc: lines = doc.splitlines() if len(lines) > 1: return "\n".join(lines[1:]) return "" class GeneralSetting(Xettings): """General""" AUTO_CONTINUE = Var.with_default( False, "If ``True``, automatically resume stopped jobs when they are disowned. " "When stopped jobs are disowned and this option is ``False``, a warning " "will print information about how to continue the stopped process.", ) COMMANDS_CACHE_SIZE_WARNING = Var.with_default( 6000, "Number of files on the PATH above which a warning is shown.", ) COMMANDS_CACHE_SAVE_INTERMEDIATE = Var.with_default( False, "If enabled, the CommandsCache saved between runs and can reduce the startup time.", ) HOSTNAME = Var.with_default( default=default_value(lambda env: platform.node()), doc="Automatically set to the name of the current host.", type_str="str", ) HOSTTYPE = Var.with_default( default=default_value(lambda env: platform.machine()), doc="Automatically set to a string that fully describes the system type on which xonsh is executing.", type_str="str", ) LANG = Var.with_default( default="C.UTF-8", doc="Fallback locale setting for systems where it matters", type_str="str", ) LC_COLLATE = Var.for_locale("LC_COLLATE") LC_CTYPE = Var.for_locale("LC_CTYPE") LC_MONETARY = Var.for_locale("LC_MONETARY") LC_NUMERIC = Var.for_locale("LC_NUMERIC") LC_TIME = Var.for_locale("LC_TIME") if hasattr(locale, "LC_MESSAGES"): LC_MESSAGES = Var.for_locale("LC_MESSAGES") LOADED_RC_FILES = Var( is_bool_seq, csv_to_bool_seq, bool_seq_to_csv, (), "Whether or not any of the xonsh run control files were loaded at " "startup. This is a sequence of bools in Python that is converted " "to a CSV list in string form, ie ``[True, False]`` becomes " "``'True,False'``.", is_configurable=False, ) OLDPWD = Var.with_default( ".", "Used to represent a previous present working directory.", is_configurable=False, ) PATH = Var.with_default( PATH_DEFAULT, "List of strings representing where to look for executables.", type_str="env_path", doc_default="On Windows: it is ``Path`` value of register's " "``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment``. " "On Mac OSX: ``('/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin', '/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/sbin')`` " "On Linux & on Cygwin & on MSYS, when detected that the distro " "is like arch, the default PATH is " "``('/usr/local/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin', " "'/usr/bin/site_perl', '/usr/bin/vendor_perl', '/usr/bin/core_perl')``" " and otherwise is " "``('~/bin', '/usr/local/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/sbin'," "'/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/games', '/usr/local/games')``", ) PATHEXT = Var( is_nonstring_seq_of_strings, pathsep_to_upper_seq, seq_to_upper_pathsep, [".COM", ".EXE", ".BAT", ".CMD"] if ON_WINDOWS else [], "Sequence of extension strings (eg, ``.EXE``) for " "filtering valid executables by. Each element must be " "uppercase.", ) RAISE_SUBPROC_ERROR = Var.with_default( False, "Whether or not to raise an error if a subprocess (captured or " "uncaptured) returns a non-zero exit status, which indicates failure. " "This is most useful in xonsh scripts or modules where failures " "should cause an end to execution. This is less useful at a terminal. " "The error that is raised is a ``subprocess.CalledProcessError``.", ) XONSH_SUBPROC_CAPTURED_PRINT_STDERR = Var.with_default( False, "If ``True`` the stderr from captured subproc will be printed automatically.", ) TERM = Var.no_default( "str", "TERM is sometimes set by the terminal emulator. This is used (when " "valid) to determine whether the terminal emulator can support " "the selected shell, or whether or not to set the title. Users shouldn't " "need to set this themselves. Note that this variable should be set as " "early as possible in order to ensure it is effective. Here are a few " "options:\n\n" "* Set this from the program that launches xonsh. On POSIX systems, \n" " this can be performed by using env, e.g. \n" " ``/usr/bin/env TERM=xterm-color xonsh`` or similar.\n" "* From the xonsh command line, namely ``xonsh -DTERM=xterm-color``.\n" '* In the config file with ``{"env": {"TERM": "xterm-color"}}``.\n' "* Lastly, in xonshrc with ``$TERM``\n\n" "Ideally, your terminal emulator will set this correctly but that does " "not always happen.", is_configurable=False, ) XONSH_CAPTURE_ALWAYS = Var.with_default( False, "Try to capture output of commands run without explicit capturing.\n" "If True, xonsh will capture the output of commands run directly or in ``![]``.\n" "Setting to True has the following disadvantages:\n" "* Some interactive commands won't work properly (like when ``git`` invokes an interactive editor).\n" " For more information see discussion at\n" "* Stopping these commands with ^Z (i.e. ``SIGTSTP``)\n" " is disabled as it causes deadlocked terminals.\n" " ``SIGTSTP`` may still be issued and only the physical pressing\n" " of ``Ctrl+Z`` is ignored.\n\n" "Regardless of this value, commands run in ``$()``, ``!()`` or with an IO redirection (``>`` or ``|``) " "will always be captured.\n" "Setting this to True depends on ``$THREAD_SUBPROCS`` being True.", ) THREAD_SUBPROCS = Var( is_bool_or_none, to_bool_or_none, bool_or_none_to_str, not ON_CYGWIN, "Note: The ``$XONSH_CAPTURE_ALWAYS`` variable introduces finer control " "and you should probably use that instead.\n\n" "Whether or not to try to run subrocess mode in a Python thread, " "when trying to capture its output. There are various trade-offs.\n\n" "If True, xonsh is able capture & store the stdin, stdout, and stderr \n" " of threadable subprocesses.\n" "The disadvantages are listed in ``$XONSH_CAPTURE_ALWAYS``.\n" "The desired effect is often up to the command, user, or use case.\n\n" "None values are for internal use only and are used to turn off " "threading when loading xonshrc files. This is done because Bash " "was automatically placing new xonsh instances in the background " "at startup when threadable subprocs were used. Please see " " for more information.\n", ) UPDATE_OS_ENVIRON = Var.with_default( False, "If True ``os_environ`` will always be updated " "when the xonsh environment changes. The environment can be reset to " "the default value by calling ``__xonsh__.env.undo_replace_env()``", ) XDG_CONFIG_HOME = Var.with_default( os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".config")), "Open desktop standard configuration home dir. This is the same " "default as used in the standard.", is_configurable=False, doc_default="``~/.config``", type_str="str", ) XDG_DATA_HOME = Var.with_default( os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".local", "share")), "Open desktop standard data home dir. This is the same default as " "used in the standard.", doc_default="``~/.local/share``", type_str="str", ) XONSHRC = Var.with_default( default_xonshrc, "A list of the locations of run control files, if they exist. User " "defined run control file will supersede values set in system-wide " "control file if there is a naming collision. $THREAD_SUBPROCS=None " "when reading in run control files.", doc_default=( "On Linux & Mac OSX: ``['/etc/xonshrc', '~/.config/xonsh/rc.xsh', '~/.xonshrc']``\n" "\nOn Windows: " "``['%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\\\xonsh\\\\xonshrc', '~/.config/xonsh/rc.xsh', '~/.xonshrc']``" ), type_str="env_path", ) XONSHRC_DIR = Var.with_default( default_xonshrcdir, "A list of directories, from which all .xsh files will be loaded " "at startup, sorted in lexographic order. Files in these directories " "are loaded after any files in XONSHRC.", doc_default=( "On Linux & Mac OSX: ``['/etc/xonsh/rc.d', '~/.config/xonsh/rc.d']``\n" "On Windows: " "``['%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\\\xonsh\\\\rc.d', '~/.config/xonsh/rc.d']``" ), type_str="env_path", ) XONSH_APPEND_NEWLINE = Var.with_default( xonsh_append_newline, "Append new line when a partial line is preserved in output.", doc_default="``$XONSH_INTERACTIVE``", type_str="bool", ) XONSH_CACHE_SCRIPTS = Var.with_default( True, "Controls whether the code for scripts run from xonsh will be cached" " (``True``) or re-compiled each time (``False``).", ) XONSH_CACHE_EVERYTHING = Var.with_default( False, "Controls whether all code (including code entered at the interactive" " prompt) will be cached.", ) XONSH_CONFIG_DIR = Var.with_default( xonsh_config_dir, "This is the location where xonsh configuration information is stored.", is_configurable=False, doc_default="``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xonsh``", type_str="str", ) XONSH_COLOR_STYLE = Var.with_default( "default", "Sets the color style for xonsh colors. This is a style name, not " "a color map. Run ``xonfig styles`` to see the available styles.", type_str="str", ) XONSH_DATETIME_FORMAT = Var.with_default( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "The format that is used for ``datetime.strptime()`` in various places, " "i.e the history timestamp option.", type_str="str", ) XONSH_DEBUG = Var( always_false, to_debug, bool_or_int_to_str, 0, "Sets the xonsh debugging level. This may be an integer or a boolean. " "Setting it to ``1`` will get some basic information like input transformation, command replacement. " "With ``2`` or a higher number will make more debugging information " "presented, like PLY parsing messages.", is_configurable=False, ) XONSH_NO_AMALGAMATE = Var.with_default( False, "Setting this variable prior to starting xonsh to a truthy value will suppress amalgamated imports.", is_configurable=False, ) XONSH_DATA_DIR = Var.with_default( xonsh_data_dir, "This is the location where xonsh data files are stored, such as " "history.", doc_default="``$XDG_DATA_HOME/xonsh``", type_str="str", ) XONSH_ENCODING = Var.with_default( DEFAULT_ENCODING, "This is the encoding that xonsh should use for subprocess operations.", doc_default="``sys.getdefaultencoding()``", type_str="str", ) XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS = Var.with_default( "surrogateescape", "The flag for how to handle encoding errors should they happen. " "Any string flag that has been previously registered with Python " "is allowed. See the 'Python codecs documentation' " "( " "for more information and available options.", doc_default="``surrogateescape``", type_str="str", ) XONSH_INTERACTIVE = Var.with_default( True, "``True`` if xonsh is running interactively, and ``False`` otherwise.", is_configurable=False, ) XONSH_LOGIN = Var.with_default( False, "``True`` if xonsh is running as a login shell, and ``False`` otherwise.", is_configurable=False, ) XONSH_PROC_FREQUENCY = Var.with_default( 1e-4, "The process frequency is the time that " "xonsh process threads sleep for while running command pipelines. " "The value has units of seconds [s].", ) XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK = Var.with_default( False, "Controls if a traceback is shown if exceptions occur in the shell. " "Set to ``True`` to always show traceback or ``False`` to always hide. " "If undefined then the traceback is hidden but a notice is shown on how " "to enable the full traceback.", ) XONSH_SOURCE = Var.with_default( "", "When running a xonsh script, this variable contains the absolute path " "to the currently executing script's file.", is_configurable=False, ) XONSH_STORE_STDIN = Var.with_default( False, "Whether or not to store the stdin that is supplied to the " "``!()`` and ``![]`` operators.", ) XONSH_STYLE_OVERRIDES = Var( is_str_str_dict, to_str_str_dict, dict_to_str, {}, "A dictionary containing custom prompt_toolkit/pygments style definitions.\n" "The following style definitions are supported:\n\n" " - ``pygments.token.Token`` - ``$XONSH_STYLE_OVERRIDES[Token.Keyword] = '#ff0000'``\n" " - pygments token name (string) - ``$XONSH_STYLE_OVERRIDES['Token.Keyword'] = '#ff0000'``\n" " - ptk style name (string) - ``$XONSH_STYLE_OVERRIDES['pygments.keyword'] = '#ff0000'``\n\n" "(The rules above are all have the same effect.)", ) XONSH_TRACE_SUBPROC = Var.with_default( False, "Set to ``True`` to show arguments list of every executed subprocess command.", ) XONSH_TRACE_COMPLETIONS = Var.with_default( False, "Set to ``True`` to show completers invoked and their return values.", ) XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE = Var( is_logfile_opt, to_logfile_opt, logfile_opt_to_str, None, "Specifies a file to store the traceback log to, regardless of whether " "``XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK`` has been set. Its value must be a writable file " "or None / the empty string if traceback logging is not desired. " "Logging to a file is not enabled by default.", ) STAR_PATH = Var.no_default("env_path", pattern=re.compile(r"\w*PATH$")) STAR_DIRS = Var.no_default("env_path", pattern=re.compile(r"\w*DIRS$")) class ChangeDirSetting(Xettings): """``cd`` Behavior""" AUTO_CD = Var.with_default( False, doc="Flag to enable changing to a directory by entering the dirname or " "full path only (without the cd command).", ) AUTO_PUSHD = Var.with_default( False, doc="Flag for automatically pushing directories onto the directory stack.", ) CDPATH = Var.with_default( (), "A list of paths to be used as roots for a cd, breaking compatibility " "with Bash, xonsh always prefer an existing relative path.", type_str="env_path", ) DIRSTACK_SIZE = Var.with_default( 20, "Maximum size of the directory stack.", ) PUSHD_MINUS = Var.with_default( False, "Flag for directory pushing functionality. False is the normal behavior.", ) PUSHD_SILENT = Var.with_default( False, "Whether or not to suppress directory stack manipulation output.", ) COMPLETE_DOTS = Var.with_default( "matching", doc="Flag to specify how current and previous directories should be " "tab completed ('./', '../'):" " - ``always`` Always complete paths with ./ and ../\n" " - ``never`` Never complete paths with ./ and ../\n" " - ``matching`` Complete if path starts with . or ..", ) class InterpreterSetting(Xettings): """Interpreter Behavior""" DOTGLOB = Var.with_default( False, 'Globbing files with "*" or "**" will also match ' "dotfiles, or those 'hidden' files whose names " "begin with a literal '.'. Such files are filtered " "out by default.", ) EXPAND_ENV_VARS = Var.with_default( True, "Toggles whether environment variables are expanded inside of strings " "in subprocess mode.", ) FOREIGN_ALIASES_SUPPRESS_SKIP_MESSAGE = Var.with_default( False, "Whether or not foreign aliases should suppress the message " "that informs the user when a foreign alias has been skipped " "because it already exists in xonsh.", is_configurable=True, ) FOREIGN_ALIASES_OVERRIDE = Var.with_default( False, "Whether or not foreign aliases should override xonsh aliases " "with the same name. Note that setting of this must happen in the " "environment that xonsh was started from. " "It cannot be set in the ``.xonshrc`` as loading of foreign aliases happens before" "``.xonshrc`` is parsed", is_configurable=True, ) GLOB_SORTED = Var.with_default( True, "Toggles whether globbing results are manually sorted. If ``False``, " "the results are returned in arbitrary order.", ) class PromptSetting(Xettings): """Interactive Prompt""" COLOR_INPUT = Var.with_default( True, "Flag for syntax highlighting interactive input.", ) COLOR_RESULTS = Var.with_default( True, "Flag for syntax highlighting return values.", ) DYNAMIC_CWD_WIDTH = Var( is_dynamic_cwd_width, to_dynamic_cwd_tuple, dynamic_cwd_tuple_to_str, (float("inf"), "c"), "Maximum length in number of characters " "or as a percentage for the ``cwd`` prompt variable. For example, " '"20" is a twenty character width and "10%" is ten percent of the ' "number of columns available.", ) DYNAMIC_CWD_ELISION_CHAR = Var.with_default( "", "The string used to show a shortened directory in a shortened cwd, " "e.g. ``'…'``.", ) IGNOREEOF = Var.with_default( False, "Prevents Ctrl-D from exiting the shell.", ) INDENT = Var.with_default( " ", "Indentation string for multiline input", ) LS_COLORS = Var( is_lscolors, LsColors.convert, detype, default_lscolors, "Color settings for ``ls`` command line utility and, " "with ``$SHELL_TYPE='prompt_toolkit'``, file arguments in subprocess mode.", doc_default="``*.7z=1;0;31:*.Z=1;0;31:*.aac=0;36:*.ace=1;0;31:" "*.alz=1;0;31:*.arc=1;0;31:*.arj=1;0;31:*.asf=1;0;35:*.au=0;36:" "*.avi=1;0;35:*.bmp=1;0;35:*.bz=1;0;31:*.bz2=1;0;31:*.cab=1;0;31:" "*.cgm=1;0;35:*.cpio=1;0;31:*.deb=1;0;31:*.dl=1;0;35:*.dwm=1;0;31:" "*.dz=1;0;31:*.ear=1;0;31:*.emf=1;0;35:*.esd=1;0;31:*.flac=0;36:" "*.flc=1;0;35:*.fli=1;0;35:*.flv=1;0;35:*.gif=1;0;35:*.gl=1;0;35:" "*.gz=1;0;31:*.jar=1;0;31:*.jpeg=1;0;35:*.jpg=1;0;35:*.lha=1;0;31:" "*.lrz=1;0;31:*.lz=1;0;31:*.lz4=1;0;31:*.lzh=1;0;31:*.lzma=1;0;31" ":*.lzo=1;0;31:*.m2v=1;0;35:*.m4a=0;36:*.m4v=1;0;35:*.mid=0;36:" "*.midi=0;36:*.mjpeg=1;0;35:*.mjpg=1;0;35:*.mka=0;36:*.mkv=1;0;35:" "*.mng=1;0;35:*.mov=1;0;35:*.mp3=0;36:*.mp4=1;0;35:*.mp4v=1;0;35:" "*.mpc=0;36:*.mpeg=1;0;35:*.mpg=1;0;35:*.nuv=1;0;35:*.oga=0;36:" "*.ogg=0;36:*.ogm=1;0;35:*.ogv=1;0;35:*.ogx=1;0;35:*.opus=0;36:" "*.pbm=1;0;35:*.pcx=1;0;35:*.pgm=1;0;35:*.png=1;0;35:*.ppm=1;0;35:" "*.qt=1;0;35:*.ra=0;36:*.rar=1;0;31:*.rm=1;0;35:*.rmvb=1;0;35:" "*.rpm=1;0;31:*.rz=1;0;31:*.sar=1;0;31:*.spx=0;36:*.svg=1;0;35:" "*.svgz=1;0;35:*.swm=1;0;31:*.t7z=1;0;31:*.tar=1;0;31:*.taz=1;0;31:" "*.tbz=1;0;31:*.tbz2=1;0;31:*.tga=1;0;35:*.tgz=1;0;31:*.tif=1;0;35:" "*.tiff=1;0;35:*.tlz=1;0;31:*.txz=1;0;31:*.tz=1;0;31:*.tzo=1;0;31:" "*.tzst=1;0;31:*.vob=1;0;35:*.war=1;0;31:*.wav=0;36:*.webm=1;0;35:" "*.wim=1;0;31:*.wmv=1;0;35:*.xbm=1;0;35:*.xcf=1;0;35:*.xpm=1;0;35:" "*.xspf=0;36:*.xwd=1;0;35:*.xz=1;0;31:*.yuv=1;0;35:*.z=1;0;31:" "*.zip=1;0;31:*.zoo=1;0;31:*.zst=1;0;31:bd=40;0;33:ca=0;30;41:" "cd=40;0;33:di=1;0;34:do=1;0;35:ex=1;0;32:ln=1;0;36:mh=0:mi=0:" "or=40;0;31:ow=0;34;42:pi=40;0;33:rs=0:sg=0;30;43:so=1;0;35:" "st=0;37;44:su=0;37;41:tw=0;30;42``", ) MULTILINE_PROMPT = Var( is_string_or_callable, ensure_string, ensure_string, ".", "Prompt text for 2nd+ lines of input, may be str or function which " "returns a str.", ) PRETTY_PRINT_RESULTS = Var.with_default( True, 'Flag for "pretty printing" return values.', ) PROMPT = Var( is_string_or_callable, ensure_string, ensure_string, prompt.default_prompt(), "The prompt text. May contain keyword arguments which are " "auto-formatted, see 'Customizing the Prompt' at " " " "This value is never inherited from parent processes.", doc_default="``xonsh.environ.DEFAULT_PROMPT``", ) PROMPT_FIELDS = Var( always_true, None, None, prompt.PROMPT_FIELDS, "Dictionary containing variables to be used when formatting $PROMPT " "and $TITLE. See 'Customizing the Prompt' " "", is_configurable=False, doc_default="``xonsh.prompt.PROMPT_FIELDS``", ) PROMPT_REFRESH_INTERVAL = Var.with_default( 0.0, # keep as float "Interval (in seconds) to evaluate and update ``$PROMPT``, ``$RIGHT_PROMPT`` " "and ``$BOTTOM_TOOLBAR``. The default is zero (no update). " "NOTE: ``$UPDATE_PROMPT_ON_KEYPRESS`` must be set to ``True`` for this " "variable to take effect.", ) PROMPT_TOKENS_FORMATTER = Var( validate=callable, convert=None, detype=None, default=prompt.prompt_tokens_formatter_default, doc="Final processor that receives all tokens in the prompt template. " "It gives option to format the prompt with different prefix based on other tokens values. " "Highly useful for implementing something like powerline theme.", doc_default="``xonsh.prompt.base.prompt_tokens_formatter_default``", ) RIGHT_PROMPT = Var( is_string_or_callable, ensure_string, ensure_string, "", "Template string for right-aligned text " "at the prompt. This may be parametrized in the same way as " "the ``$PROMPT`` variable. Currently, this is only available in the " "prompt-toolkit shell.", ) BOTTOM_TOOLBAR = Var( is_string_or_callable, ensure_string, ensure_string, "", "Template string for the bottom toolbar. " "This may be parametrized in the same way as " "the ``$PROMPT`` variable. Currently, this is only available in the " "prompt-toolkit shell.", ) SHELL_TYPE = Var.with_default( "best", "Which shell is used. Currently two base shell types are supported:\n\n" " - ``readline`` that is backed by Python's readline module\n" " - ``prompt_toolkit`` that uses external library of the same name\n" " - ``random`` selects a random shell from the above on startup\n" " - ``best`` selects the most feature-rich shell available on the\n" " user's system\n\n" "To use the ``prompt_toolkit`` shell you need to have the " "`prompt_toolkit <>`_" " library installed. To specify which shell should be used, do so in " "the run control file.", doc_default="``best``", ) SUGGEST_COMMANDS = Var.with_default( True, "When a user types an invalid command, xonsh will try to offer " "suggestions of similar valid commands if this is True.", ) SUGGEST_MAX_NUM = Var.with_default( 5, "xonsh will show at most this many suggestions in response to an " "invalid command. If negative, there is no limit to how many " "suggestions are shown.", ) SUGGEST_THRESHOLD = Var.with_default( 3, "An error threshold. If the Levenshtein distance between the entered " "command and a valid command is less than this value, the valid " 'command will be offered as a suggestion. Also used for "fuzzy" ' "tab completion of paths.", ) SUPPRESS_BRANCH_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE = Var.with_default( False, "Whether or not to suppress branch timeout warning messages when getting {gitstatus} PROMPT_FIELD.", ) TITLE = Var( is_string_or_callable, ensure_string, ensure_string, DEFAULT_TITLE, "The title text for the window in which xonsh is running. Formatted " "in the same manner as ``$PROMPT``, see 'Customizing the Prompt' " "", doc_default="``xonsh.environ.DEFAULT_TITLE``", ) UPDATE_PROMPT_ON_KEYPRESS = Var.with_default( False, "Disables caching the prompt between commands, " "so that it would be reevaluated on each keypress. " "Disabled by default because of the incurred performance penalty.", ) VC_BRANCH_TIMEOUT = Var.with_default( 0.2 if ON_WINDOWS else 0.1, "The timeout (in seconds) for version control " "branch computations. This is a timeout per subprocess call, so the " "total time to compute will be larger than this in many cases.", ) VC_GIT_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED = Var.with_default( False, "Whether or not untracked file changes should count as 'dirty' in git.", ) VC_HG_SHOW_BRANCH = Var.with_default( True, "Whether or not to show the Mercurial branch in the prompt.", ) VIRTUAL_ENV = Var.no_default( "str", "Path to the currently active Python environment.", is_configurable=False, ) XONSH_GITSTATUS_ = Var.with_default( None, "Symbols for gitstatus prompt. Default values are: \n\n" + "\n".join( ( f"* ``XONSH_GITSTATUS_{}``: ``{fld.value}``" for fld in GITSTATUS_FIELD_DEFS ) ), pattern="XONSH_GITSTATUS_*", ) XONSH_GITSTATUS_FIELDS_HIDDEN = Var.with_default( (), "Fields to hide in {gitstatus} prompt (all fields below are shown by default.) \n\n" + "\n".join( ( f"* ``{}``\n" for fld in GITSTATUS_FIELD_DEFS if not"HASH") ) ), ) XONSH_HISTORY_MATCH_ANYWHERE = Var.with_default( False, "When searching history from a partial string (by pressing up arrow), " "match command history anywhere in a given line (not just the start)", doc_default="False", ) XONSH_STDERR_PREFIX = Var.with_default( "", "A format string, using the same keys and colors as ``$PROMPT``, that " "is prepended whenever stderr is displayed. This may be used in " "conjunction with ``$XONSH_STDERR_POSTFIX`` to close out the block." "For example, to have stderr appear on a red background, the " 'prefix & postfix pair would be "{BACKGROUND_RED}" & "{RESET}".', ) XONSH_STDERR_POSTFIX = Var.with_default( "", "A format string, using the same keys and colors as ``$PROMPT``, that " "is appended whenever stderr is displayed. This may be used in " "conjunction with ``$XONSH_STDERR_PREFIX`` to start the block." "For example, to have stderr appear on a red background, the " 'prefix & postfix pair would be "{BACKGROUND_RED}" & "{RESET}".', ) class PromptHistorySetting(Xettings): """Interactive Prompt History""" XONSH_HISTORY_BACKEND = Var( is_history_backend, to_itself, ensure_string, "json", "Set which history backend to use. Options are: 'json', " "'sqlite', and 'dummy'. The default is 'json'. " "``XONSH_HISTORY_BACKEND`` also accepts a class type that inherits " "from ``xonsh.history.base.History``, or its instance.", ) XONSH_HISTORY_FILE = Var.with_default( None, "Location of history file set by history backend (default) or set by the user.", is_configurable=False, doc_default="None", type_str="path", ) HISTCONTROL = Var( is_string_set, csv_to_set, set_to_csv, set(), "A set of strings (comma-separated list in string form) of options " "that determine what commands are saved to the history list. By " "default all commands are saved. The option ``ignoredups`` will not " "save the command if it matches the previous command. The option " "``ignoreerr`` will cause any commands that fail (i.e. return non-zero " "exit status) to not be added to the history list. The option " "``erasedups`` will remove all previous commands that matches and updates the frequency. " "Note: ``erasedups`` is supported only in sqlite backend).", can_store_as_str=True, ) XONSH_HISTORY_SIZE = Var( is_history_tuple, to_history_tuple, history_tuple_to_str, (8128, "commands"), "Value and units tuple that sets the size of history after garbage " "collection. Canonical units are:\n\n" "- ``commands`` for the number of past commands executed,\n" "- ``files`` for the number of history files to keep,\n" "- ``s`` for the number of seconds in the past that are allowed, and\n" "- ``b`` for the number of bytes that history may consume.\n\n" "Common abbreviations, such as '6 months' or '1 GB' are also allowed.", doc_default="``(8128, 'commands')`` or ``'8128 commands'``", ) XONSH_STORE_STDOUT = Var.with_default( False, "Whether or not to store the ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` streams in the " "history files.", ) XONSH_HISTORY_SAVE_CWD = Var.with_default( True, "Save current working directory to the history.", doc_default="True", ) class PTKSetting(PromptSetting): # sub-classing -> sub-group """Prompt Toolkit shell Only usable with ``$SHELL_TYPE=prompt_toolkit.`` """ AUTO_SUGGEST = Var.with_default( True, "Enable automatic command suggestions based on history, like in the fish " "shell.\n\nPressing the right arrow key inserts the currently " "displayed suggestion. ", ) AUTO_SUGGEST_IN_COMPLETIONS = Var.with_default( False, "Places the auto-suggest result as the first option in the completions. " "This enables you to tab complete the auto-suggestion.", ) MOUSE_SUPPORT = Var.with_default( False, "Enable mouse support in the ``prompt_toolkit`` shell. This allows " "clicking for positioning the cursor or selecting a completion. In " "some terminals however, this disables the ability to scroll back " "through the history of the terminal. Only usable with " "``$SHELL_TYPE=prompt_toolkit``", ) PROMPT_TOOLKIT_COLOR_DEPTH = Var( always_false, ptk2_color_depth_setter, ensure_string, "", "The color depth used by prompt toolkit 2. Possible values are: " "``DEPTH_1_BIT``, ``DEPTH_4_BIT``, ``DEPTH_8_BIT``, ``DEPTH_24_BIT`` " "colors. Default is an empty string which means that prompt toolkit decide.", ) PTK_STYLE_OVERRIDES = Var( is_str_str_dict, to_str_str_dict, dict_to_str, {}, "A dictionary containing custom prompt_toolkit style definitions. (deprecated)", ) VI_MODE = Var.with_default( False, "Flag to enable ``vi_mode`` in the ``prompt_toolkit`` shell.", ) XONSH_AUTOPAIR = Var.with_default( False, "Whether Xonsh will auto-insert matching parentheses, brackets, and " "quotes. Only available under the prompt-toolkit shell.", ) XONSH_COPY_ON_DELETE = Var.with_default( False, "Whether to copy words/lines to clipboard on deletion (must be set in .xonshrc file)." "Only available under the prompt-toolkit shell.", ) class AsyncPromptSetting(PTKSetting): """Asynchronous Prompt Load $PROMPT in background without blocking read-eval loop. """ ASYNC_INVALIDATE_INTERVAL = Var.with_default( 0.05, "When ENABLE_ASYNC_PROMPT is True, it may call the redraw frequently. " "This is to group such calls into one that happens within that timeframe. " "The number is set in seconds.", ) ASYNC_PROMPT_THREAD_WORKERS = Var( is_int, to_int_or_none, str, None, "Define the number of workers used by the ASYC_PROPMT's pool. " "By default it is the same as defined by Python's concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor class.", ) ENABLE_ASYNC_PROMPT = Var.with_default( False, "When enabled the prompt is rendered using threads. " "$PROMPT_FIELD that take long will be updated in the background and will not affect prompt speed. ", ) class AutoCompletionSetting(Xettings): """Tab-completion behavior.""" BASH_COMPLETIONS = Var.with_default( doc="This is a list (or tuple) of strings that specifies where the " "``bash_completion`` script may be found. " "The first valid path will be used. For better performance, " "bash-completion v2.x is recommended since it lazy-loads individual " "completion scripts. " "For both bash-completion v1.x and v2.x, paths of individual completion " "scripts (like ``.../completes/ssh``) do not need to be included here. " "The default values are platform " "dependent, but sane. To specify an alternate list, do so in the run " "control file.", default=BASH_COMPLETIONS_DEFAULT, doc_default=( "Normally this is:\n\n" " ``('/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion', )``\n\n" "But, on Mac it is:\n\n" " ``('/usr/local/share/bash-completion/bash_completion', " "'/usr/local/etc/bash_completion')``\n\n" "Other OS-specific defaults may be added in the future." ), type_str="env_path", ) CASE_SENSITIVE_COMPLETIONS = Var.with_default( ON_LINUX, "Sets whether completions should be case sensitive or case " "insensitive.", doc_default="True on Linux, False otherwise.", ) COMPLETIONS_BRACKETS = Var.with_default( True, "Flag to enable/disable inclusion of square brackets and parentheses " "in Python attribute completions.", doc_default="True", ) COMPLETION_QUERY_LIMIT = Var.with_default( 100, "The number of completions to display before the user is asked " "for confirmation.", ) FUZZY_PATH_COMPLETION = Var.with_default( True, "Toggles 'fuzzy' matching of paths for tab completion, which is only " "used as a fallback if no other completions succeed but can be used " "as a way to adjust for typographical errors. If ``True``, then, e.g.," " ``xonhs`` will match ``xonsh``.", ) SUBSEQUENCE_PATH_COMPLETION = Var.with_default( True, "Toggles subsequence matching of paths for tab completion. " "If ``True``, then, e.g., ``~/u/ro`` can match ``~/lou/carcolh``.", ) class PTKCompletionSetting(AutoCompletionSetting): """Prompt Toolkit tab-completion""" COMPLETIONS_CONFIRM = Var.with_default( True, "While tab-completions menu is displayed, press <Enter> to confirm " "completion instead of running command. This only affects the " "prompt-toolkit shell.", ) COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY = Var( is_completions_display_value, to_completions_display_value, str, "multi", "Configure if and how Python completions are displayed by the " "``prompt_toolkit`` shell.\n\nThis option does not affect Bash " "completions, auto-suggestions, etc.\n\nChanging it at runtime will " "take immediate effect, so you can quickly disable and enable " "completions during shell sessions.\n\n" "- If ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY`` is ``none`` or ``false``, do not display" " those completions.\n" "- If ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY`` is ``single``, display completions in a\n" " single column while typing.\n" "- If ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY`` is ``multi`` or ``true``, display completions" " in multiple columns while typing.\n\n" "- If ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY`` is ``readline``, display completions\n" " will emulate the behavior of readline.\n\n" "These option values are not case- or type-sensitive, so e.g. " "writing ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY = None`` " "and ``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY = 'none'`` are equivalent. Only usable with " "``$SHELL_TYPE=prompt_toolkit``", ) COMPLETIONS_MENU_ROWS = Var.with_default( 5, "Number of rows to reserve for tab-completions menu if " "``$COMPLETIONS_DISPLAY`` is ``single`` or ``multi``. This only affects the " "prompt-toolkit shell.", ) COMPLETION_MODE = Var( is_completion_mode, to_completion_mode, str, "default", "Mode of tab completion in prompt-toolkit shell (only).\n\n" "'default', the default, selects the common prefix of completions on first TAB,\n" "then cycles through all completions.\n" "'menu-complete' selects the first whole completion on the first TAB, \n" "then cycles through the remaining completions, then the common prefix.", ) COMPLETION_IN_THREAD = Var.with_default( False, "When generating the completions takes time, " "it’s better to do this in a background thread. " "When this is True, background threads is used for completion.", ) UPDATE_COMPLETIONS_ON_KEYPRESS = Var.with_default( False, "Completions display is evaluated and presented whenever a key is " "pressed. This avoids the need to press TAB, except to cycle through " "the possibilities. This currently only affects the prompt-toolkit shell.", ) class WindowsSetting(GeneralSetting): """Windows OS Windows OS specific settings """ ANSICON = Var.no_default( "str", "This is used on Windows to set the title, if available.", is_configurable=False, ) FORCE_POSIX_PATHS = Var.with_default( False, "Forces forward slashes (``/``) on Windows systems when using auto " "completion if set to anything truthy.", is_configurable=ON_WINDOWS, ) INTENSIFY_COLORS_ON_WIN = Var( always_false, intensify_colors_on_win_setter, bool_to_str, True, "Enhance style colors for readability " "when using the default terminal (``cmd.exe``) on Windows. Blue colors, " "which are hard to read, are replaced with cyan. Other colors are " "generally replaced by their bright counter parts.", is_configurable=ON_WINDOWS, ) # Please keep the following in alphabetic order - scopatz @lazyobject def DEFAULT_VARS(): dv = {} for _, vars in Xettings.get_groups(): for key, var in vars: dv[key] = var return dv # # actual environment # class Env(cabc.MutableMapping): """A xonsh environment, whose variables have limited typing (unlike BASH). Most variables are, by default, strings (like BASH). However, the following rules also apply based on variable-name: * PATH: any variable whose name ends in PATH is a list of strings. * XONSH_HISTORY_SIZE: this variable is an (int | float, str) tuple. * LC_* (locale categories): locale category names get/set the Python locale via locale.getlocale() and locale.setlocale() functions. An Env instance may be converted to an untyped version suitable for use in a subprocess. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """If no initial environment is given, os_environ is used.""" self._d = {} # sentinel value for non existing envvars self._no_value = object() self._orig_env = None self._vars = {k: v for k, v in DEFAULT_VARS.items()} if len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: args = (os_environ,) for key, val in dict(*args, **kwargs).items(): self[key] = val if ON_WINDOWS: path_key = next((k for k in self._d if k.upper() == "PATH"), None) if path_key: self["PATH"] = self._d.pop(path_key) if "PATH" not in self._d: # this is here so the PATH is accessible to subprocs and so that # it can be modified in-place in the xonshrc file self._d["PATH"] = list(PATH_DEFAULT) self._detyped = None def detype(self): if self._detyped is not None: return self._detyped ctx = {} for key, val in self._d.items(): if not isinstance(key, str): key = str(key) detyper = self.get_detyper(key) if detyper is None: # cannot be detyped continue deval = detyper(val) if deval is None: # cannot be detyped continue ctx[key] = deval self._detyped = ctx return ctx def replace_env(self): """Replaces the contents of os_environ with a detyped version of the xonsh environment. """ if self._orig_env is None: self._orig_env = dict(os_environ) os_environ.clear() os_environ.update(self.detype()) def undo_replace_env(self): """Replaces the contents of os_environ with a detyped version of the xonsh environment. """ if self._orig_env is not None: os_environ.clear() os_environ.update(self._orig_env) self._orig_env = None def _get_default_validator(self, default=None): if default is not None: return default else: default = always_true return default def _get_default_converter(self, default=None): if default is not None: return default else: default = None return default def _get_default_detyper(self, default=None): if default is not None: return default else: default = ensure_string return default def get_validator(self, key, default=None): """Gets a validator for the given key.""" if key in self._vars: return self._vars[key].validate # necessary for keys that match regexes, such as `*PATH`s for k, var in self._vars.items(): if isinstance(k, str): continue if k.match(key) is not None: validator = var.validate self._vars[key] = var break else: validator = self._get_default_validator(default=default) return validator def get_converter(self, key, default=None): """Gets a converter for the given key.""" if key in self._vars: return self._vars[key].convert # necessary for keys that match regexes, such as `*PATH`s for k, var in self._vars.items(): if isinstance(k, str): continue if k.match(key) is not None: converter = var.convert self._vars[key] = var break else: converter = self._get_default_converter(default=default) return converter def get_detyper(self, key, default=None): """Gets a detyper for the given key.""" if key in self._vars: return self._vars[key].detype # necessary for keys that match regexes, such as `*PATH`s for k, var in self._vars.items(): if isinstance(k, str): continue if k.match(key) is not None: detyper = var.detype self._vars[key] = var break else: detyper = self._get_default_detyper(default=default) return detyper def get_default(self, key, default=None): """Gets default for the given key.""" if key in self._vars and self._vars[key].default is not DefaultNotGiven: return self._vars[key].default else: return default def get_docs(self, key, default=None): """Gets the documentation for the environment variable.""" vd = self._vars.get(key, default) if vd is None: vd = Var(default="", doc_default="") if vd.doc_default is DefaultNotGiven: var_default = self._vars.get(key, "<default not set>").default dval = ( "not defined" if var_default is DefaultNotGiven else pprint.pformat(var_default) ) vd = vd._replace(doc_default=dval) return vd def help(self, key): """Get information about a specific environment variable.""" vardocs = self.get_docs(key) width = min(79, os.get_terminal_size()[0]) docstr = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(vardocs.doc, width=width)) template = HELP_TEMPLATE.format( envvar=key, docstr=docstr, default=vardocs.doc_default, configurable=vardocs.is_configurable, ) print_color(template) def is_manually_set(self, varname): """ Checks if an environment variable has been manually set. """ return varname in self._d @contextlib.contextmanager def swap(self, other=None, **kwargs): """Provides a context manager for temporarily swapping out certain environment variables with other values. On exit from the context manager, the original values are restored. """ old = {} # single positional argument should be a dict-like object if other is not None: for k, v in other.items(): old[k] = self.get(k, NotImplemented) self[k] = v # kwargs could also have been sent in for k, v in kwargs.items(): old[k] = self.get(k, NotImplemented) self[k] = v exception = None try: yield self except Exception as e: exception = e finally: # restore the values for k, v in old.items(): if v is NotImplemented: del self[k] else: self[k] = v if exception is not None: raise exception from None # # Mutable mapping interface # def __getitem__(self, key): if key is Ellipsis: return self elif key in self._d: val = self._d[key] elif key in self._vars and self._vars[key].default is not DefaultNotGiven: val = self.get_default(key) if is_callable_default(val): val = self._d[key] = val(self) else: e = "Unknown environment variable: ${}" raise KeyError(e.format(key)) if isinstance( val, (cabc.MutableSet, cabc.MutableSequence, cabc.MutableMapping) ): self._detyped = None return val def __setitem__(self, key, val): validator = self.get_validator(key) converter = self.get_converter(key) detyper = self.get_detyper(key) if not validator(val): val = converter(val) # existing envvars can have any value including None old_value = self._d[key] if key in self._d else self._no_value self._d[key] = val self._detyped = None if self.get("UPDATE_OS_ENVIRON"): if self._orig_env is None: self.replace_env() elif detyper is None: pass else: deval = detyper(val) if deval is not None: os_environ[key] = deval if old_value is self._no_value:, value=val) elif old_value != val:, oldvalue=old_value, newvalue=val) def __delitem__(self, key): if key in self._d: del self._d[key] self._detyped = None if self.get("UPDATE_OS_ENVIRON") and key in os_environ: del os_environ[key] elif key not in self._vars: e = "Unknown environment variable: ${}" raise KeyError(e.format(key)) def get(self, key, default=None): """The environment will look up default values from its own defaults if a default is not given here. """ if key in self._d or ( key in self._vars and self._vars[key].default is not DefaultNotGiven ): return self[key] else: return default def rawkeys(self): """An iterator that returns all environment keys in their original form. This include string & compiled regular expression keys. """ yield from ( set(self._d) | set( k for k in self._vars.keys() if self._vars[k].default is not DefaultNotGiven ) ) def __iter__(self): for key in self.rawkeys(): if isinstance(key, str): yield key def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._d or ( item in self._vars and self._vars[item].default is not DefaultNotGiven ) def __len__(self): return len(self._d) def __str__(self): return str(self._d) def __repr__(self): return "{0}.{1}(...)".format(self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) def register( self, name, type=None, default=None, doc="", validate=always_true, convert=None, detype=ensure_string, is_configurable=True, doc_default=DefaultNotGiven, can_store_as_str=False, ): """Register an enviornment variable with optional type handling, default value, doc. Parameters ---------- name : str Environment variable name to register. Typically all caps. type : str, optional, {'bool', 'str', 'path', 'env_path', 'int', 'float'} Variable type. If not one of the available presets, use `validate`, `convert`, and `detype` to specify type behavior. default : optional Default value for variable. ``ValueError`` raised if type does not match that specified by `type` (or `validate`). doc : str, optional Docstring for variable. validate : func, optional Function to validate type. convert : func, optional Function to convert variable from a string representation to its type. detype : func, optional Function to convert variable from its type to a string representation. is_configurable : bool, optional Flag for whether the environment variable is configurable or not. doc_default : str, optional Custom docstring for the default value for complex defaults. can_store_as_str : bool, optional Flag for whether the environment variable should be stored as a string. This is used when persisting a variable that is not JSON serializable to the config file. For example, sets, frozensets, and potentially other non-trivial data types. default, False. """ if (type is not None) and ( type in ("bool", "str", "path", "env_path", "int", "float") ): validate, convert, detype = ENSURERS[type] if default is not None: if is_callable_default(default) or validate(default): pass else: raise ValueError( f"Default value for {name} does not match type specified " "by validate and is not a callable default." ) self._vars[name] = Var( validate, convert, detype, default, doc, is_configurable, doc_default, can_store_as_str, ) def deregister(self, name): """Deregister an enviornment variable and all its type handling, default value, doc. Parameters ---------- name : str Environment variable name to deregister. Typically all caps. """ self._vars.pop(name) def _yield_executables(directory, name): if ON_WINDOWS: base_name, ext = os.path.splitext(name.lower()) for fname in executables_in(directory): fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(fname.lower()) if base_name == fbase and (len(ext) == 0 or ext == fext): yield os.path.join(directory, fname) else: for x in executables_in(directory): if x == name: yield os.path.join(directory, name) return def locate_binary(name): """Locates an executable on the file system.""" return XSH.commands_cache.locate_binary(name) def xonshrc_context( rcfiles=None, rcdirs=None, execer=None, ctx=None, env=None, login=True ): """ Attempts to read in all xonshrc files and return the context. The xonsh environment here is updated to reflect which RC files and directory locations will have been loaded (if they existed). The updated environment vars might be different (or empty) depending on CLI options (--rc, --no-rc) or whether the session is interactive. """ loaded = env["LOADED_RC_FILES"] = [] ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx if rcfiles is None and rcdirs is None: return env orig_thread = env.get("THREAD_SUBPROCS") env["THREAD_SUBPROCS"] = None if rcfiles is not None: env["XONSHRC"] = tuple(rcfiles) for rcfile in rcfiles: if not os.path.isfile(rcfile): loaded.append(False) continue status = xonsh_script_run_control( rcfile, ctx, env, execer=execer, login=login ) loaded.append(status) if rcdirs is not None: env["XONSHRC_DIR"] = tuple(rcdirs) for rcdir in rcdirs: if os.path.isdir(rcdir): for rcfile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(rcdir, "*.xsh"))): status = xonsh_script_run_control( rcfile, ctx, env, execer=execer, login=login ) if env["THREAD_SUBPROCS"] is None: env["THREAD_SUBPROCS"] = orig_thread return ctx def windows_foreign_env_fixes(ctx): """Environment fixes for Windows. Operates in-place.""" # remove these bash variables which only cause problems. for ev in ["HOME", "OLDPWD"]: if ev in ctx: del ctx[ev] # Override path-related bash variables; on Windows bash uses # /c/Windows/System32 syntax instead of C:\\Windows\\System32 # which messes up these environment variables for xonsh. for ev in ["PATH", "TEMP", "TMP"]: if ev in os_environ: ctx[ev] = os_environ[ev] elif ev in ctx: del ctx[ev] ctx["PWD"] = _get_cwd() or "" def foreign_env_fixes(ctx): """Environment fixes for all operating systems""" if "PROMPT" in ctx: del ctx["PROMPT"] class _RcPath(str): """A class used exclusively to know which entry was added temporarily to sys.path while loading rc files. """ pass def xonsh_script_run_control(filename, ctx, env, execer=None, login=True): """Loads a xonsh file and applies it as a run control.""" if execer is None: return False updates = {"__file__": filename, "__name__": os.path.abspath(filename)} rc_dir = _RcPath(os.path.dirname(filename)) sys.path.append(rc_dir) try: with swap_values(ctx, updates): run_script_with_cache(filename, execer, ctx) loaded = True except SyntaxError as err: msg = "syntax error in xonsh run control file {0!r}: {1!s}" print_exception(msg.format(filename, err)) loaded = False except Exception as err: msg = "error running xonsh run control file {0!r}: {1!s}" print_exception(msg.format(filename, err)) loaded = False finally: sys.path = list(filter(lambda p: p is not rc_dir, sys.path)) return loaded def default_env(env=None): """Constructs a default xonsh environment.""" # in order of increasing precedence ctx = { "BASH_COMPLETIONS": list(DEFAULT_VARS["BASH_COMPLETIONS"].default), "PROMPT_FIELDS": dict(DEFAULT_VARS["PROMPT_FIELDS"].default), "XONSH_VERSION": XONSH_VERSION, } ctx.update(os_environ) ctx["PWD"] = _get_cwd() or "" # These can cause problems for programs (#2543) ctx.pop("LINES", None) ctx.pop("COLUMNS", None) # other shells' PROMPT definitions generally don't work in XONSH: try: del ctx["PROMPT"] except KeyError: pass # finalize env if env is not None: ctx.update(env) return ctx def make_args_env(args=None): """Makes a dictionary containing the $ARGS and $ARG<N> environment variables. If the supplied ARGS is None, then sys.argv is used. """ if args is None: args = sys.argv env = {"ARG" + str(i): arg for i, arg in enumerate(args)} env["ARGS"] = list(args) # make a copy so we don't interfere with original variable return env # # imphooks # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Import hooks for importing xonsh source files. This module registers the hooks it defines when it is imported. """ # amalgamated contextlib # amalgamated importlib # amalgamated os # amalgamated re # amalgamated sys # amalgamated types from import MetaPathFinder, SourceLoader, Loader from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.execer # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.platform @lazyobject def ENCODING_LINE(): # this regex comes from PEP 263 # return re.compile(b"^[ \t\f]*#.*?coding[:=][ \t]*([-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+)") def find_source_encoding(src): """Finds the source encoding given bytes representing a file by checking a special comment at either the first or second line of the source file. If no encoding is found, UTF-8 codec with BOM signature will be returned as it skips an optional UTF-8 encoded BOM at the start of the data and is otherwise the same as UTF-8 """ utf8 = "utf-8-sig" first, _, rest = src.partition(b"\n") m = ENCODING_LINE.match(first) if m is not None: return second, _, _ = rest.partition(b"\n") m = ENCODING_LINE.match(second) if m is not None: return return utf8 class XonshImportHook(MetaPathFinder, SourceLoader): """Implements the import hook for xonsh source files.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(XonshImportHook, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._filenames = {} self._execer = None @property def execer(self): if XSH.execer is not None: execer = XSH.execer if self._execer is not None: self._execer = None elif self._execer is None: self._execer = execer = Execer(unload=False) else: execer = self._execer return execer # # MetaPathFinder methods # def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None): """Finds the spec for a xonsh module if it exists.""" dot = "." spec = None path = sys.path if path is None else path if dot not in fullname and dot not in path: path = [dot] + path name = fullname.rsplit(dot, 1)[-1] fname = name + ".xsh" for p in path: if not isinstance(p, str): continue if not os.path.isdir(p) or not os.access(p, os.R_OK): continue if fname not in { for x in os.scandir(p)}: continue spec = ModuleSpec(fullname, self) self._filenames[fullname] = os.path.join(p, fname) break return spec # # SourceLoader methods # def create_module(self, spec): """Create a xonsh module with the appropriate attributes.""" mod = types.ModuleType( mod.__file__ = self.get_filename( mod.__loader__ = self mod.__package__ = spec.parent or "" return mod def get_filename(self, fullname): """Returns the filename for a module's fullname.""" return self._filenames[fullname] def get_data(self, path): """Gets the bytes for a path.""" raise OSError def get_code(self, fullname): """Gets the code object for a xonsh file.""" filename = self.get_filename(fullname) if filename is None: msg = "xonsh file {0!r} could not be found".format(fullname) raise ImportError(msg) src = self.get_source(fullname) execer = self.execer execer.filename = filename ctx = {} # dummy for modules code = execer.compile(src, glbs=ctx, locs=ctx) return code def get_source(self, fullname): if fullname is None: raise ImportError("could not find fullname to module") filename = self.get_filename(fullname) with open(filename, "rb") as f: src = if ON_WINDOWS: src = src.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n") enc = find_source_encoding(src) src = src.decode(encoding=enc) src = src if src.endswith("\n") else src + "\n" return src # # Import events # events.doc( "on_import_pre_find_spec", """ on_import_pre_find_spec(fullname: str, path: str, target: module or None) -> None Fires before any import find_spec() calls have been executed. The parameters here are the same as Namely, :``fullname``: The full name of the module to import. :``path``: None if a top-level import, otherwise the ``__path__`` of the parent package. :``target``: Target module used to make a better guess about the package spec. """, ) events.doc( "on_import_post_find_spec", """ on_import_post_find_spec(spec, fullname, path, target) -> None Fires after all import find_spec() calls have been executed. The parameters here the spec and the arguments Namely, :``spec``: A ModuleSpec object if the spec was found, or None if it was not. :``fullname``: The full name of the module to import. :``path``: None if a top-level import, otherwise the ``__path__`` of the parent package. :``target``: Target module used to make a better guess about the package spec. """, ) events.doc( "on_import_pre_create_module", """ on_import_pre_create_module(spec: ModuleSpec) -> None Fires right before a module is created by its loader. The only parameter is the spec object. See importlib for more details. """, ) events.doc( "on_import_post_create_module", """ on_import_post_create_module(module: Module, spec: ModuleSpec) -> None Fires after a module is created by its loader but before the loader returns it. The parameters here are the module object itself and the spec object. See importlib for more details. """, ) events.doc( "on_import_pre_exec_module", """ on_import_pre_exec_module(module: Module) -> None Fires right before a module is executed by its loader. The only parameter is the module itself. See importlib for more details. """, ) events.doc( "on_import_post_exec_module", """ on_import_post_create_module(module: Module) -> None Fires after a module is executed by its loader but before the loader returns it. The only parameter is the module itself. See importlib for more details. """, ) def _should_dispatch_xonsh_import_event_loader(): """Figures out if we should dispatch to a load event""" return ( len(events.on_import_pre_create_module) > 0 or len(events.on_import_post_create_module) > 0 or len(events.on_import_pre_exec_module) > 0 or len(events.on_import_post_exec_module) > 0 ) class XonshImportEventHook(MetaPathFinder): """Implements the import hook for firing xonsh events on import.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._fullname_stack = [] @contextlib.contextmanager def append_stack(self, fullname): """A context manager for appending and then removing a name from the fullname stack. """ self._fullname_stack.append(fullname) yield del self._fullname_stack[-1] # # MetaPathFinder methods # def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None): """Finds the spec for a xonsh module if it exists.""" if fullname in reversed(self._fullname_stack): # don't execute if we are already in the stack. return None npre = len(events.on_import_pre_find_spec) npost = len(events.on_import_post_find_spec) dispatch_load = _should_dispatch_xonsh_import_event_loader() if npre > 0: fullname=fullname, path=path, target=target ) elif npost == 0 and not dispatch_load: # no events to fire, proceed normally and prevent recursion return None # now find the spec with self.append_stack(fullname): spec = importlib.util.find_spec(fullname) # fire post event if npost > 0: spec=spec, fullname=fullname, path=path, target=target ) if dispatch_load and spec is not None and hasattr(spec.loader, "create_module"): spec.loader = XonshImportEventLoader(spec.loader) return spec _XIEVL_WRAPPED_ATTRIBUTES = frozenset( [ "load_module", "module_repr", "get_data", "get_resource_filename", "get_resource_stream", "get_resource_string", "has_resource", "has_metadata", "get_metadata", "get_metadata_lines", "resource_isdir", "metadata_isdir", "resource_listdir", "metadata_listdir", ] ) class XonshImportEventLoader(Loader): """A class that dispatches loader calls to another loader and fires relevant xonsh events. """ def __init__(self, loader): self.loader = loader # # Loader methods # def create_module(self, spec): """Creates and returns the module object.""" mod = self.loader.create_module(spec), spec=spec) return mod def exec_module(self, module): """Executes the module in its own namespace.""" rtn = self.loader.exec_module(module) return rtn def __getattr__(self, name): if name in _XIEVL_WRAPPED_ATTRIBUTES: return getattr(self.loader, name) return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def install_import_hooks(): """ Install Xonsh import hooks in ``sys.meta_path`` in order for ``.xsh`` files to be importable and import events to be fired. Can safely be called many times, will be no-op if xonsh import hooks are already present. """ found_imp = found_event = False for hook in sys.meta_path: if isinstance(hook, XonshImportHook): found_imp = True elif isinstance(hook, XonshImportEventHook): found_event = True if not found_imp: sys.meta_path.append(XonshImportHook()) if not found_event: sys.meta_path.insert(0, XonshImportEventHook()) # alias to deprecated name install_hook = install_import_hooks # # inspectors # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tools for inspecting Python objects. This file was forked from the IPython project: * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Fernando Perez <> * Copyright (c) 2001, Janko Hauser <> * Copyright (c) 2001, Nathaniel Gray <> """ # amalgamated os # amalgamated io # amalgamated sys # amalgamated types # amalgamated inspect # amalgamated itertools linecache = _LazyModule.load('linecache', 'linecache') # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.tokenize # amalgamated xonsh.openpy # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated xonsh.lazyimps # amalgamated xonsh.style_tools _func_call_docstring = LazyObject( lambda: types.FunctionType.__call__.__doc__, globals(), "_func_call_docstring" ) _object_init_docstring = LazyObject( lambda: object.__init__.__doc__, globals(), "_object_init_docstring" ) _builtin_type_docstrings = LazyObject( lambda: { inspect.getdoc(t) for t in (types.ModuleType, types.MethodType, types.FunctionType, property) }, globals(), "_builtin_type_docstrings", ) _builtin_func_type = LazyObject(lambda: type(all), globals(), "_builtin_func_type") # Bound methods have the same type as builtin functions _builtin_meth_type = LazyObject( lambda: type(str.upper), globals(), "_builtin_meth_type" ) info_fields = LazyObject( lambda: [ "type_name", "base_class", "string_form", "namespace", "length", "file", "definition", "docstring", "source", "init_definition", "class_docstring", "init_docstring", "call_def", "call_docstring", # These won't be printed but will be used to determine how to # format the object "ismagic", "isalias", "isclass", "argspec", "found", "name", ], globals(), "info_fields", ) def object_info(**kw): """Make an object info dict with all fields present.""" infodict = dict(itertools.zip_longest(info_fields, [None])) infodict.update(kw) return infodict def get_encoding(obj): """Get encoding for python source file defining obj Returns None if obj is not defined in a sourcefile. """ ofile = find_file(obj) # run contents of file through pager starting at line where the object # is defined, as long as the file isn't binary and is actually on the # filesystem. if ofile is None: return None elif ofile.endswith((".so", ".dll", ".pyd")): return None elif not os.path.isfile(ofile): return None else: # Print only text files, not extension binaries. Note that # getsourcelines returns lineno with 1-offset and page() uses # 0-offset, so we must adjust. with, "rb") as buf: # Tweaked to use for Python 2 encoding, _ = detect_encoding(buf.readline) return encoding def getdoc(obj): """Stable wrapper around inspect.getdoc. This can't crash because of attribute problems. It also attempts to call a getdoc() method on the given object. This allows objects which provide their docstrings via non-standard mechanisms (like Pyro proxies) to still be inspected by ipython's ? system.""" # Allow objects to offer customized documentation via a getdoc method: try: ds = obj.getdoc() except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except pass else: # if we get extra info, we add it to the normal docstring. if isinstance(ds, str): return inspect.cleandoc(ds) try: docstr = inspect.getdoc(obj) encoding = get_encoding(obj) return cast_unicode(docstr, encoding=encoding) except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except # Harden against an inspect failure, which can occur with # SWIG-wrapped extensions. raise def getsource(obj, is_binary=False): """Wrapper around inspect.getsource. This can be modified by other projects to provide customized source extraction. Inputs: - obj: an object whose source code we will attempt to extract. Optional inputs: - is_binary: whether the object is known to come from a binary source. This implementation will skip returning any output for binary objects, but custom extractors may know how to meaningfully process them.""" if is_binary: return None else: # get source if obj was decorated with @decorator if hasattr(obj, "__wrapped__"): obj = obj.__wrapped__ try: src = inspect.getsource(obj) except TypeError: if hasattr(obj, "__class__"): src = inspect.getsource(obj.__class__) encoding = get_encoding(obj) return cast_unicode(src, encoding=encoding) def is_simple_callable(obj): """True if obj is a function ()""" return ( inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj) or isinstance(obj, _builtin_func_type) or isinstance(obj, _builtin_meth_type) ) def getargspec(obj): """Wrapper around :func:`inspect.getfullargspec` on Python 3, and :func:inspect.getargspec` on Python 2. In addition to functions and methods, this can also handle objects with a ``__call__`` attribute. """ if safe_hasattr(obj, "__call__") and not is_simple_callable(obj): obj = obj.__call__ return inspect.getfullargspec(obj) def format_argspec(argspec): """Format argspect, convenience wrapper around inspect's. This takes a dict instead of ordered arguments and calls inspect.format_argspec with the arguments in the necessary order. """ return inspect.formatargspec( argspec["args"], argspec["varargs"], argspec["varkw"], argspec["defaults"] ) def call_tip(oinfo, format_call=True): """Extract call tip data from an oinfo dict. Parameters ---------- oinfo : dict format_call : bool, optional If True, the call line is formatted and returned as a string. If not, a tuple of (name, argspec) is returned. Returns ------- call_info : None, str or (str, dict) tuple. When format_call is True, the whole call information is formatted as a single string. Otherwise, the object's name and its argspec dict are returned. If no call information is available, None is returned. docstring : str or None The most relevant docstring for calling purposes is returned, if available. The priority is: call docstring for callable instances, then constructor docstring for classes, then main object's docstring otherwise (regular functions). """ # Get call definition argspec = oinfo.get("argspec") if argspec is None: call_line = None else: # Callable objects will have 'self' as their first argument, prune # it out if it's there for clarity (since users do *not* pass an # extra first argument explicitly). try: has_self = argspec["args"][0] == "self" except (KeyError, IndexError): pass else: if has_self: argspec["args"] = argspec["args"][1:] call_line = oinfo["name"] + format_argspec(argspec) # Now get docstring. # The priority is: call docstring, constructor docstring, main one. doc = oinfo.get("call_docstring") if doc is None: doc = oinfo.get("init_docstring") if doc is None: doc = oinfo.get("docstring", "") return call_line, doc def find_file(obj): """Find the absolute path to the file where an object was defined. This is essentially a robust wrapper around `inspect.getabsfile`. Returns None if no file can be found. Parameters ---------- obj : any Python object Returns ------- fname : str The absolute path to the file where the object was defined. """ # get source if obj was decorated with @decorator if safe_hasattr(obj, "__wrapped__"): obj = obj.__wrapped__ fname = None try: fname = inspect.getabsfile(obj) except TypeError: # For an instance, the file that matters is where its class was # declared. if hasattr(obj, "__class__"): try: fname = inspect.getabsfile(obj.__class__) except TypeError: # Can happen for builtins pass except Exception: pass return cast_unicode(fname) def find_source_lines(obj): """Find the line number in a file where an object was defined. This is essentially a robust wrapper around `inspect.getsourcelines`. Returns None if no file can be found. Parameters ---------- obj : any Python object Returns ------- lineno : int The line number where the object definition starts. """ # get source if obj was decorated with @decorator if safe_hasattr(obj, "__wrapped__"): obj = obj.__wrapped__ try: try: lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(obj)[1] except TypeError: # For instances, try the class object like getsource() does if hasattr(obj, "__class__"): lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(obj.__class__)[1] else: lineno = None except Exception: return None return lineno class Inspector(object): """Inspects objects.""" def __init__(self, str_detail_level=0): self.str_detail_level = str_detail_level def _getdef(self, obj, oname=""): """Return the call signature for any callable object. If any exception is generated, None is returned instead and the exception is suppressed. """ try: hdef = oname + str(inspect.signature(obj)) return cast_unicode(hdef) except Exception: return None def noinfo(self, msg, oname): """Generic message when no information is found.""" print("No %s found" % msg, end=" ") if oname: print("for %s" % oname) else: print() def pdef(self, obj, oname=""): """Print the call signature for any callable object. If the object is a class, print the constructor information. """ if not callable(obj): print("Object is not callable.") return header = "" if inspect.isclass(obj): header = self.__head("Class constructor information:\n") obj = obj.__init__ output = self._getdef(obj, oname) if output is None: self.noinfo("definition header", oname) else: print(header, output, end=" ", file=sys.stdout) def pdoc(self, obj, oname=""): """Print the docstring for any object. Optional -formatter: a function to run the docstring through for specially formatted docstrings. """ head = self.__head # For convenience lines = [] ds = getdoc(obj) if ds: lines.append(head("Class docstring:")) lines.append(indent(ds)) if inspect.isclass(obj) and hasattr(obj, "__init__"): init_ds = getdoc(obj.__init__) if init_ds is not None: lines.append(head("Init docstring:")) lines.append(indent(init_ds)) elif callable(obj): call_ds = getdoc(obj.__call__) if call_ds: lines.append(head("Call docstring:")) lines.append(indent(call_ds)) if not lines: self.noinfo("documentation", oname) else: print("\n".join(lines)) def psource(self, obj, oname=""): """Print the source code for an object.""" # Flush the source cache because inspect can return out-of-date source linecache.checkcache() try: src = getsource(obj) except Exception: self.noinfo("source", oname) else: print(src) def pfile(self, obj, oname=""): """Show the whole file where an object was defined.""" lineno = find_source_lines(obj) if lineno is None: self.noinfo("file", oname) return ofile = find_file(obj) # run contents of file through pager starting at line where the object # is defined, as long as the file isn't binary and is actually on the # filesystem. if ofile.endswith((".so", ".dll", ".pyd")): print("File %r is binary, not printing." % ofile) elif not os.path.isfile(ofile): print("File %r does not exist, not printing." % ofile) else: # Print only text files, not extension binaries. Note that # getsourcelines returns lineno with 1-offset and page() uses # 0-offset, so we must adjust. o = read_py_file(ofile, skip_encoding_cookie=False) print(o, lineno - 1) def _format_fields_str(self, fields, title_width=0): """Formats a list of fields for display using color strings. Parameters ---------- fields : list A list of 2-tuples: (field_title, field_content) title_width : int How many characters to pad titles to. Default to longest title. """ out = [] if title_width == 0: title_width = max(len(title) + 2 for title, _ in fields) for title, content in fields: title_len = len(title) title = "{BOLD_RED}" + title + ":{RESET}" if len(content.splitlines()) > 1: title += "\n" else: title += " ".ljust(title_width - title_len) out.append(cast_unicode(title) + cast_unicode(content)) return format_color("\n".join(out) + "\n") def _format_fields_tokens(self, fields, title_width=0): """Formats a list of fields for display using color tokens from pygments. Parameters ---------- fields : list A list of 2-tuples: (field_title, field_content) title_width : int How many characters to pad titles to. Default to longest title. """ out = [] if title_width == 0: title_width = max(len(title) + 2 for title, _ in fields) for title, content in fields: title_len = len(title) title = "{BOLD_RED}" + title + ":{RESET}" if not isinstance(content, str) or len(content.splitlines()) > 1: title += "\n" else: title += " ".ljust(title_width - title_len) out += partial_color_tokenize(title) if isinstance(content, str): out[-1] = (out[-1][0], out[-1][1] + content + "\n") else: out += content out[-1] = (out[-1][0], out[-1][1] + "\n") out[-1] = (out[-1][0], out[-1][1] + "\n") return out def _format_fields(self, fields, title_width=0): """Formats a list of fields for display using color tokens from pygments. Parameters ---------- fields : list A list of 2-tuples: (field_title, field_content) title_width : int How many characters to pad titles to. Default to longest title. """ if HAS_PYGMENTS: rtn = self._format_fields_tokens(fields, title_width=title_width) else: rtn = self._format_fields_str(fields, title_width=title_width) return rtn # The fields to be displayed by pinfo: (fancy_name, key_in_info_dict) pinfo_fields1 = [("Type", "type_name")] pinfo_fields2 = [("String form", "string_form")] pinfo_fields3 = [ ("Length", "length"), ("File", "file"), ("Definition", "definition"), ] pinfo_fields_obj = [ ("Class docstring", "class_docstring"), ("Init docstring", "init_docstring"), ("Call def", "call_def"), ("Call docstring", "call_docstring"), ] def pinfo(self, obj, oname="", info=None, detail_level=0): """Show detailed information about an object. Parameters ---------- obj : object oname : str, optional name of the variable pointing to the object. info : dict, optional a structure with some information fields which may have been precomputed already. detail_level : int, optional if set to 1, more information is given. """ info =, oname=oname, info=info, detail_level=detail_level) displayfields = [] def add_fields(fields): for title, key in fields: field = info[key] if field is not None: displayfields.append((title, field.rstrip())) add_fields(self.pinfo_fields1) add_fields(self.pinfo_fields2) # Namespace if info["namespace"] is not None and info["namespace"] != "Interactive": displayfields.append(("Namespace", info["namespace"].rstrip())) add_fields(self.pinfo_fields3) if info["isclass"] and info["init_definition"]: displayfields.append(("Init definition", info["init_definition"].rstrip())) # Source or docstring, depending on detail level and whether # source found. if detail_level > 0 and info["source"] is not None: displayfields.append(("Source", cast_unicode(info["source"]))) elif info["docstring"] is not None: displayfields.append(("Docstring", info["docstring"])) # Constructor info for classes if info["isclass"]: if info["init_docstring"] is not None: displayfields.append(("Init docstring", info["init_docstring"])) # Info for objects: else: add_fields(self.pinfo_fields_obj) # Finally send to printer/pager: if displayfields: print_color(self._format_fields(displayfields)) def info(self, obj, oname="", info=None, detail_level=0): """Compute a dict with detailed information about an object. Optional arguments: - oname: name of the variable pointing to the object. - info: a structure with some information fields which may have been precomputed already. - detail_level: if set to 1, more information is given. """ obj_type = type(obj) if info is None: ismagic = 0 isalias = 0 ospace = "" else: ismagic = info.ismagic isalias = info.isalias ospace = info.namespace # Get docstring, special-casing aliases: if isalias: if not callable(obj): if len(obj) >= 2 and isinstance(obj[1], str): ds = "Alias to the system command:\n {0}".format(obj[1]) else: ds = "Alias: " + str(obj) else: ds = "Alias to " + str(obj) if obj.__doc__: ds += "\nDocstring:\n" + obj.__doc__ else: ds = getdoc(obj) if ds is None: ds = "<no docstring>" # store output in a dict, we initialize it here and fill it as we go out = dict(name=oname, found=True, isalias=isalias, ismagic=ismagic) string_max = 200 # max size of strings to show (snipped if longer) shalf = int((string_max - 5) / 2) if ismagic: obj_type_name = "Magic function" elif isalias: obj_type_name = "System alias" else: obj_type_name = obj_type.__name__ out["type_name"] = obj_type_name try: bclass = obj.__class__ out["base_class"] = str(bclass) except Exception: pass # String form, but snip if too long in ? form (full in ??) if detail_level >= self.str_detail_level: try: ostr = str(obj) str_head = "string_form" if not detail_level and len(ostr) > string_max: ostr = ostr[:shalf] + " <...> " + ostr[-shalf:] ostr = ("\n" + " " * len(str_head.expandtabs())).join( q.strip() for q in ostr.split("\n") ) out[str_head] = ostr except Exception: pass if ospace: out["namespace"] = ospace # Length (for strings and lists) try: out["length"] = str(len(obj)) except Exception: pass # Filename where object was defined binary_file = False fname = find_file(obj) if fname is None: # if anything goes wrong, we don't want to show source, so it's as # if the file was binary binary_file = True else: if fname.endswith((".so", ".dll", ".pyd")): binary_file = True elif fname.endswith("<string>"): fname = "Dynamically generated function. " "No source code available." out["file"] = fname # Docstrings only in detail 0 mode, since source contains them (we # avoid repetitions). If source fails, we add them back, see below. if ds and detail_level == 0: out["docstring"] = ds # Original source code for any callable if detail_level: # Flush the source cache because inspect can return out-of-date # source linecache.checkcache() source = None try: try: source = getsource(obj, binary_file) except TypeError: if hasattr(obj, "__class__"): source = getsource(obj.__class__, binary_file) if source is not None: source = source.rstrip() if HAS_PYGMENTS: lexer = pyghooks.XonshLexer() source = list(pygments.lex(source, lexer=lexer)) out["source"] = source except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except pass if ds and source is None: out["docstring"] = ds # Constructor docstring for classes if inspect.isclass(obj): out["isclass"] = True # reconstruct the function definition and print it: try: obj_init = obj.__init__ except AttributeError: init_def = init_ds = None else: init_def = self._getdef(obj_init, oname) init_ds = getdoc(obj_init) # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings if init_ds == _object_init_docstring: init_ds = None if init_def or init_ds: if init_def: out["init_definition"] = init_def if init_ds: out["init_docstring"] = init_ds # and class docstring for instances: else: # reconstruct the function definition and print it: defln = self._getdef(obj, oname) if defln: out["definition"] = defln # First, check whether the instance docstring is identical to the # class one, and print it separately if they don't coincide. In # most cases they will, but it's nice to print all the info for # objects which use instance-customized docstrings. if ds: try: cls = obj.__class__ except Exception: class_ds = None else: class_ds = getdoc(cls) # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings if class_ds in _builtin_type_docstrings: class_ds = None if class_ds and ds != class_ds: out["class_docstring"] = class_ds # Next, try to show constructor docstrings try: init_ds = getdoc(obj.__init__) # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings if init_ds == _object_init_docstring: init_ds = None except AttributeError: init_ds = None if init_ds: out["init_docstring"] = init_ds # Call form docstring for callable instances if safe_hasattr(obj, "__call__") and not is_simple_callable(obj): call_def = self._getdef(obj.__call__, oname) if call_def: call_def = call_def # it may never be the case that call def and definition # differ, but don't include the same signature twice if call_def != out.get("definition"): out["call_def"] = call_def call_ds = getdoc(obj.__call__) # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings if call_ds == _func_call_docstring: call_ds = None if call_ds: out["call_docstring"] = call_ds # Compute the object's argspec as a callable. The key is to decide # whether to pull it from the object itself, from its __init__ or # from its __call__ method. if inspect.isclass(obj): # Old-style classes need not have an __init__ callable_obj = getattr(obj, "__init__", None) elif callable(obj): callable_obj = obj else: callable_obj = None if callable_obj: try: argspec = getargspec(callable_obj) except (TypeError, AttributeError): # For extensions/builtins we can't retrieve the argspec pass else: # named tuples' _asdict() method returns an OrderedDict, but we # we want a normal out["argspec"] = argspec_dict = dict(argspec._asdict()) # We called this varkw before argspec became a named tuple. # With getfullargspec it's also called varkw. if "varkw" not in argspec_dict: argspec_dict["varkw"] = argspec_dict.pop("keywords") return object_info(**out) # # aliases # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Aliases for the xonsh shell.""" # amalgamated os # amalgamated re # amalgamated sys # amalgamated inspect # amalgamated argparse # amalgamated # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.dirstack # amalgamated xonsh.environ # amalgamated xonsh.foreign_shells # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.timings # amalgamated xonsh.xontribs # amalgamated xonsh.ast xca = _LazyModule.load('xonsh', 'xonsh.completers._aliases', 'xca') # amalgamated xonsh.history.main xxw = _LazyModule.load('xonsh', 'xonsh.xoreutils.which', 'xxw') from xonsh.xoreutils.umask import umask if ON_POSIX: from xonsh.xoreutils.ulimit import ulimit @lazyobject def EXEC_ALIAS_RE(): return re.compile(r"@\(|\$\(|!\(|\$\[|!\[|\&\&|\|\||\s+and\s+|\s+or\s+|[>|<]") class Aliases(cabc.MutableMapping): """Represents a location to hold and look up aliases.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._raw = {} self.update(*args, **kwargs) def get(self, key, default=None): """Returns the (possibly modified) value. If the key is not present, then `default` is returned. If the value is callable, it is returned without modification. If it is an iterable of strings it will be evaluated recursively to expand other aliases, resulting in a new list or a "partially applied" callable. """ val = self._raw.get(key) if val is None: return default elif isinstance(val, cabc.Iterable) or callable(val): return self.eval_alias(val, seen_tokens={key}) else: msg = "alias of {!r} has an inappropriate type: {!r}" raise TypeError(msg.format(key, val)) def eval_alias(self, value, seen_tokens=frozenset(), acc_args=()): """ "Evaluates" the alias ``value``, by recursively looking up the leftmost token and "expanding" if it's also an alias. A value like ``["cmd", "arg"]`` might transform like this: ``> ["cmd", "arg"] -> ["ls", "-al", "arg"] -> callable()`` where ``cmd=ls -al`` and ``ls`` is an alias with its value being a callable. The resulting callable will be "partially applied" with ``["-al", "arg"]``. """ # Beware of mutability: default values for keyword args are evaluated # only once. if callable(value): return partial_eval_alias(value, acc_args=acc_args) else: expand_path = XSH.expand_path token, *rest = map(expand_path, value) if token in seen_tokens or token not in self._raw: # ^ Making sure things like `egrep=egrep --color=auto` works, # and that `l` evals to `ls --color=auto -CF` if `l=ls -CF` # and `ls=ls --color=auto` rtn = [token] rtn.extend(rest) rtn.extend(acc_args) return rtn else: seen_tokens = seen_tokens | {token} acc_args = rest + list(acc_args) return self.eval_alias(self._raw[token], seen_tokens, acc_args) def expand_alias(self, line: str, cursor_index: int) -> str: """Expands any aliases present in line if alias does not point to a builtin function and if alias is only a single command. The command won't be expanded if the cursor's inside/behind it. """ word = (line.split(maxsplit=1) or [""])[0] if word in XSH.aliases and isinstance(self.get(word), cabc.Sequence): # type: ignore word_idx = line.find(word) word_edge = word_idx + len(word) if cursor_index > word_edge: # the cursor isn't inside/behind the word expansion = " ".join(self.get(word)) line = line[:word_idx] + expansion + line[word_edge:] return line # # Mutable mapping interface # def __getitem__(self, key): return self._raw[key] def __setitem__(self, key, val): if isinstance(val, str): f = "<exec-alias:" + key + ">" if is not None: # We have a sub-command (e.g. $(cmd)) or IO redirect (e.g. >>) self._raw[key] = ExecAlias(val, filename=f) elif isexpression(val): # expansion substitution lexer = XSH.execer.parser.lexer self._raw[key] = list(map(strip_simple_quotes, lexer.split(val))) else: # need to exec alias self._raw[key] = ExecAlias(val, filename=f) else: self._raw[key] = val def _common_or(self, other): new_dict = self._raw.copy() for key in dict(other): new_dict[key] = other[key] return Aliases(new_dict) def __or__(self, other): return self._common_or(other) def __ror__(self, other): return self._common_or(other) def __ior__(self, other): for key in dict(other): self[key] = other[key] return self def __delitem__(self, key): del self._raw[key] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): for key, val in dict(*args, **kwargs).items(): self[key] = val def __iter__(self): yield from self._raw def __len__(self): return len(self._raw) def __str__(self): return str(self._raw) def __repr__(self): return "{0}.{1}({2})".format( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self._raw ) _repr_pretty_ = to_repr_pretty_ class ExecAlias: """Provides a callable alias for xonsh source code.""" def __init__(self, src, filename="<exec-alias>"): """ Parameters ---------- src : str Source code that will be """ self.src = src self.filename = filename def __call__( self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None ): execer = XSH.execer frame = stack[0][0] # execute as though we are at the call site alias_args = {"args": args} for i, a in enumerate(args): alias_args[f"arg{i}"] = a with XSH.env.swap(alias_args): execer.exec( self.src, glbs=frame.f_globals, locs=frame.f_locals, filename=self.filename, ) def __repr__(self): return "ExecAlias({0!r}, filename={1!r})".format(self.src, self.filename) class PartialEvalAliasBase: """Partially evaluated alias.""" def __init__(self, f, acc_args=()): """ Parameters ---------- f : callable A function to dispatch to. acc_args : sequence of strings, optional Additional arguments to prepent to the argument list passed in when the alias is called. """ self.f = f self.acc_args = acc_args self.__name__ = getattr(f, "__name__", self.__class__.__name__) def __call__( self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None ): args = list(self.acc_args) + args return self.f(args, stdin, stdout, stderr, spec, stack) def __repr__(self): return "{name}({f!r}, acc_args={acc_args!r})".format( name=self.__class__.__name__, f=self.f, acc_args=self.acc_args ) class PartialEvalAlias0(PartialEvalAliasBase): def __call__( self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None ): args = list(self.acc_args) + args if args: msg = "callable alias {f!r} takes no arguments, but {args!f} provided. " msg += "Of these {acc_args!r} were partially applied." raise XonshError(msg.format(f=self.f, args=args, acc_args=self.acc_args)) return self.f() class PartialEvalAlias1(PartialEvalAliasBase): def __call__( self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None ): args = list(self.acc_args) + args return self.f(args) class PartialEvalAlias2(PartialEvalAliasBase): def __call__( self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None ): args = list(self.acc_args) + args return self.f(args, stdin) class PartialEvalAlias3(PartialEvalAliasBase): def __call__( self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None ): args = list(self.acc_args) + args return self.f(args, stdin, stdout) class PartialEvalAlias4(PartialEvalAliasBase): def __call__( self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None ): args = list(self.acc_args) + args return self.f(args, stdin, stdout, stderr) class PartialEvalAlias5(PartialEvalAliasBase): def __call__( self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None ): args = list(self.acc_args) + args return self.f(args, stdin, stdout, stderr, spec) class PartialEvalAlias6(PartialEvalAliasBase): def __call__( self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None ): args = list(self.acc_args) + args return self.f(args, stdin, stdout, stderr, spec, stack) PARTIAL_EVAL_ALIASES = ( PartialEvalAlias0, PartialEvalAlias1, PartialEvalAlias2, PartialEvalAlias3, PartialEvalAlias4, PartialEvalAlias5, PartialEvalAlias6, ) def partial_eval_alias(f, acc_args=()): """Dispatches the appropriate eval alias based on the number of args to the original callable alias and how many arguments to apply. """ # no partial needed if no extra args if not acc_args: return f # need to dispatch numargs = 0 for name, param in inspect.signature(f).parameters.items(): if ( param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_ONLY or param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD ): numargs += 1 elif name in ALIAS_KWARG_NAMES and param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY: numargs += 1 if numargs < 7: return PARTIAL_EVAL_ALIASES[numargs](f, acc_args=acc_args) else: e = "Expected proxy with 6 or fewer arguments for {}, not {}" raise XonshError(e.format(", ".join(ALIAS_KWARG_NAMES), numargs)) # # Actual aliases below # def xonsh_exit(args, stdin=None): """Sends signal to exit shell.""" if not clean_jobs(): # Do not exit if jobs not cleaned up return None, None XSH.exit = True print() # gimme a newline return None, None def xonsh_reset(args, stdin=None): """Clears __xonsh__.ctx""" XSH.ctx.clear() @lazyobject def _SOURCE_FOREIGN_PARSER(): desc = "Sources a file written in a foreign shell language." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("source-foreign", description=desc) parser.add_argument("shell", help="Name or path to the foreign shell") parser.add_argument( "files_or_code", nargs="+", help="file paths to source or code in the target " "language.", ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--interactive", type=to_bool, default=True, help="whether the sourced shell should be interactive", dest="interactive", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--login", type=to_bool, default=False, help="whether the sourced shell should be login", dest="login", ) parser.add_argument( "--envcmd", default=None, dest="envcmd", help="command to print environment" ) parser.add_argument( "--aliascmd", default=None, dest="aliascmd", help="command to print aliases" ) parser.add_argument( "--extra-args", default=(), dest="extra_args", type=(lambda s: tuple(s.split())), help="extra arguments needed to run the shell", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--safe", type=to_bool, default=True, help="whether the source shell should be run safely, " "and not raise any errors, even if they occur.", dest="safe", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--prevcmd", default=None, dest="prevcmd", help="command(s) to run before any other commands, " "replaces traditional source.", ) parser.add_argument( "--postcmd", default="", dest="postcmd", help="command(s) to run after all other commands", ) parser.add_argument( "--funcscmd", default=None, dest="funcscmd", help="code to find locations of all native functions " "in the shell language.", ) parser.add_argument( "--sourcer", default=None, dest="sourcer", help="the source command in the target shell " "language, default: source.", ) parser.add_argument( "--use-tmpfile", type=to_bool, default=False, help="whether the commands for source shell should be " "written to a temporary file.", dest="use_tmpfile", ) parser.add_argument( "--seterrprevcmd", default=None, dest="seterrprevcmd", help="command(s) to set exit-on-error before any" "other commands.", ) parser.add_argument( "--seterrpostcmd", default=None, dest="seterrpostcmd", help="command(s) to set exit-on-error after all" "other commands.", ) parser.add_argument( "--overwrite-aliases", default=False, action="store_true", dest="overwrite_aliases", help="flag for whether or not sourced aliases should " "replace the current xonsh aliases.", ) parser.add_argument( "--suppress-skip-message", default=None, action="store_true", dest="suppress_skip_message", help="flag for whether or not skip messages should be suppressed.", ) parser.add_argument( "--show", default=False, action="store_true", dest="show", help="Will show the script output.", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--dry-run", default=False, action="store_true", dest="dryrun", help="Will not actually source the file.", ) return parser def source_foreign(args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): """Sources a file written in a foreign shell language.""" env = XSH.env ns = _SOURCE_FOREIGN_PARSER.parse_args(args) ns.suppress_skip_message = ( env.get("FOREIGN_ALIASES_SUPPRESS_SKIP_MESSAGE") if ns.suppress_skip_message is None else ns.suppress_skip_message ) if ns.prevcmd is not None: pass # don't change prevcmd if given explicitly elif os.path.isfile(ns.files_or_code[0]): # we have filename to source ns.prevcmd = '{} "{}"'.format(ns.sourcer, '" "'.join(ns.files_or_code)) elif ns.prevcmd is None: ns.prevcmd = " ".join(ns.files_or_code) # code to run, no files foreign_shell_data.cache_clear() # make sure that we don't get prev src fsenv, fsaliases = foreign_shell_data(, login=ns.login, interactive=ns.interactive, envcmd=ns.envcmd, aliascmd=ns.aliascmd, extra_args=ns.extra_args,, prevcmd=ns.prevcmd, postcmd=ns.postcmd, funcscmd=ns.funcscmd, sourcer=ns.sourcer, use_tmpfile=ns.use_tmpfile, seterrprevcmd=ns.seterrprevcmd, seterrpostcmd=ns.seterrpostcmd,, dryrun=ns.dryrun, ) if fsenv is None: if ns.dryrun: return else: msg = "xonsh: error: Source failed: {0!r}\n".format(ns.prevcmd) msg += "xonsh: error: Possible reasons: File not found or syntax error\n" return (None, msg, 1) # apply results denv = env.detype() for k, v in fsenv.items(): if k in denv and v == denv[k]: continue # no change from original env[k] = v # Remove any env-vars that were unset by the script. for k in denv: if k not in fsenv: env.pop(k, None) # Update aliases baliases = XSH.aliases for k, v in fsaliases.items(): if k in baliases and v == baliases[k]: continue # no change from original elif ns.overwrite_aliases or k not in baliases: baliases[k] = v elif ns.suppress_skip_message: pass else: msg = ( "Skipping application of {0!r} alias from {1!r} " "since it shares a name with an existing xonsh alias. " 'Use "--overwrite-alias" option to apply it anyway.' 'You may prevent this message with "--suppress-skip-message" or ' '"$FOREIGN_ALIASES_SUPPRESS_SKIP_MESSAGE = True".' ) print(msg.format(k,, file=stderr) @unthreadable def source_alias(args, stdin=None): """Executes the contents of the provided files in the current context. If sourced file isn't found in cwd, search for file along $PATH to source instead. """ env = XSH.env encoding = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING") errors = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS") for i, fname in enumerate(args): fpath = fname if not os.path.isfile(fpath): fpath = locate_binary(fname) if fpath is None: if env.get("XONSH_DEBUG"): print("source: {}: No such file".format(fname), file=sys.stderr) if i == 0: raise RuntimeError( "must source at least one file, " + fname + " does not exist." ) break _, fext = os.path.splitext(fpath) if fext and fext != ".xsh" and fext != ".py": raise RuntimeError( "attempting to source non-xonsh file! If you are " "trying to source a file in another language, " "then please use the appropriate source command. " "For example, source-bash" ) with open(fpath, "r", encoding=encoding, errors=errors) as fp: src = if not src.endswith("\n"): src += "\n" ctx = XSH.ctx updates = {"__file__": fpath, "__name__": os.path.abspath(fpath)} with env.swap(**make_args_env(args[i + 1 :])), swap_values(ctx, updates): try: XSH.builtins.execx(src, "exec", ctx, filename=fpath) except Exception: print_color( "{RED}You may be attempting to source non-xonsh file! " "{RESET}If you are trying to source a file in " "another language, then please use the appropriate " "source command. For example, {GREEN}source-bash " "{RESET}", file=sys.stderr, ) raise def source_cmd(args, stdin=None): """Simple cmd.exe-specific wrapper around source-foreign.""" args = list(args) fpath = locate_binary(args[0]) args[0] = fpath if fpath else args[0] if not os.path.isfile(args[0]): return (None, "xonsh: error: File not found: {}\n".format(args[0]), 1) prevcmd = "call " prevcmd += " ".join([argvquote(arg, force=True) for arg in args]) prevcmd = escape_windows_cmd_string(prevcmd) args.append("--prevcmd={}".format(prevcmd)) args.insert(0, "cmd") args.append("--interactive=0") args.append("--sourcer=call") args.append("--envcmd=set") args.append("--seterrpostcmd=if errorlevel 1 exit 1") args.append("--use-tmpfile=1") with XSH.env.swap(PROMPT="$P$G"): return source_foreign(args, stdin=stdin) def xexec(args, stdin=None): """exec [-h|--help] [-cl] [-a name] command [args...] exec (also aliased as xexec) uses the os.execvpe() function to replace the xonsh process with the specified program. This provides the functionality of the bash 'exec' builtin:: >>> exec bash -l -i bash $ The '-h' and '--help' options print this message and exit. If the '-l' option is supplied, the shell places a dash at the beginning of the zeroth argument passed to command to simulate login shell. The '-c' option causes command to be executed with an empty environment. If '-a' is supplied, the shell passes name as the zeroth argument to the executed command. Notes ----- This command **is not** the same as the Python builtin function exec(). That function is for running Python code. This command, which shares the same name as the sh-lang statement, is for launching a command directly in the same process. In the event of a name conflict, please use the xexec command directly or dive into subprocess mode explicitly with ![exec command]. For more details, please see """ if len(args) == 0: return (None, "xonsh: exec: no args specified\n", 1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-l", dest="login", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-c", dest="clean", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-a", dest="name", nargs="?") parser.add_argument("command", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) args = parser.parse_args(args) if return inspect.getdoc(xexec) if len(args.command) == 0: return (None, "xonsh: exec: no command specified\n", 1) command = args.command[0] if is not None: args.command[0] = if args.login: args.command[0] = "-{}".format(args.command[0]) denv = {} if not args.clean: denv = XSH.env.detype() try: os.execvpe(command, args.command, denv) except FileNotFoundError as e: return ( None, "xonsh: exec: file not found: {}: {}" "\n".format(e.args[1], args.command[0]), 1, ) class AWitchAWitch(argparse.Action): SUPPRESS = "==SUPPRESS==" def __init__( self, option_strings, version=None, dest=SUPPRESS, default=SUPPRESS, **kwargs ): super().__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, default=default, nargs=0, **kwargs ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): import webbrowser"") parser.exit() def xonfig(args, stdin=None): """Runs the xonsh configuration utility.""" from xonsh.xonfig import xonfig_main # lazy import return xonfig_main(args) @unthreadable def trace(args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None): """Runs the xonsh tracer utility.""" from xonsh.tracer import tracermain # lazy import try: return tracermain(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, spec=spec) except SystemExit: pass def showcmd(args, stdin=None): """usage: showcmd [-h|--help|cmd args] Displays the command and arguments as a list of strings that xonsh would run in subprocess mode. This is useful for determining how xonsh evaluates your commands and arguments prior to running these commands. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Examples -------- >>> showcmd echo $USER "can't" hear "the sea" ['echo', 'I', "can't", 'hear', 'the sea'] """ if len(args) == 0 or (len(args) == 1 and args[0] in {"-h", "--help"}): print(showcmd.__doc__.rstrip().replace("\n ", "\n")) else: sys.displayhook(args) def detect_xpip_alias(): """ Determines the correct invocation to get xonsh's pip """ if not getattr(sys, "executable", None): return lambda args, stdin=None: ( "", "Sorry, unable to run pip on your system (missing sys.executable)", 1, ) basecmd = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip"] try: if ON_WINDOWS or IN_APPIMAGE: # XXX: Does windows have an installation mode that requires UAC? return basecmd elif not os.access(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), os.W_OK): return ["sudo"] + basecmd else: return basecmd except Exception: # Something freaky happened, return something that'll probably work return basecmd def make_default_aliases(): """Creates a new default aliases dictionary.""" default_aliases = { "cd": cd, "pushd": pushd, "popd": popd, "dirs": dirs, "jobs": jobs, "fg": fg, "bg": bg, "disown": disown, "EOF": xonsh_exit, "exit": xonsh_exit, "quit": xonsh_exit, "exec": xexec, "xexec": xexec, "source": source_alias, "source-zsh": ["source-foreign", "zsh", "--sourcer=source"], "source-bash": ["source-foreign", "bash", "--sourcer=source"], "source-cmd": source_cmd, "source-foreign": source_foreign, "history": xhm.history_main, "trace": trace, "timeit": timeit_alias, "umask": umask, "xonfig": xonfig, "scp-resume": ["rsync", "--partial", "-h", "--progress", "--rsh=ssh"], "showcmd": showcmd, "ipynb": ["jupyter", "notebook", "--no-browser"], "which": xxw.which, "xontrib": xontribs_main, "completer": xca.completer_alias, "xpip": detect_xpip_alias(), "xonsh-reset": xonsh_reset, } if ON_POSIX: default_aliases["ulimit"] = ulimit if ON_WINDOWS: # Borrow builtin commands from cmd.exe. windows_cmd_aliases = { "cls", "copy", "del", "dir", "echo", "erase", "md", "mkdir", "mklink", "move", "rd", "ren", "rename", "rmdir", "time", "type", "vol", } for alias in windows_cmd_aliases: default_aliases[alias] = ["cmd", "/c", alias] default_aliases["call"] = ["source-cmd"] default_aliases["source-bat"] = ["source-cmd"] default_aliases["clear"] = "cls" if ON_ANACONDA: # Add aliases specific to the Anaconda python distribution. default_aliases["activate"] = ["source-cmd", "activate.bat"] default_aliases["deactivate"] = ["source-cmd", "deactivate.bat"] if not locate_binary("sudo"): import xonsh.winutils as winutils def sudo(args): if len(args) < 1: print( "You need to provide an executable to run as " "Administrator." ) return cmd = args[0] if locate_binary(cmd): return winutils.sudo(cmd, args[1:]) elif cmd.lower() in windows_cmd_aliases: args = ["/D", "/C", "CD", _get_cwd(), "&&"] + args return winutils.sudo("cmd", args) else: msg = 'Cannot find the path for executable "{0}".' print(msg.format(cmd)) default_aliases["sudo"] = sudo elif ON_DARWIN: default_aliases["ls"] = ["ls", "-G"] elif ON_FREEBSD or ON_DRAGONFLY: default_aliases["grep"] = ["grep", "--color=auto"] default_aliases["egrep"] = ["egrep", "--color=auto"] default_aliases["fgrep"] = ["fgrep", "--color=auto"] default_aliases["ls"] = ["ls", "-G"] elif ON_NETBSD: default_aliases["grep"] = ["grep", "--color=auto"] default_aliases["egrep"] = ["egrep", "--color=auto"] default_aliases["fgrep"] = ["fgrep", "--color=auto"] elif ON_OPENBSD: pass else: default_aliases["grep"] = ["grep", "--color=auto"] default_aliases["egrep"] = ["egrep", "--color=auto"] default_aliases["fgrep"] = ["fgrep", "--color=auto"] default_aliases["ls"] = ["ls", "--color=auto", "-v"] return default_aliases # # main # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """The main xonsh script.""" # amalgamated os # amalgamated sys enum = _LazyModule.load('enum', 'enum') # amalgamated argparse # amalgamated builtins # amalgamated contextlib # amalgamated signal # amalgamated traceback from xonsh import __version__ # amalgamated xonsh.timings # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.pretty # amalgamated xonsh.execer # amalgamated # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated xonsh.codecache # amalgamated xonsh.xonfig # amalgamated xonsh.xontribs # amalgamated xonsh.lazyimps # amalgamated xonsh.imphooks # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.environ # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH xpp = _LazyModule.load('xonsh', 'xonsh.procs.pipelines', 'xpp') events.transmogrify("on_post_init", "LoadEvent") events.doc( "on_post_init", """ on_post_init() -> None Fired after all initialization is finished and we're ready to do work. NOTE: This is fired before the wizard is automatically started. """, ) events.transmogrify("on_exit", "LoadEvent") events.doc( "on_exit", """ on_exit() -> None Fired after all commands have been executed, before tear-down occurs. NOTE: All the caveats of the ``atexit`` module also apply to this event. """, ) events.transmogrify("on_pre_cmdloop", "LoadEvent") events.doc( "on_pre_cmdloop", """ on_pre_cmdloop() -> None Fired just before the command loop is started, if it is. """, ) events.transmogrify("on_post_cmdloop", "LoadEvent") events.doc( "on_post_cmdloop", """ on_post_cmdloop() -> None Fired just after the command loop finishes, if it is. NOTE: All the caveats of the ``atexit`` module also apply to this event. """, ) events.transmogrify("on_pre_rc", "LoadEvent") events.doc( "on_pre_rc", """ on_pre_rc() -> None Fired just before rc files are loaded, if they are. """, ) events.transmogrify("on_post_rc", "LoadEvent") events.doc( "on_post_rc", """ on_post_rc() -> None Fired just after rc files are loaded, if they are. """, ) def get_setproctitle(): """Proxy function for loading process title""" try: from setproctitle import setproctitle as spt except ImportError: return return spt def path_argument(s): """Return a path only if the path is actually legal This is very similar to argparse.FileType, except that it doesn't return an open file handle, but rather simply validates the path.""" s = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(s)) if not os.path.isfile(s): msg = "{0!r} must be a valid path to a file".format(s) raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) return s @lazyobject def parser(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="xonsh", add_help=False) p.add_argument( "-h", "--help", dest="help", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show help and exit.", ) p.add_argument( "-V", "--version", action="version", help="Show version information and exit.", version=f"xonsh/{__version__}", ) p.add_argument( "-c", help="Run a single command and exit.", dest="command", required=False, default=None, ) p.add_argument( "-i", "--interactive", help="Force running in interactive mode.", dest="force_interactive", action="store_true", default=False, ) p.add_argument( "-l", "--login", help="Run as a login shell.", dest="login", action="store_true", default=False, ) p.add_argument( "--config-path", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, dest="config_path", default=None, type=path_argument, ) p.add_argument( "--rc", help="The xonshrc files to load, these may be either xonsh " "files or JSON-based static configuration files.", dest="rc", nargs="+", type=path_argument, default=None, ) p.add_argument( "--no-rc", help="Do not load the .xonshrc files.", dest="norc", action="store_true", default=False, ) p.add_argument( "--no-script-cache", help="Do not cache scripts as they are run.", dest="scriptcache", action="store_false", default=True, ) p.add_argument( "--cache-everything", help="Use a cache, even for interactive commands.", dest="cacheall", action="store_true", default=False, ) p.add_argument( "-D", dest="defines", help="Define an environment variable, in the form of " "-DNAME=VAL. May be used many times.", metavar="ITEM", action="append", default=None, ) p.add_argument( "--shell-type", help="What kind of shell should be used. " "Possible options: " + ", ".join(Shell.shell_type_aliases.keys()) + ". Warning! If set this overrides $SHELL_TYPE variable.", metavar="SHELL_TYPE", dest="shell_type", choices=tuple(Shell.shell_type_aliases.keys()), default=None, ) p.add_argument( "--timings", help="Prints timing information before the prompt is shown. " "This is useful while tracking down performance issues " "and investigating startup times.", dest="timings", action="store_true", default=None, ) p.add_argument( "file", metavar="script-file", help="If present, execute the script in script-file and exit.", nargs="?", default=None, ) p.add_argument( "args", metavar="args", help="Additional arguments to the script specified by script-file.", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, default=[], ) return p def _pprint_displayhook(value): if value is None: return builtins._ = None # Set '_' to None to avoid recursion if isinstance(value, xpp.HiddenCommandPipeline): builtins._ = value return env = XSH.env printed_val = None if env.get("PRETTY_PRINT_RESULTS"): printed_val = pretty(value) if not isinstance(printed_val, str): # pretty may fail (i.e for unittest.mock.Mock) printed_val = repr(value) if HAS_PYGMENTS and env.get("COLOR_RESULTS"): tokens = list(pygments.lex(printed_val, lexer=pyghooks.XonshLexer())) end = "" if env.get("SHELL_TYPE") == "prompt_toolkit" else "\n" print_color(tokens, end=end) else: print(printed_val) # black & white case builtins._ = value class XonshMode(enum.Enum): single_command = 0 script_from_file = 1 script_from_stdin = 2 interactive = 3 def start_services(shell_kwargs, args, pre_env=None): """Starts up the essential services in the proper order. This returns the environment instance as a convenience. """ if pre_env is None: pre_env = {} install_import_hooks() # create execer, which loads builtins ctx = shell_kwargs.get("ctx", {}) debug = to_bool_or_int(os.getenv("XONSH_DEBUG", "0"))"pre_execer_init") execer = Execer( xonsh_ctx=ctx, debug_level=debug, scriptcache=shell_kwargs.get("scriptcache", True), cacheall=shell_kwargs.get("cacheall", False), )"post_execer_init") # load rc files login = shell_kwargs.get("login", True) env = XSH.env for k, v in pre_env.items(): env[k] = v # determine which RC files to load, including whether any RC directories # should be scanned for such files if shell_kwargs.get("norc") or ( args.mode != XonshMode.interactive and not args.force_interactive and not args.login ): # if --no-rc was passed, or we're not in an interactive shell and # interactive mode was not forced, then disable loading RC files and dirs rc = () rcd = () elif shell_kwargs.get("rc"): # if an explicit --rc was passed, then we should load only that RC # file, and nothing else (ignore both XONSHRC and XONSHRC_DIR) rc = shell_kwargs.get("rc") rcd = () else: # otherwise, get the RC files from XONSHRC, and RC dirs from XONSHRC_DIR rc = env.get("XONSHRC") rcd = env.get("XONSHRC_DIR") xonshrc_context( rcfiles=rc, rcdirs=rcd, execer=execer, ctx=ctx, env=env, login=login ) # create shell = Shell(execer=execer, **shell_kwargs) ctx["__name__"] = "__main__" return env def premain(argv=None): """Setup for main xonsh entry point. Returns parsed arguments.""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] setup_timings(argv) setproctitle = get_setproctitle() if setproctitle is not None: setproctitle(" ".join(["xonsh"] + argv)) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if parser.print_help() parser.exit() shell_kwargs = { "shell_type": args.shell_type, "completer": False, "login": False, "scriptcache": args.scriptcache, "cacheall": args.cacheall, "ctx": XSH.ctx, } if args.login or sys.argv[0].startswith("-"): args.login = True shell_kwargs["login"] = True if args.norc: shell_kwargs["norc"] = True elif args.rc: shell_kwargs["rc"] = args.rc sys.displayhook = _pprint_displayhook if args.command is not None: args.mode = XonshMode.single_command shell_kwargs["shell_type"] = "none" elif args.file is not None: args.mode = XonshMode.script_from_file shell_kwargs["shell_type"] = "none" elif not sys.stdin.isatty() and not args.force_interactive: args.mode = XonshMode.script_from_stdin shell_kwargs["shell_type"] = "none" else: args.mode = XonshMode.interactive shell_kwargs["completer"] = True shell_kwargs["login"] = True pre_env = { "XONSH_LOGIN": shell_kwargs["login"], "XONSH_INTERACTIVE": args.force_interactive or (args.mode == XonshMode.interactive), } env = start_services(shell_kwargs, args, pre_env=pre_env) if args.defines is not None: env.update([x.split("=", 1) for x in args.defines]) return args def _failback_to_other_shells(args, err): # only failback for interactive shell; if we cannot tell, treat it # as an interactive one for safe. if hasattr(args, "mode") and args.mode != XonshMode.interactive: raise err foreign_shell = None # look first in users login shell $SHELL. # use real os.environ, in case Xonsh hasn't initialized yet # but don't fail back to same shell that just failed. try: env_shell = os.getenv("SHELL") if env_shell and os.path.exists(env_shell) and env_shell != sys.argv[0]: foreign_shell = env_shell except Exception: pass # otherwise, find acceptable shell from (unix) list of installed shells. if not foreign_shell: excluded_list = ["xonsh", "screen"] shells_file = "/etc/shells" if not os.path.exists(shells_file): # right now, it will always break here on Windows raise err with open(shells_file) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue if "/" not in line: continue _, shell = line.rsplit("/", 1) if shell in excluded_list: continue if not os.path.exists(line): continue foreign_shell = line break if foreign_shell: traceback.print_exc() print("Xonsh encountered an issue during launch", file=sys.stderr) print("Failback to {}".format(foreign_shell), file=sys.stderr) os.execlp(foreign_shell, foreign_shell) else: raise err def main(argv=None): args = None try: args = premain(argv) sys.exit(main_xonsh(args)) except Exception as err: _failback_to_other_shells(args, err) def main_xonsh(args): """Main entry point for xonsh cli.""" if not ON_WINDOWS: def func_sig_ttin_ttou(n, f): pass signal.signal(signal.SIGTTIN, func_sig_ttin_ttou) signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, func_sig_ttin_ttou) env = XSH.env shell = history = XSH.history exit_code = 0 if shell and not env["XONSH_INTERACTIVE"]: shell.ctx.update({"exit": sys.exit}) try: if args.mode == XonshMode.interactive: # enter the shell # Setted again here because it is possible to call main_xonsh() without calling premain(), namely in the tests. env["XONSH_INTERACTIVE"] = True ignore_sigtstp() if env["XONSH_INTERACTIVE"] and not any( os.path.isfile(i) for i in env["XONSHRC"] ): print_welcome_screen() try: finally: elif args.mode == XonshMode.single_command: # run a single command and exit run_code_with_cache( args.command.lstrip(), shell.execer, glb=shell.ctx, mode="single" ) if history is not None and history.last_cmd_rtn is not None: exit_code = history.last_cmd_rtn elif args.mode == XonshMode.script_from_file: # run a script contained in a file path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.file)) if os.path.isfile(path): sys.argv = [args.file] + args.args env.update(make_args_env()) # $ARGS is not sys.argv env["XONSH_SOURCE"] = path shell.ctx.update({"__file__": args.file, "__name__": "__main__"}) run_script_with_cache( args.file, shell.execer, glb=shell.ctx, loc=None, mode="exec" ) else: print("xonsh: {0}: No such file or directory.".format(args.file)) exit_code = 1 elif args.mode == XonshMode.script_from_stdin: # run a script given on stdin code = run_code_with_cache( code, shell.execer, glb=shell.ctx, loc=None, mode="exec" ) finally: postmain(args) return exit_code def postmain(args=None): """Teardown for main xonsh entry point, accepts parsed arguments.""" = None @contextlib.contextmanager def main_context(argv=None): """Generator that runs pre- and post-main() functions. This has two iterations. The first yields the shell. The second returns None but cleans up the shell. """ args = premain(argv) yield postmain(args) def setup( ctx=None, shell_type="none", env=(("RAISE_SUBPROC_ERROR", True),), aliases=(), xontribs=(), threadable_predictors=(), ): """Starts up a new xonsh shell. Calling this in function in another packages ```` will allow xonsh to be fully used in the package in headless or headed mode. This function is primarily indended to make starting up xonsh for 3rd party packages easier. Here is example of using this at the top of an ````:: from xonsh.main import setup setup() del setup Parameters ---------- ctx : dict-like or None, optional The xonsh context to start with. If None, an empty dictionary is provided. shell_type : str, optional The type of shell to start. By default this is 'none', indicating we should start in headless mode. env : dict-like, optional Environment to update the current environment with after the shell has been initialized. aliases : dict-like, optional Aliases to add after the shell has been initialized. xontribs : iterable of str, optional Xontrib names to load. threadable_predictors : dict-like, optional Threadable predictors to start up with. These overide the defaults. """ ctx = {} if ctx is None else ctx # setup xonsh ctx and execer if not hasattr(builtins, "__xonsh__"): execer = Execer(xonsh_ctx=ctx) XSH.load( ctx=ctx, execer=execer, shell=Shell(execer, ctx=ctx, shell_type=shell_type) ) XSH.env.update(env) install_import_hooks() XSH.aliases.update(aliases) if xontribs: xontribs_load(xontribs) tp = XSH.commands_cache.threadable_predictors tp.update(threadable_predictors) # # readline_shell # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """The readline based xonsh shell. Portions of this code related to initializing the readline library are included from the IPython project. The IPython project is: * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, IPython Development Team * Copyright (c) 2001-2007, Fernando Perez <> * Copyright (c) 2001, Janko Hauser <> * Copyright (c) 2001, Nathaniel Gray <> """ # amalgamated os # amalgamated sys cmd = _LazyModule.load('cmd', 'cmd') select = _LazyModule.load('select', 'select') # amalgamated shutil # amalgamated importlib # amalgamated threading # amalgamated collections xct = _LazyModule.load('xonsh', '', 'xct') # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.base_shell # amalgamated xonsh.ansi_colors # amalgamated from xonsh.prompt.base import multiline_prompt # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated xonsh.lazyimps # amalgamated readline = None RL_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_APPEND = RL_LIB = RL_STATE = None RL_COMPLETION_QUERY_ITEMS = None RL_CAN_RESIZE = False RL_DONE = None RL_VARIABLE_VALUE = None _RL_STATE_DONE = 0x1000000 _RL_STATE_ISEARCH = 0x0000080 _RL_PREV_CASE_SENSITIVE_COMPLETIONS = "to-be-set" def setup_readline(): """Sets up the readline module and completion suppression, if available.""" global RL_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_APPEND, RL_LIB, RL_CAN_RESIZE, RL_STATE, readline, RL_COMPLETION_QUERY_ITEMS if RL_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_APPEND is not None: return for _rlmod_name in ("gnureadline", "readline"): try: readline = importlib.import_module(_rlmod_name) sys.modules["readline"] = readline except ImportError: pass else: break if readline is None: print( """Skipping setup. Because no `readline` implementation available. Please install a backend (`readline`, `prompt-toolkit`, etc) to use `xonsh` interactively. See""" ) return import ctypes import ctypes.util uses_libedit = readline.__doc__ and "libedit" in readline.__doc__ readline.set_completer_delims(" \t\n") # Cygwin seems to hang indefinitely when querying the readline lib if (not ON_CYGWIN) and (not ON_MSYS) and (not readline.__file__.endswith(".py")): RL_LIB = lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(readline.__file__) try: RL_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_APPEND = ctypes.c_int.in_dll( lib, "rl_completion_suppress_append" ) except ValueError: # not all versions of readline have this symbol, ie Macs sometimes RL_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_APPEND = None try: RL_COMPLETION_QUERY_ITEMS = ctypes.c_int.in_dll( lib, "rl_completion_query_items" ) except ValueError: # not all versions of readline have this symbol, ie Macs sometimes RL_COMPLETION_QUERY_ITEMS = None try: RL_STATE = ctypes.c_int.in_dll(lib, "rl_readline_state") except Exception: pass RL_CAN_RESIZE = hasattr(lib, "rl_reset_screen_size") env = XSH.env # reads in history readline.set_history_length(-1) ReadlineHistoryAdder() # sets up IPython-like history matching with up and down readline.parse_and_bind('"\\e[B": history-search-forward') readline.parse_and_bind('"\\e[A": history-search-backward') # Setup Shift-Tab to indent readline.parse_and_bind('"\\e[Z": "{0}"'.format(env.get("INDENT"))) # handle tab completion differences found in libedit readline compatibility # as discussed at if uses_libedit and ON_DARWIN: readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") print( "\n".join( [ "", "*" * 78, "libedit detected - readline will not be well behaved, including but not limited to:", " * crashes on tab completion", " * incorrect history navigation", " * corrupting long-lines", " * failure to wrap or indent lines properly", "", "It is highly recommended that you install gnureadline, which is installable with:", " xpip install gnureadline", "*" * 78, ] ), file=sys.stderr, ) else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") # try to load custom user settings inputrc_name = os_environ.get("INPUTRC") if inputrc_name is None: if uses_libedit: inputrc_name = ".editrc" else: inputrc_name = ".inputrc" inputrc_name = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), inputrc_name) if (not ON_WINDOWS) and (not os.path.isfile(inputrc_name)): inputrc_name = "/etc/inputrc" if ON_WINDOWS: winutils.enable_virtual_terminal_processing() if os.path.isfile(inputrc_name): try: readline.read_init_file(inputrc_name) except Exception: # this seems to fail with libedit print_exception("xonsh: could not load readline default init file.") # Protection against paste jacking (issue #1154) # This must be set after the init file is loaded since read_init_file() # automatically disables bracketed paste # ( readline.parse_and_bind("set enable-bracketed-paste on") # properly reset input typed before the first prompt readline.set_startup_hook(carriage_return) def teardown_readline(): """Tears down up the readline module, if available.""" try: import readline except (ImportError, TypeError): return def _rebind_case_sensitive_completions(): # handle case sensitive, see Github issue #1342 for details global _RL_PREV_CASE_SENSITIVE_COMPLETIONS env = XSH.env case_sensitive = env.get("CASE_SENSITIVE_COMPLETIONS") if case_sensitive is _RL_PREV_CASE_SENSITIVE_COMPLETIONS: return if case_sensitive: readline.parse_and_bind("set completion-ignore-case off") else: readline.parse_and_bind("set completion-ignore-case on") _RL_PREV_CASE_SENSITIVE_COMPLETIONS = case_sensitive def fix_readline_state_after_ctrl_c(): """ Fix to allow Ctrl-C to exit reverse-i-search. Based on code from: """ if ON_WINDOWS: # hack to make pyreadline mimic the desired behavior try: _q = readline.rl.mode.process_keyevent_queue if len(_q) > 1: _q.pop() except Exception: pass if RL_STATE is None: return if RL_STATE.value & _RL_STATE_ISEARCH: RL_STATE.value &= ~_RL_STATE_ISEARCH if not RL_STATE.value & _RL_STATE_DONE: RL_STATE.value |= _RL_STATE_DONE def rl_completion_suppress_append(val=1): """Sets the rl_completion_suppress_append variable, if possible. A value of 1 (default) means to suppress, a value of 0 means to enable. """ if RL_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_APPEND is None: return RL_COMPLETION_SUPPRESS_APPEND.value = val def rl_completion_query_items(val=None): """Sets the rl_completion_query_items variable, if possible. A None value will set this to $COMPLETION_QUERY_LIMIT, otherwise any integer is accepted. """ if RL_COMPLETION_QUERY_ITEMS is None: return if val is None: val = XSH.env.get("COMPLETION_QUERY_LIMIT") RL_COMPLETION_QUERY_ITEMS.value = val def rl_variable_dumper(readable=True): """Dumps the currently set readline variables. If readable is True, then this output may be used in an inputrc file. """ RL_LIB.rl_variable_dumper(int(readable)) def rl_variable_value(variable): """Returns the currently set value for a readline configuration variable.""" global RL_VARIABLE_VALUE if RL_VARIABLE_VALUE is None: import ctypes RL_VARIABLE_VALUE = RL_LIB.rl_variable_value RL_VARIABLE_VALUE.restype = ctypes.c_char_p env = XSH.env enc, errors = env.get("XONSH_ENCODING"), env.get("XONSH_ENCODING_ERRORS") if isinstance(variable, str): variable = variable.encode(encoding=enc, errors=errors) rtn = RL_VARIABLE_VALUE(variable) return rtn.decode(encoding=enc, errors=errors) @lazyobject def rl_on_new_line(): """Grabs one of a few possible redisplay functions in readline.""" names = ["rl_on_new_line", "rl_forced_update_display", "rl_redisplay"] for name in names: func = getattr(RL_LIB, name, None) if func is not None: break else: def print_for_newline(): print() func = print_for_newline return func def _insert_text_func(s, readline): """Creates a function to insert text via readline.""" def inserter(): readline.insert_text(s) readline.redisplay() return inserter def _render_completions(completions, prefix, prefix_len): """Render the completions according to the required prefix_len. Readline will replace the current prefix with the chosen rendered completion. """ chopped = prefix[:-prefix_len] if prefix_len else prefix rendered_completions = [] for comp in completions: if isinstance(comp, xct.RichCompletion) and comp.prefix_len is not None: if comp.prefix_len: comp = prefix[: -comp.prefix_len] + comp else: comp = prefix + comp elif chopped: comp = chopped + comp rendered_completions.append(comp) return rendered_completions DEDENT_TOKENS = LazyObject( lambda: frozenset(["raise", "return", "pass", "break", "continue"]), globals(), "DEDENT_TOKENS", ) class ReadlineShell(BaseShell, cmd.Cmd): """The readline based xonsh shell.""" def __init__(self, completekey="tab", stdin=None, stdout=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(completekey=completekey, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, **kwargs) setup_readline() self._current_indent = "" self._current_prompt = "" self._force_hide = None self._complete_only_last_table = { # Truth table for completions, keys are: # (prefix_begs_quote, prefix_ends_quote, i_ends_quote, # last_starts_with_prefix, i_has_space) (True, True, True, True, True): True, (True, True, True, True, False): True, (True, True, True, False, True): False, (True, True, True, False, False): True, (True, True, False, True, True): False, (True, True, False, True, False): False, (True, True, False, False, True): False, (True, True, False, False, False): False, (True, False, True, True, True): True, (True, False, True, True, False): False, (True, False, True, False, True): False, (True, False, True, False, False): True, (True, False, False, True, True): False, (True, False, False, True, False): False, (True, False, False, False, True): False, (True, False, False, False, False): False, (False, True, True, True, True): True, (False, True, True, True, False): True, (False, True, True, False, True): True, (False, True, True, False, False): True, (False, True, False, True, True): False, (False, True, False, True, False): False, (False, True, False, False, True): False, (False, True, False, False, False): False, (False, False, True, True, True): False, (False, False, True, True, False): False, (False, False, True, False, True): False, (False, False, True, False, False): True, (False, False, False, True, True): True, (False, False, False, True, False): False, (False, False, False, False, True): False, (False, False, False, False, False): False, } self.cmdqueue = collections.deque() def __del__(self): teardown_readline() def singleline(self, store_in_history=True, **kwargs): """Reads a single line of input. The store_in_history kwarg flags whether the input should be stored in readline's in-memory history. """ if not store_in_history: # store current position to remove it later try: import readline except ImportError: store_in_history = True pos = readline.get_current_history_length() - 1 prompt = self.prompt rtn = input(prompt) if not store_in_history and pos >= 0: readline.remove_history_item(pos) return rtn def parseline(self, line): """Overridden to no-op.""" return "", line, line def _querycompletions(self, completions, loc): """Returns whether or not we should show completions. 0 means that prefixes should not be shown, 1 means that there is a common prefix among all completions and they should be shown, while 2 means that there is no common prefix but we are under the query limit and they should be shown. """ if os.path.commonprefix([c[loc:] for c in completions]): return 1 elif len(completions) <= XSH.env.get("COMPLETION_QUERY_LIMIT"): return 2 msg = "\nDisplay all {} possibilities? ".format(len(completions)) msg += "({GREEN}y{RESET} or {RED}n{RESET})" self.print_color(msg, end="", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) yn = "x" while yn not in "yn": yn = show_completions = to_bool(yn) print() if not show_completions: rl_on_new_line() return 0 w, h = shutil.get_terminal_size() lines = columnize(completions, width=w) more_msg = self.format_color( "{YELLOW}==={RESET} more or " "{PURPLE}({RESET}q{PURPLE}){RESET}uit " "{YELLOW}==={RESET}" ) while len(lines) > h - 1: print("".join(lines[: h - 1]), end="", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) lines = lines[h - 1 :] print(more_msg, end="", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) q = print(flush=True, file=sys.stderr) if q == "q": rl_on_new_line() return 0 print("".join(lines), end="", flush=True, file=sys.stderr) rl_on_new_line() return 0 def completedefault(self, prefix, line, begidx, endidx): """Implements tab-completion for text.""" if self.completer is None: return [] rl_completion_suppress_append() # this needs to be called each time _rebind_case_sensitive_completions() rl_completion_query_items(val=999999999) prev_text = "".join(self.buffer) completions, plen = self.completer.complete( prefix, line, begidx, endidx, ctx=self.ctx, multiline_text=prev_text + line, cursor_index=len(prev_text) + endidx, ) rtn_completions = _render_completions(completions, prefix, plen) rtn = [] prefix_begs_quote = prefix.startswith("'") or prefix.startswith('"') prefix_ends_quote = prefix.endswith("'") or prefix.endswith('"') for i in rtn_completions: i_ends_quote = i.endswith("'") or i.endswith('"') last = i.rsplit(" ", 1)[-1] last_starts_prefix = last.startswith(prefix) i_has_space = " " in i key = ( prefix_begs_quote, prefix_ends_quote, i_ends_quote, last_starts_prefix, i_has_space, ) rtn.append(last if self._complete_only_last_table[key] else i) # return based on show completions show_completions = self._querycompletions(completions, endidx - begidx) if show_completions == 0: return [] elif show_completions == 1: return rtn elif show_completions == 2: return completions else: raise ValueError("query completions flag not understood.") # tab complete on first index too completenames = completedefault # type:ignore def _load_remaining_input_into_queue(self): buf = b"" while True: r, w, x =[self.stdin], [], [], 1e-6) if len(r) == 0: break buf +=, 1024) if len(buf) > 0: buf = buf.decode().replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n") self.cmdqueue.extend(buf.splitlines(keepends=True)) def postcmd(self, stop, line): """Called just before execution of line. For readline, this handles the automatic indentation of code blocks. """ try: import readline except ImportError: return stop if self.need_more_lines: if len(line.strip()) == 0: readline.set_pre_input_hook(None) self._current_indent = "" elif ends_with_colon_token(line): ind = line[: len(line) - len(line.lstrip())] ind += XSH.env.get("INDENT") readline.set_pre_input_hook(_insert_text_func(ind, readline)) self._current_indent = ind elif line.split(maxsplit=1)[0] in DEDENT_TOKENS: env = XSH.env ind = self._current_indent[: -len(env.get("INDENT"))] readline.set_pre_input_hook(_insert_text_func(ind, readline)) self._current_indent = ind else: ind = line[: len(line) - len(line.lstrip())] if ind != self._current_indent: insert_func = _insert_text_func(ind, readline) readline.set_pre_input_hook(insert_func) self._current_indent = ind else: readline.set_pre_input_hook(None) return stop def _cmdloop(self, intro=None): """Repeatedly issue a prompt, accept input, parse an initial prefix off the received input, and dispatch to action methods, passing them the remainder of the line as argument. This was forked from Lib/ from the Python standard library v3.4.3, (C) Python Software Foundation, 2015. """ self.preloop() if self.use_rawinput and self.completekey: try: import readline self.old_completer = readline.get_completer() readline.set_completer(self.complete) readline.parse_and_bind(self.completekey + ": complete") have_readline = True except ImportError: have_readline = False try: if intro is not None: self.intro = intro if self.intro: self.stdout.write(str(self.intro) + "\n") stop = None while not stop: line = None exec_now = False if len(self.cmdqueue) > 0: line = self.cmdqueue.popleft() exec_now = line.endswith("\n") if self.use_rawinput and not exec_now: inserter = ( None if line is None else _insert_text_func(line, readline) ) if inserter is not None: readline.set_pre_input_hook(inserter) try: line = self.singleline() except EOFError: if XSH.env.get("IGNOREEOF"): self.stdout.write('Use "exit" to leave the shell.' "\n") line = "" else: line = "EOF" if inserter is not None: readline.set_pre_input_hook(None) else: self.print_color(self.prompt, file=self.stdout) if line is not None: os.write(self.stdin.fileno(), line.encode()) if not exec_now: line = self.stdin.readline() if len(line) == 0: line = "EOF" else: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if have_readline and line != "EOF": readline.add_history(line) if not ON_WINDOWS: # select() is not fully functional on windows self._load_remaining_input_into_queue() line = self.precmd(line) stop = self.onecmd(line) stop = self.postcmd(stop, line) if ON_WINDOWS: winutils.enable_virtual_terminal_processing() self.postloop() finally: if self.use_rawinput and self.completekey: try: import readline readline.set_completer(self.old_completer) except ImportError: pass def cmdloop(self, intro=None): while not XSH.exit: try: self._cmdloop(intro=intro) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print() # Gives a newline fix_readline_state_after_ctrl_c() self.reset_buffer() intro = None @property def prompt(self): """Obtains the current prompt string.""" global RL_LIB, RL_CAN_RESIZE if RL_CAN_RESIZE: # This is needed to support some system where line-wrapping doesn't # work. This is a bug in upstream Python, or possibly readline. RL_LIB.rl_reset_screen_size() if self.need_more_lines: if self.mlprompt is None: try: self.mlprompt = multiline_prompt(curr=self._current_prompt) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_exception() self.mlprompt = "<multiline prompt error> " return self.mlprompt env = XSH.env # pylint: disable=no-member p = env.get("PROMPT") try: p = self.prompt_formatter(p) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print_exception() hide = True if self._force_hide is None else self._force_hide p = ansi_partial_color_format(p, style=env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"), hide=hide) self._current_prompt = p self.settitle() return p def format_color(self, string, hide=False, force_string=False, **kwargs): """Readline implementation of color formatting. This uses ANSI color codes. """ hide = hide if self._force_hide is None else self._force_hide style = XSH.env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") return ansi_partial_color_format(string, hide=hide, style=style) def print_color(self, string, hide=False, **kwargs): if isinstance(string, str): s = self.format_color(string, hide=hide) else: # assume this is a list of (Token, str) tuples and format it env = XSH.env style_overrides_env = env.get("XONSH_STYLE_OVERRIDES", {}) self.styler.style_name = env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") self.styler.override(style_overrides_env) style_proxy = pyghooks.xonsh_style_proxy(self.styler) formatter = pyghooks.XonshTerminal256Formatter(style=style_proxy) s = pygments.format(string, formatter).rstrip() print(s, **kwargs) def color_style_names(self): """Returns an iterable of all available style names.""" return ansi_color_style_names() def color_style(self): """Returns the current color map.""" style = XSH.env.get("XONSH_COLOR_STYLE") return ansi_color_style(style=style) def restore_tty_sanity(self): """An interface for resetting the TTY stdin mode. This is highly dependent on the shell backend. Also it is mostly optional since it only affects ^Z backgrounding behaviour. """ if not ON_POSIX: return stty, _ = XSH.commands_cache.lazyget("stty", (None, None)) if stty is None: return # If available, we should just call the stty utility. This call should # not throw even if stty fails. It should also be noted that subprocess # calls, like the following, seem to be ineffective: #[stty, 'sane'], shell=True) # My guess is that this is because Popen does some crazy redirecting # under the covers. This effectively hides the true TTY stdin handle # from stty. To get around this we have to use the lower level # os.system() function. os.system(stty + " sane") class ReadlineHistoryAdder(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, wait_for_gc=True, *args, **kwargs): """Thread responsible for adding inputs from history to the current readline instance. May wait for the history garbage collector to finish. """ super(ReadlineHistoryAdder, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.daemon = True self.wait_for_gc = wait_for_gc self.start() def run(self): try: import readline except ImportError: return hist = XSH.history if hist is None: return i = 1 for h in hist.all_items(): line = h["inp"].rstrip() if i == 1: pass elif line == readline.get_history_item(i - 1): continue readline.add_history(line) if RL_LIB is not None: RL_LIB.history_set_pos(i) i += 1 # # tracer # """Implements a xonsh tracer.""" # amalgamated os # amalgamated re # amalgamated sys # amalgamated inspect # amalgamated argparse # amalgamated linecache # amalgamated importlib # amalgamated functools # amalgamated typing # amalgamated xonsh.lazyasd # amalgamated xonsh.platform # amalgamated # amalgamated xonsh.inspectors # amalgamated xonsh.lazyimps # amalgamated xonsh.procs.pipelines prompt = _LazyModule.load('xonsh', 'xonsh.prompt.cwd', 'prompt') terminal = LazyObject( lambda: importlib.import_module("pygments.formatters.terminal"), globals(), "terminal", ) class TracerType(object): """Represents a xonsh tracer object, which keeps track of all tracing state. This is a singleton. """ _inst: tp.Optional["TracerType"] = None valid_events = frozenset(["line", "call"]) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._inst is None: cls._inst = super(TracerType, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return cls._inst def __init__(self): self.prev_tracer = DefaultNotGiven self.files = set() self.usecolor = True self.lexer = pyghooks.XonshLexer() self.formatter = terminal.TerminalFormatter() self._last = ("", -1) # filename, lineno tuple def __del__(self): for f in set(self.files): self.stop(f) def color_output(self, usecolor): """Specify whether or not the tracer output should be colored.""" # we have to use a function to set usecolor because of the way that # lazyasd works. Namely, it cannot dispatch setattr to the target # object without being unable to access its own __dict__. This makes # setting an attr look like getting a function. self.usecolor = usecolor def start(self, filename): """Starts tracing a file.""" files = self.files if len(files) == 0: self.prev_tracer = sys.gettrace() files.add(normabspath(filename)) sys.settrace(self.trace) curr = inspect.currentframe() for frame, fname, *_ in inspect.getouterframes(curr, context=0): if normabspath(fname) in files: frame.f_trace = self.trace def stop(self, filename): """Stops tracing a file.""" filename = normabspath(filename) self.files.discard(filename) if len(self.files) == 0: sys.settrace(self.prev_tracer) curr = inspect.currentframe() for frame, fname, *_ in inspect.getouterframes(curr, context=0): if normabspath(fname) == filename: frame.f_trace = self.prev_tracer self.prev_tracer = DefaultNotGiven def trace(self, frame, event, arg): """Implements a line tracing function.""" if event not in self.valid_events: return self.trace fname = find_file(frame) if fname in self.files: lineno = frame.f_lineno curr = (fname, lineno) if curr != self._last: line = linecache.getline(fname, lineno).rstrip() s = tracer_format_line( fname, lineno, line, color=self.usecolor, lexer=self.lexer, formatter=self.formatter, ) print_color(s) self._last = curr return self.trace tracer = LazyObject(TracerType, globals(), "tracer") COLORLESS_LINE = "{fname}:{lineno}:{line}" COLOR_LINE = "{{PURPLE}}{fname}{{BLUE}}:" "{{GREEN}}{lineno}{{BLUE}}:" "{{RESET}}" def tracer_format_line(fname, lineno, line, color=True, lexer=None, formatter=None): """Formats a trace line suitable for printing.""" fname = min(fname, prompt._replace_home(fname), os.path.relpath(fname), key=len) if not color: return COLORLESS_LINE.format(fname=fname, lineno=lineno, line=line) cline = COLOR_LINE.format(fname=fname, lineno=lineno) if not HAS_PYGMENTS: return cline + line # OK, so we have pygments tokens = pyghooks.partial_color_tokenize(cline) lexer = lexer or pyghooks.XonshLexer() tokens += pygments.lex(line, lexer=lexer) if tokens[-1][1] == "\n": del tokens[-1] elif tokens[-1][1].endswith("\n"): tokens[-1] = (tokens[-1][0], tokens[-1][1].rstrip()) return tokens # # Command line interface # def _find_caller(args): """Somewhat hacky method of finding the __file__ based on the line executed.""" re_line = re.compile(r"[^;\s|&<>]+\s+" + r"\s+".join(args)) curr = inspect.currentframe() for _, fname, lineno, _, lines, _ in inspect.getouterframes(curr, context=1)[3:]: if lines is not None and[0]) is not None: return fname elif ( lineno == 1 and, lineno)) is not None ): # There is a bug in CPython such that getouterframes(curr, context=1) # will actually return the 2nd line in the code_context field, even though # line number is itself correct. We manually fix that in this branch. return fname else: msg = ( "xonsh: warning: __file__ name could not be found. You may be " "trying to trace interactively. Please pass in the file names " "you want to trace explicitly." ) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) def _on(ns, args): """Turns on tracing for files.""" for f in ns.files: if f == "__file__": f = _find_caller(args) if f is None: continue tracer.start(f) def _off(ns, args): """Turns off tracing for files.""" for f in ns.files: if f == "__file__": f = _find_caller(args) if f is None: continue tracer.stop(f) def _color(ns, args): """Manages color action for tracer CLI.""" tracer.color_output(ns.toggle) @functools.lru_cache(1) def _tracer_create_parser(): """Creates tracer argument parser""" p = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="trace", description="tool for tracing xonsh code as it runs." ) subp = p.add_subparsers(title="action", dest="action") onp = subp.add_parser( "on", aliases=["start", "add"], help="begins tracing selected files." ) onp.add_argument( "files", nargs="*", default=["__file__"], help=( 'file paths to watch, use "__file__" (default) to select ' "the current file." ), ) off = subp.add_parser( "off", aliases=["stop", "del", "rm"], help="removes selected files fom tracing." ) off.add_argument( "files", nargs="*", default=["__file__"], help=( 'file paths to stop watching, use "__file__" (default) to ' "select the current file." ), ) col = subp.add_parser("color", help="output color management for tracer.") col.add_argument( "toggle", type=to_bool, help="true/false, y/n, etc. to toggle color usage." ) return p _TRACER_MAIN_ACTIONS = { "on": _on, "add": _on, "start": _on, "rm": _off, "off": _off, "del": _off, "stop": _off, "color": _color, } def tracermain(args=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None): """Main function for tracer command-line interface.""" parser = _tracer_create_parser() ns = parser.parse_args(args) usecolor = (spec.captured not in xpp.STDOUT_CAPTURE_KINDS) and sys.stdout.isatty() tracer.color_output(usecolor) return _TRACER_MAIN_ACTIONS[ns.action](ns, args) # # dumb_shell # """A dumb shell for when $TERM == 'dumb', which usually happens in emacs.""" # amalgamated from xonsh.built_ins import XSH # amalgamated xonsh.readline_shell class DumbShell(ReadlineShell): """A dumb shell for when $TERM == 'dumb', which usually happens in emacs.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): XSH.env["XONSH_COLOR_STYLE"] = "emacs" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)