Dependencies ------------ Xonsh currently has the following external dependencies, *Run Time:* #. Python v3.5+ Pip supports "extra" dependencies in the form of ``xonsh[ptk,linux]``, where the list in the brackets identify the optional features Xonsh currently has the following extras #. ``ptk``: prompt-toolkit >= 2.0: *advanced readline library, line-editing* #. ``pygments``: pygments >=2.2: *syntax-highlighting* #. ``proctitle``: setproctitle: *change the title of terminal to reflect the current subprocess* #. ``linux``: distro: *linux specific platform information* #. ``mac``: gnureadline: *GNU's featureful version of readline* In addition, xonsh integrates with Jupyter, an in-browser REPL, enabling the use of xonsh in jupyter notebooks Development Dependencies ------------------------ If you want to develop xonsh, it is extremely recommended to install the dependencies listed in `requirements/docs.txt `_ (to generate documentation) and `requirements/tests.txt `_ (to run the test suite).